User geobwong2k 

geobwong2k  posted 550 waymarks in 227 different categories within 8 countries and 25 regions, of these were 120 posted-first-in-region and also 52 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 7 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the categories listed where geobwong2k is or was an officer. The star denotes an active officer role, if it is golden then geobwong2k is also the current leader of the category.

activeCategory# Approvals
 Diplomatic Missions7
stars Extraterrestrial Locations2
 Fireworks Displays20
stars Geodesic Domes6
stars Googie Architecture28
stars GPS Tracklog Art5
stars Great Buildings of the World17
stars Hawaiian Historical Markers3
stars Helicopter Landing Pads9
 Indoor Malls26
stars Lucky 7105
stars National Scenic Byways3
 Neon Signs136
stars Nike Missile Sites2
 Official Local Tourism Attractions22
stars Quadrivia9
stars Quonset Huts9
stars Rolling Ball Sculpture13
 Signs of History15
 Static Aircraft Displays1
 Super Fund Sites3
stars Target Stores37
stars Television and Cable Broadcasting Stations1
stars U.S. Route 99 - The Pacific Highway0
 Used Video-Game Stores52