Doves of peace

See category Doves of peace on .
Last import of category containing 1167 waymarks in 28 different countries with 91 regions was on 2024-12-03.

Land / Region#PostedTitle of first posted waymarkCodeOwnerApproval
Aland Isles1Merikorttelin kyyhky - Mariehamn, Ã… ...WM18J4WSmurffaaja2023-08-09
Australia / New South Wales3Peace Dove at Uniting Church - Manil ...WMWXXGTuena2017-10-27
Australia / Queensland1Peace Dove at Albert Street United C ...WMWXQMCADS112017-10-27
Australia / Western Australia1Dove of Peace - Bunbury, Western Aus ...WMWXR9blingg2017-10-27
Austria / Wien3Friedensbrücke - Wien, AustriaWMWYTZPISA-caching2017-11-01
Belgium / Liège1Eben-Ezer Tower, Eben-Emael, Basseng ...WM1126QTeamYakara2019-08-02
Brazil / Bahia1Dove of Peace - City Flag of Salvado ...WM1A4E1denben2024-06-19
Brazil / São Paulo1Dove of Peace - Catedral da Sé - Sà ...WM16TT4The Snowdog2022-10-04
Canada / British Columbia19Brilliant Cultural Centre Dove - Bri ...WMWYH6T0SHEA2017-10-30
Canada / Manitoba2Promise of Peace - International Pea ...WMXBC2wildernessmama2017-12-21
Canada / Ontario5GONE: Fairfield Manor - Kanata, Onta ...WMWY1Nelyob2017-10-28
Canada / Québec2Headstone of Audrey Pearl Miller - H ...WMY4MJelyob2018-04-21
Czechia / Hlavní město Praha1Alegorie Míru / Allegory of Peace - ...WMWZTFNoe12017-11-05
Denmark / Region Syddanmark2Holger Danske med Fredsdue - Rudme / ...WM1271HWalking Boots2020-03-17
Finland / Varsinais-Suomi1Sinikka Anna-Liisa Salomaa - Turun h ...WM18XR6zeepia2023-10-20
France / Bourgogne-Franche-Comté1Dove of Peace - Talant Cemetery - Ta ...WM1B1CHT-Team!2024-11-15
France / Bretagne3Jardin de la paix - Quimper, FRAWMZ6BKAndré de Montbard2018-09-17
France / Centre-Val-de-Loire4Colombes de Ballan-Miré, centre, Fr ...WMXPMEcelene372018-02-09
France / Grand-Est1Paix, Liberté-Bruyères,Lorraine-Fr ...WMWXXEgemeloj2017-10-30
France / Hauts-de-France1Pierre Tombale de Marc Talleux - Cim ...WMWY7Fpmaupin2017-10-29
France / Normandie1World Peace Monument - Grandcamp-Mai ...WM16TKHWalking Boots2022-10-03
France / Nouvelle-Aquitaine3Colombe MAINATE - Menigoute,FranceWMWYJ8sara et gege2017-10-31
France / Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur2Colombe des Forges - Reillannes, Pac ...WMXCJZYvesProvence2017-12-28
Germany / Baden-Württemberg1Konkathedrale St. Eberhard - Stuttga ...WMYAYWTante.Hossi2018-05-23
Germany / Bayern4Friedenstauben vor dem Rathaus - Pri ...WMWZXFlumbricus2017-11-06
Germany / Berlin1Friedenstauben - East Side Gallery B ...WMZZVTkaschper692019-01-30
Germany / Brandenburg1Peace-Belltower - Potsdam, GermanyWM104C4Bernd das Brot Team2019-02-23
Germany / Hamburg5Grabstein mit Friedenstaube - Hambur ...WMWXQXWindschattenwanderer2017-10-27
Germany / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern1Friedenstaube Klosterkirche Malchow ...WM10PNHKladings2019-06-08
Germany / Niedersachsen1"Friede 1648" (Szalinski) ...WMXZXABush-Rescue2018-04-19
Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen2Friedenstaube am Bahnhof Hochdahl, N ...WMXCJ5schlbsch2017-12-27
Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz11Dove of peace – Friedenskirche ...WMWXQAkaschper692017-10-27
Greece2Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens - G ...WMY33WCADS112018-04-11
Ireland / Ulster1Dove of Peace, Font Cover - St Georg ...WM12PH6SMacB2020-06-27
Isle of Man2Peter Harridge Dedeicated Bench - M ...WM184DBMike_bjm2023-05-28
Italy / Lazio4Doves of Peace - San Giovanni dei Fi ...WM10MY8denben2019-05-30
Italy / Veneto1Dove on Peace Memorial - Verona, Ita ...WM177VBT-Team!2022-12-31
Laos1Dove—Lao-Vietnam Association&# ...WMXRTXIanatlarge2018-02-21
Luxembourg1Fontaine aux colombes - Luxembourg C ...WM16TJ7Walking Boots2022-10-03
Malaysia1The World Peace Memorial - Doves - A ...WMWYHHveritas vita2017-10-30
Malta1Peace Band Club - Naxxar, MaltaWMZ089tmob2018-08-19
Mexico / Baja California Sur1Cabo Church - Cabo San Lucas, MexicoWM11T0Ydenben2019-12-13
Mexico / Distrito Federal1Capilla del Cerrito - Ciudad de Mexi ...WM18K4RAlfouine2023-08-15
Netherlands / Gelderland3Monument voor Vrede en Gerechtigheid ...WM128WGBecktracker2020-04-01
Netherlands / Limburg2Baptism font - Roermond, NLWM14T18T-Team!2021-08-22
Netherlands / Noord-Brabant2Vredesmonument - Waalwijk - NLWM14955T-Team!2021-05-24
Netherlands / Noord-Holland1Vredesduif Bergen (NH) - Bergen - NLWM1723ZAndre 612022-11-23
Netherlands / Utrecht4Vredesduif - Bijna Vrij - Achterveld ...WM15E07Becktracker2021-12-17
Netherlands / Zuid-Holland1White dove at the Vredespaleis - The ...WM157KYGEOrgCACHING2021-11-01
Palestine1Dove of Peace by Banksy - Bethlehem, ...WM14J87ashberry2021-07-14
Portugal / Arquipélago dos Açores1You Are Here Map - Miradouro da Vigi ...WM13P5Rrazalas2021-01-20
Portugal / Leiria1Caritas' Doves of Peace - Batalh ...WMWZJ6tofixe2017-11-05
Spain / Andalucía4Paloma - Córdoba, Andalucía, Espaà ...WM18C9KAriberna2023-07-06
Spain / Aragón1Monumento a la Paz - Rubielos de Mor ...WM19MWDGURUGU2024-03-20
Spain / Castilla y León1Monumento a la paz - Palencia, Casti ...WM17PJDCavernario2023-03-21
Spain / Castilla-La Mancha1Paloma de la Paz - Teruel, SpainWMY77Csara et gege2018-05-04
Spain / Comunidad de Madrid2Plaza de la Paz - Madrid, EspañaWM17FM4xeocach2023-02-12
Spain / Comunidad Valenciana1Paloma a la paz - Valencia, C Valenc ...WM1A8QNAriberna2024-07-08
Spain / Galicia2Paloma Plaza Pontevedra - A Coruña, ...WM144PEAriberna2021-04-14
Spain / Islas Baleares1Paloma de pau sobre relleu de bronze ...WMXR0BWindschattenwanderer2018-02-17
Spain / Islas Canarias2Ventana de mosaico con paloma de la ...WM107EMWindschattenwanderer2019-03-14
Sweden / Kronoberg1Bertil Vallien's "Fredsmonu ...WM16Y4JFamilieFrohne2022-10-28
United Kingdom / East Midlands7Dove of Peace, WWII Memorial Bench - ...WMYB3DSMacB2018-05-24
United Kingdom / Eastern England2Dove of Peace - Altar Screen Canopy, ...WMYEYRSMacB2018-06-07
United Kingdom / North West England2Doves Of Peace Sculpture - Mancheste ...WMWYH7dtrebilc2017-10-30
United Kingdom / South West England7Dove of Peace, WWII Memorial Bench - ...WMX3PMSMacB2017-11-22
United Kingdom / West Midlands3Brigadier James Hill Alms OBE - The ...WMZGGYPoole/Freeman2018-11-09
United Kingdom / Yorkshire4Dove of Peace - Old School Hall - Bl ...WM120ZZSMacB2020-01-27
United States / Arizona2Dove of Peace Lutheran Church, Tucso ...WM131ZPtugies2020-08-29
United States / Arkansas2George McGee -- Rose Hill Cemetery, ...WMWX3ABenchmark Blasterz2022-03-23
United States / California10County of Santa Clara Government Cen ...WMWWYTsaopaulo12017-10-27
United States / Colorado12William E. Lear - Greenmount Cemeter ...WMZ3MFQuarrellaDeVil2018-09-20
United States / Connecticut1Doves at St-Martin of Tours-North Ca ...WMYTJRgemeloj2018-08-24
United States / District of Columbia1kahlil Gibran Memorial Garden - Wash ...WM1379Zflyingmoose2020-10-02
United States / Florida13Headstone of Ezzat Hazrati - Jackson ...WMWXV6Marine Biologist2017-10-27
United States / Idaho1Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Section Mon ...WM10GH0QuarrellaDeVil2019-08-21
United States / Illinois1Peace Doves - Children For Peace Mon ...WMWZ8TMetro22017-11-03
United States / Indiana1W. H. and Ina Axton - Mt. Zion Cemet ...WM186E1The Snowdog2023-06-08
United States / Kansas3Wm. L. Marshall - Elmwood Cemetery, ...WM17ZMDThe Snowdog2023-04-28
United States / Louisiana1Rudolph Neumeyer - Magnolia Cemetery ...WM11JRDscrambler3902019-11-03
United States / Massachusetts8Picasso's Doves of Peace - Pitts ...WMX52Gneoc12017-11-28
United States / Michigan1Northwest Airlines Flight 255 - Romu ...WM18ZJ5bobfrapples82023-10-28
United States / Minnesota1Concordia College - Moorhead, MN, US ...WM1104Jm&m O2019-07-21
United States / Mississippi1Olive Branch City Park Playground - ...WM17WQQsaopaulo12023-07-13
United States / Missouri155Memorial Stone 0f Melvin Peasel - Mi ...WMX6KYYoSam.2017-12-04
United States / Montana10John Shaw - Mountain View Cemetery - ...WMXHC7T0SHEA2018-01-14
United States / New Mexico4Tana Garcia - Tucumcari Memorial Par ...WM17D5JQuarrellaDeVil2023-02-04
United States / New York3Marguerite McDermott - Pine View Cem ...WM16761dream chaser2022-05-23
United States / North Carolina80Evelyn Jane Rabon ~ Church of the Ho ...WM13YQ0Manville Possum2021-03-15
United States / Ohio5Worlds Children Peace Monument ̵ ...WM12WP2TyroneShoelaces2020-07-27
United States / Oklahoma269W.A. Crabtree - Greenwood Cemetery - ...WMYFHDQuarrellaDeVil2018-06-11
United States / Oregon1D. H. McDonald Grave - Linkville Pi ...WMYWNQsaopaulo12018-08-12
United States / Pennsylvania17Kenneth Kauffman - East Prospect, PA ...WMZJHKJanila2018-11-20
United States / South Carolina1Cariel Mae Lee - Old Clio United Met ...WM1543Adream chaser2021-10-13
United States / Tennessee3Ezra Elmo Blocker - Rosehill Cemeter ...WM10W0Vtnwave2019-07-10
United States / Texas385Tombstone of John C. Colegrove -- Hi ...WMWXRWBenchmark Blasterz2017-10-27
United States / Utah4Moroni Charles Stevenson - Salt Lake ...WMZM7KQuarrellaDeVil2018-12-25
United States / Virginia8Mary Hester Herren ~ Estil Cemetery ...WM13GGJManville Possum2020-12-30
United States / Washington1AIDS Memorial - Everett, WAWM191A0bluesnote2023-11-09
Vatican City State2Stained Glass Dove above the Chair o ...WMWXTEdenben2017-11-04