User blingg 

blingg  posted 6089 waymarks in 363 different categories within one country and 7 regions, of these were 239 posted-first-in-region and also 37 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 40 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Australia (6089 waymarks / 363 categories)

Australian Capital Territory (7 waymarks / 6 categories)

 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1WM101B8St Edmunds - Tharwa, ACT, Australia2019-02-08
 starsAustralia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices1WM101BJTharwa LPO, ACT, 26202019-02-08
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites2---
 starsEngineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks1WM101BHTharwa Bridge, Tharwa, ACT, Australia2019-02-09
 starsNumismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1WMKK1XParliament House, Canberra, A.C.T , Australia2014-04-24
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church1WM101BESt Edmunds Anglican Church, Tharwa, ACT, Australia2019-03-27

New South Wales (635 waymarks / 62 categories)

  ALDI StoresALDI Stores2---
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries1---
  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches5---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Art VehiclesArt Vehicles1---
  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices156---
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites327---
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques3---
  Boer Wars Memorials and MonumentsBoer Wars Memorials and Monuments1---
  Bridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques2---
  Bridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries2---
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings5---
  Converted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1---
  Country ChurchesCountry Churches2---
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones21---
  Earth GlobesEarth Globes1---
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects3---
  Engineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks6---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1---
  Graves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death4---
  Great Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth1---
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians3---
  Immortalized in LyricsImmortalized in Lyrics1---
  Iron Furnace RuinsIron Furnace Ruins1---
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys2---
  Man-made Animal Bridges and CrossingsMan-made Animal Bridges and Crossings1---
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges3---
  Plank RoadsPlank Roads1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges2---
  Realistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures1---
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
  Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches7---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges1---
 starsTaco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants1WM16D3MTaco Bell - Tamworth, NSW, Australia2022-07-04
  Themed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes2---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church8---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges2---
  Vertical Lift BridgesVertical Lift Bridges9---
  Veteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1---
  Water TowersWater Towers2---
 starsWhispering GalleriesWhispering Galleries2WM11NKEParabolic Dishes - Parkes Observatory, NSW, Australia2019-11-21
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments2---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries9---
  Ye Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1---

Northern Territory (74 waymarks / 15 categories)

  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices12---
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites41---
 starsBorder CrossingsBorder Crossings1WM14JYCSA / NT border on the Stuart Hwy2021-07-18
 starsElevated BuildingsElevated Buildings1WM14F72Mines House, Darwin2021-06-27
 starsFeeding the AnimalsFeeding the Animals1WM14CZFFeed the fish, Aquascene, Darwin, Australia2021-06-13
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person2---
 starsGraves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death1WM14D07George Roewer - Darwin , Australia2021-06-18
 starsMinesMines1WM14D41Bamboo Creek Tin Mine, Litchfield, N.T., Australia2021-06-14
  Named Mountain GapsNamed Mountain Gaps2---
 starsNatural ArchesNatural Arches1WM14D0DNatural arch, Litchfield N.P. , Nothern Territory, Australia2021-06-13
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1WM14CZXChief Engineer, William Davidson, Darwin , Australia2021-06-14
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures1---
 starsVeteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1WM14DK9Alice Springs War Cemetery, N.T., Australia2021-06-17
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls3WM14D0ETolmer Falls, Litchfield N.P. , Nothern Territory, Australia2021-06-14
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries5---

Queensland (628 waymarks / 91 categories)

  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1WM134WNKoorboora Cemetery, Qld, Australia2020-09-19
  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches8---
  Art Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau2---
  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices157---
  Australia/NZ BenchmarksAustralia/NZ Benchmarks1---
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites192---
  Australian Historical MarkersAustralian Historical Markers3---
  Bell TowersBell Towers2---
  Bicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1---
 starsBridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings3WM12HBWFord #1 - Gorge Rd , Finch Hatton , Qld, Australia2020-05-30
  Cave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries3---
  Closed Drive-In TheatresClosed Drive-In Theatres1---
  Comic Book ShopsComic Book Shops2---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings4---
 starsCountry ChurchesCountry Churches1WM123X8St Thomas' Anglican Church (former) - Maidenwell, Qld, Australia2020-02-21
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones20---
  Disaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1---
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WM12BQWVehicle charger - Mackay, Qld, Australia2020-04-22
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs1---
  Engineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks6---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
  Famous FiresFamous Fires1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture3---
 starsFlatironsFlatirons1WM125GKEngineers' Arms Hotel (former), Maryborough, Qld, Australia2020-03-08
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1---
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1WM12DKDStreet Library - Maidenwell, Qld, Australia2020-05-05
 starsGiants of CommerceGiants of Commerce4WM14JKXGiant Meat Ant, Augathella, Qld, Australia2021-07-17
  Graves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death18---
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians3---
  High Level MarksHigh Level Marks4---
  Historic TreesHistoric Trees1---
  Independent BakeriesIndependent Bakeries1---
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WM14JKRMeat ant, Augathella, Qld, Australia2021-07-19
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths1WM12FXXSt Luke's Church labyrinth - Toowoomba, Qld, Australia2020-05-22
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches1---
 starsLion StatuesLion Statues1WM122WXTwo lions - Beaudesert, QLD, Australia2020-02-13
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples1---
 starsMilitary Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned)Military Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned)1WM126Q9H.M.A.S. Gladstone - Gladstone, Qld, Australia2020-03-15
 starsNames From the BibleNames From the Bible1WM14M58Jericho, Qld, Australia2021-08-04
 starsOmnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees2WM11ZKHSign eating tree, Goondiwindi, Qld, Australia2020-01-17
 starsOne-Room SchoolhousesOne-Room Schoolhouses2WM129E9State School - Boolboonda, Qld, Australia2020-04-07
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables1---
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges3---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates2---
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1---
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WM12E9MPikachu - Mt Pleasant , Qld Australia2020-05-16
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance1---
 starsPlank RoadsPlank Roads1WM1267QDickabram Bridge, Gunalda-Miva Rd, Miva, QLD, Australia2020-03-11
  Police MemorialsPolice Memorials1---
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
  Presbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches1---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
  Quonset HutsQuonset Huts1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges2---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures9---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches4---
  Rose GardensRose Gardens1---
 starsSequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees1WM12FT9Sequoia Sempervirens - Toowoomba, Qld, Australia2020-05-18
  Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches2---
  Shooting RangesShooting Ranges1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays5---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church11---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks4---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots2---
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges3---
  Uncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1---
  Veteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries3---
  Vietnam War MemorialsVietnam War Memorials1---
  Water TowersWater Towers3---
  Weather RadarsWeather Radars1---
  Weather StationsWeather Stations1---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments15---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries44---
  Ye Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1---

South Australia (800 waymarks / 64 categories)

  Abandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles1---
 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches13WMXHA3St Alphege's Church - Penong, South Australia2018-01-14
  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices196---
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites380---
  Australian Trig PointsAustralian Trig Points1---
 starsBaptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1WM19JW3Baptist Church (former), Kapunda, SA, Australia2024-03-11
  Bell TowersBell Towers2---
 starsBest Kept SecretsBest Kept Secrets1WM15PA4Woakwine Cutting, Bray, SA, Australia2022-02-06
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques22---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries3---
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses2---
 starsConfluence SpotsConfluence Spots1WM1580Ds33 00.000 e138 00.000, Port Germein , SA, Australia2021-11-04
  Continental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites1---
 starsCountry ChurchesCountry Churches1WMXJPNDenial Bay Lutheran Church - Ceduna, South Australia2018-01-22
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones36---
  Devilish LocationsDevilish Locations1---
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WM13MG1Electric Car Charging Station - Keith, SA, Australia2021-01-07
 starsElevated BuildingsElevated Buildings1WM14F6YCape Jaffa Lighthouse (former), Kingston SE,2021-06-27
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings2---
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1---
  Graves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death3---
 starsHistoric TreesHistoric Trees2WM13GKPHerbig Family Tree, Springton, SA, Australia2020-12-17
  History MuseumsHistory Museums3---
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels2WM15CAFInsect Hotel - Adelaide Botanic Gardens, S.A. Australia2021-12-08
  Landlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1---
 starsLonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys1WM17PFXHughes Chimney Stack, Wallaroo, SA, Australia2023-03-20
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches5---
 starsLychgates and DepositoriesLychgates and Depositories1WM13QW4Christ Church Lychgate - Mt Gambier, S.A. Australia2021-02-04
 starsMan-made Devilish LocationsMan-made Devilish Locations1WM15N8BLittle Hell Rd - Melrose, SA, Australia.2023-04-18
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples1---
 starsMethodist ChurchesMethodist Churches4WMXHETUniting Church (former Methodist) - Penong, South Australia2018-01-16
  Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays1---
 starsMills and GinsMills and Gins1WM15D1CAlbert Mill , Nairne, SA, Australia2021-12-11
 starsMoving BridgesMoving Bridges1WMYAJDPort River Expressway - Port Adelaide, SA, Australia2018-05-21
  Musical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1---
 starsNumismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1WM10Y62Raukkan Church - Raukkan, South Australia2019-07-10
 starsOrphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges2WM158Q1Broughton River Bridge, Merriton, SA, Australia2021-11-09
 starsOvens and KilnsOvens and Kilns2WM15CF6Lime Kiln, Wool Bay, SA, Australia2021-12-06
  Paleontology and FossilsPaleontology and Fossils1---
  Police StationsPolice Stations4---
  Population SignsPopulation Signs1---
  Presbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches1---
  Preserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display2---
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures4WM13TC6Cape Jaffa Lighthouse, Kingston SE, SA, Australia2021-02-15
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
 starsRock-HoundingRock-Hounding1WMN6J8Elliston, Eyre Peninsular, South Australia2015-05-09
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches5---
  Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches5---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church20---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
 starsUnique Chimneys and Chimney PotsUnique Chimneys and Chimney Pots1WM156NHChimney - St Matthews Anglican Church,Poonindie , SA, Australia2021-10-28
 starsVertical Lift BridgesVertical Lift Bridges1WMZ9ZEMurray River Bridge,Paringa, South Australia2018-10-07
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments3---
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries26WMQA7CWilliam Armour - Venus Bay , South Australia2016-01-21

Victoria (1689 waymarks / 152 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps8---
  7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores1---
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores9---
  Abandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles1---
 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches33WMKWX6Christ Church - Geelong, Victoria, Australia2014-06-06
  Animal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1---
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges6WM118DQMoorabool River Road Bridge, Batesford, VIC, Australia2019-09-06
 starsArt Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau2WMKWP9T&G Building, Geelong, Victoria, Australia2014-06-04
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums1WMWNA0National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne, Vic, Australia2017-09-21
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating1---
  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices371---
  Australia/NZ BenchmarksAustralia/NZ Benchmarks2---
  Australian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites591---
  Australian Historical MarkersAustralian Historical Markers7---
 starsAviation MuseumsAviation Museums1WMPZ5JLake Boga Flying Boat Museum - Lake Boga, Victoria2015-11-19
 starsBaptist ChurchesBaptist Churches2WMP1MWManifold Heights Baptist Church - Geelong, Victoria2015-06-11
  Bell TowersBell Towers3---
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques54---
  Boer Wars Memorials and MonumentsBoer Wars Memorials and Monuments2---
  Bridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques1---
  Broken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones1---
  Cave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)3---
 starsCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries1WMZ2BJThe Italian Ossario - Murchison, Australia2018-08-30
  Chinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
 starsChristmas StoresChristmas Stores1WM11EZZCountry Heart and Home - Bright, Vic, Australia2019-10-11
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials4---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls4---
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses4---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms1---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration4---
 starsConverted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings18WMQVBJFormer Bank of Australasia - Geelong , Victoria.2016-03-31
  Converted FirehousesConverted Firehouses2---
  Coordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1---
  Country ChurchesCountry Churches5---
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones89---
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
 starsDovecotesDovecotes1WMYACXThe Heights - Geelong, Vic , Australia2018-05-20
  Engineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks3---
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WMR2K3Britannia - Melbourne, Victoria2016-05-03
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture5---
  Firefighter MemorialsFirefighter Memorials2---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind6---
 starsFlatironsFlatirons2WMQWA7Flatiron - Geelong, Victoria2016-04-05
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1WM119P1Street Library - Meredith, Vic, Australia2019-09-13
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1---
 starsGrand OpeningGrand Opening1WMRXB6Cresssy Public Hall - Victoria, Australia2016-08-17
  Graves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death8---
 starsGraves of the UnknownGraves of the Unknown1WM12EYAUnknown - Cowangie, Vic, Australia2020-05-22
 starsGreat Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth2WM19VKT143 east sign, Yungera , Vic, Australia2024-04-19
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians7---
  High Level MarksHigh Level Marks3---
  Historic TreesHistoric Trees1---
  Historic Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage BlocksHistoric Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks4---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
 starsIron Furnace RuinsIron Furnace Ruins1WMYAK0Blast Furnace ruins - Lal Lal, Vic, Australia2018-06-09
  Last of its KindLast of its Kind1---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues2---
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys2---
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
 starsLychgates and DepositoriesLychgates and Depositories1WM13RA3Christ Church Lychgate - Hamilton, Victoria, Australia2021-02-08
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1---
  Maritime MuseumsMaritime Museums2---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples3---
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches14---
  Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays2---
  Mills and GinsMills and Gins1---
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials10---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1---
  Odd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables2---
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges1---
 starsOrthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1WM10HCVGreek Orthodox Church of our Lady - Bell Park, Vic, Australia2019-05-19
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings2---
  Ovens and KilnsOvens and Kilns2---
 starsPeace MemorialsPeace Memorials1WMPM2CSri Chinmoy Peace Blossom - Point Danger, Victoria2015-09-17
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges16---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1---
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1---
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance2---
  Plank RoadsPlank Roads2---
  Police StationsPolice Stations3---
  Presbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches21---
  Punishment and Disciplinary DevicesPunishment and Disciplinary Devices1---
 starsPuzzles in the Real WorldPuzzles in the Real World1WM19X9MSilo Art - Lake Boga, Vic , Australia2024-05-02
  Quonset HutsQuonset Huts1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes2---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures5---
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons3---
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences3---
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches24WMMNC0Church of the Holy Spirit - Manifold Heights , Victoria , Australia2014-10-14
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1---
 starsSalvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations1WMYK20Salvation Army Church - Portland, Vic, Australia2018-06-23
  Scenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks1---
 starsScenic RailroadsScenic Railroads1WMQ92WWalhalla Goldfields Railway - Victoria, Australia2016-01-18
 starsScenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1WMN5JDLoveridge Lookout - Anglesea. Victoria, Australia2014-12-30
  Scenic at NightScenic at Night1---
  Sequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees1---
  Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches7---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Space Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials2---
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows3---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays6---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures3---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges4---
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives5WM13QJGONLY - Mainland Gannet Colony in Australia2021-02-06
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church64---
  Thrift StoresThrift Stores1---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers4---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks4---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
 starsTrophies, Medals and CupsTrophies, Medals and Cups1WMRV0TVFL/AFL Premiership Cups - Geelong ,Victoria, Australia2016-08-05
 starsTruss BridgesTruss Bridges1WMQ3VZMcKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley, Victoria, Australia2015-12-14
  Uncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1---
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1---
  Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1---
  Vertical Lift BridgesVertical Lift Bridges1---
 starsVeteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1WMYP60War Cemetery - Seymour, Vic, Australia2018-07-06
 starsVietnam War MemorialsVietnam War Memorials5WMPMH1Vietnam War Memorial Honour Board - Hibernian Hall, Geelong, Victoria, AUS2015-09-22
  War and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums2---
  Water TowersWater Towers2---
  Weather RadarsWeather Radars1---
  Wesleyan ChurchesWesleyan Churches2---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments24---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries45---

Western Australia (2256 waymarks / 289 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps55---
 stars666 Sightings666 Sightings1WMJG9Q666 Canning Hwy , Applecross, Western Australia2013-11-15
 stars7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores7WMPBQH7-11 Marshall Rd , Malaga, Western Australia2015-08-05
 starsALDI StoresALDI Stores23WMRCDBALDI - Joondalup, Western Australia2016-06-07
 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1WMPQW3Dominican Priory Cemetery - Dongara, Western Australia2015-10-28
 starsAbandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles3WMJ829Dead truck, Mangowine , Western Australia2013-10-19
 starsAbandoned Train TunnelsAbandoned Train Tunnels1WMBREVSwan View Tunnel2011-06-17
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries2---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures21---
 starsAccessible-Designed Recreational LocationsAccessible-Designed Recreational Locations1WMTD57Fishing Platform - Hillarys, Westeren Australia2016-11-06
  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches96---
  Animal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1---
 starsAntique HotelsAntique Hotels2WMKXQJNew Norcia Hotel , New Norcia , Western Australia2014-06-16
  Apple StoresApple Stores1---
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges1WMQD3TElizabeth Quay Bridge - Perth , Western Australia2016-02-08
  Art Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau10---
 starsArt VehiclesArt Vehicles2WMKRHZFordson Tractor, Pinjarra, Western Australia2014-06-19
  Artificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1---
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating2---
  Artistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs1---
 starsArtistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1WMXGZ7Hungover - Bunbury, Western Australia2018-01-12
  Australia Post OfficesAustralia Post Offices196---
  Australia/NZ BenchmarksAustralia/NZ Benchmarks11---
 starsAustralian Heritage SitesAustralian Heritage Sites87WMVF5Fformer Bunbury Post Office - Bunbury, Western Australia2017-04-10
  Australian Historical MarkersAustralian Historical Markers40---
  Australian Trig PointsAustralian Trig Points2---
 starsAviation MuseumsAviation Museums2WMHJ6BBeverley Aeronautical Museum, Western Australia2013-08-14
 starsBaptist ChurchesBaptist Churches20WMHR10Romanian Baptist Church - Bayswater, Western Australia2013-08-07
 starsBarber PolesBarber Poles2WMQPP5Tom's Hairdresser - Claremont, Western Australia2016-03-17
 starsBattery Powered Personal Transport RentalsBattery Powered Personal Transport Rentals1WMQZV9Segway Tours WA - Perth, Western Australia2016-04-20
  Bell TowersBell Towers21---
 starsBest Burgers in TownBest Burgers in Town1WMH6CVAlfred's Kitchen , Guildford ,Western Australia2013-05-31
 starsBicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals2WMNHH5About Bike Hire - East Perth, Western Australia2015-03-19
 starsBicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations2WMX7FABike repair station- John Oldham Park , Perth , Western Australia2017-12-08
  Bicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1---
  Birdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations2---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps3---
 starsBridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques3WMM91YCauseway - 1952 - Perth , Western Australia2014-08-16
 starsBuddhist Temples and Public ShrinesBuddhist Temples and Public Shrines2WMQBPAFokuangshan Temple - Maylands, Western Australia2016-01-31
  Building BuildingsBuilding Buildings1---
  Bus StationsBus Stations1---
 starsCairnsCairns1WMRH8JCairn - Grigson Hill, Western Australia2016-06-21
 starsCarouselsCarousels1WMPHACCarousel - Perth Zoo, Western Australia2015-11-02
 starsCathedralsCathedrals3WMHH4CSt Georges Cathedral, Perth, Western Australia2013-07-10
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses4---
 starsChurch of Christ ScientistChurch of Christ Scientist1WMPG1VFirst Church of Christ Scientist - Perth, Western Australia2015-08-26
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries18---
 starsChurchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses5WMHWK1Westminster Abbey Cross, Perth, Western Australia2013-08-27
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials14---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls14---
 starsCoastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks1WMRQYMMangrove Boardwalk - Bunbury, Western Australia2016-07-27
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses3---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
 starsCoffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains36WMK9JGDome - Maylands , Western Australia2014-03-05
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1WMP0APBINO - Busselton Foreshore, Western Australia2015-06-02
 starsCoin-Operated Fortune Telling MachinesCoin-Operated Fortune Telling Machines1WMTJPAFortune teller - Hillarys, Western Australia2016-11-30
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1WMPND1Perth Comic Centre - Perth , Western Australia2015-09-26
 starsCommercial Fishing PortsCommercial Fishing Ports1WMT91AFremantle - Western Australia2016-10-17
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration2---
 starsConfluence SpotsConfluence Spots1WMGWTTS32 E116 Perth Western Australia2013-04-17
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites5WMPRDQTrinity Uniting Church ,former Congregational - Perth Western Australia2015-10-13
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings30---
 starsConverted FirehousesConverted Firehouses5WMH20FOld Fire Station - Fremantle , Western Australia2013-05-30
  Coordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1---
  Country ChurchesCountry Churches16---
 starsDated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1WMNHWRHalf-Way Tree Pillar Box- 1868- Claremont, Western Australia2015-03-21
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones280---
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1WMPFMWTom Collins - Karrakatta, Western Australia2015-08-24
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches8---
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMKF1HT-Rex, Kingsway , Western Australia2014-04-13
  Diplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions2---
 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials2WMNNJNGeorgette Memorial - Margaret River, Western Australia2015-04-10
 starsDisc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1WMHDGARob Hancock Memorial Disc Golf Course , Greenwood , Western Australia2013-07-04
 starsDive ShopsDive Shops1WMTNWRPerth Diving Academy - Hillarys, Western Australia2016-12-20
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
  Dog-Friendly RestaurantsDog-Friendly Restaurants1---
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza4---
 starsDoves of peaceDoves of peace1WMWXR9Dove of Peace - Bunbury, Western Australia2017-10-27
  Drive-In Movie TheatersDrive-In Movie Theaters2---
 starsElectric Bike Charging StationsElectric Bike Charging Stations1WMQCX4University of W.A.- Crawley - Australia2016-02-07
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects4---
 starsElevation SignsElevation Signs4WMKRKZDwellingup, Western Australia. 864 feet2014-05-23
 starsEngineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks4WMJW3HNarrows Bridge - Perth, Western Australia2014-01-06
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WMHMMJKing Neptune - - Two Rocks , Western Australia2013-07-23
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WMGE56South Perth Ferry2013-02-21
 starsFerris WheelsFerris Wheels1WMH1T5Fremantle Ferris Wheel2013-05-08
 starsFiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1WMJ00VSnowy , Osborne Park , Western Australia2013-09-03
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture32---
 starsFirefighter MemorialsFirefighter Memorials1WMGE5DW.A. Firefighters Memorial2013-02-21
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind11---
 starsFlatironsFlatirons2WMH3F7Flatiron building - Fremantle , Western Auatralia2013-05-25
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools1WMV6AZformer Primary School - Manjimup, Western Australia2017-03-03
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges2WMKM7EHulbert St Book Exchange, South Fremantle, Western Australia2014-05-01
  Free Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1---
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches6---
 starsFuneral HomesFuneral Homes1WMWPHABowra & O'Dea - Cannington, Western Australia2017-09-28
 starsGeodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1WMQ5ZPRecreation Hall - Curtin University, Bentley , Western Australia2016-01-01
 starsGhost BikesGhost Bikes1WMHM9YTimothy Anderson Ghost Bike, Leighton, Western Australia2013-07-25
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs1---
 starsGiants of CommerceGiants of Commerce1WMNAY8Giant Crayfish - Dongara, Western Australia2015-02-05
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1---
 starsGrand OpeningGrand Opening5WMKRQJCantwell Park Suspension Bridge, Pinjarra, Western Australia2014-05-24
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person7WMJHAKErnest Giles - Coolgardie Cemetery, Western Australia2013-11-19
 starsGraves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death5WMNQCCMargaret Louisa Irvine - Karrakatta, Western Australia2015-04-18
 starsGreat Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth1WMNPQX32 South Latitude marker - Cottesloe, Western Australia2015-04-15
 starsGround Based Air Navigation Support StructuresGround Based Air Navigation Support Structures1WMWY4GNDB - Caversham, Western Australia2017-10-28
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians6---
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks2WMKREHFlood level, Pinjarra , Western Australia2014-05-22
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads3---
 starsHindu TemplesHindu Temples1WMTFBZShree Swaminarayan Temple (Mandir) - Bennett Springs, Western Australia2016-11-15
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings6WMPNGQSubstation No3 - West Perth, Western Australia2015-09-26
 starsHistoric TreesHistoric Trees1WMNTBGProclamation Tree - Fremantle , Western Australia2015-05-09
  History MuseumsHistory Museums6---
 starsHoliday DisplaysHoliday Displays1WMX5BRSamson Ct, Duncraig, Western Australia2017-11-30
 starsHomesteadsHomesteads1WMJ835Mangowine Homestead, Nungarin, Western Australia2013-10-22
 starsHousehold Appliances and PressesHousehold Appliances and Presses1WMV1FZWasher and Wringer - Bridgetown, Western Australia2017-02-08
 starsHuman Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1WMP6A3Vietnamese Boat People Monument - Northbridge, Western Australia2015-07-09
 starsIKEAIKEA1WMH7ZKIKEA - Innaloo, Western Australia2013-06-05
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors2---
 starsIce Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks1WMM3A2Xtreme Ice Arena - Mirrabooka , Western Australia2014-07-14
  Independent BakeriesIndependent Bakeries1---
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls2---
  Japanese GardensJapanese Gardens1---
 starsJuice and Smoothie BarsJuice and Smoothie Bars2WMTP32Boost - Ellenbrook Central S/C, Western Australia2016-12-22
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants4---
 starsKids Eat FreeKids Eat Free1WMTB5KHogs Breath Steakhouse - Joondalup, Western Australia2016-10-29
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses7WMQATMKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses - Joondanna, Western Australia2016-01-25
  Kugel BallsKugel Balls2---
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats3WMH07QThe Yellow Submarine , Geraldton , Western Australia2013-05-01
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1WMX78NSt John Ambulance- Morley, Western Australia2017-12-07
  Lion StatuesLion Statues4---
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WMV93FLions Playground - Bindoon , Western Australia2017-03-18
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2WMPDCKHeath Ledger Theatre - Perth, Western Australia2015-08-13
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives8WMH2Y1"Kate" Margaret River, Western Australia2013-05-13
 starsLonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys3WMH7AZRobb Jetty Abattoir Chimney , South Fremantle , Western Australia2013-06-03
  Long Distance Hiking TrailsLong Distance Hiking Trails2---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers3---
 starsLove PadlocksLove Padlocks1WMK9Z4Swan Bell Tower - Perth, Western Australia2014-03-07
 starsLutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches2WMHFKZSt John's Lutheran Church, Perth , Western Auatralia2013-07-05
 starsMan-made Devilish LocationsMan-made Devilish Locations1WMPBQNHellfire Dr - Landsdale, Western Australia2015-08-05
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples31---
 starsMausoleumsMausoleums3WMPBPWKarrakatta Mausoleum - Karrakatta, Western Australia2015-08-11
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants6---
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches34---
  Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays5---
  Military InstallationsMilitary Installations1---
 starsMills and GinsMills and Gins1WMKXRVFlour Mill, New Norcia, Western Australia2014-06-10
  Miniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads1---
 starsModel Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1WMTVF7W.A. Model Aircraft Sports Centre - Whiteman, Western Australia2017-01-22
 starsMonopoly in the Real WorldMonopoly in the Real World2WMHKGHMonopoly Australian Edition - Perth Railway Station, Perth , Western Australia2013-07-23
 starsMoominsMoomins1WMVB0KMoomin and the new friend - Karrinyup Public Library, Western Australia2017-05-22
 starsMosquesMosques1WMPW30Perth Mosque - Northbridge, Western Australia2015-10-28
  Motorcycle Sales/Service SitesMotorcycle Sales/Service Sites1---
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments2WMPFW7Organ - St Georges Cathedral, Perth , Western Australia2015-08-25
 starsNational Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World1WMRVRXTorndirrup National Park - Albany, Western Australia2016-08-09
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes2WMQ6DBLake Monger - Leederville, Western Australia2015-12-29
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WMT97ANautical flagpole - Fremantle, Western Australia2016-10-18
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks3---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials52---
 starsNoodle ShopsNoodle Shops2WMTF0VNoodle Forum - Carousel Shopping Centre, Cannington, Western Australia2016-11-17
 starsObelisksObelisks5WMNAH8Sir Richard Spencer obelisk - Albany, Western Australia2015-02-02
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1WMR2K7Surf Lifesavers - Scarborough, Western Australia2016-05-03
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones5WMP3W6Captain John Thomas- Fremantle Cemetery, Western Australia2015-06-26
  Odd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings3---
 starsOff-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas2WMQ8WDOff-leash dog area - Whiteman Park , Western Australia2016-01-12
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment6WMKY26Old road grader, New Norcia, Western Australia2014-06-24
  Old TractorsOld Tractors2---
 starsOlympic MemorabiliaOlympic Memorabilia1WMV422Olympic Torch Sculpture - Manjimup, Western Australia2017-02-20
  One-Room SchoolhousesOne-Room Schoolhouses1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables2---
 starsOrthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches8WMHH5GGreek Orthodox Cathedral of St Constantine and Helen, Northbridge , Western Australia2013-07-11
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WMNHMTJacob's Ladder - West Perth, Western Australia2015-03-19
 starsOutdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross1WMJM7RStations of the Cross - St Catherine's Church, Gingin, Western Australia2013-12-11
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WMR29XShark warning siren - Scarborough, Western Australia2016-05-12
 starsOutside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings9WMQABVKarrack - Subiaco, Western Australia2016-01-22
  Ovens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1---
  Peace MemorialsPeace Memorials2---
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges3---
 starsPenny SmashersPenny Smashers1WMNEH1Penny-smasher - Fremantle, Western Australia2015-02-28
 starsPergolasPergolas1WMQFTVStirling Square pergola - Guildford, Western Australia2016-02-23
 starsPermanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations2WMMVTTAustralian Red Cross Op-Shop - Denmark , Western Australia2014-11-12
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1---
 starsPermanent Orienteering CoursesPermanent Orienteering Courses1WMH3B0Whiteman Park permanent orienteering course Western Australia2013-05-15
  Pet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries1---
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs2WMNNCWHand and foot prints - Cottesloe, Western Australia2015-04-08
 starsPhilatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs2WMHGK2Government House, Perth, Western Australia2013-07-09
 starsPhotos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now2WMJTC6Barrack St - Perth City - Western Australia2013-12-30
 starsPictorial Village SignsPictorial Village Signs1WMW3N4Village sign - Kulin, Western Australia2017-07-06
 starsPiersPiers8WMHN64Busselton Jetty , Western Australia2013-07-26
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings2WMTYQ2Pikachu toybox - Morley, Western Australia2017-01-25
  Plane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1---
 starsPlank RoadsPlank Roads1WMQ3ZJOceanic Dr (former plank road) - City Beach, Western Australia2015-12-18
 starsPolice MemorialsPolice Memorials2WMK888Western Australia Police Memorial, Joondalup.2014-02-27
  Police StationsPolice Stations15---
 starsPresbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches11WMH3GXScots Presbyterian Church, Fremantle, W.A.2013-05-16
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2WMKJMYSt Georges Hall portico, Perth, Western Australia2014-04-22
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display4WMKYZ5WEHR grader - Northam, Western, Australia2014-06-17
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds4---
 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WMPH9NYanchep Golf Course - Western Australia2015-09-06
  Pubs and InnsPubs and Inns7---
 starsRadio and Television Transmitter TowersRadio and Television Transmitter Towers1WMVN8CSTW Channel 9 - Walliston , Western Australia, Australia2017-05-24
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges7---
 starsRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment3WMH64XBucyrus 14B Rail mounted steam shovel , Whiteman Park Western Australia2013-05-30
  Realistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures11---
 starsRed Cross and Red Crescent MovementRed Cross and Red Crescent Movement3WMTF0QRed Cross Blood Donation Centre - Cannington , Western Australia2016-11-14
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious7WMTFB3Sikh Gurdwara Temple - Bennett Springs, Western Australia2016-11-15
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures15---
  Remote Backcountry SheltersRemote Backcountry Shelters1---
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons4---
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences3---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches70---
 starsRonald McDonald HousesRonald McDonald Houses1WMH1ZNRonald McDonald House , Subiaco , Western Australia2013-05-09
 starsRopes CourseRopes Course2WMQFZHGreat Escape high ropes, Hillarys, Western Australia2016-02-25
  Rose GardensRose Gardens2---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers6---
  Salvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations4---
  Scenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks11---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs3---
 starsScenic at NightScenic at Night1WMP4YNClaisebrook Cove footbridge - East Perth, Western Australia2015-07-07
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails2---
 starsSeventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches7WMMW29SeventhDay Adventist Church - Denmark, Western Australia2014-12-21
 starsShipwrecksShipwrecks2WMHKAQThe "Omeo" wreck , Coogee, Western Australia2013-07-20
 starsShoe TreesShoe Trees1WMV7G7Two Shoe Trees - Palgarup, Western Australia2017-03-09
  Signs of HistorySigns of History2---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures12---
  Small Town, Big NameSmall Town, Big Name1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
 starsSpace Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art3WMR6B1SI - Oxford St, Leederville, Western Australia2016-05-16
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials3---
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows7---
 starsStatic Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays2WMHJ9XA79-651 De Havilland Vampire, Beverley, Western Australia2013-07-15
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays14---
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars3WMM8ZYA1 258, East Perth, Western Australia2014-08-13
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures11---
 starsStatues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1WMKXYQRosendo Salvado - New Norcia, Western Australia2014-06-11
 starsSteakhousesSteakhouses1WMTB5JHogs Breath Steakhouse - Joondalup, Western Australia2016-10-27
 starsStone BridgesStone Bridges1WMQRRZWooroloo Brook Bridge - Wooroloo, Western Australia2016-03-26
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants44---
  Sushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants1---
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WMWFX9Synagogue (former) - Fremantle, Western Australia2017-08-30
 starsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations2WMHR9GTVW7 ,Perth, Western Australia2013-08-08
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
 starsThemed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes2WMHQGWBeach ball letterbox, Bibby Springs, Western Australia,2013-08-05
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church79---
  Thrift StoresThrift Stores2---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WMKZ7GRotary Clock - Northam , Western Australia2014-06-20
 starsTimelinesTimelines2WMR12DTownship Timeline - 1850 to 2004 - Bakers Hill , Western Australia2016-04-26
 starsTopiariesTopiaries1WMKRKKGreen Dog, Dwellingup, Western Australia2014-08-18
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers24---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks10---
 starsTrain CaboosesTrain Cabooses1WMR6FWGuards Van - Northam, Western Australia2016-05-17
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots16---
  Uncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs2---
 starsVeteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1WMPBWRPerth War Cemetery - Karrakatta, Western Australia2015-08-06
  Vietnam War MemorialsVietnam War Memorials2---
 starsVintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1WMRBXZPetrol Bowser - Fairbridge , Western Australia2016-06-07
  Water DamsWater Dams4---
  Water TowersWater Towers3---
 starsWatercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)1WMNHGHAbout Bike and Kayak Hire - East Perth, Western Australia2015-03-18
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls1WMRHMCLesmurdie Falls - Lesmurdie , Western Australia2016-06-23
 starsWaymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1WMJNMPBlingg's Waymarking sticker2013-12-10
 starsWesleyan ChurchesWesleyan Churches1WMQXVKUniting Church (former Wesleyan) - Guildford, Western Australia2016-05-31
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots2---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3---
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1WMQX4ECheriton Farm Water Wheel - Gingin, Western Australia2016-04-11
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments84---
 starsWorld War I SitesWorld War I Sites1WM153RPBlackboy Hill Training Camp Site - Greenmount , Western Australia2021-10-11
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments14---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries67---
  Your Name HereYour Name Here1---