User ChapterhouseInc 

ChapterhouseInc  posted 8664 waymarks in 712 different categories within 7 countries and 43 regions, of these were 543 posted-first-in-region and also 40 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 16 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Australia (1)

Queensland (1)

 starsInside AirportsInside Airports1WM8R1FBrisbane Airport2010-05-05

Bahamas (45 waymarks / 25 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
 starsAnchorsAnchors1WMD4Y6Cruise Port Anchor - Freeport, Bahamas2011-11-19
 starsCave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)1WME5CKThe Caves - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-16
 starsCityscapesCityscapes1WME5CGNassau from Fort Charlotte2012-04-12
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1WMD4YWFreeport Harbour - 10 Years - Bahamas2011-11-30
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration2WMD57F200th Anniversary of the General Assembly - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-22
 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1WMD4ZHStrawmarket Domino's - Port Lucaya, Bahamas2011-11-19
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WMD56DBahamian Woman Memorial - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-20
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WMD577The first Governor of the independent nation is featured in a bust on the parlament square - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-20
 starsHistoric FortsHistoric Forts1WME5BNFort Charlotte - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-08
 starsIndependent Fish HousesIndependent Fish Houses1WMD585Drifters - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-21
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WME5BXFt Charlotte Flagpole - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-05
 starsNew World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1WME5CMThe Caves - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-06
 starsObelisksObelisks1WME5BHObelisk at the Western Esplande - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-06
  Photo CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1---
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History3WMD4Y3Pineridge Locomotive Axle - Freeport, Bahamas2011-11-21
 starsStarbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1WMD550Charlotte St Starbucks - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-20
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays10WME5C2Small Cannon - Ft Charlotte - Nassau, Bahamas2012-04-08
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1WMD571Sir Milo Boughton Butler - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-24
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
 starsThrift StoresThrift Stores1WMD55DSalvation Army Thrift Store - Nassau, Bahamas2011-11-20
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries7WMD54JFreeport, Bahamas2011-11-20

Canada (117 waymarks / 72 categories)

Alberta (63 waymarks / 47 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps3---
  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants1---
  Aerial LiftsAerial Lifts1---
 starsAgricultural FairgroundsAgricultural Fairgrounds1WMCE31Stampede Park - Calgary, AB2011-09-04
  Alberta Heritage MarkersAlberta Heritage Markers1---
 starsAviariesAviaries1WMCE4ZCanadian Wilds Owl Aviary - Calgary Zoo2011-08-31
 starsBuffet RestaurantsBuffet Restaurants1WMC56WGraze Restaurant & Grill - Calgary, AB2011-07-26
 starsButterfly HousesButterfly Houses1WMCEAQENMAX Butterfly Garden - Calgary Zoo2011-08-28
  Canadian BenchmarksCanadian Benchmarks2---
  Canadian Legion Memorials Cairns and CenotaphsCanadian Legion Memorials Cairns and Cenotaphs1---
  Chili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants1---
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1WMCECBCalgary Zoological Society - 50 Years - Alberta, Canada2011-08-28
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
  Curling ClubsCurling Clubs1---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants1---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches2---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
  Flags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations2---
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls2---
  Inside AirportsInside Airports1---
 starsLEED BuildingsLEED Buildings1WMCEAZENMAX Conservatory - Calgary Zoo2011-09-10
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches1---
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1---
  Old Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1---
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges1---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers3---
  Photo CutoutsPhoto Cutouts2---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores3---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  Tim Horton's RestaurantsTim Horton's Restaurants3---
  Time and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses1---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
  Used Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

British Columbia (51 waymarks / 35 categories)

  7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores2---
  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants1---
  Bubble Tea aka BobaBubble Tea aka Boba1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials3---
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches3---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  Gifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries1---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1---
  Lions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants2---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas2---
  Natural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1---
  Outdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1---
  Permanent World Fair and Expo StructuresPermanent World Fair and Expo Structures1---
  Pet StoresPet Stores1---
  Picture Perfect PostcardsPicture Perfect Postcards1---
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants3---
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures1---
  Sister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores2---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants3---
  Target StoresTarget Stores1---
  Tim Horton's RestaurantsTim Horton's Restaurants4---
 starsWar and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1WMHEF3War of 1812 Experience - Vancouver, BC2013-07-01
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Manitoba (2)

  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Ontario (1)

  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---

Mexico (12 waymarks / 9 categories)

Quintana Roo (12 waymarks / 9 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps3---
 starsAnchorsAnchors1WMACDNWaterfront Anchors - Cozumel, Mexico2010-12-25
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WMACDYLos Carnavaleros - Cozumel, Mexico2010-12-25
 starsMuralsMurals1WMACDBGift Shop Mural - Tulum, Mexico2010-12-25
 starsObelisksObelisks1WMACE5Memorial Obelisk - Cozumel, Mexico2010-12-25
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WMACDPWaterfront Ship Screw - Cozumel, Mexico2010-12-27
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1WMACDGPlaya del Carmen2010-12-25

New Zealand (13 waymarks / 8 categories)

North Island (6 waymarks / 5 categories)

  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
  Last of its KindLast of its Kind1---
  Maori Historic SitesMaori Historic Sites1---
  Welcome SignsWelcome Signs1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

South Island (7 waymarks / 5 categories)

 starsCathedralsCathedrals1WM88FAChristchurch Cathedral - Christchurch, New Zealand2010-02-19
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Last of its KindLast of its Kind1---
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3WM88YYCathedral Square, Christchurch2010-02-20

United States (8475 waymarks / 700 categories)

Alabama (6)

  Bartram Trail Historical MarkersBartram Trail Historical Markers1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
 starsTruck StopsTruck Stops1WM9ZWNTA Travel Center, Mobile, AL2010-11-04
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Arizona (115 waymarks / 71 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps4---
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants1---
  Arizona Historical MarkersArizona Historical Markers4---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Bridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1---
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Fish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants1---
 starsFree CampsitesFree Campsites1WMA5CMCanyon de Chelly National Monument2010-11-21
 starsFree Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1WMA5CKCanyon de Chelly National Monument2010-11-22
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs1---
  Ghosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings2---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
  Habitat ReStoresHabitat ReStores1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads2---
  Hot SpringsHot Springs1---
 starsHuman ErrorHuman Error1WMDZ87Arizona and Utah / Western Arizona Railway Historic Marker - Chloride, AZ2012-03-15
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box2---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants2---
  Landlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1---
  Letters on HillsLetters on Hills2---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Municipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  National Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)2---
  National Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World2---
  National Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways1---
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
 starsOdd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1WMA57RFlagstaff IOOF #112010-11-18
  Old Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables1---
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WMDW1HWarning Siren - Chloride, AZ2012-03-04
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1---
  Public Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1---
  Radio Shack StoresRadio Shack Stores1---
  Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment1---
 starsRecommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1WMA2G6Rodeway Inn - Kingman, AZ2010-11-19
 starsRock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1WME4WMTrail of Time - Grand Canyon National Park2012-04-04
  Route 66 - The Mother RoadRoute 66 - The Mother Road2---
  Scenic HikesScenic Hikes1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs6---
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails1---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Spirit of '76Spirit of '764---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores2---
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WMA2FYBoom Car - Winslow, AZ2010-11-06
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants2---
  Television and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1---
  Thrift StoresThrift Stores3---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Trail RegistersTrail Registers1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses3---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks8---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps4---
  Wagon WheelsWagon Wheels1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries5---

California (133 waymarks / 70 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps14---
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Artistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs1---
  Azimuth BenchmarksAzimuth Benchmarks1---
  Best Kept SecretsBest Kept Secrets1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings2---
  California Historical MarkersCalifornia Historical Markers2---
  Carl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants1---
  Cave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)1---
 starsCelebrity HangoutsCelebrity Hangouts1WM1H5NLionel Richie's LAX2007-05-09
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials4---
  Civilian Conservation CorpsCivilian Conservation Corps1---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants1---
  E Clampus Vitus Historical MarkersE Clampus Vitus Historical Markers4---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs2---
  Famous FiresFamous Fires1---
  Fire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs2---
  Free CampsitesFree Campsites2---
  Free Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs2---
  Ghost TownsGhost Towns1---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas3---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads6---
  Homemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones2---
  Hydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations1---
  Independent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1---
  National Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World1---
  National Public Lands Passport LocationsNational Public Lands Passport Locations1---
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs1---
  Old Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1---
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1---
  Outdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1---
  Population SignsPopulation Signs1---
  Public Access LandsPublic Access Lands2---
  Ranger StationsRanger Stations1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation3---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs3---
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails2---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History2---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings3---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants2---
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
  Trail RegistersTrail Registers2---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks9---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places1---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries6---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries2---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Colorado (40 waymarks / 29 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps4---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Colorado Historical MarkersColorado Historical Markers1---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs1---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WMCMC7Yucca House Guest Book - Cortez, CO2011-09-23
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations3---
  National Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)1---
  National Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World1---
  New World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables1---
  Outdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers3---
  Public Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks2---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1---
  Ranger StationsRanger Stations1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks3---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places2---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores1---
  Weather StationsWeather Stations1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Florida (2787 waymarks / 476 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps34---
  3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art2---
 stars666 Sightings666 Sightings1WM2RPEState Road 6662007-12-15
  7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores21---
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites6---
  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants2---
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores3---
  Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln1---
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures8WM1JZ7Face the Jury, Douglas Kornfeld - St Pete2007-05-23
  Aerial LiftsAerial Lifts1---
  Agricultural FairgroundsAgricultural Fairgrounds1---
  Amateur Baseball FieldsAmateur Baseball Fields1---
  American Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials6---
  American Guide SeriesAmerican Guide Series13---
  Amusement ParksAmusement Parks1---
  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches3---
  Animal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1---
  Animal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1---
  Antique HotelsAntique Hotels1---
  Antique and Classic Car DealershipsAntique and Classic Car Dealerships1---
  Apple StoresApple Stores1---
  Applebee's RestaurantsApplebee's Restaurants1---
 starsArboretumsArboretums1WM1MGHGizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum - St Pete2007-06-02
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants5---
  Art GalleriesArt Galleries1---
  Art MuseumsArt Museums3---
  Artificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1---
  Artistic Neon LightsArtistic Neon Lights1---
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating3---
  Artistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1---
  Assembly of God ChurchesAssembly of God Churches1---
  Atlas StatuesAtlas Statues2---
  Automobile Salvage YardsAutomobile Salvage Yards1---
  Bait ShopsBait Shops3---
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches5---
  Barber PolesBarber Poles2---
  Bartram Trail Historical MarkersBartram Trail Historical Markers1---
  Beach HutsBeach Huts1---
  Bear StatuesBear Statues1---
 starsBeatlemania!Beatlemania!1WM1J7PWe All Live in a2007-05-17
  Bed and BreakfastBed and Breakfast1---
 starsBenjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin1WM69VTAppeal to Divine Providence - St Petersburg, FL2009-04-29
 starsBest Burgers in TownBest Burgers in Town1WM5NM4Biff Burger - St Petersburg, FL2009-01-26
  Best Kept SecretsBest Kept Secrets1---
  Bicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1---
  Bicycle TendersBicycle Tenders3---
  Big Brothers Big SistersBig Brothers Big Sisters1---
  Billiards and Pool HallsBilliards and Pool Halls1---
  Birdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations4---
  Blacksmith ShopsBlacksmith Shops1---
  Blood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1---
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques3---
  Blue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers6---
  Blues LegendsBlues Legends1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps19---
  Botanical GardensBotanical Gardens3---
  Boy Scout CampsBoy Scout Camps2---
  Broken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones2---
  Bubble Tea aka BobaBubble Tea aka Boba2---
  Building BuildingsBuilding Buildings1---
 starsBurger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants5WM1ET3Burger King - Clark Rd - Sarasota, FL2007-04-22
  Burger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains10---
  Bus StationsBus Stations3---
  Butterfly GardensButterfly Gardens1---
  Butterfly HousesButterfly Houses1---
  Bygone Toll HousesBygone Toll Houses1---
  Candy StoresCandy Stores2---
  Canoe/Kayak TripsCanoe/Kayak Trips3---
 starsCar Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures3WM2RXWThe Bumper Lizard2007-12-16
  Carl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants3---
 starsCarnegie Library BuildingsCarnegie Library Buildings1WM1J3BMirror Lake Public Library - St Petersburg, FL2007-05-16
 starsChildren's GardensChildren's Gardens1WM1EZ6Backyard Habitat in Busch Gardens2007-04-23
  Children's MuseumsChildren's Museums1---
  Chili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants2---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Christmas StoresChristmas Stores2---
  Church of the NazareneChurch of the Nazarene1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries3---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials10---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls9---
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
  Coastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks2---
  Coca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia4---
  Coffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains2---
  Coin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides1---
  Coin Operated Self Service Car WashesCoin Operated Self Service Car Washes2---
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars18WM1K0VSt Pete Pier Binocs2007-05-23
  Coin-Operated Fortune Telling MachinesCoin-Operated Fortune Telling Machines4---
  Comic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
  Community GardensCommunity Gardens2---
  Compass RosesCompass Roses5---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings1---
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains7WM2RWWCentral Park Artist Fountain2007-12-16
 starsCountry ChurchesCountry Churches1WM1KRYSpringhill Methodist Church - Traxler, FL2007-05-28
  Covered WagonsCovered Wagons2---
  Cracker Barrel RestaurantsCracker Barrel Restaurants10---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants2---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones17---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches26---
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees21---
  Demonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens1---
  Denny's RestaurantsDenny's Restaurants7---
  Diners, Drive-ins, and DivesDiners, Drive-ins, and Dives2---
  Dinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
  Disaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials2---
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
  Disguised Cell TowersDisguised Cell Towers2---
  Dive SitesDive Sites3---
  Dixie HighwayDixie Highway2---
  Dockside RestaurantsDockside Restaurants1---
  Dog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels2---
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
 starsDollar StoresDollar Stores9WM1FG9Dollar Tree - St Pete2007-04-28
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza7---
  Donated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers9---
  Doorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1---
  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.1---
  Drive-In Movie TheatersDrive-In Movie Theaters1---
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'7---
  E85 Fuel PumpsE85 Fuel Pumps1---
  Eagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites11---
  Electric Palm TreesElectric Palm Trees1---
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1---
  Elks LodgesElks Lodges1---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures10---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues2---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas6---
  Extraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations2---
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WM8T9EDisney 'Partners' Statues - Magic Kingdom - Orlando, FL2010-05-11
  Famous FiresFamous Fires1---
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings4WM1W7NEgmont Key Ferry at Ft Desoto2007-07-20
  Ferris WheelsFerris Wheels1---
  Fiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1---
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture31WM1HZZ"Cancer...There's Hope" - Tampa, FL2007-05-15
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles4WM27HGFrancis2007-09-18
  Fireworks DisplaysFireworks Displays1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind32---
  Fish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants2---
  Fishing HolesFishing Holes1---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails5---
  Flea MarketsFlea Markets2---
  Florida Historical MarkersFlorida Historical Markers85---
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools5---
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1---
  Garage Door ArtGarage Door Art1---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras3---
 starsGeorge WashingtonGeorge Washington1WM79YHWashington's Silhouette - American Experience - Epcot2009-10-01
 starsGerman-American Heritage SitesGerman-American Heritage Sites1WM5FBJGerman American Society of St Petersburg, FL2009-01-02
  Ghost BikesGhost Bikes1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs4---
  Ghost TownsGhost Towns2---
  Ghosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings2---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects2---
  Googie ArchitectureGoogie Architecture1---
  Greenhouses and NurseriesGreenhouses and Nurseries1---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books13WM1K06Salvador Dali Museum Log2007-05-24
 starsGuinness World RecordsGuinness World Records1WM1NF110 miles in 45 minutes 37 seconds2007-06-10
  Hall of FameHall of Fame1---
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians1---
  Hidden MickeysHidden Mickeys7---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas19---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads3---
  Historic FortsHistoric Forts1---
 starsHistorical Society HeadquartersHistorical Society Headquarters2WM8N52West Pasco County Historical Society - New Port Richey, FL2010-04-22
  History MuseumsHistory Museums12---
  Homemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones1---
  Hooters RestaurantsHooters Restaurants1---
  Hot Rod Hangouts and Car ShowsHot Rod Hangouts and Car Shows2---
  Howard Johnson'sHoward Johnson's1---
 starsHuman ErrorHuman Error1WM74C9Tree Crossing - St Petersburg, FL2009-08-31
  Humane Societies and RescuesHumane Societies and Rescues3---
  IHOP RestaurantsIHOP Restaurants2---
 starsIMAX TheatersIMAX Theaters1WM1V2FMuvico Baywalk IMAX - St Pete2007-07-10
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors12---
  Illuminated School Sports FieldsIlluminated School Sports Fields2---
  Independent Artist Supply StoresIndependent Artist Supply Stores1---
  Independent BakeriesIndependent Bakeries1---
  Independent Breakfast SpotsIndependent Breakfast Spots1---
  Independent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops2---
  Independent Coffee ShopsIndependent Coffee Shops2---
  Independent DinersIndependent Diners2---
  Independent Doughnut ShopsIndependent Doughnut Shops1---
  Independent Fish HousesIndependent Fish Houses5---
  Independent Hot Dog RestaurantsIndependent Hot Dog Restaurants1---
  Independent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores2---
  Independent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1---
  Independent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants2---
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls1---
  Infamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes1---
  Inline Hockey RinksInline Hockey Rinks1---
  Insect SculpturesInsect Sculptures2---
 starsJames Bond - 007James Bond - 0071WM6K1NSt. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church - Licence to Kill - Key West2009-06-12
  Japanese GardensJapanese Gardens2---
  Juice and Smoothie BarsJuice and Smoothie Bars2---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants6---
  Kids Eat FreeKids Eat Free1---
  Knights of Columbus CouncilsKnights of Columbus Councils1---
  Knights of PythiasKnights of Pythias1---
 starsKorean War MemorialsKorean War Memorials1WM1W6XFreedom Lake Korean War Memorial2007-07-19
  Landlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats3---
  Landlocked LighthousesLandlocked Lighthouses2---
 starsLast of its KindLast of its Kind3WM5NM6Last Biff Burger in Business - St Petersburg, FL2009-01-26
  Lawn BowlingLawn Bowling1---
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches4---
  Lifeboats and Rescue StationsLifeboats and Rescue Stations1---
 starsLighthouse Passport StampsLighthouse Passport Stamps2WM8T8FSt Augustine Lighthouse Stamp2010-05-10
  Lion StatuesLion Statues13---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters1---
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys1---
  Long Distance Hiking TrailsLong Distance Hiking Trails1---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Lucky 7Lucky 73---
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
  Magic ShopsMagic Shops1---
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls2---
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials2---
  Maritime MuseumsMaritime Museums2---
  Martial ArtsMartial Arts1---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples3---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants53---
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches3---
 starsMilitary Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays3WM1ERNTank, M41A3 - Bay Pines, FL, USA2007-04-22
 starsMilitary Surplus StoresMilitary Surplus Stores1WM1W5KArmy Navy Store - St Petersburg, FL2007-07-18
  Mills and GinsMills and Gins2---
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf7---
  Miniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads2---
  Model Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1---
  Model RailroadsModel Railroads2---
 starsMold-a-Rama MachinesMold-a-Rama Machines12WM1K73Lowry Park Zoo - Elephant2007-05-25
  Motor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1---
  Motorcycle Sales/Service SitesMotorcycle Sales/Service Sites1---
  Mountain Bike TrailheadsMountain Bike Trailheads2---
  Movie LocationsMovie Locations1---
  Movie Theater MealsMovie Theater Meals1---
  Moving BridgesMoving Bridges2---
  Municipal Community CentersMunicipal Community Centers4---
  Municipal FlagsMunicipal Flags2---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas104---
  Musical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers1---
  Musical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations5---
  NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing BuildingsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings7---
 starsNational Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)3WM1R6JArchibald Memorial Beach Park - Madeira Beach, FL2007-06-29
  National Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World3---
  National Public Lands Passport LocationsNational Public Lands Passport Locations1---
 starsNational Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways2WM6Y4EFlorida Keys Scenic Highway2009-08-04
  National Wildlife RefugesNational Wildlife Refuges3---
  Nations Within NationsNations Within Nations1---
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs3---
  Natural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1---
  Nautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles6---
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
  New World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence3---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations21---
  Newspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters2---
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates1WM5PDJPEACE: Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 - Tampa, FL2009-01-29
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks5---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials18---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones2---
  Octagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1---
  Odd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings2---
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas11---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions4---
  Offroad TrailsOffroad Trails1---
  Old Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment3---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors2---
  Orthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1---
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves2---
  Outdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts5---
 starsOutdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores2WM1Q53Bill Jackson's Shop for Adventure2007-06-21
  Outdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross2---
  Outdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens2---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings8---
  Ovens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1---
  Painted HydrantsPainted Hydrants1---
  Painted MailboxesPainted Mailboxes1---
  Panera Bread RestaurantsPanera Bread Restaurants3---
 starsParamedic StationsParamedic Stations1WM2B3NSunstar - Largo, FL2007-10-06
  Peace MemorialsPeace Memorials2---
  Peace PolesPeace Poles3---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers175---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places3---
  Permanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays4---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations3---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1---
  Permanent Orienteering CoursesPermanent Orienteering Courses1---
  Pet StoresPet Stores6---
  Petting Farms and ZoosPetting Farms and Zoos1---
  Photo CutoutsPhoto Cutouts2---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now2---
  Picture Perfect PostcardsPicture Perfect Postcards1---
  Pikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings2---
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants8---
  Pizza Shops - Regional ChainsPizza Shops - Regional Chains1---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling4---
  Plane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1---
 starsPolice MemorialsPolice Memorials3WM1KDQPinellas County Law Enforcement Memorial2007-05-26
  Ponce de LeónPonce de León3---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins9---
 starsProfessional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1WM1K00Tropicana Field - St Petersburg, FL2007-05-23
  Public Access LandsPublic Access Lands3---
  Public AquariumsPublic Aquariums2---
 starsPublic Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1WM8M1XAP 1-11 - DOI/BLM - Castillo de San Marcos - St Augustine, FL2010-05-05
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds8---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools2---
  Public and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1---
  Publix SupermarketsPublix Supermarkets20---
  Quilt ShopsQuilt Shops1---
  Quonset HutsQuonset Huts1---
  Radio Shack StoresRadio Shack Stores10---
  Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment2---
  Railroad MuseumsRailroad Museums2---
  Rails to TrailsRails to Trails3---
  Ranger StationsRanger Stations1---
  Realistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation8---
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes3---
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures4---
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures18WM2B6WSulphur Springs Depot2007-10-06
  Research InstitutesResearch Institutes1---
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
  River GaugesRiver Gauges1---
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences2---
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions14---
 starsRoller CoastersRoller Coasters7WM1EZ1Gwazi - Busch Gardens, FL2007-04-23
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2---
  Rose GardensRose Gardens6---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers8---
  Safe Place HavensSafe Place Havens9---
  Sailing and Yacht ClubsSailing and Yacht Clubs1---
  Salvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations1---
 starsSatellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities12WM6YC0Fort Jefferson - Dry Tortugas National Park2009-08-05
  Scenic Boat RidesScenic Boat Rides1---
  Scenic HikesScenic Hikes1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
  Scenic at NightScenic at Night2---
  Science MuseumsScience Museums1---
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WM1RZ3Raymond James Sculpture Garden - Pinellas Park, FL2007-07-06
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails5---
  Self Serve Pet WashSelf Serve Pet Wash3---
  Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches1---
 starsShooting RangesShooting Ranges1WM1RYXWyoming Antelope Club2007-07-04
  Signs of HistorySigns of History18---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues6---
 starsSmithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures55WM7H94The Spirit of the American Doughboy - Clearwater, FL2009-10-26
  Solar PowerSolar Power2---
  Solar System ModelsSolar System Models1---
  Sonic Drive In RestaurantsSonic Drive In Restaurants2---
  Space Flight Memorials and ExhibitsSpace Flight Memorials and Exhibits1---
  Spanish-American War MemorialsSpanish-American War Memorials4---
  Spas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and SaunasSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and Saunas1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials8---
 starsSphinx SculpturesSphinx Sculptures2WM1R8VSnell Isle Sphinx2007-06-30
 starsSpirit of '76Spirit of '762WM8DYKBicentennial Water Sculpture - St Petersburg, FL2010-03-19
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores35---
  State/Provincial ParksState/Provincial Parks2---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays7---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays29---
  Static Train CarsStatic Train Cars4---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures7---
  Statues of LibertyStatues of Liberty1---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures14---
 starsStone BridgesStone Bridges1WM1R0MBoyd Hill Bridge2007-06-27
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants19---
  Swimming HolesSwimming Holes1---
  TGI Friday's RestaurantsTGI Friday's Restaurants2---
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants13---
 starsTarget StoresTarget Stores8WM1K4EDale Mabry N Target - Tampa, FL2007-05-24
  Tattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors2---
  Tearooms and TeahousesTearooms and Teahouses1---
  Television and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1---
  Tennis FacilitiesTennis Facilities1---
  Thai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1---
  The Great Florida Birding TrailThe Great Florida Birding Trail10---
  The HolocaustThe Holocaust1---
  Themed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes3---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
 starsThrift StoresThrift Stores29WM1FGCSalvation Army Thrift Store - St Pete2007-04-28
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules7---
  Time and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks27---
  Trail RegistersTrail Registers1---
 starsTrain CaboosesTrain Cabooses5WM2B58Heritage Village Caboose - Seminole, FL2007-10-08
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots7---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops3---
  Turtle CrossingsTurtle Crossings2---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks186---
  U.S. Civil War SitesU.S. Civil War Sites1---
  U.S. Historic Survey Stones and MonumentsU.S. Historic Survey Stones and Monuments2---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places60---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices21---
 starsU.S. Revolutionary War MemorialsU.S. Revolutionary War Memorials1WMD4XGSt Lucie River American Revolution Memorial Tree - Okeechobee, FL2011-11-20
  UK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers2---
  Underground Railroad SitesUnderground Railroad Sites1---
  Unique Bird HousesUnique Bird Houses2---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers2---
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes3---
  Unusual Speed LimitsUnusual Speed Limits3---
  Used Book StoresUsed Book Stores3---
  Used Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores3---
  VFW PostsVFW Posts3---
  Victorian Style ArchitectureVictorian Style Architecture3---
  Video ArcadesVideo Arcades4---
  Vietnam POW/MIA MonumentsVietnam POW/MIA Monuments2---
  Vintage Gas StationsVintage Gas Stations1---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps4---
  Vintage Movie TheatersVintage Movie Theaters2---
 starsViquesney's Spirit of the Doughboy StatuesViquesney's Spirit of the Doughboy Statues2WM5NQFMemorial Causeway - Clearwater, FL2009-01-27
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores15---
  Water TowersWater Towers5---
  Waterway Locks, Planes and LiftsWaterway Locks, Planes and Lifts1---
  Waymark Tours (WayTours)Waymark Tours (WayTours)1---
  Weather RadarsWeather Radars2---
  Weather StationsWeather Stations1---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras3---
 starsWendy's RestaurantsWendy's Restaurants4WM1Q5DUlmerton Rd Wendy's - Largo, FL2007-06-21
  Wesleyan ChurchesWesleyan Churches1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots13---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries101---
  Woman's ClubsWoman's Clubs2---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments26---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments6---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments6---
  World War II SitesWorld War II Sites1---
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries12WM1KT0Springhill Methodist Church - Traxler, FL2007-05-28
  Ye Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones7---

Georgia (2265 waymarks / 348 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps4---
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites2---
 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries9WMXM0Greene-Miller Cemetery- Cumberland Island2006-11-05
  Abandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles1---
 starsActive QuarriesActive Quarries1WM395Hanson Athens Quarry2005-11-01
 starsAerial LiftsAerial Lifts1WM7GY0Stone Mountain Aerial Lift2009-10-27
 starsAll Things Star WarsAll Things Star Wars1WM11W5Vader at Discover Mills2006-12-18
  Amateur Baseball FieldsAmateur Baseball Fields2---
 starsAmerican Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials20WMD3HWalker County UDAC Marker2006-05-20
  American Guide SeriesAmerican Guide Series23---
  American Revolutionary War Veteran GravesAmerican Revolutionary War Veteran Graves6---
 starsAnchorsAnchors4WM1539NSCS Athens Anchor2007-01-17
  Ancient Traces and RoadsAncient Traces and Roads1---
  Animal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals2---
 starsAntique ShopsAntique Shops5WMNJGAlong the Line Antiques - Statham, GA2006-08-27
  Appalachian TrailAppalachian Trail1---
  Applebee's RestaurantsApplebee's Restaurants2---
 starsArboretumsArboretums1WM1ER9Thompson Mills Forest State Arboretum of Georgia2007-04-22
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants3---
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums1WMEMTGeorgia Museum of Art - Athens, GA2006-06-11
 starsArt VehiclesArt Vehicles2WM2GWYellow Submarine2005-10-11
  Artificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1---
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating1---
 starsAutomobile Salvage YardsAutomobile Salvage Yards1WM8B83Jones Used Auto Parts & Recycling, Inc - Jefferson, GA2010-03-06
 starsBait ShopsBait Shops1WM6V1NThe Happy Hooker, Inc - Winder, GA2009-07-21
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches7---
  Barber PolesBarber Poles1---
  Bartram Trail Historical MarkersBartram Trail Historical Markers2---
 starsBell TowersBell Towers2WM681NEvergreen Memorial Park Bell Tower - Athens, GA2009-04-20
 starsBellsBells14WM14X4First Baptist Church of Grayson's Bell2007-01-15
 starsBerry PickingBerry Picking2WMR0MWashington Farms - Loganville Site2006-09-20
 starsBest Burgers in TownBest Burgers in Town1WM9J3DThe Varsity - Athens, GA2010-08-25
 starsBicycle ShopsBicycle Shops4WM2HTSunshine Cycles2005-10-12
 starsBilliards and Pool HallsBilliards and Pool Halls1WM6823Lucky Dawg Billiards - Athens, GA2009-04-20
  Blood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1---
 starsBlue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers15WMGKRMemorial Park, Commerce GA2006-07-06
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps4---
 starsBorder CrossingsBorder Crossings3WM11VHGeorgia/North Carolina - US 4412006-12-18
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WM2K0State Botanical Gardens of Georgia2005-10-13
 starsBowling CentresBowling Centres2WM1261Oasis Bowl - Buford2006-12-22
  Broken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones4---
 starsBurger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants12WM153MBurger King - Braselton Hwy - Dacula GA2007-01-17
  Burger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains6---
  Bus StationsBus Stations5---
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds3WM37CVogel State Park Campground2005-10-30
 starsCandy StoresCandy Stores2WM1EQ0Brookstown Fudge2007-04-22
  Car Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1---
  Carl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants1---
  Childhood HomesChildhood Homes1---
 starsChildren's GardensChildren's Gardens1WM17FBBackyard Wildlife Habitat Exhibit2007-02-11
 starsChili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants2WM5DWEAlps Rd - Chili's - Athens, GA2008-12-24
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries28---
 starsChurchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses2WM5CVVBogart UMC Crosses - GA2008-12-19
  Cigar Store IndiansCigar Store Indians1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials7---
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls12WMM7QMaysville, GA2006-08-15
 starsCivil Rights MemorialsCivil Rights Memorials2WM2J5Jeruel Academy/Union Baptist Institute2005-10-12
 starsCivil War Discovery Trail SitesCivil War Discovery Trail Sites2WM17WCThe Atlanta Cyclorama2007-02-15
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints5---
  Coca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia2---
 starsCoin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides1WM5C9ESnoopy - Tanger Outlets - Commerce, GA2008-12-16
 starsCoin ShopsCoin Shops1WM128QClassic Galleries Jewelry - Athens, GA2006-12-23
 starsCollege Football StadiumsCollege Football Stadiums1WM8DT4Sanford Stadium - University of Georgia - Athens2010-03-18
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1WM8DZJCalhoun Women's Club's Anniversary Fountain - 100 Years - Calhoun, GA2010-07-05
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
 starsCompass RosesCompass Roses1WMF2BLake Russell Rotodendron Trail Compass2006-06-17
  Concert HallsConcert Halls1---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings1---
 starsConverted FirehousesConverted Firehouses2WM60N5Fire Hall 2 - Athens, GA2009-03-14
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains2WM684Marion Rogers Memorial Fountain2006-01-18
  Country ChurchesCountry Churches3---
 starsCourthousesCourthouses2WM1H5YHistoric Gwinnett County Courthouse - Lawrenceville, GA2007-05-09
  Covered BridgesCovered Bridges1---
  Cracker Barrel RestaurantsCracker Barrel Restaurants5---
 starsDairy CreameriesDairy Creameries1WM9J2TMayfield Milk Plant and Visitor Center - Braselton, GA2010-08-25
 starsDairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants5WM18R7Lawrenceville's DQ - Hwy 292007-02-25
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones18---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches6---
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees1---
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMAG9ZYangchuanosaurus - Atlanta International Airport2011-01-12
 starsDisc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses3WM287Lake Olmstead Park Disc Golf Course2005-10-06
  Disguised Cell TowersDisguised Cell Towers2---
 starsDive ShopsDive Shops1WM75A9Diving World USA - Atlanta, GA2009-09-04
 starsDog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels3WM53FWSuper 8 - Valdosta, GA2008-11-05
 starsDog StatuesDog Statues1WM14XYUga2007-01-15
  Dog-Friendly RestaurantsDog-Friendly Restaurants1---
  Dollar StoresDollar Stores2---
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza2---
  Donated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers7---
 starsDoorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1WM18WHOld College, UGA - Athens, GA2007-02-26
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'1---
 starsEagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites5WMF2CChenocetah Mountain/Lake Russell Rhododendron Trail2006-06-17
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WM6V6WAthena - Athens, GA2009-07-22
  Eternal FlamesEternal Flames4---
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas1WM16V1Virgin Mary Replica - Conyers, GA, USA2007-02-04
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WMXEWCumberland Island Ferry, St Mary's Terminal2006-11-04
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture6WM1J2TLarson-Juhl Figures2007-05-16
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles3WM2APAFD Chief2005-10-09
 starsFirehousesFirehouses19WM4WEAthens-Clarke County Fire Station #62005-12-12
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind53---
 starsFish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants2WM8B2ZAtlanta Hwy Captain D's - Athens, GA2010-03-07
 starsFlatironsFlatirons3WM5JF9Abandoned Flatiron - Maysville, GA2009-01-13
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools5---
 starsFoucault PendulumsFoucault Pendulums1WM2AHThe Davis Pendulum2005-10-08
 starsFraternity and Sorority HousesFraternity and Sorority Houses2WM5J81Sigma Alpha Epsilon - University of Georgia - Athens, GA2009-01-12
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches2---
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WM769EWater Dpt Relief Art - Athens, GA2009-09-08
 starsFuneral HomesFuneral Homes1WM8B7MEvans Funeral Home - Jeferson, GA2010-03-06
 starsGates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1WM18TRCraven Estate Gate - Gillsville, GA2007-02-25
 starsGazebosGazebos8WM5C9ADowntown Gazebo - Commerce, GA2008-12-16
  Georgia Historical MarkersGeorgia Historical Markers212---
  German-American Heritage SitesGerman-American Heritage Sites2---
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs31WM2DQTanner Lumber Company2005-10-10
  Ghosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects4---
 starsGrain ElevatorsGrain Elevators1WM8N51Athens Grain Elevator - GA2010-04-22
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person8---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books7WM17WAAtlanta Cyclorama Guest Book2007-02-15
 starsHabitat ReStoresHabitat ReStores1WM6V26Habitat Restore - Athens, GA2009-07-21
  Hall of FameHall of Fame1---
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians1---
  Helicopter Landing PadsHelicopter Landing Pads1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas12---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1---
 starsHistoric EatsHistoric Eats1WM9J3FThe Varsity - Athens, GA2010-08-31
  Historic FortsHistoric Forts4---
 starsHistoric TreesHistoric Trees1WM67ZMThe Tree That Owns Itself - Athens, GA2009-04-20
  Historic United Methodist SitesHistoric United Methodist Sites1---
  Historical Society HeadquartersHistorical Society Headquarters1---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums10---
 starsHoliday DisplaysHoliday Displays2WM539Loganville Holiday Display2005-12-20
  Homemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones9---
 starsIMAX TheatersIMAX Theaters1WM153RMall of Georgia IMAX2007-01-17
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors23---
  Iconic FactoriesIconic Factories1---
  Independent Movie Rental ShopsIndependent Movie Rental Shops2---
 starsIndependent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores3WM55VWuxtry, Athens2005-12-22
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WM68GRMonticello Drugs - GA2009-04-22
  Independent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1---
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls2---
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WM34ZDragonfly2005-10-27
 starsInternet CafesInternet Cafes1WM145XE-Village Cafe - Duluth2007-01-08
 starsKaraoke BarsKaraoke Bars1WM17JWKIR! KIR! - KARAOKE*BAR2007-02-12
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants4---
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WM680VKingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses - Athens, GA2009-04-20
  Kroger SupermarketsKroger Supermarkets5---
 starsLa Famille BonaparteLa Famille Bonaparte3WM703HFt Pulaski - Drafted by Napoleon's Chief Engineer2009-08-12
  Landlocked LighthousesLandlocked Lighthouses2---
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches1---
 starsLibrariesLibraries21WM2K5Ilah Dunlap Little Memorial Library2005-10-13
 starsLighthouse Passport StampsLighthouse Passport Stamps1WM8T8PCockspur Island Lighthouse - Fort Pulaski, GA2010-05-10
  Lion StatuesLion Statues6---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters1---
  Living StatuesLiving Statues1---
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives4WM1535Winder's Builder of the Nation2007-01-17
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys1---
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials2---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples9---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants52---
 starsMetal DetectingMetal Detecting1WMN2TChattahoochee Wildlife Management Area2006-08-22
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches11---
 starsMilestonesMilestones1WM8P3RA32 - Winterville, GA2010-04-27
 starsMilitary Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays2WM156DAmerican Legion 215 Tank - Homer, GA2007-01-18
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations2WM2HRUS Navy Supply Corps School2005-10-12
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf2---
 starsModern Olympic VenuesModern Olympic Venues2WM18TAClark's Bridge2007-02-25
  Mountain Bike TrailheadsMountain Bike Trailheads2---
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1WM1H0BGwinnett County Flag at County Department of Water Resources Central Facility - Lawrenceville, GA2007-05-07
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas37---
 starsMuralsMurals31WM2V5Last Resort Grill2005-10-18
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1WM17E5Guitar Center's Gibson2007-02-11
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations2---
  NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing BuildingsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings6---
  Named Farms and RanchesNamed Farms and Ranches1---
  Named Mountain GapsNamed Mountain Gaps1---
  Names From the BibleNames From the Bible1---
  National Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)4---
 starsNational Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World3WMN2MChattahoochee Wildlife Management Area2006-08-22
 starsNational Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways2WM68GAMonticello Crossroads Scenic Byway2009-04-22
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WM5CPVEarthfare - Athens, GA2008-12-18
 starsNature CentersNature Centers2WMYF6Sandy Creek Nature Center - Athens-Clarke County, GA2006-11-12
  Nautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1---
  New World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations4---
  Newspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters2---
 starsNewstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies2WM8BTBGeorgia Square News Stand - Athens, GA2010-03-08
 starsNon-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials27WMPV6Dacula Veterans Memorial2006-09-07
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1WMMVFThe Logger in Helen, GA2006-08-20
  Octagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1---
  Odd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1---
 starsOdd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings1WM590Williamson-Maley-Turner Farm (aka. Round Barn Furniture Store)2005-12-26
 starsOff-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas5WM2TXOconee Forest Park2005-10-18
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WM5XY5Hiawassee Horse Drawn Grader - GA2009-02-27
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors4WM2ANRedstone Equipment2005-10-08
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables1---
  Orthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1---
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves4---
  Outdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1---
  Outdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1---
  Outdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores3---
  Outdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens12---
 starsPainted Barn QuiltsPainted Barn Quilts1WM9J2XMexican Cross Depot Barn Quilt - Hoschton, GA2010-08-25
 starsPainted MailboxesPainted Mailboxes1WM7GZ2Cow - Bruster's Ice Cream - Dacula, GA2009-10-25
 starsPayphonesPayphones75WM3VJLos Compadres - Prince Ave2005-11-16
 starsPeanuts CharactersPeanuts Characters1WM5J82Snoopy and House - Tanger Outlets - Commerce, GA2009-01-12
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers7---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
 starsPermanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1WM5DWCAlps Rd Goodwill - Athens, GA2008-12-24
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WM6R1331,8'0" N, 81,23'06" W - Historic St Simons Lighthouse2009-07-11
  Persian Gulf War MemorialsPersian Gulf War Memorials1---
 starsPet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries2WM2ARMemory Gardens - Farmington, GA2005-10-09
  Pet StoresPet Stores3---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1---
 starsPictographsPictographs1WM37NTrack Rock Gap2005-10-30
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants4---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling4---
  Police MemorialsPolice Memorials4---
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations2WM1BRCACCPD West Precinct Headquarters - Georgia Square Mall2007-03-27
  Presbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches1---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds11---
  Public and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1---
  Publix SupermarketsPublix Supermarkets5---
 starsPyramidsPyramids1WM6TT0Col Edward A King Memorial Pyramid - Chickamauga National Battlefield2009-07-20
 starsQuadriviaQuadrivia1WM8K9YCoile Middle School Quadrivia - Athens, GA2010-04-21
  Quonset HutsQuonset Huts2---
  Radio Shack StoresRadio Shack Stores3---
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures2WM5NPGGeorgia Peanut - Ashburn, GA2009-01-26
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1---
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures13WM6THN16th U.S. Infantry Monument - Chickamagua National Battlefield2009-07-20
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures3WMYC3Duluth's Historic Depot2006-11-11
 starsRemains of SettlementsRemains of Settlements1WM8N58Fort Frederica - St Simons Island, GA2010-04-24
 starsRemembering FEPOWRemembering FEPOW1WM81GRHal Hope Potts (1921-2005) - Purple Heart, Bataan Death March Prisoner of War2010-04-19
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons4---
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1---
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions5WM1ERFState Peanut Monument - Turner County, GA2007-04-22
 starsRock-HoundingRock-Hounding1WMN2QChattahoochee Wildlife Management Area2006-08-22
  Roller Skating RinksRoller Skating Rinks1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WM6R0VVeterans Flagpole - St Simons Island, GA2009-07-11
  Safe Place HavensSafe Place Havens1---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities1---
  Scenic HikesScenic Hikes2---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
 starsSchool MascotsSchool Mascots1WM1534Uga2007-01-17
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums1WM14W5Crawford W. Long Medical Museum - Jefferson, GA2007-01-15
  Scouting HeadquartersScouting Headquarters1---
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails1---
 starsShoe TreesShoe Trees2WM9HV4Lost Soles of the River - Helen, GA2010-09-01
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History3WM5XYMSite of Snellville High School2009-02-27
  Sister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
 starsSkateparksSkateparks2WMTEASPOA (Skatepark of Athens)2006-10-07
  Small Town, Big NameSmall Town, Big Name2---
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures28---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power2---
  Solitary SilosSolitary Silos1---
  Sonic Drive In RestaurantsSonic Drive In Restaurants4---
  Spanish-American War MemorialsSpanish-American War Memorials3---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials37---
 starsSpirit of '76Spirit of '763WM8142Fields Place-Vickery House - Dahlonega, Georgia2010-01-09
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1---
 starsStarbucks StoresStarbucks Stores25WMTE8Tanger Shopping Area on I852006-10-07
  State/Provincial ParksState/Provincial Parks1---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays4---
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays35WM17K4Grant Park Cannons2007-02-12
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures3WMX0ZJames Edward Oglethorpe (1696 - 1785)2006-10-31
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures3---
 starsSubway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants23WM10GTWinder Walmart Subway2006-12-03
 starsSuper Fund SitesSuper Fund Sites1WM6V83Athens Grain Elevator (GAN000407189)2009-07-22
  Sushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants2---
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants4---
  Target StoresTarget Stores2---
  Tattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors1---
  Themed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes2---
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church10WMMB0Rockwell Universalist Church - Winder, GA2006-08-16
 starsThrift StoresThrift Stores8WMPEMGoodwill - Lawrenceville, GA2006-09-04
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules3---
 starsTown ClocksTown Clocks21WM56HBroad Street, Athens, GA2005-12-23
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses3---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots9---
 starsTruck StopsTruck Stops3WM1H16Vienna, GA Pilot on I752007-05-08
 starsTurtle CrossingsTurtle Crossings1WM2DVState Road 82 & Wheeler Road in Jackson County2005-10-10
 starsU.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks234WM3Y1GGSS disk 14P2005-11-20
  U.S. Historic Survey Stones and MonumentsU.S. Historic Survey Stones and Monuments1---
 starsU.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places81WMD9DJohn Ross House; Rossville, GA2006-05-22
 starsU.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices29WMTG7Grayson, GA 300172006-10-07
  UK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers6---
 starsUnderground Railroad SitesUnderground Railroad Sites1WM6T0QFt Pulaski National Monument2009-07-19
 starsUnintentionally Funny SignsUnintentionally Funny Signs1WM9J3KNo Pets Allowed on the Dog Walk - I75 Southbound Rest Area - Macon, GA2010-08-25
 starsUnique Bird HousesUnique Bird Houses3WM4WGRutland Center2005-12-12
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
 starsUnique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes3WM2K1Sandy Creek Nature Center2005-10-13
 starsUniversities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges2WME18University of Georgia, Athens2006-06-01
  Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1---
  Unusual  SignsUnusual Signs1---
  Urban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1---
 starsUsed Book StoresUsed Book Stores2WM1732Book Nook II2007-02-06
 starsUsed Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores2WM15W9Snodon Stop2007-01-25
  VFW PostsVFW Posts1---
 starsVegetarian EateriesVegetarian Eateries1WMCGZ6The Grit - Athens, GA2011-09-06
  Victorian Style ArchitectureVictorian Style Architecture4---
 starsVideo ArcadesVideo Arcades1WM1BR4Time Out - Georgia Square Mall2007-03-27
 starsVietnam POW/MIA MonumentsVietnam POW/MIA Monuments2WM2W9Mitchell-Fields VFW2005-10-19
  Vintage Gas StationsVintage Gas Stations2---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores7---
  WPA ProjectsWPA Projects4---
  WWII Prisoner of War CampsWWII Prisoner of War Camps1---
  War and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1---
  War of 1812War of 18121---
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities1WM6V23Wastewater Treatment Facility - Athens, GA2009-07-22
 starsWater DamsWater Dams1WM11YJYellow River Stabilization Structure #Y-152006-12-19
  Water MillsWater Mills2---
 starsWater TowersWater Towers50WM2KDAthens Power Partners Tank [DF2216]2005-10-13
 starsWeird Story LocationsWeird Story Locations2WM6YMYThe Tybee Bomb2009-08-27
  Welcome SignsWelcome Signs1---
 starsWendy's RestaurantsWendy's Restaurants2WM1EQCSpalding Dr - Norcross, GA2007-04-22
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots23---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries37---
 starsWindmillsWindmills1WM1EQ7Helen's Windmill2007-04-22
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments23---
  Working Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1---
 starsWorld War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments5WMN5FGwinnett County World War Memorial, Lawrenceville, GA2006-08-23
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments2---
  World War II SitesWorld War II Sites1---
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries76WM1FPCSweetwater Cemetery - Lilburn, GA2007-04-29
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Idaho (24 waymarks / 16 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps4---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsBurger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains1WMJ4GAMain St Zip's - Bonners Ferry, ID2013-10-06
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1---
  Commercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1---
 starsDairy CreameriesDairy Creameries1WMJ4CFLitehouse Blue Cheese Factory - Sandpoint, ID2013-10-14
  Idaho Historical MarkersIdaho Historical Markers5---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---
  Outdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1---
  Population SignsPopulation Signs2---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
 starsTruck StopsTruck Stops1WMJ4HQThree Mile Store & Cafe - Bonners Ferry, ID2013-09-23
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---

Illinois (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Population SignsPopulation Signs1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks2---

Indiana (14)

  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas1---
 starsHomesteadsHomesteads1WM5XYCGeneral George Rogers Clark Home - Falls of the Ohio SP, Clarksville IN2009-02-27
  Indiana Historical MarkersIndiana Historical Markers1---
  Lewis and Clark TrailLewis and Clark Trail1---
 starsMilitary Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays1WM1568J.T. St. Clair Army Reserve Tank - Jeffersonville, IN2007-01-18
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WMK9BJames T. St. Clair US Army Reserve Center2006-08-06
  Outdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1---
 starsPre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes1WM6XKRGrisamore House - Jeffersonville, IN2009-08-04
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WM6XKXHoward Steamboat Museum Paddle Wheel - Jeffersonville, IN2009-08-02
  Signs of HistorySigns of History1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Iowa (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas2---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops1---

Kansas (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

Kentucky (741 waymarks / 115 categories)

 starsAbraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln3WMXPGHodgenville Square Statue2006-11-05
 starsAmerican Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials2WMDHHConfederate Monument, Glasgow, KY2006-05-26
  American Guide SeriesAmerican Guide Series16---
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches2---
 starsBicycle ShopsBicycle Shops2WMBJ4Etown Bike Shop2006-04-29
 starsBlue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers2WMGKHHwy 80 (Kentucky St), Bowling Green, KY2006-07-06
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
 starsButterfly HousesButterfly Houses1WMEA3Charlie Miller Butterfly House2006-06-05
 starsCave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)3WM703XGreat Onyx Cave - Mammoth Cave National Park2009-09-29
  Cave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)3---
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WM8DYVArthur Krock - Glasgow, KY2010-03-19
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries4---
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2WM8A12Billy Vaughn Memorial - Glasgow, KY2010-02-25
 starsCivilian Conservation CorpsCivilian Conservation Corps1WM6AMMCNP Seasonal Quarters2006-01-20
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
 starsCoca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia3WM6XH9Coke Ad - Munfordville, KY2009-08-02
 starsCollege Football StadiumsCollege Football Stadiums1WM6XH3LT Smith Stadium - WKU - Bowling Green, KY2009-08-02
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1WM8DZ7Bowling Green/Warren County Bicentennial Time Capsule2010-03-19
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings2---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
 starsDevilish LocationsDevilish Locations1WMDD4Devil's Elbow, Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, KY2006-05-24
  Disaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1---
 starsDisc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses6WM6GAAmerican Legion Park Course2006-01-24
  Eagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites1---
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1---
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WM5NQRBoundary Oak - Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site2009-01-26
  Factory ToursFactory Tours1---
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WMFH8Houchins Ferry, Mammoth Cave National Park, Brownsville, KY2006-06-24
 starsFestivalsFestivals1WM57XMGlasgow Highland Games - KY2008-12-02
 starsFiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses2WM6FDItalian Breed, Frankfort Ave2006-01-23
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsFirehousesFirehouses13WM6AHLincoln Volunteer Fire Department2006-01-20
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind18WMBA9Western Kentucky's First Iron Furnace2006-04-25
 starsFountainsFountains5WM8N5Diamond Caverns2006-03-09
 starsFree Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1WMDD0Clifton Baugh RV Park2006-05-24
 starsGeodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1WM5MFCGeodesic Home - Glasgow, KY2009-01-21
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs12WM6AFVillage Grove Antiques2006-01-20
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WM6XX5Shaker Museum Guest Book - South Union, KY2009-08-04
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks1WM6XN5Mammoth Cave High Water Mark2009-08-02
  Historic FortsHistoric Forts1---
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums1WMK9VThomas Edison Butchertown House2006-08-06
 starsHomemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones3WM57NWR.T. James- Poplar Springs Cemetery - Mammoth Cave National Park2008-11-24
 starsInside AirportsInside Airports1WM8DZCLouisville International Airport (Standiford Field) – Louisville, KY2010-03-19
 starsKentucky Historical MarkersKentucky Historical Markers91WM867Sand Cave2006-02-28
 starsLion StatuesLion Statues1WMKD8St. James Ct. Lion2006-08-07
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys1---
 starsLook-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1WMEFHLand Between the Lakes2006-06-08
 starsMasonic TemplesMasonic Temples5WM6R8Cave City/Bear Wallow Lodge2006-01-29
 starsMcDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants14WM6AJScottsville Rd McDs2006-01-20
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches1---
 starsMilitary Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays3WM156AAmerican Legion Park Tank - Glasgow, KY2007-01-18
 starsMom and Pop Rock ShopsMom and Pop Rock Shops1WMBGGBig Mikes2006-04-28
 starsNPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations2WM6BTMammoth Cave National Park2006-01-21
 starsNational Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)2WMMD1Abraham Lincoln Birthplace2006-08-16
 starsNational Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World2WMMZTMammoth Cave National Park2006-08-21
  Natural ArchesNatural Arches1---
 starsNatural SinkholesNatural Sinkholes1WM6XMKCedar Sink - Mammoth Cave National Park - KY2009-08-02
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
 starsNon-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials3WMPV3Bowling Green Veterans Memorial2006-09-07
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors1WM9K7McDowel Farm Machine Sales2006-03-28
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges1---
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1WM6NV31W, Glasgow, KY2006-01-27
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WM76GWHorse Cave Stairway - KY2009-09-09
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens8WM6G8Cave City Siren2006-01-24
 starsOuthousesOuthouses1WM70ATFloyd Collins' Estate Outhouse - Mammoth Cave National Park2009-08-13
 starsPenny SmashersPenny Smashers5WM8N4Diamond Caverns2006-03-09
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1WM5FKZBell's Tavern - Park City, KY2009-01-01
 starsPublic Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks143WM74XJ227 - DOI - MCNP2009-09-02
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Rails to TrailsRails to Trails1---
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WM763FConfederate Monument of Bowling Green, KY2009-09-07
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons1WMN2YOld Stone Jail, Shepardsville2006-08-22
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions4---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WM6XYPLincoln Statue - Hodgenville, KY2009-08-03
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums1WMK9WThomas Edison Butchertown House - Louisville, KY2006-08-06
 starsSkateparksSkateparks1WMYENLouisville Extreme Park - KY2006-11-12
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures2---
  Spanish-American War MemorialsSpanish-American War Memorials1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials3---
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays4WM12PTHodgenville's Arms2006-12-27
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives2WM6XVKGREATEST - Cave Explorer Ever Known2009-08-03
  Tattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors1---
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church8WMDHXFairview [United] Methodist Church, Oakland 2006-05-26
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules2---
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WM76H6SCB Time/Temp - Cave City, KY2009-09-09
  Town ClocksTown Clocks3---
 starsTrail RegistersTrail Registers1WMGNWTurnhole Bend Trail (Good Springs Church Trailhead) - Mammoth Cave National2006-07-07
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges1---
 starsTurtle CrossingsTurtle Crossings1WMDWTMammoth Cave Xing Zone2006-05-30
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks162---
 starsU.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places48WMAY4Barren River L & N Railroad Bridge (Iron Railroad Bridge)2006-04-21
 starsU.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices3WM1H86Mammoth Cave, KY 422592007-05-10
 starsUnique Bird HousesUnique Bird Houses2WM73PBrownsville Bird House(s)2006-02-04
  Universities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1---
  Unusual Speed LimitsUnusual Speed Limits1---
  VFW PostsVFW Posts1---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores1---
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries9WM6QQHorse Cave (Hidden River Cave), KY2006-01-28
 starsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments1WM5CB9Clarance A Webb - WOW - Glasgow, KY2008-12-16
 starsWorld Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1WM6D3Mammoth Cave National Park2006-01-22
 starsWorld War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments4WMDX6Barren County WWI Memorial2006-05-30
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries14---

Louisiana (18 waymarks / 14 categories)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
 starsHighway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas2WMA02MInterstate 49 - Opelousas, LA2010-10-24
 starsHomemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones2WMA01HRigga - Grand Coteau, LA2010-10-24
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants2---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries2---

Maryland (5)

  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---

Minnesota (15 waymarks / 13 categories)

  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants2---
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants1---
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
  Chili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants2---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1---
  Coffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains1---
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  TGI Friday's RestaurantsTGI Friday's Restaurants1---

Mississippi (10 waymarks / 7 categories)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings2---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas2---
  Mississippi Historical MarkersMississippi Historical Markers1---
  Space Flight Memorials and ExhibitsSpace Flight Memorials and Exhibits1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---

Missouri (57 waymarks / 34 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsChili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants1WMB75MChili's Too - Lambert Airport, St Louis, MO2011-04-13
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2---
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1WMB8ZCSt Louis Zoo Centennial Time Capsule - 100 Years - St Louis, MO2011-04-21
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs3---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
  Hooters RestaurantsHooters Restaurants1---
  Kinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1---
  Magic ShopsMagic Shops1---
  Missouri Historical MarkersMissouri Historical Markers5---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
 starsPanera Bread RestaurantsPanera Bread Restaurants1WMB90Z6th & Pine St Louis Bread Co - St Louis, MO2011-04-20
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers3---
  Permanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1---
  Public Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1---
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures4---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores4---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  TGI Friday's RestaurantsTGI Friday's Restaurants1---
 starsThe UndergroundThe Underground1WMB911Convention Center Station - Metrolink - St Louis, MO2011-04-22
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks3---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places1---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices2---
  U.S. Revolutionary War MemorialsU.S. Revolutionary War Memorials1---
 starsUK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers1WMBMXKFort San Carlos - St Louis, MO2011-06-04
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries4---

Montana (45 waymarks / 29 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps3---
  Bear StatuesBear Statues1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2---
 starsClosed Drive-In TheatresClosed Drive-In Theatres1WMJ6EGLibby Drive-In - Libby, MT2013-12-25
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains1WMJ4KGShepard Memorial Fountain - Bad Rock Canyon, MT2013-09-25
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs2---
  Free CampsitesFree Campsites1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WMJ4JBLibby Lions Club Campground - Libby,, MT2013-09-23
  Montana Historical MarkersMontana Historical Markers2---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1WMJ4K8George Spotts - Columbia Falls, MT2013-09-23
  Old TractorsOld Tractors1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
 starsPainted HydrantsPainted Hydrants1WMJ6D5Painted Hydrant - West Glacier, MT2013-10-07
  Population SignsPopulation Signs1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings4---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses2---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks3---
 starsWeather StationsWeather Stations1WMJ4HWKootenay River Weather Station - Troy, MT2013-09-23
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries2---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Nebraska (6)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Diners, Drive-ins, and DivesDiners, Drive-ins, and Dives1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---

Nevada (672 waymarks / 189 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps9---
  7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores8---
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1---
 starsA + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants3WMA2H7Nevada Hwy A&W - Boulder City, NV2010-11-06
  Abandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1---
  Afghanistan-Iraq War MemorialsAfghanistan-Iraq War Memorials1---
 starsAnchorsAnchors2WMA7JGAmerican Legion Anchor - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-28
  Antique ShopsAntique Shops1---
  Applebee's RestaurantsApplebee's Restaurants1---
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants1---
 starsArt*o*matsArt*o*mats1WMD4VVArt O Mat at the Cosmo - Las Vegas, NV2011-11-19
  Artistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1---
 starsBarnsBarns1WMAHA3Esslinger Barn - Henderson, NV2011-01-16
  Blue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers1---
 starsBlues LegendsBlues Legends1WMA5VPHouse of Blues - Mandalay Bay - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-22
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps3---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings3---
  Bowling CentresBowling Centres1---
  Burger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains4---
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds3WMC954Ranch Campground and Trailhead - Spring Valley State Park2011-08-31
 starsCandy StoresCandy Stores2WMA4W8Grandma Daisy's - Boulder City, NV (Moved)2010-11-17
 starsCar Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1WMA2WCWild One - Boulder City, NV2010-11-08
  Carl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants3---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls2---
 starsCoca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia1WMA69RThe World of Coke - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-22
  Coin-Operated Fortune Telling MachinesCoin-Operated Fortune Telling Machines4---
 starsComedy ClubsComedy Clubs1WMA5MMBrad Garrett's Comedy Club - MGM Grand - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-21
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops2WMA2GZMaximum Comics - Henderson, NV2010-11-06
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations2WMBRXHGolden Gate Hotel & Casino - 100 Years - Las Vegas, NV2011-06-18
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1WMA4ZT75th Anniversary Clock and Time Capsule - Boulder City, NV2010-11-19
  Converted FountainsConverted Fountains1---
  Covered WagonsCovered Wagons1---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants5---
 starsDedicated BenchesDedicated Benches5WMA2JPSol Merker - Boulder City, NV2010-11-06
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees2---
  Denny's RestaurantsDenny's Restaurants6---
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions1WMBRZ1Mexico Consulate - Las Vegas, NV2011-06-18
 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1WMDYV7Thunderbirds Diamond Crash Memorial - Las Vegas, NV2012-03-12
  Disguised Cell TowersDisguised Cell Towers2---
  Dollar StoresDollar Stores3---
 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza4WMA51HTropicana Ave Domino's - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-17
  Donated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers1---
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'1---
  E Clampus Vitus Historical MarkersE Clampus Vitus Historical Markers4---
 starsEagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites2WMA54TNevada Veterans Cemetery Memorial - Boulder City, NV2010-11-21
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs1---
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures4WMA5YJHippocamp - Caesar's Palace - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-21
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WMA2VKRoosevelt's Hoover Dam Dedication - Boulder City, NV2010-11-08
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture6---
  Fire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind5---
  Fish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants2---
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools1WMA4TVSchoolhouse - Boulder City, NV2010-11-16
 starsFree CampsitesFree Campsites1WMBRVRWhite Rock Range Wilderness Camping Areas - NV2011-08-14
  Free Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1---
  Geodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1---
 starsGluten Free RestaurantsGluten Free Restaurants2WMA6A0Coke Bottle Outback - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-23
  Googie ArchitectureGoogie Architecture2---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books2WMAGNJClark County Historical Museum Guestbook - Henderson, NV2011-01-16
  Hard Rock CafeHard Rock Cafe1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
 starsHiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1WMAM1TRailroad Trail Access Point - Boulder City, NV2011-01-28
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
  Hot SpringsHot Springs1---
 starsHumane Societies and RescuesHumane Societies and Rescues1WMDYCCAnimal Control - Boulder City, NV2012-03-21
  IHOP RestaurantsIHOP Restaurants1---
 starsIce Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors2WMA4WBGrandma Daisy's - Boulder City, NV [Moved]2010-11-19
  Independent DinersIndependent Diners1---
  Insect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1---
 starsInternational Space Station SightingsInternational Space Station Sightings1WMA7BJHenderson, NV - Thornton, CO - Site One2010-11-27
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box2---
  Johnny RocketsJohnny Rockets1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants5---
  Kilroy Was HereKilroy Was Here1---
  Kinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1---
  Knights of PythiasKnights of Pythias1---
  Kokopelli SightingsKokopelli Sightings2---
  Kroger SupermarketsKroger Supermarkets3---
 starsLaser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1WMA6Y1Lazer Blast - Las Vegas2010-11-25
 starsMarinasMarinas1WMDYQFLas Vegas Boat Harbor - Lake Mead NRA2012-03-10
 starsMaritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials4WMDYGAUSS Corvina SS226 Memorial - Boulder City, NV2012-03-09
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants13---
 starsMillennium TreesMillennium Trees1WMA6AXMillennium Tree - Henderson, NV2010-11-23
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf2---
 starsModel Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields2WMAM1NEVFlyers Field - Boulder City, NV2011-01-27
  Motor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1---
 starsMountain Bike TrailheadsMountain Bike Trailheads3WMA559Bootleg Canyon Trails - Boulder City, NV2010-11-29
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas15---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations2---
 starsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing BuildingsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings5WMA4TYCity Hall - Boulder City, NV2010-11-16
  National Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways1---
  National Wildlife RefugesNational Wildlife Refuges1---
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WMBRW4Bradshaw Spring - NV2011-06-18
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WMA5FWGreen Valley Pkwy Trader Joe's - Henderson, NV2010-11-20
  Nevada Historical MarkersNevada Historical Markers9---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials21---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments2---
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors2---
  Outdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1---
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts3WMDYFJDel Prado Basketball Court - Boulder City, NV2012-03-09
 starsPanera Bread RestaurantsPanera Bread Restaurants1WMA56KGreen Valley Panera - Henderson, NV2010-11-18
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers11---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
  Permanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays4---
 starsPet StoresPet Stores3WMA2GYMarks St Petland - Henderson, NV2010-11-10
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WMDZ0HPikachu in Vegas - Las Vegas, NV2012-03-11
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants6---
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations2WMA4W1Police Department - Boulder City, NV2010-11-17
  Public Access LandsPublic Access Lands3---
 starsPublic Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1WMAQ6BVO-4 - Lake Mead NRA2011-02-14
  Quilt ShopsQuilt Shops1---
 starsRadio Shack StoresRadio Shack Stores4WMA515Tropicana Ave Radio Shack - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-18
 starsRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment3WMAH63Speeder NP1102265 - Henderson, NV2011-01-18
  Railroad MuseumsRailroad Museums1---
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes2WMDY9DLady Luck Red Phone Box - Las Vegas, NV2012-03-08
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures5---
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WMAQ82CONFLUENCE: Muddy and Colorado Rivers, Lake Mead - St Thomas, NV2011-02-14
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions10---
  Rose GardensRose Gardens2---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers3WMA2K2Frank Crowe's Greatest Triumph - Boulder City, NV2010-11-07
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs5---
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WMA524Reflections Center - Boulder City, NV2011-01-30
 starsShooting RangesShooting Ranges1WMAHG5Boulder Rifle & Pistol Club - Boulder City, NV2011-01-17
  Signs of HistorySigns of History2---
 starsSilhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1WMA56QElk and Big Horn at Bass Pro - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-19
 starsSkateparksSkateparks2WMA554Veterans Memorial Skatepark - Boulder City, NV2010-11-20
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures9---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings2---
 starsSpecific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials2WMDYKJUS Army 3rd Infantry Memorial - Boulder City, NV2012-03-10
  Spirit of '76Spirit of '763---
  Star TrekStar Trek1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores26---
  State/Provincial ParksState/Provincial Parks1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays3---
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars3WMAH6EUnion Pacific Box Car 171500 - Henderson, NV2011-01-17
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
 starsSteakhousesSteakhouses2WMA606Smith & Wollensky - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-22
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants10---
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants4---
  Target StoresTarget Stores3---
 starsTattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors1WMA5VVStarlight Tattoo - Mandalay Bay - Las Vegas, NV2010-11-21
 starsThe Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1WMDYQ3Central Market - Boulder City, NV2012-03-11
 starsThrift StoresThrift Stores7WMA51PEastern Ave Goodwill - Las Vegas, NV2011-02-22
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks8---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
  Truck StopsTruck Stops1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks124---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places3---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices3---
  Used Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores5---
  Veteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps3---
 starsVintage Movie TheatersVintage Movie Theaters1WMA4ZVBoulder Theatre - Boulder City, NV2010-11-18
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores3---
  Wagon WheelsWagon Wheels2---
 starsWar and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1WMHDYXHawthorne Ordnance Museum - Hawthorne, NV2013-06-28
  Water TowersWater Towers1---
  Wedding ChapelsWedding Chapels1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots2---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries22---
 starsWoman's ClubsWoman's Clubs1WMAM00Boulder City Women's Club, Inc - Boulder City, NV2011-01-28
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments4---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries6---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---
 starsZip-lineZip-line1WMBXH5Fremont Street Flightlinez - Las Vegas, NV2011-07-01

New Mexico (25 waymarks / 20 categories)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsCovered WagonsCovered Wagons1WMA1HFCovered Wagon - Continental Divide, NM2010-11-04
 starsDive SitesDive Sites1WMA1G8Blue Hole Park Recreation Area - Santa Rosa, NM2010-11-04
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs4---
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WMA1GMBless Me, Ultima - Santa Rosa, NM2010-11-05
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants2---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WMA1GBBlue Hole - Santa Rosa, NM2010-10-31
  New Mexico Historical MarkersNew Mexico Historical Markers1---
 starsPublic Access LandsPublic Access Lands1WMA1G5Blue Hole Park Recreation Area - Santa Rosa, NM2010-11-08
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1---
  Route 66 - The Mother RoadRoute 66 - The Mother Road1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks1---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places1---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

North Carolina (136 waymarks / 68 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  American Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials1---
  American Guide SeriesAmerican Guide Series1---
  Blue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsBowling CentresBowling Centres1WM1143Franklin Lanes2006-12-10
  Chili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
  Coca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia2---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
  Cracker Barrel RestaurantsCracker Barrel Restaurants3---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees1---
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind4---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
 starsHighway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas6WM113KSmoky Mountain Host of North Carolina - Franklin2006-12-10
 starsHiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1WM5P62Nonah Bridge - Little Tennessee River Greenway - Franklin, NC2009-01-28
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box1---
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants6---
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas2WM1149Launch Park - Dillsboro, NC2006-12-10
  National Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)1---
  National Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways1---
  New World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1---
  Newstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies2---
 starsNon-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1WM114HCherokee Veterans Park2006-12-10
  North Carolina Historical MarkersNorth Carolina Historical Markers15---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1---
  Old Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors3---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers3---
 starsPermanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1WM99GXJuke Box Diner Cars - Carowinds2010-07-18
  Photo CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1---
 starsPictorial Village SignsPictorial Village Signs1WMBXXJFranklin, NC2011-07-03
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WM99GVPikachu goes to Carowinds2010-07-25
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1---
 starsRoller CoastersRoller Coasters5WM99GQVortex - Carowinds2010-07-22
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures2---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
 starsSpirit of '76Spirit of '761WM9AH8Transylvania County Bicentennial Time Capsule - Brevard, NC2010-07-22
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores6---
 starsState Park Passport LocationsState Park Passport Locations2WM8PNZFort Fisher State Historic Site - Kure Beach, NC2010-05-03
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays3WM114KCherokee Park Howitzers2006-12-10
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants1---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses3---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks1---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places2---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices2---
  UK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers1---
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1---
  Unusual Speed LimitsUnusual Speed Limits2---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries7---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments2---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments2---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries3---

Oklahoma (14 waymarks / 13 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---
  Last of its KindLast of its Kind1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants2---
  Oklahoma Historical MarkersOklahoma Historical Markers1---
 starsSpanish-American War MemorialsSpanish-American War Memorials1WMA05KMaj Gen Henry Lawton - Lawton, OK2010-10-28
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks1---

Oregon (66 waymarks / 46 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps3---
  Artificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1---
  Azimuth BenchmarksAzimuth Benchmarks1---
  Best Burgers in TownBest Burgers in Town1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings3---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2---
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
  Community GardensCommunity Gardens1---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings1---
  Cross Country Ski TrailheadsCross Country Ski Trailheads1---
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1---
  Garage Door ArtGarage Door Art1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs4---
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
  Homemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones1---
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1---
  Long Distance Hiking TrailsLong Distance Hiking Trails1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations2---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
  Odd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges2---
  Outdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1---
 starsPainted Barn QuiltsPainted Barn Quilts1WMHWG2Barn Quilts - Klamath Falls, OR2013-08-19
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers1---
  Public Access LandsPublic Access Lands1---
  Quilt ShopsQuilt Shops1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
  Sonic Drive In RestaurantsSonic Drive In Restaurants1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
  Trail RegistersTrail Registers1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks2---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
  Used Book StoresUsed Book Stores1---
  Used Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1---
  Wagon Roads and TrailsWagon Roads and Trails1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments3---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries3---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Pennsylvania (79 waymarks / 11 categories)

  American Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials14---
  Earth HomesEarth Homes1---
  Lincoln Highway MarkersLincoln Highway Markers1---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  Model Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers2---
  Public Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks26---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays8---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks23---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments1---

South Carolina (803 waymarks / 215 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps5---
  3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art1---
  666 Sightings666 Sightings1---
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1---
  Abandoned Train TunnelsAbandoned Train Tunnels1---
  American Civil War Monuments and MemorialsAmerican Civil War Monuments and Memorials7---
  American Revolutionary War Veteran GravesAmerican Revolutionary War Veteran Graves3---
 starsAnamorphous Street ArtAnamorphous Street Art1WM9F7YTunnel Vision - Columbia, SC2010-08-16
 starsAncient Traces and RoadsAncient Traces and Roads1WM9F86Early Charleston Road2010-08-13
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants1---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls3WM8YBEFrankie's Climbing Wall - Columbia, SC2010-06-14
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating1---
 starsAuto ClubsAuto Clubs1WM8Q4DAAA Carolinas - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-05-02
 starsAviariesAviaries1WM9AXNThe Birdhouse at Riverbanks - Columbia, SC2010-07-24
 starsBandshellsBandshells1WM9BKCRiverbanks Zoo & Garden Bandshell - West Columbia, SC2010-07-27
  Blue Star Memorial Highway MarkersBlue Star Memorial Highway Markers7---
 starsBlues LegendsBlues Legends1WM8PCRHouse of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-27
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps2---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings4---
 starsBridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques1WM9JF9Ernest Hollings Railroad Overpass - 1985 - Columbia, SC2011-07-04
  Broken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones2---
 starsBurger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains1WM9JDYTrenholm Rd Five Guys - Columbia, SC2010-08-26
 starsCandy StoresCandy Stores1WM8PEZThe Fudgery - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-27
 starsCanoe/Kayak TripsCanoe/Kayak Trips2WM9366Bannister Bridge Canoe Launch - Congaree National Park - Hopkins, SC2010-06-30
  Carl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants1---
 starsCarnivorous Plant LocalitiesCarnivorous Plant Localities1WM9BKNRiverbanks Garden Bog - West Columbia, SC2010-08-10
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WM8P6FJohn C West - Camden, SC2010-04-28
 starsChristmas StoresChristmas Stores1WM8Q4EChristmas Mouse - North Myrtle Beach, SC2010-05-01
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries20---
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials26WM8KMMCharles M Duke Jr, Petrosomatoglyphs - Myrtle Beach Convention Center2010-04-15
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls3---
  Civil Rights MemorialsCivil Rights Memorials2---
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars4---
 starsCollege Football StadiumsCollege Football Stadiums1WM9HJHWilliams-Brice Stadium - University of South Carolina2010-08-23
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations3WM9AX8Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens - 25 Years - Columbia, SC2010-07-24
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration3WM8PDNHorry County Memorial to to the Bicentennial of the US Constitution - Conway, SC2010-04-28
  Confluence SpotsConfluence Spots1---
 starsConverted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings2WM9PA0First National Bank - Orangeburg, SC2010-09-13
  Converted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones11---
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1---
 starsDedicated TreesDedicated Trees3WM8PE7Magrath Oak - Conway, SC2010-04-28
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
  Dog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels1---
  Dollar StoresDollar Stores3---
  Donated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers5---
 starsDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.1WM9FF8Stone of Hope - Columbia, SC2010-08-13
  Eagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites1---
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WM9NK7Henry Timrod Memorial - Charleston, SC2010-09-09
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas3---
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WM9R2JFallen Champion - Congaree National Park - SC2010-09-27
  Fiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture3---
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1WM47FJocky Lot Truck2005-11-27
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind19---
 starsFish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants1WM9QGAUS 27 Captain D's - Orangeburg, SC2010-09-24
 starsFlags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations2WM8PENGrand Strand Resorts at Barefoot - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-27
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools1---
 starsFree CampsitesFree Campsites2WM8WEDCongaree National Park Main Campground2010-05-23
  Geographical CentersGeographical Centers1---
  George WashingtonGeorge Washington1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs8---
 starsGraffitiGraffiti2WM8YD8Gervais Street Graffiti - Columbia, SC2010-06-18
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person8---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
 starsHeadstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians3WM8WMA101 - Sallie Benson - Hopkins, SC2010-06-21
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas9---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges7---
 starsHiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1WM9368Kingsnake Trail - Congaree National Park - Hopkins, SC2010-06-21
 starsHistoric United Methodist SitesHistoric United Methodist Sites2WM9PKM139 - Washington Street UM Church - Columbia, SC2010-09-15
 starsHistorical Society HeadquartersHistorical Society Headquarters1WM9QFFOrangeburg County Historical Society - Orangeburg, SC2010-09-19
  History MuseumsHistory Museums1---
 starsHomemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones9WM8WM6Mrs Richardson - Hopkins, SC2010-05-22
 starsHooters RestaurantsHooters Restaurants1WM8PDDHooters of Myrtle Beach - SC2010-04-27
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1---
  Independent Coffee ShopsIndependent Coffee Shops1---
  Independent Fish HousesIndependent Fish Houses1---
 starsIndependent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores1WM9FF6Papa Jazz - Columbia, SC2010-08-15
  Independent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1---
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WM8YFYDragonfly - Columbia, SC2010-05-31
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box1---
  Korean War MemorialsKorean War Memorials1---
  Kroger SupermarketsKroger Supermarkets1---
 starsKugel BallsKugel Balls1WM8KPZRipley's Kugel Ball - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-15
 starsLaser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities2WM8KH8Lazer Tag - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-14
  Last of its KindLast of its Kind1---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues2---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
 starsMade for the MillenniumMade for the Millennium1WM9P5JMillennium Clock - Orangeburg, SC2010-09-13
 starsMagic ShopsMagic Shops1WM8PFCBroadway Magic - Myrtle Beach, SC2010-04-28
  Maritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1---
 starsMcDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants11WM483Anderson SC McDs2005-11-27
  Military Surplus StoresMilitary Surplus Stores1---
 starsMills and GinsMills and Gins1WM8YC7Richland Cotton Mill - Columbia, SC2010-06-03
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf4---
 starsMiniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads1WM99ERSnoopy's Junction - Carowinds2010-07-19
  Municipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas23---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1---
  NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing BuildingsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings1---
  National Parks (U.S.)National Parks (U.S.)1---
 starsNational Public Lands Passport LocationsNational Public Lands Passport Locations1WM8KTGSewee Visitor Center - Francis Marion National Forest2010-05-26
  National Wildlife RefugesNational Wildlife Refuges1---
  Nautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles2---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates1WM9FFDPEACE: Martin Luther King Jr 1964 - Columbia, SC2010-08-14
 starsNon-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks3