User fi67 

fi67  posted 7748 waymarks in 637 different categories within 7 countries and 26 regions, of these were 1850 posted-first-in-region and also 557 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Albania (23 waymarks / 20 categories)

  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1---
 starsBeachesBeaches1WM1241HPlazh Publik - Sarandë - Albania2020-02-28
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1WM12510Sarandë, Albania2020-04-10
 starsCommercial Fishing PortsCommercial Fishing Ports1WM125A3Fishing Port - Sarandë, Albania2020-03-02
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1WM124AVBilal Xhaferi - Sarandë, Albania2020-03-04
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1---
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WM123QKFerry Port - Sarandë - Albania2020-02-21
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WM1250ZGirl with Grapes - Sarandë, Albania2020-04-10
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World1WM1241BFlags at Hotel Republika - Sarandë - Albania2020-02-22
 starsMarinasMarinas1WM124M5Marina - Sarandë, Albania2020-03-02
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WM1250PMemorje 78 - Sarandë, Albania2020-03-03
 starsMonuments of the Eastern FreedomfightsMonuments of the Eastern Freedomfights1WM1250QMemorje 78 - Sarandë, Albania2020-03-06
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1WM1250VParku Miqesia - Sarandë, Albania2020-04-04
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2---
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious1WM123TWKisha Ungjillore - Sarandë - Albania2020-02-22
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History1WM1250YBasilica and Synagogue - Sarandë, Albania2020-04-05
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WM1250XBasilica and Synagogue - Sarandë, Albania2020-04-05

France (426 waymarks / 155 categories)

Grand-Est (385 waymarks / 138 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art1---
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries3---
 starsAnchorsAnchors2WMBAZJAnchor near the Pedestrians Bridge - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-04-28
  Ancient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts1---
  Animal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1---
  Art MuseumsArt Museums4---
  Art VehiclesArt Vehicles1---
 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1WMBB9VClimbing Wall at the "Parc des eaux vives" - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-05-18
 starsAssembly of God ChurchesAssembly of God Churches1WMH5Z1Église Évangélique Assemblées de Dieu - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-05-29
 starsBell TowersBell Towers1WMGNQFBell Tower of Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-25
  Bicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1---
  Bookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1---
 starsBorder CrossingsBorder Crossings6WMATJ9Leymen, France - Flüh, SO, Switzerland - Departmental Street D23.IV2011-02-23
 starsBygone Toll HousesBygone Toll Houses1WMNBNZKoifhus - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-02-10
 starsCanoe/Kayak TripsCanoe/Kayak Trips1WMBBA5Parc des eaux vives - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-04-30
 starsCarriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display4WMPJ8EWooden Cart at the Jewish Cemetery - Hégenheim, Alsace, France2015-09-07
 starsCemetery ChapelsCemetery Chapels1WMWBVPChapelle Funéraire Saint-Rémi - Hégenheim, Alsace, France2017-08-10
  Charnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries1---
 starsChildren's MuseumsChildren's Museums1WMNGT8Musée du Jouet - Colmar, Alsace, France2017-10-29
 starsChinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1WMH007Le Palais d'Asie - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-04-30
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses17---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries2---
 starsChurchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses3WMKZ0EChurchyard Cross - Neuwiller, Alsace, France2014-06-18
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls9WMBB0GHuningue, Alsace, France2011-04-28
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1WM79K5Binocular on the visitor's terrace - Airport Basel/Mulhouse (Switzerland/France)2009-09-27
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites3WMN7Q0L'Église Reformée - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2015-01-14
 starsConverted FactoriesConverted Factories1WMGNY6Fernet Branca - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-26
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains1WM9TB6Former Fountain in Tannwald - Leymen, France2010-09-28
 starsCourthousesCourthouses2WMNB2JCour d'appel - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-02-15
 starsCovered BridgesCovered Bridges1WM7ZQ7Covered Bridge near the Airport Basel - Mulhouse, France2010-08-11
 starsCurrent and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges1WMNGXWColmar Wine Exchange - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-03-15
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious3---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
 starsDemonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens2WMWDENJardin Médieval - Ferrette, Alsace, France2017-08-25
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells8WMP293Puits de 1584 - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-06-15
  Etched in StoneEtched in Stone4---
 starsEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks1WME1P2Rückmarke - Huningue, Alsace, France2012-03-22
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices3---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture3---
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1WM10PKZFour Antique Fire Fighting Vehicles in the Écomusée - Ungersheim, Alsace, France2019-06-15
 starsFirehousesFirehouses6WMD3T0Sapeurs Pompiers - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-11-22
 starsFitness TrailsFitness Trails1WMTBJFParcours Vita - Hégenheim, Alsace, France2016-11-03
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World2WMVADJSister City Flags - Colmar, Alsace, France2017-03-23
 starsFountainsFountains16WMBB9KFountain at the Town Hall - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-04-29
  Framed ViewsFramed Views1---
  French BenchmarksFrench Benchmarks1---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WM1822QGuest Book Ruine de Ramstein - Scherwiller, Bas-Rhin, France2023-05-14
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1---
  Histoires de France (French historical markers)Histoires de France (French historical markers)23---
  Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings3---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
 starsHospitalsHospitals1WMH5Z0Polyclinique des Trois Frontières - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-05-28
 starsIconic FactoriesIconic Factories1WMGNY5Fernet Branca - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-26
  In Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts1---
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WMKW77Pharmacie au Lys - Mulhouse, Alsace, France2014-06-02
 starsIndoor MallsIndoor Malls1WMGY63Géant Casino - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-04-30
  Insect HotelsInsect Hotels2---
 starsInside AirportsInside Airports1WMFHCVEuroairport Basel-Mulhouse, Saint-Louis, France2012-10-21
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1---
 starsLawn BowlingLawn Bowling1WMTMXVTerrains de Pétanque - Liebenswiller, Alsace, France2016-12-14
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1WMV4CEChapelle Saint-Jean - Mulhouse, Alsace, France2017-02-21
 starsLetters on HillsLetters on Hills1WM18EJ7Frankstein - Dambach-la-Ville, Alsace, France2023-07-19
 starsLibrariesLibraries3WMGP8WMédiathèque Le Parnasse - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-27
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2WMGY5NThéâtre La Coupole - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-04-23
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WMKW6HMayflower - Mulhouse, Alsace, France2014-06-02
 starsMilestonesMilestones1WMNH3DMilestone near Place Rapp - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-03-18
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1---
  Monuments Historiques FrançaisMonuments Historiques Français52---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials5---
 starsObelisksObelisks4WMKRYVVeterans Memorial - Mulhouse, Alsace, France2014-05-29
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1WMNBNGLe petit vigneron Alsacien - Colmar, Alsace, France2015-02-08
  Octagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables2---
  Outdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars2---
  Ovens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1---
 starsPayphonesPayphones1WMBAZMPayphone near the Pedestrians Bridge - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-04-28
 starsPermanent World Fair and Expo StructuresPermanent World Fair and Expo Structures2WMGNY8Fernet Branca Eagle Sculpture - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-26
 starsPlaces for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1WMGNQYDO - Recycling Drop-Off Site Rue Philippe Kieffer - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-25
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2WM8GXXChâteau de Landskron - Leymen, France2010-04-13
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display1WMQ9EXLock Gate Mechanism - Huningue, Alsace, France2016-01-17
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools2---
 starsRailway RoundhousesRailway Roundhouses1WMQ9EPAbandoned Turntable at the Switchyard - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2016-01-17
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures1---
  Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture3---
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons2WM9RZWChâteau de Landskron - Leymen, France2010-10-04
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches16WMGNQ9Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix - Saint-Louis, Alsace, France2013-03-25
  Scenic Boat RidesScenic Boat Rides1---
 starsScenic at NightScenic at Night1WM18KQAView from Château de l'Ortenbourg - Scherwiller, Alsace, France2023-08-19
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments5WMBBV9Sister Cities Plaque - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-05-02
 starsSpecific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials3WMCV4AMemorial to S.Lt. J.P. Douzou - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-10-13
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Static Train CarsStatic Train Cars1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures6---
  Statues of LibertyStatues of Liberty1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church3---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots5---
  Unique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs1---
 starsWar and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1WMBAZQMusée historique et militaire - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-04-28
  Water TowersWater Towers4---
 starsWaterway Locks, Planes and LiftsWaterway Locks, Planes and Lifts1WMBBTXCanal de Huningue Lock - Huningue, Alsace, France2011-05-08
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James5WMKYV1Way of St. James Marker - Neuwiller, Alsace, France2014-06-17
  Wayside shrinesWayside shrines2---
  Working Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments3---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments6---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries7---

Île-de-France (41 waymarks / 32 categories)

  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures1---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Bicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1---
  Field HospitalsField Hospitals2---
  Histoires de France (French historical markers)Histoires de France (French historical markers)1---
  Immortalized in LyricsImmortalized in Lyrics1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---
  Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1---
  Literary SitesLiterary Sites1---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2---
  Monuments Historiques FrançaisMonuments Historiques Français2---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas3---
  Outdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities1---
  Space Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges1---
  The UndergroundThe Underground2---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Universities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Germany (631 waymarks / 224 categories)

Baden-Württemberg (558 waymarks / 200 categories)

  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1WMGW15Old Cemetery at Mouscron-Allee - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2013-04-16
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries2---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures12---
  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns2---
 starsAerial LiftsAerial Lifts2WMMP6NHasenhorn Chairlift - Todtnau, BW, Germany2014-10-19
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization3---
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges1WMBAZCDreiländerbrücke - Weil am Rhein, BW, Germany2011-05-05
  Architecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes2---
  Art MuseumsArt Museums3---
  Artistic SeatingArtistic Seating1---
  Artistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs1---
 starsAviariesAviaries1WMC0F0Aviary in the Park of Schönau Castle - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-12
 starsBandshellsBandshells2WMC071Schlosspark Bandshell - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-10
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1---
  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture2---
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Bicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1---
  Bismarck TowersBismarck Towers2---
  Bookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1---
 starsBorder CrossingsBorder Crossings7WMBAYTWeil am Rhein, Germany - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-28
 starsBuffet RestaurantsBuffet Restaurants1WMGC61China Restaurant Lotus - Lörrach, BW, Germany2013-02-13
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
  Bus StationsBus Stations2---
 starsCairnsCairns1WMN302Bismarck Monument - Feldberg, BW, Germany2014-12-16
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds2WMR1XMDrei-Länder-Camp - Lörrach, BW, Germany2016-05-17
  Carriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display2---
  Cemetery ChapelsCemetery Chapels1---
  Childhood HomesChildhood Homes1---
  Chinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses16---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials4---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls15---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
  Coin Operated Self Service Car WashesCoin Operated Self Service Car Washes1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars2---
  Covered BridgesCovered Bridges4---
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials2---
  Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument RegistersDeutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers20---
 starsDevilish LocationsDevilish Locations1WMQA74Höllhooge - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2016-02-18
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
 starsDomes of the (Under) WorldDomes of the (Under) World1WM19AC2Dom - St. Blasien, BW, Germany2024-01-18
  Doorways of the WorldDoorways of the World2---
  Draw WellsDraw Wells1---
  Earth GlobesEarth Globes1---
  Electric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures2---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas1---
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WMC0F1The Trumpeter of Säckingen at the Castle - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-11
  Feeding the AnimalsFeeding the Animals1---
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WMN0T1Fähre Kaiseraugst - Herten, German Landing - Herten, BW, Germany2014-12-04
 starsField HospitalsField Hospitals1WMPW2JSchloss Beuggen - German Campaign - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2015-10-28
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture4---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Fish LaddersFish Ladders2---
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools1---
  Free For Your BirthdayFree For Your Birthday1---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
  Geodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1---
  German Trigonometric PointsGerman Trigonometric Points2---
  Giant Board GamesGiant Board Games1---
  Gifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries3---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects3---
  Great Buildings of the WorldGreat Buildings of the World1---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges2---
  Historic Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates2---
  Historic Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards1---
  Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings14---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums11---
 starsHospitalsHospitals2WMC15BKlinik St. Marienhaus - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-13
 starsHumane Societies and RescuesHumane Societies and Rescues1WMP45JEmma-Paolini Tierheim - Weil am Rhein, BW, Germany2015-07-04
 starsHydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations2WMFKXRKraftwerk Wyhlen - Grenzach-Wyhlen, BW, Germany2012-11-01
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1---
 starsIconic FactoriesIconic Factories1WMP4T3Milka - Lörrach, BW, Germany2015-07-01
  In Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts2---
 starsIndependent BakeriesIndependent Bakeries1WMC15XBäckerei Schmid - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-13
  Independent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1---
 starsIndoor MallsIndoor Malls1WMBAZ0Rhein Center - Weil am Rhein, BW, Germany2011-04-28
  Infamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes1---
  Insect HotelsInsect Hotels1---
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses2WMDWAJKönigreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen - Weil am Rhein, BW, Germany2012-03-01
  Kugel BallsKugel Balls1---
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1WMMQRYOld Motor-Boat at Seestrasse - Titisee, BW, Germany2014-10-28
  Legacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1---
 starsLiterary SitesLiterary Sites1WMC0XHSchloss Schönau - "The Trumpeter of Säckingen" - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-12
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters3---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers4---
  Love PadlocksLove Padlocks2---
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches11---
 starsMan-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1WM19RA9Wassserfall Hännemer Wühre - Laufenburg, BW, Germany2024-04-04
 starsMaster Architects - DeconstructivismMaster Architects - Deconstructivism3WMP1G6Vitra Fire Station - Zaha Hadid - Weil am Rhein, BW, Germany2015-06-15
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches3---
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf3---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags5WMBG80Municipal Flag- Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-05-18
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas5---
  Natural LakesNatural Lakes1---
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WMF1TFPrimacasa - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2012-08-08
 starsNature CentersNature Centers1WMMQ11Haus der Natur - Feldberg, BW, Germany2014-10-27
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WMHB4CNautical Flag Pole at Yacht-Club Hörnle - Grenzach, BW, Germany2013-06-18
  New Apostolic ChurchesNew Apostolic Churches1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations2---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials3---
 starsNumismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1WMDT8ASt. Josef Church and Rhine Bridge - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2012-02-22
  Octagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1---
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums2WMMPPVSchwarzwälder Schinken-Museum - Feldberg, BW, Germany2014-10-22
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions3---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables2---
  Outdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings3---
  Paramedic StationsParamedic Stations1---
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges2---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers1---
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs2---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1---
 starsPlaces for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1WMH6CPDO - Recycling Drop-Off Site Warmbach - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2013-05-30
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance2---
  Police StationsPolice Stations5---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2---
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display6WMGW6XPaper Cutting Machine - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2013-04-15
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools4---
 starsPunishment and Disciplinary DevicesPunishment and Disciplinary Devices1WMGYV2Pillory at Rötteln Castle - Lörrach, BW, Germany2013-04-25
 starsRanger StationsRanger Stations1WMMQ12Haus der Natur - Feldberg, BW, Germany2014-11-11
  Realistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures2---
  Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementRed Cross and Red Crescent Movement1---
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1---
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious3WMTQNDAdelbergkirche - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2016-12-31
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures1WMVMERKriegerdenkmal - Murg, BW, Germany2017-05-04
 starsRemote Backcountry SheltersRemote Backcountry Shelters1WM1999CZellermooshütte - Todtmoos, BW, Germany2023-12-31
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons2WME1MVAltes Gefängnis - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2012-03-22
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences6---
 starsRock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays2WMMPX7Rock Displays at the Nature Center - Feldberg, BW, Germany2014-11-07
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches25---
  Ropes CourseRopes Course1---
 starsSailing and Yacht ClubsSailing and Yacht Clubs1WMHB4BYacht-Club Hörnle - Grenzach, BW, Germany2013-06-18
 starsScenic Boat RidesScenic Boat Rides1WMMQRXTitisee-Rundfahrt - Titisee, BW, Germany2014-10-27
  Scenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks1---
 starsSeventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches1WMMTWDFreikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten - Lörrach, BW, Germany2014-11-09
  Shooting RangesShooting Ranges1---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History3---
  Sister City MonumentsSister City Monuments5---
  Ski JumpsSki Jumps1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Solar System ModelsSolar System Models1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Specific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Static Train CarsStatic Train Cars3---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures7---
 starsStone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1WMR1RTCoffin Lids at the Wall of Rötteln Church - Lörrach, BW, Germany2016-04-30
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives1WMBG65LONGEST - Covered Wooden Bridge of Europe - Bad-Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-05-18
  The HolocaustThe Holocaust2---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church2---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers11---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks3---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots21---
  Unique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs2---
  Unique SteeplesUnique Steeples1---
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WMQWANNamenloser Weg - Grenzach, BW, Germany2016-04-06
 starsUrban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1WMHK4PSt. Anna-Loch - Rheinfelden, BW, Germany2013-09-01
  Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities2---
  Water TowersWater Towers2---
  Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)2---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James9---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments3---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries10---
 starsYe Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1WMC17MMetzgerei Keller - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany2011-07-13

Bayern (73 waymarks / 49 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Art GalleriesArt Galleries1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps2---
  Caritas InternationalisCaritas Internationalis1---
  Concert HallsConcert Halls2---
  Current and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges1---
  Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument RegistersDeutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers14---
  Dollar StoresDollar Stores1---
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
  Garage Door ArtGarage Door Art1---
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums4---
  Independent BookstoresIndependent Bookstores1---
  Insect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1---
 starsInternet CafesInternet Cafes1WM1B906Baba's Shop - Nürnberg, BY, Germany2024-12-28
  Kinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1---
  Legacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1---
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1---
  Police StationsPolice Stations2---
  Professional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1---
  Pubs and InnsPubs and Inns1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture1---
  Sculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1---
  Specific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges1---
  The UndergroundThe Underground3---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges1---
  Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)2---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Greece (100 waymarks / 72 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WMFKMZYou Are Here - New Fortress Square - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-31
 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1WMFKKJSt. George's Church in the Old Fortress - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-31
  Art VehiclesArt Vehicles1---
 starsBarber PolesBarber Poles1WM123MFBarber Pole - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2020-02-18
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Bookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1---
  Bus StationsBus Stations2---
 starsChristian CrossesChristian Crosses1WMFKH8Iron Cross on the Old Fortress - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-30
 starsCoastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks1WMFHVNBeach Boardwalk - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2012-11-04
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Cruise Ship PortsCruise Ship Ports1---
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials3WMFK2FLawrence Durrell - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-28
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions2WMFJ7XDutch Consulate - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-25
 starsEngrish SignsEngrish Signs1WM122RPSoft Drings - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2020-02-15
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone2WMFK2KLawrence Durrell - Monument in the Spianada - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-28
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations2WMFK2WLawrence Durrell Memorial and Asteroid 2231 Durrell - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-28
 starsFarmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets1WMFJ1DFresh Food Market - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-12-18
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
 starsField HospitalsField Hospitals1WM12371Achilleion - World War I - Gastouri, Corfu, Greece2020-02-15
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WMHR2AWinged Lion of Saint Mark at the New Fortress - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2013-08-20
 starsGazebosGazebos1WMFJ8GGazebo in Spianada - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-26
  History MuseumsHistory Museums1---
  Inside AirportsInside Airports1---
 starsJames Bond - 007James Bond - 0072WMFKGXFor Your Eyes Only Filming Location at the Old Fortress - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-30
 starsLavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1WM1236RHistoric Lavoir at Restaurant San Marino - Achilleio, Corfu, Greece2020-02-15
 starsLibrariesLibraries1WMFKKNPublic Library of Corfu - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-31
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters1WMFJ7AMunicipal Theater (Δημοτικό Θέατρο) - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-25
 starsLucky 7Lucky 71WMH5QKLucky 7 at the Spianada - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2013-05-27
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1WMFJ83Spianada - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-25
 starsNeon SignsNeon Signs1WM122E1Cocktail Bar Dionyssos - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2020-02-09
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1---
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1WM15TTPStonemason - Georgios Kardamis - Kato Garouna, Greece2022-02-27
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums1WM12341Open Air Museum San Marino - Achilleio, Corfu, Greece2020-02-14
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WMFKNPPalaio Frourio (Παλαιό Φρούριο) - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-11-04
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WM1236QOld Plough - San Marino - Achilleio, Corfu, Greece2020-02-15
  Orthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches8---
 starsOutdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars4WMFJ0AMetal Wayside Altar - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2018-01-22
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1WMFJ7HPublic Sports Field - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-25
 starsPeople-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1WMFHV9Airport Ioannis Kapodistrias - Corfu, Greece2012-10-31
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1WMFJNQPlayground at Spianada - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-27
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WM123QJSculpture of an Ancient Greek Ship at the Port - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2020-02-20
  Recommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1---
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WMFJP0Spianada Playground - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-29
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays5---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures4---
 starsStatues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1WMFJ9BMethodios Kontostanos (Μεθόδιος Κοντοστάνος) - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2012-10-25
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WM123QHSynagogue - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2020-02-20
 starsThe HolocaustThe Holocaust1WM123MEHolocaust Memorial - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece2020-03-04
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
 starsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1WMFJ0EAbandoned Shack - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2012-10-26
 starsWagon WheelsWagon Wheels1WMFJ07Wagon Wheels at Robin's Nest - Agios Gordios, Corfu, Greece2012-10-24
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---

Italy (47 waymarks / 39 categories)

Lombardia (6)

  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsCanadian Legion Memorials Cairns and CenotaphsCanadian Legion Memorials Cairns and Cenotaphs1WM135X6Monument for Cap. Hermann Ewerhart - Ponte Tresa, Lombary, Italy2020-09-23
  Freestanding ColumnsFreestanding Columns1---
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WM135DGORIGIN - Tresa - Ponte Tresa - Italy/Switzerland2020-09-20
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsSpecific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1WM135X5Monument for Cap. Hermann Ewerhart - Ponte Tresa, Lombary, Italy2020-09-26

Piemonte (41 waymarks / 34 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WMWR9DSiete Qui - Centro Storico - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-06
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures2WMWQ2WA Dream - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-01
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMXZYQRailway Station - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2018-03-25
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WMPZ9JCentral Bus Terminal - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-16
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2WMPZ20Monument for Gian Giacomo Galletti - Domodossola, Piedmont, Italy2015-11-14
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1WMPZ2NDomodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-16
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations2WMWRA7Simplon Tunnel - 100 Years - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-09
 starsConcert HallsConcert Halls1WM11ZT8Cappella Mellerio "DomoJazz" - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-01-20
 starsDomes of the (Under) WorldDomes of the (Under) World1WM11ZZ7Dome of Santi Gervasio e Protasio - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-02-19
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WMPZ9PIl Mio Giogo È Soave E Il Suo Carico Leggero - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-16
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World1WMWR9GCountry Flags at Hotel Corona - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-06
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools1WM11ZMXCappella Mellerio - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-01-17
 starsGargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1WM11ZT5Chimeras Via Briona 4 - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-01-20
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1WMWQCHTransformer Substation Via Don Luigi Pellanda - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-02
 starsHistorical Society HeadquartersHistorical Society Headquarters1WMWQTYCasa 40 - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-04
 starsIndependent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1WM11ZZ5Caffe Acosta - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-01-19
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters1WMPZ6CTeatro Municipale Galletti - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-16
 starsObelisksObelisks1WMWQV2Obelisco di Piazza Chiossi - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-04
 starsOutdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross1WMPZ67Sacro Monte Calvario - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-26
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations1WMPZ9KPolizia di Stato - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-16
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions1WM12027Repubblica dell'Ossola - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2020-01-26
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches3WMPZ5MSantuario Madonna della Neve - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-15
  Signs of ZodiacSigns of Zodiac1---
 starsStatues of LibertyStatues of Liberty1WMPZ6FStatue of Liberty - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-15
 starsStatues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1WMWQD9Don Giuseppe Rossi - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-03
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church1WMWQ76Chiesa Collegiata dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2017-10-01
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1---
 starsWorld War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments2WMPZ2QWorld War II Memorial - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy2015-11-14

Switzerland (6520 waymarks / 602 categories)

Aargau (1228 waymarks / 222 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WM17NH2Ihr Standort - Friedhof - Oftringen, AG, Switzerland2023-03-14
 stars'Z' Welcome Signs'Z' Welcome Signs3WMQ5B3Zeiningen, AG, Switzerland2015-12-23
 starsALDI StoresALDI Stores1WM17N3WAldi Suisse - Oftringen, AG, Switzerland2023-03-12
 starsAbbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries3WMA99VKloster Hortus Dei - Olsberg, AG, Switzerland2010-12-07
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures14WMFQZR"3 x 11 Chromstahl-Vierkantstäbe aneinandergelehnt" - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2012-11-21
 starsActive QuarriesActive Quarries1WMFXAXKiesgrube Sisslerfeld - Sisseln, AG, Switzerland2012-12-12
 starsAirportsAirports1WMRFFCFlugplatz Fricktal - Schupfart, AG, Switzerland2016-06-20
 starsAlpaca and Llama FarmsAlpaca and Llama Farms1WM14CM0Naturinsel Alpaka Farm - Egenwil (Bözberg), AG, Switzerland2021-06-12
 starsAnchorsAnchors4WM7KHPAnchor in Front of Restaurant Anker - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2009-11-05
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization19---
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges6WM7KHCAlte Rheinbrücke - Rheinfelden (Switzerland/Germany)2009-11-09
 starsArtistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs1WMXKZYWillkommen im Dorf der schönen Kirchen - Zuzgen, AG, Switzerland2018-01-27
 starsAstronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories1WMXB1XObservatorium Alte Kanti - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-20
 starsAustrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesAustrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites178WMEJVAKloster Hortus Dei - Olsberg, AG, Switzerland2012-06-06
 starsAuto ClubsAuto Clubs1WMPGFFACS - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2015-09-04
 starsAviariesAviaries3WMVTMCVoliere Schloss Wildegg - Möriken-Wildegg, AG, Switzerland2017-05-26
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture4WMGT3DStadthaus - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-08
 starsBear StatuesBear Statues3WMAFRQBear Statue - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2011-01-10
 starsBed and BreakfastBed and Breakfast2WMF310Seeluft Bed and Breakfast - Beinwil am See, AG, Switzerland2012-08-20
 starsBell TowersBell Towers2WMR05WBell Tower of Christuskirche - Hellikon, AG, Switzerland2016-04-22
 starsBellsBells5WMBFZQTwo Bells at the Roman Catholic Church - Stein, AG, Switzerland2011-05-17
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations2WMAFTANaturschutzgebiet Ergolz-Mündung - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2011-01-10
 starsBoat RampsBoat Ramps2WM87TARhine Boat Ramp - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2010-02-17
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMZH5WTuchlaube - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2018-11-12
 starsBorder CrossingsBorder Crossings2WMBG0XAlte Rheinbrücke - Bad Säckingen, BW, Germany / Stein, AG, Switzerland2011-05-17
 starsBreweriesBreweries1WM6RR8Brauerei Feldschlösschen - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-15
 starsBridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques2WMGV87Aarebrücke - 1925 - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-12
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WMPHEYMain Bus Station - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2015-09-02
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds3WM6TZZCamping und Schwimmbad am Rhein - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsCapitol BuildingsCapitol Buildings1WMQN9WRegierungsgebäude - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2016-03-07
 starsCarillonCarillon2WM6V0GGlockenspiel im Rumpel - Rheinfelden, AG,Switzerland2009-07-24
 starsCarriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display5WMY822Weinfuhre - Effingen, AG, Switzerland2018-05-08
 starsCave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)1WMYRKGBierkeller Theophil Roninger - Magden, AG, Switzerland2018-07-31
 starsCemetery ChapelsCemetery Chapels1WMWBP5Gottesackerkapelle - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2017-08-09
 starsCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries5WMPFVREhemaliges Beinhaus - Frick, AG, Switzerland2015-08-25
 starsChildren's MuseumsChildren's Museums1WMNR60Schweizer Kindermuseum - Baden, AG, Switzerland2015-04-23
 starsChristian CrossesChristian Crosses72WM80TFChristian Cross at Burgmattstrasse - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2010-01-05
 starsChurchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries18WMGARTFriedhof St. Leodegar Church - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2013-02-07
 starsChurchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses12WMDBJDChurchyard Cross - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2011-12-20
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1WMXB7PCarl Fehr-Herzog - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-21
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls44WM7KHFRheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-11-05
 starsCityscapesCityscapes4WM713XBad Säckingen - View from Mumpferfluh - Obermumpf, AG, Switzerland2009-08-19
 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms5WMGV96Coat of Arms at Alte Landschreiberei - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-13
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations2WMDBJ7Pontoniere - 100 Years - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2011-12-20
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration2WMGXJYJudith - 850 Years City Rights - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-04-22
 starsCompass RosesCompass Roses1WMPTV1Habsburg Empire Compass Rose - Habsburg, AG, Switzerland2015-10-20
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites16WMN7K8Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2015-01-13
 starsConvention CentersConvention Centers1WMX8AXKultur- und Kongresszentrum - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-12
 starsConverted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1WMX734Tuchlaube - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-12
 starsCourthousesCourthouses1WMY6GKGasthaus zum Bären - Bözen, AG, Switzerland2018-05-01
 starsCovered BridgesCovered Bridges3WMPG8PCovered Bridge in the Castle - Biberstein, AG, Switzerland2015-08-27
 starsDated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious13WMXNGNFountain at Spitalrain - 1808 - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2018-02-03
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones10WMA9A01726 - Barn of the Convent Hortus Dei - Olsberg, AG, Switzerland2010-12-07
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials2WMRY46Frank Wedekind - Lenzburg, AG, Switzerland2016-08-21
 starsDedicated TreesDedicated Trees1WM111FEErnst-Diethalm-Baum - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2019-09-21
 starsDemonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens1WM198WJReligionsgarten - Aarburg, AG, Switzerland2024-01-21
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMPM9XPlateosaurus - Frick, AG, Switzerland2015-09-19
 starsDirection and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1WMPTV2Habsburg Empire Compass Rose - Habsburg, AG, Switzerland2015-10-21
 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1WMQZY4Hellikon Schoolhouse Disaster Memorial - Wegenstetten, AG, Switzerland2016-04-21
 starsDockside RestaurantsDockside Restaurants1WMF374Seegarten - Beinwil am See, AG, Switzerland2012-08-16
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells7WMPM5QWell in Thierstein Castle - Gipf-Oberfrick, AG, Switzerland2015-09-18
 starsEarth GlobesEarth Globes1WMH64RGrid Earth Globe on a Shop - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-05-29
 starsEarth HomesEarth Homes1WMXJTQErdhaus Ryburgerhof - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2018-01-22
 starsElevated BuildingsElevated Buildings3WM14MJKRaised Hide - Oeschgen, AG, Switzerland2021-08-13
 starsElevation SignsElevation Signs2WMD0RDSunnenberg 632m - Maisprach, BL, Switzerland2011-11-03
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WMHCX7Lady Justice - Zofingen, AG, Switzerland2013-06-25
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WM14HG3Tilly Vonäsch - Brunnen Dorfstrasse - Kaisten, AG, Switzerland2021-07-11
 starsEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks2WMW77KBoundary Stone from 1609 - Beromünster, LU, Switzerland2017-07-27
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices19WMF2WGDie Post - 5712 Beinwil am See, AG, Switzerland2012-08-13
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas1WMVV26Leaning Tower of Pisa - Möriken-Wildegg, AG, Switzerland2017-05-27
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
 starsFactory ToursFactory Tours1WM13F25Feldschlösschen Tour - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2020-11-28
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WMGXJVJudith - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-04-21
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings5WM87TCFähre Kaiseraugst - Herten, Swiss Landing - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2010-02-25
 starsFiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1WMH64TPainted Fiberglass Horse at the Brewery - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-05-29
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture5WMHK75Family - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-07-18
 starsFirehousesFirehouses25WM80TDFeuerwehrmagazin - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2010-01-05
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WMJQ18First Hospital in Switzerland - Valetudinarium - Windisch, AG, Switzerland2013-12-16
 starsFish LaddersFish Ladders1WMQ39KFish Ladder at the New Hydroelectric Power Plant - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2015-12-11
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World1WM16HRWFlags on the Old Bridge - Rheinfelden, Switzerland/Germany2022-08-12
 starsFlora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1WMAFT7Naturschutzgebiet Ergolz-Mündung - Kaiseraugst(AG)/Augst(BL), Switzerland2011-01-10
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools4WMHCWXAlte Lateinschule - Zofingen, AG, Switzerland2013-06-25
 starsFountainsFountains155WM6V0NAlbrechtsbrunnen - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsFramed ViewsFramed Views1WM100JWFramed View of the "Aarewoog" - Aarburg, AG, Switzerland2019-03-02
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges2WMTFJBGleis 9 3/4 - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2016-11-17
 starsFreestanding ColumnsFreestanding Columns1WMTEQFRoman Column in a Traffic Circle - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2016-11-17
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WMXBF6Neue Aargauer Bank - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-22
 starsGargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1WM100CPGargoyle at the Fortress - Aarburg, AG, Switzerland2019-03-03
 starsGates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1WMA9A9Stift Olsberg Garden Gate - Olsberg, AG, Switzerland2016-05-07
 starsGazebosGazebos1WMGTM4Gazebo at a Playground - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-10
 starsGeographic High PointsGeographic High Points1WM125EMGeissfluegrat - Erlinsbach, AG, Switzerland2020-04-13
 starsGeographical CentersGeographical Centers2WMRN8AGeographischer Mittelpunkt der Gemeinde Möhlin - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2016-07-13
 starsGhost TownsGhost Towns1WMRN1FRappertshäusern - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2016-07-19
 starsGifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries2WMGXJWJudith - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-04-21
 starsGinormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1WMJ3ECChair in a Traffic Circle - Spreitenbach, AG, Switzerland2013-09-18
 starsHand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1WM100TMWater Pump at the River Bank - Aarburg, AG, Switzerland2019-03-14
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks1WMGXK91852 Rhine High Level Mark - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-04-21
 starsHiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges6WMF5MEHiking Path Footbridge across Möhlinbach - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2012-08-27
 starsHistoric FortsHistoric Forts1WMZZX8Festung Aarburg - Aarburg, AG, Switzerland2019-02-24
 starsHistoric Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates1WMXA1VSluice Gates at the Castle Mill - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-15
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings25WMQPWZTransformatoren-Station Zwidellen - Frick, AG, Switzerland2016-03-15
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums16WM6V0BFricktaler Museum - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsHospitalsHospitals5WMDMTHSpital Rheinfelden - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-02-02
 starsHostelsHostels2WMF370Jugendherberge - Beinwil am See, AG, Switzerland2012-08-17
 starsHuman ErrorHuman Error2WMDMV2Rütteliweg 8 - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-02-02
 starsHydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations7WMF5MPKraftwerk Ryburg-Schwörstadt - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-08-27
 starsIKEAIKEA1WMJ3EGIKEA - Spreitenbach, AG, Switzerland2013-09-18
 starsIn Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts1WMYQJDMagodunon - Magden, AG, Switzerland2018-07-15
 starsIndependent Fish HousesIndependent Fish Houses1WM8J58Restaurant Fischergut - Rheinsulz, AG, Switzerland2010-04-08
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels4WMVRFYInsect Hotel near Wildegg Castle - Möriken-Wildegg, AG, Switzerland2017-05-24
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures2WMPMCRHornet - Hornussen, AG, Switzerland2015-09-20
 starsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1WM17MW4KFC - Oftringen, AG, Switzerland2023-03-11
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1WMRFQHEdi-Mometer - Schupfart, AG, Switzerland2016-06-20
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WMRYC9Königreichssaal der Zeugen Jehovas - Lenzburg, AG, Switzerland2016-08-24
 starsKokopelli SightingsKokopelli Sightings1WMW8GXKokopelli Silhoouettes - Wallbach, AG, Switzerland2017-07-24
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths3WMQNX9Labyrinth near the School - Lenzburg, AG, Switzerland2016-03-11
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats2WM8D9ABoat on a Playground - Frick, AG, Switzerland2010-03-17
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors3WMV5B5Former Commandry of the Knights Hospitaller - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2017-02-26
 starsLibrariesLibraries7WM6V0RStadtbibliothek - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2WMPNZWTheater im Kornhaus - Baden, AG, Switzerland2015-09-29
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives3WMCZHESalme-Lökeli - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2011-10-30
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
 starsLove PadlocksLove Padlocks1WMPNTELove Padlocks at the Covered Bridge - Baden, AG, Switzerland2015-09-28
 starsMausoleumsMausoleums1WMH8AARoman Mausoleum - Augst, BL, Switzerland2013-06-07
 starsMcDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1WM17MW0McDonald's Äussere Luzernerstrasse - Oftringen, AG, Switzerland2023-03-16
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches4---
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WMDBHPWWII Bunker - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2011-12-21
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit7WMFQZAFormer Milk Platform - Stein, AG, Switzerland2012-11-22
 starsMillstonesMillstones6WMM0A9Millstone at Müli-Märt - Lenzburg, AG, Switzerland2014-06-26
 starsMinesMines1WM17TNHEisenbergwerk - Herznach, AG, Switzerland2023-04-03
 starsMiniature GolfMiniature Golf1WMCZ0WSport- und Freizeitcenter Bustelbach - Stein, AG, Switzerland2011-10-31
 starsModel Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1WM14N8FModellfluggruppe Novoplast - Wallbach, AG, Switzerland2021-08-15
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags25WM6V03Municipal Flag - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas2WM7MPNStadtpark - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-11-10
 starsMuralsMurals1WMXQQJRural Scene with Cows - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2018-02-20
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMF30XHallwilersee (Lake Hallwil) - Switzerland2012-08-14
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WMVHPGSpring North of Mumpferfluh - Obermumpf, AG, Switzerland2017-04-23
 starsNewspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters1WM8YF7Neue Fricktaler Zeitung - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2010-05-31
 starsNuclear Power PlantsNuclear Power Plants1WM19ZG0Kernkraftwerk Beznau - Döttingen, AG, Switzerland2024-06-05
 starsObelisksObelisks1WMNQR9Obelisk on a Fountain - Baden, AG, Switzerland2015-04-22
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments2WMRWFPSämann-Brunnen - Zeiningen, AG, Switzerland2016-08-13
 starsOdd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1WMX4WASchenkenberg-Loge Nr. 15 - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-11-27
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums2WMKWX8International Imaginary Museum - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2014-06-07
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WMGTXJSchwarzer Turm - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-10
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WM16JJXOld Plough - Schupfart, AG, Switzerland2022-08-14
 starsOmnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1WMQ97PSign Eating Tree - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2016-01-15
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables1WMPM46Orientation Table on Homberg - Wittnau, AG, Switzerland2015-09-24
 starsOutdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars2WMT4RXBildhäuschen mit Nepomukstatue - Oeschgen, AG, Switzerland2016-09-26
 starsOutdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1WMJP19Roman Amphitheater - Windisch, AG, Switzerland2013-12-11
 starsOutdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross2WMRJQMKreuzweg - Kaisten, AG, Switzerland2016-07-02
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WMZXP1Warning Siren on the School - Kaisten, AG, Switzerland2019-01-22
 starsOutside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings7WMMFACWooden Gnome - Eiken, AG, Switzerland2014-09-15
 starsOvens and KilnsOvens and Kilns2WMDTKDRoman Tile Firing Kilns - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2012-02-24
 starsPainted HydrantsPainted Hydrants1WM8K8XColorful, but what is it? - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2010-06-01
 starsPedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges2WMF8Q7Cable Stayed Pedestrians Bridge Liebrüti - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2012-09-11
 starsPeople-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places2WMXB1TAlbert-Einstein-Haus (Alte Kantonsschule) - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-20
 starsPermanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1WMTMA4Fiat 500 Topolino - Stein, AG, Switzerland2016-12-10
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates3WM8X8Y47° 33' 15.5" N, 5° 27' 21.6" E - Rheinfelden, AG,Switzerland2010-05-25
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations9WM7KHGKantonspolizei - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-11-05
 starsPre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes2WMGVG6Stadthaus - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-12
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins4WMGV9JFarbturm and Parts of the Northern City Wall - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-11
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display6WMGW6VInjection Molding Machine - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2013-04-15
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds5WM7KHJSpielplatz im Stadtpark - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-11-05
 starsPublic Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools6WM6V01KuBa Freizeitcenter - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-08-14
 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WMF4K5Golfplatz - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-08-23
 starsPubs and InnsPubs and Inns1WM1ACGJMr. Pickwick Pub - Baden, AG, Switzerland2024-07-28
 starsRailroad BridgesRailroad Bridges6WM6J65Eisenbahnbrücke - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsRailway RoundhousesRailway Roundhouses1WM1AAPRDrehscheibe - Wettingen, AG, Switzerland2024-09-01
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures2WMRJQFSamenkorn - Kaisten, AG, Switzerland2016-06-30
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes2WMQQY0Red Telephone Box - Wallbach, AG, Switzerland2016-03-21
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WMXB1DGeneral Hans Herzog - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-22
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious7WMTPYGStadtkirche St. Martin - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2016-12-27
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures3WM6V0YStation Feldschlösschen - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsRemains of SettlementsRemains of Settlements1WMRN1GBorder Stone of Rappertshäusern - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2016-07-13
 starsResearch InstitutesResearch Institutes2WMRJ40Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau - Frick, AG, Switzerland2016-06-26
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons5WMGTXTSchwarzer Turm - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-18
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges2WMQ46XRhine River Gauge - Rheinsulz, AG, Switzerland2015-12-17
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences9WM6TZXCONFLUENCE - Ergolz - Rhine - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches38WMAERBSt. Martin - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2011-01-06
 starsRomanesque ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture1WMZWHARomanesque Window Niche - Münchwilen, AG, Switzerland2019-01-20
 starsSalt Pans and MinesSalt Pans and Mines1WMF5V7Saline Riburg - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2012-08-28
 starsScenic Boat RidesScenic Boat Rides1WMW78CHallwilersee-Rundfahrten - Meisterschwanden, AG, Switzerland2017-07-19
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums2WM121WATelefonzentrale (Museum für Kommunikation) - Magden, AG, Switzerland2020-02-05
 starsSequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees3WMN18FSequoiadendron Giganteum near the Motorway - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2014-12-06
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WM87TDShip Screw next to the Ferry Landing - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2010-02-17
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History7WMA9A6Hortus Dei - Kloster Gottesgarten - Olsberg, AG, Switzerland2010-12-07
 starsSilhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures5WMF93XRunners - Stein-Säckingen, AG, Switzerland2012-09-13
 starsSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and SaunasSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and Saunas1WMDP1ESole Uno - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-02-08
 starsSpecific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1WMXAWCGeneral Hans Herzog - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-20
 starsStatic Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1WMRFFADe Havilland DH-112 MK 1R - Schupfart, AG, Switzerland2016-06-19
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays3WMHCYMHowitzer - Zofingen, AG, Switzerland2013-06-27
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars2WMG8VGMining Car - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2013-01-30
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures5WMHCKGNiklaus Thut - Zofingen, AG, Switzerland2013-06-24
 starsStatues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures6WMBG66St. John of Nepomuk - Alte Rheinbrücke - Stein, AG, Switzerland2011-05-18
 starsStone BridgesStone Bridges1WMGV85Aarebrücke - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-11
 starsSummit RegistersSummit Registers1WM125ENGipfelbuch Geissfluegrat - Erlinsbach, AG, Switzerland2020-04-13
 starsSundialsSundials7WM6V0HSundial in Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives3WMF5V8LARGEST -- Dome of Europe - Saldome2 - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-08-28
 starsTennis FacilitiesTennis Facilities1WM1A9ERTennis Club Neuenhof - Neuenhof, AG, Switzerland2024-07-11
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church9WMDP5VEvangelisch-Reformierte Kirche - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-02-09
 starsTourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos2WMR40PNr. 62 - Kloster Königsfelden - Windisch, AG, Switzerland2016-05-10
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers3WMHBHXStadtbüro - Zofingen, AG, Switzerland2013-06-20
  Town ClocksTown Clocks5---
 starsTrain Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots25WM6J5KLaufenburg AG, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints1WMRDVDTripoint of Aargau, Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn - Anwil, BL, Switzerland2016-06-19
 starsTruss BridgesTruss Bridges1WM1A0PGSBB-Aarebrücke - Koblenz, AG, Switzerland2024-05-29
 starsUnique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs7WMGXK5Hotel Schiff - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2013-04-21
 starsUnique SteeplesUnique Steeples1WMYQV7Bell Tower of Marienkirche - Magden, AG, Switzerland2018-07-13
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities9WMEXWMARA Rheinfelden-Magden - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2012-07-23
 starsWater MillsWater Mills1WMXA1KSchlösslimühle - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-19
 starsWater TowersWater Towers1WMF0WBWater Tower Roche - Sisseln, AG, Switzerland2012-08-04
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls2WMGVQ7Linnerbach Waterfall - Linn, AG, Switzerland2013-04-13
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James1WMRWWTWay of St James Shell at the Wayside Cross near St. Wendelin - Möhlin, AG, Switzerland2016-08-18
 starsWaychapelsWaychapels8WM6J5XWaychapel West of Mumpferfluh - Mumpf, AG, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3WMGTXMSchwarzer Turm - Brugg, AG, Switzerland2013-04-10
 starsWildlife MuseumsWildlife Museums1WMRYQVNaturama - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2016-08-24
 starsWindmillsWindmills1WMGW02Windmill - Effingen, AG, Switzerland2013-04-14
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1WMXA1NSchlösslimühle - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2017-12-16
 starsWorld War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments2WMV5TAWorld War I Memorial Fountain - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland2017-02-28
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries10WM8K91Friedhof - Kaiseraugst, AG, Switzerland2010-04-13
 starsZoosZoos3WMPGF4Kleintierzoo Telli - Aarau, AG, Switzerland2015-08-31

Basel Landschaft (1895 waymarks / 329 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
 stars'Z' Welcome Signs'Z' Welcome Signs4WMA1TJZunzgen - BL, Switzerland2010-11-02
 stars3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art2WMD0CHSteel Pillows - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2011-11-02
 stars3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond1WMQ4VDBronze Model of Augusta Raurica - Augst, BL, Switzerland2015-12-20
 starsALDI StoresALDI Stores1WM7R32Aldi Suisse - Frenkendorf, BL, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures23WMGMEMAutilus - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2013-03-20
 starsAccessible-Designed Recreational LocationsAccessible-Designed Recreational Locations1WMF8YYWheelchair Trail - Bruderholz, BL, Switzerland2012-09-30
 starsAdvertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns1WM142XVLitfasssäule Postplatz - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2021-04-04
 starsAerial LiftsAerial Lifts1WMA39TWasserfallenbahn - Reigoldswil, BL, Switzerland2010-11-09
 starsAirportsAirports1WMH5PPFlugplatz SGD - Dittingen, BL, Switzerland2013-06-19
 starsAlpaca and Llama FarmsAlpaca and Llama Farms2WMPJ7MLama-Erlebnis - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2015-09-07
 starsAmateur Baseball FieldsAmateur Baseball Fields1WM9KVPSportplatz Känelmatt - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2010-08-31
 starsAnchorsAnchors6WM922YAnchor at Restaurant Waldhaus - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2010-06-16
  Ancient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts2---
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization7---
 starsAntique HotelsAntique Hotels1WMBQYHHotel Bad Bubendorf - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2011-06-15
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges4---
 starsArchitecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes1WMBBTKSchaulager - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2011-05-02
 starsArt Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau1WMQWYDTown Hall in the Former School - Grellingen, BL, Switzerland2016-04-08
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums6WM78GNSchaulager - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls2WMF20RB2 - Boulder & Bar - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2012-08-17
 starsAstronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories2WM6P0QSternwarte - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-29
 starsAustrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesAustrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites250WMEE7NSchloss Binningen - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2012-05-15
 starsAuto ClubsAuto Clubs1WM15BW4ACS - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2021-12-18
 starsAviariesAviaries1WMGKZMVogelpark Exotic - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2013-03-18
 starsBarber PolesBarber Poles1WM15QQRBarber Shop Imad - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2022-02-12
 starsBarnsBarns1WMQ3ZNHeuschürli Weihermatt - Bennwil, BL, Switzerland2015-12-15
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture3WMDZNPStadthaus - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2012-03-14
 starsBattlefieldsBattlefields1WMBJ4WThe Battle of Bruderholz - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2011-05-25
 starsBed and BreakfastBed and Breakfast2WMF0WKForget Me Not B&B - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2012-08-04
 starsBellsBells4WME501Bell at Heimatmuseum - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2012-04-04
 starsBerry PickingBerry Picking1WM6P0JStrawberry Field of St. Margarethen Farm - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-07-01
  Bicycle ShopsBicycle Shops2---
 starsBlacksmith ShopsBlacksmith Shops1WMQ1D9Alte Schmiede - Ziefen, BL, Switzerland2016-01-01
 starsBoat RampsBoat Ramps1WMAFZTRhine Boat Ramp - Augst, BL, Switzerland2011-01-11
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMZH6DHallenbad - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2018-11-12
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings3---
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WM7HX3Merian Park, Botanischer Garten in Brüglingen - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-10-29
 starsBowling CentresBowling Centres1WM9QW9Kegelcenter Ruchfeld - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2010-09-21
 starsBreweriesBreweries2WMCWF8Brauerei Ziegelhof - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2011-10-21
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WM8QF2Bus Station Dornach-Arlesheim, Switzerland2010-05-03
 starsBygone Toll HousesBygone Toll Houses3WMGMFVDruckhüsli - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2013-03-20
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds2WM9GKTCamping Waldhort - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2010-08-19
 starsCarouselsCarousels1WM7HX0Carousel in the Park im Grünen - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-10-30
 starsCarriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display11WMMBHMCarriage at Paradieshof - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2014-08-29
 starsCathedralsCathedrals1WM8QG1Arlesheimer Dom - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2010-05-03
 starsCave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)1WM145F0Bierkeller Weielen - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2021-04-29
 starsCave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)7WMF4R0Schalberghöhle - Pfeffingen, BL, Switzerland2012-08-27
 starsCelebrity HangoutsCelebrity Hangouts1WMEWZZXherdan Shaqiri at Ristorante Pizzeria Römerhof - Augst, BL, Switzerland2012-07-23
 starsCemetery ChapelsCemetery Chapels2WMWBP1Kapelle St. Martin - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2017-08-09
 starsCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries8WMJH9YBeinhaus at St. Arbogast - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2013-11-19
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes2WMP64BJoseph Victor Widmann - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2015-07-15
 starsChristian CrossesChristian Crosses51WMC242Christian Cross at Dornacherstrasse - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2011-07-20
 starsChurchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries30WMD5CBCemetery at the Church St. Peter und Paul - Ettingen, BL, Switzerland2011-11-21
 starsChurchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses7WMJ4NYChurchyard Cross at St. Stephan - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2013-09-23
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials7WM9KVQArthur Matter Memorial Fountain - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2010-08-31
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls74---
 starsCityscapesCityscapes9WMGMA9View from Sissacherfluh - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2013-04-02
 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms8WMAHPVCoat of Arms on Town Hall - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2011-01-19
 starsCoin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides1WM16HDRHorse Ride - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2022-08-04
 starsCoin Operated Self Service Car WashesCoin Operated Self Service Car Washes1WMD2JRTCS - Füllinsdorf, BL, Switzerland2011-11-13
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1WMB78GMonocular at the Power Plant - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2011-04-14
 starsCommercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1WM147GJGoldbrunnenwasser - 75 Years - Titterten, BL, Switzerland2021-06-07
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1WMAHJGMillenial Fountain - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2011-01-18
 starsCommunity GardensCommunity Gardens1WM6P9BFamilien- und Freizeitgarten Lettenmatt - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2009-06-30
 starsCompass RosesCompass Roses1WMD5MFCompass Rose in a Private Parking - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2011-11-25
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites42WMN7BWWehrkirche St. Arbogast - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2015-01-11
 starsConverted FirehousesConverted Firehouses2WMD3RYJugendzentrum - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2011-11-15
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains1WMGH4EFormer Fountain at Wartenberg - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2013-03-06
 starsCourthousesCourthouses4WM7R2GGerichtsgebäude - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsCovered BridgesCovered Bridges8WM6J59Fussgängerbrücke beim Schloss - Bottmingen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsCovered WagonsCovered Wagons1WMGZRGCovered Wagon - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2013-05-20
 starsCurling ClubsCurling Clubs1WMD2ATCurlingzentrum - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2011-11-11
 starsDated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious12WMN3RNFountain In den Gartenhöfen - 1960 - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2014-12-21
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones2WMEXWP1738 - Ehemaliges Pfarrhaus - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2012-07-20
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials5WM7R2KGeorg Herwegh - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsDedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1WMB940Germaine + Beni Bänggli - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2011-04-21
 starsDedicated TreesDedicated Trees1WMJDGWRentsch-Föhre - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2013-11-05
 starsDemonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens1WMYF8CArlesheimer Bauerngarten - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2018-06-13
 starsDevilish LocationsDevilish Locations1WMFVJJTeufelsgraben - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2013-04-22
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues2WM78CESeismosaurus - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-09-18
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions2WMCP97Consulate of Luxembourg - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2011-09-28
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
 starsDive ShopsDive - Augst, BL, Switzerland2011-01-11
 starsDiving PlatformsDiving Platforms1WMH9FVDiving Platform in Gartenbad St. Jakob - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2013-06-11
 starsDog StatuesDog Statues1WMD2BQDog Statue at the School Gym - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2011-11-09
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells9WMPHWYWell at the Castle Ruin - Waldenburg, BL, Switzerland2015-09-04
 starsEarth GlobesEarth Globes1WMR62VEarth Globe at a Farm - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2016-05-15
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WM16H9NIWB-Ladestationen 55311/12 - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2022-08-03
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs4---
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures3WMF93VPhoenix - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2012-09-13
 starsEstablished Rock Climbing AreasEstablished Rock Climbing Areas1WMQ9Y7Falkenfluh - Duggingen, BL, Switzerland2016-01-19
 starsEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks4WMH807Historic Boundary Stone Collection - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2013-06-06
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices29WMF4JGDie Post - 4452 Itingen, BL, Switzerland2012-08-22
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas2WMQD4MEiffel Tower - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2016-02-08
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WMYF2KTree Growth Rings - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2018-06-08
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations3WMBWNKNeptunstrasse - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2011-06-28
 starsFIFA World Cup VenuesFIFA World Cup Venues1WM7WK7St. Jakob-Park - Basel, Switzerland2009-12-14
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WMTBEDSpider-Man - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2016-10-28
 starsFamous FiresFamous Fires1WMHF9WAltes Zollhaus - Augst, BL, Switzerland2013-07-06
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WM142JZFerry Landing Waldhaus - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2021-04-04
 starsFestivalsFestivals2WM749XRoman Festival Augusta Raurica - Augst, BL,Switzerland2009-08-31
 starsFiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses2WMCQZPFiberglass Horse in Front of Neuhof - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2011-10-20
 starsField HospitalsField Hospitals1WMD5J4Blarerschloss - French Revolutionary Wars - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2011-11-22
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture14WMG400Rhino - Biel-Benken, BL, Switzerland2013-01-09
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles3WMB91MFire Fighting Ship "Fürio" - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2011-04-26
 starsFireworks DisplaysFireworks Displays1WMF4JZAugust 1st Fireworks - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2012-08-22
 starsFish LaddersFish Ladders1WMJB69Kraftwerk Birsfelden Fish Ladder - Basel, Switzerland2013-10-23
 starsFitness TrailsFitness Trails1WM77VFZurich Vitaparcours Allschwilerwald - Allschwil/Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-09-15
 starsFlags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations1WM15BQGFHNW Flag - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2021-12-10
 starsFlora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs2WMRDDBChilpen - Diegten, BL, Switzerland2016-06-13
 starsFlower FieldsFlower Fields1WMRDMHFlower Field Griesweg - Tenniken, BL, Switzerland2016-06-14
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools8WM7T7JKettiger-Schulhaus - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsFountainsFountains223WM8PD1Fountain in Front of the Hospital Bruderholz - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2010-04-27
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges4WM12HQEBücherschrank Grossmatt - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2020-06-01
 starsFreestanding ColumnsFreestanding Columns2WMETCJColumn in front of the Roman Museum - Augst, BL, Switzerland2012-07-05
 starsGarage Door ArtGarage Door Art1WM6P8RDragon Door - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-30
 starsGasometersGasometers1WMEX1FBall Gasometer - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2012-07-16
 starsGates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1WMBVEKChildren's Drawing Gate - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2011-06-23
 starsGeographic High PointsGeographic High Points2WMVWRZHinteri Egg, the Highest Point in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft - Waldenburg, BL, Switzerland2017-06-09
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs1WME4QWSchwald, Kocher & Cie. - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2012-04-05
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WMYN41Nine Men's Morris - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2018-07-08
 starsGiants of CommerceGiants of Commerce4WMD0F9{LEGACY} Giant Bottle - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2011-11-03
 starsGinormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects4WMV25JGiant Bench - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2017-02-17
 starsGothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture2WMP5ZAOlsbergerhof - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2015-07-07
 starsGrain ElevatorsGrain Elevators1WMD0CGLandi-Silo - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2011-11-02
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person5WMBC8GGrave of Georg Herwegh - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2011-05-09
 starsHand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps2WMA1TCWater Pump on a Playground - Tenniken, BL, Switzerland2010-11-03
 starsHelicopter Landing PadsHelicopter Landing Pads1WM8PCYKantonsspital Bruderholz Landing Pad - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2010-04-27
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks1WMQ23FHigh Level Mark - Diegten, BL, Switzerland2015-12-04
 starsHiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges17WM9WJJFootbridge near Sormattfall - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2010-10-06
 starsHiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1WMP6EJKarstlehrpfad - Zwingen, BL, Switzerland2015-07-10
 starsHistoric EatsHistoric Eats1WMFT7YGasthof Schlüssel - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2012-11-27
 starsHistoric Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates2WMKNM4Sluice Gate Ermitagestrasse - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2014-05-07
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings35WMPMPWTransformer Station - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2015-09-25
  History MuseumsHistory Museums23---
 starsHoliday DisplaysHoliday Displays1WM7T7RChristmas Decoration at the castle - Bottmingen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsHorse Racing TracksHorse Racing Tracks1WM9G89Pferdesportanlage Schänzli - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2010-08-17
 starsHuman Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1WMH35GHungarian Refugees - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-05-14
 starsHumming StonesHumming Stones1WMX248Humming Stone on Playground Baselstrasse - Ettingen, BL, Switzerland2017-11-16
 starsHydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations6WMFKXNKraftwerk Augst - Augst, BL, Switzerland2012-11-01
 starsIKEAIKEA1WM9V5KIKEA - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2010-09-30
 starsIce Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks2WM89ZQKunschti Margarethen - Basel, Switzerland2010-02-25
 starsIconic FactoriesIconic Factories3WMAG0HMonteverdi Cars - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2011-01-14
 starsIn Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts1WMKBT9Jumpferestei - Wenslingen, BL, Switzerland2014-03-18
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WM7HXEKronen Apotheke - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-10-29
 starsIndependent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1WM8K1CRistorante Pizzeria Römerhof - Augst, BL, Switzerland2010-04-12
 starsInfamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes1WMHF9YAltes Zollhaus - Augst, BL, Switzerland2013-07-17
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels13WMJ8BFInsect Hotel at the Cycling Route - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2013-10-10
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WMY50PAmeise - Zunzgen, BL, Switzerland2018-04-23
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses2WMHPDYKönigreichssaal der Zeugen Jehovas - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-07-31
 starsKokopelli SightingsKokopelli Sightings1WMDHJYKokopelli at Villa Burggarten - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2012-01-18
 starsKugel BallsKugel Balls1WMR8BTKugel Ball - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2016-05-26
 starsLEGO Sculptures and ModelsLEGO Sculptures and Models1WMY1X0LEGO Policeman - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2018-04-04
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths2WM6Q9HMontagsfrauen-Labyrinth - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-07-08
 starsLaser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1WMVVWMLaser-Arena - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2017-05-31
 starsLavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)2WMW0D9Bachhüsli - Ziefen, BL, Switzerland2017-06-21
 starsLawn BowlingLawn Bowling2WM738EBoccia Court Känelboden - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2009-08-26
 starsLibrariesLibraries15WM6KP4Gemeidebibliothek - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-19
 starsLion StatuesLion Statues2WMB6Q8Lion at the Entrance of the Public Swimming Pool - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2011-04-12
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters3WM749VRoman Theatre - Augst, BL, Switzerland2009-08-31
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives1WMTKF1SG No. 1 - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2016-12-04
 starsLook-Out TowersLook-Out Towers6WM6J5ANaturerlebnisturm Allschwiler Wald - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsLychgates and DepositoriesLychgates and Depositories1WM11VH5Municipal Cemetery Lychgate - Lampenberg, BL, Switzerland2019-12-23
 starsMan-made Animal Bridges and CrossingsMan-made Animal Bridges and Crossings2WM144VJAmphibian Tunnel - Titterten, BL, Switzerland2021-04-15
 starsMan-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1WM9RZPKraftwerk Wasserfall - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2010-09-28
 starsMarinasMarinas1WMAFZRBootshafenanlage - Augst, BL, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsMaster Architects - DeconstructivismMaster Architects - Deconstructivism1WMA4PWVitra Center - Frank Gehry - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2010-11-16
 starsMedieval ChurchesMedieval Churches6WM9M4ZWehrkirche St. Arbogast - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2010-09-03
 starsMegalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments2WMDG5MDolmengrab von Aesch - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2012-01-12
 starsMethodist ChurchesMethodist Churches3WMH34REvangelisch-methodistische Kirche - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-05-14
 starsMilestonesMilestones1WM10FWZXXII Lieues de Berne - Grellingen, BL, Switzerland2019-05-01
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations2WMFX6AWWII Bunker - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2012-12-11
 starsMilitary Surplus StoresMilitary Surplus Stores1WMBWE3Military Megastore - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2011-06-27
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit18WMGXXEMilchhüsli - Biel-Benken, BL, Switzerland2013-04-24
 starsMills and GinsMills and Gins1WMQC28Mühle - Maisprach, BL, Switzerland2016-02-02
 starsMillstonesMillstones14WMETAVMillstone at Mühlematt School - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2012-07-05
 starsMiniature GolfMiniature Golf3WM75ZVMinigolf Birspark - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2009-09-08
 starsMiniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads1WMFGNNMuttenzer Robi Bahn - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2012-10-18
 starsModel Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields5WMD07CModellfluggruppe IG-Aescherfeld - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2011-11-01
 starsMonuments of the Eastern FreedomfightsMonuments of the Eastern Freedomfights1WMH35MHungarian Refugees - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-05-14
 starsMosaicsMosaics2WM7MQ7Gladiator Mosaic in Augusta Raurica - Augst, BL, Switzerland2009-11-10
 starsMosquesMosques1WM9WJQLiestal Moschee, Palazzo - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2010-10-06
 starsMotor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums2WM77RV{LEGACY} Automuseum Monteverdi - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-09-16
 starsMotorcycle Sales/Service SitesMotorcycle Sales/Service Sites1WM7K39Classic Cycles - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2009-11-03
 starsMountain SummitsMountain Summits1WMVWRXHinteri Egg - Waldenburg, BL, Switzerland2017-07-26
 starsMunicipal Community CentersMunicipal Community Centers1WM7T7KFamilienzentrum - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags46WM6P90Municipal Flag - Bottmingen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-30
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas4WM78GDPark im Grünen - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsMuralsMurals3WMFR7WTreffpunkt - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2012-11-22
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1WMJ6QYDrum Kit - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-10-03
 starsNamed Farms and RanchesNamed Farms and Ranches1WMCR9GBruderholzhof - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2011-10-08
 starsNamed Mountain GapsNamed Mountain Gaps1WMRHZ5Challhöchi - Eptingen, BL, Switzerland2016-06-26
 starsNatural SinkholesNatural Sinkholes1WM145B0Doline - Rünenberg, BL, Switzerland2021-04-25
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WMBPAYNautical Flag Pole at the Port - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2011-06-09
 starsNew Apostolic ChurchesNew Apostolic Churches2WMPV42Neuapostolische Kirche - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2015-10-21
 starsNewspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters4WM7R2TBasellandschaftliche Zeitung - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates1WMQ3MBLITERATURE - Carl Spitteler - Bennwil, BL, Switzerland2018-01-07
 starsNon-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks1WMFX4DForest Boardwalk - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2012-12-17
 starsObelisksObelisks3WMF0VFHülftendenkmal - Frenkendorf, BL, Switzerland2012-08-04
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1WM14K0GZiegenhirte - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2021-08-01
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums3WM9NGTFroschmuseum - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2010-09-21
 starsOff-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1WMAPMHAllschwiler Wald - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2011-02-09
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions2WM8KDVSchaulager - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2010-04-15
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment2WM7WYXOld Plough in a Garden - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-12-16
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors2WMH5PWRoad Roller - Dittingen, BL, Switzerland2013-06-11
 starsOne-Room SchoolhousesOne-Room Schoolhouses2WMKKZRFormer School - Oberwil, BL, Switzerland2014-04-29
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables9WM7T7DOrientation Table on Margarethen Hill - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsOrthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1WM78CCKirche der Göttlichen Weisheit - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-09-18
 starsOut of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1WMJ3TTHans Honegger - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-09-19
 starsOutdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars1WMZQDHMarienbildstock - Ettingen, BL, Switzerland2018-12-22
 starsOutdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1WM7MQ5Roman Theatre - Augst, BL, Switzerland2009-11-10
 starsOutdoor Interactive Science DisplaysOutdoor Interactive Science Displays2WMPRVEOlfactory Organ - Titterten, BL, Switzerland2015-10-15
 starsOutdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1WMQ5GXMaislabyrinth Mathishof - Bottmingen, BL, Switzerland2015-12-27
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WM7HWJStairway to Bruderholz Hill - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-10-29
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WM7T7GWarning Siren on the Roof of a School - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsOutside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings7WM6P9FOwl - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2009-07-02
 starsPaintball Outdoor and Indoor FieldsPaintball Outdoor and Indoor Fields1WMVVWHPaintball-Arena - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2017-05-31
 starsPaintings Then and NowPaintings Then and Now8WMJ7XVMayenfels and Pratteln by Emanuel Büchel - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2013-10-15
 starsParamedic StationsParamedic Stations1WMDZF5Paramedic Sanitätsdienst - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2012-03-13
 starsPedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges1WMHGXKCable Stayed Pedestrians Bridge - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-07-10
 starsPergolasPergolas1WMWC7CRestaurant La Pergola - Dornach, SO, Switzerland2017-08-12
 starsPermanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1WMB6EY1936 Fiat Balilla - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2011-04-12
 starsPermanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1WME1MPTexaid Donation Box - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2012-03-25
 starsPet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries1WME7QNTierfriedhof am Wisenberg - Läufelfingen, BL, Switzerland2012-04-16
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs1WM8K0QHandprints in a School Yard - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2010-04-12
 starsPhilatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs3WMAAX5Schloss Pratteln - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2010-12-16
 starsPick-Your-Own FarmsPick-Your-Own Farms1WMMHAGBeeriland - Bottmingen, BL, Switzerland2014-09-22
 starsPlaces for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1WM7K31DO - Werkhof - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-11-03
 starsPlane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1WMCZY4B-17F 'Lazy Baby' Crash on October 14, 1943 - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2011-11-01
 starsPlank RoadsPlank Roads1WMFX4JRütihardbrücke - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2012-12-11
  Police StationsPolice Stations20---
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions3WMF0VDHülftendenkmal - Frenkendorf, BL, Switzerland2012-08-07
 starsPre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes2WMF4HQBruckgut - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2012-08-22
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins4WMDZ58Obertor - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2012-03-12
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display6WMGT4ZFormer Generator of a Hydroelectric Power Plant - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2013-04-10
 starsProfessional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1WM74MWSt. Jakob-Park - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-01
 starsPublic Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1WMTDE4Erst-Vermessung - Frenkendorf, BL, Switzerland2016-11-06
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds30WM6J5BSpielplatz Schafmattweg, Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-09
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools18---
 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WMZTAKBirs-Golf - Zwingen, BL, Switzerland2019-01-06
 starsRadio and Television Transmitter TowersRadio and Television Transmitter Towers1WM125JHSender Eggflue - Nenzlingen, BL, Switzerland2020-04-13
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges3---
 starsRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment1WMJDQWNarrow Gauge Maintenance Carts - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-11-05
 starsRailway Disaster SitesRailway Disaster Sites1WM6N4ABirs Bridge Collapse 1891 - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-06-29
 starsRailway RoundhousesRailway Roundhouses1WMBJ65Turntable at the Old Service Station - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2011-05-25
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WMDMN9Books and Letters - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2012-02-01
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes7WM6N42Red Telephone Box - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-06-24
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious5WMTQ4HKatharinenkirche - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2016-12-28
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures1WMH7JFBauernkriegsdenkmal - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-06-04
 starsRemains of SettlementsRemains of Settlements1WMXJCXKloster Engental - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2018-02-03
 starsRemote Backcountry SheltersRemote Backcountry Shelters2WM19H7TLaubhütte - Wahlen, BL, Switzerland2024-03-19
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons2WME56MHenkermuseum - Sissach, BL, Switzerland2012-04-05
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges2WMBFZBErgolz River Gauge - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2011-05-31
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences11WM7R30CONFLUENCE - Frenke - Ergolz - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsRock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays2WMPKTJGlacial Erratic at the Town Hall - Oltingen, BL, Switzerland2015-09-15
 starsRoller CoastersRoller Coasters1WMHKMHSolarbob - Langenbruck, BL, Switzerland2013-07-21
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches25---
 starsRopes CourseRopes Course2WMA39ZLRW Waldseilpark Wasserfallen - Reigoldswil, BL, Switzerland2010-11-09
 starsSalt Pans and MinesSalt Pans and Mines1WMCJRXOld Saltworks at Salina Raurica - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2011-09-17
 starsSalvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations3WM7HXDKorps Birsfelden - Switzerland2009-10-29
 starsScenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks3WMPCH5View from Farnsberg - Buus, BL, Switzerland2015-08-09
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums1WM9V5EElektrizitätsmuseum - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2010-10-03
 starsScouting HeadquartersScouting Headquarters2WM16H02Pfadi Bärenfels - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2022-08-01
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WMCZXYSkulpturenweg - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2011-10-31
 starsSelf Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails1WMP6EMKarstlehrpfad - Zwingen, BL, Switzerland2015-07-09
 starsSequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees1WMXPJRTwo Sequoiadendron Giganteum at the Local History Museum - Frenkendorf, BL, Switzerland2018-02-09
  Shooting RangesShooting Ranges1---
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History30WM9WK1Schloss Wildenstein - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2010-10-06
 starsSilhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures3WMF654Construction Worker - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2012-08-29
 starsSkateparksSkateparks1WMB93WSkatepark - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2011-04-27
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
 starsSolar System ModelsSolar System Models8WME720Planetenweg Laufen - Pluto - Liesberg, BL, Switzerland2012-04-15
 starsSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and SaunasSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and Saunas1WMAFRHAquabasilea - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland2011-01-10
 starsSpecific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials2WMD06XCrew of the B-17F "Lazy Baby" Memorial - Aesch, BL, Switzerland2011-11-01
 starsSpecific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1WMH7JDBauernkriegsdenkmal - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-06-04
 starsSpring HousesSpring Houses1WM1259KGallislochquelle - Oltingen, BL, Switzerland2020-05-03
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars2WMFPEJSG Open Railroad Car - Gelterkinden, BL, Switzerland2012-11-13
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2WMDZE7Helias Helye - Laufen, BL, Switzerland2012-03-13
 starsStatues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1WMQ10CNicholas of Flüe - Blauen, BL, Switzerland2015-11-26
 starsSteakhousesSteakhouses1WMBWNP{LEGACY} Gold Stone Steakhouse - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2011-06-28
 starsStone BridgesStone Bridges1WMJ07YStone Bridge to the Castle - Zwingen, BL, Switzerland2013-09-04
 starsStone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1WMQ2T0Coffin Lids at the Wall of St. Peter und Paul - Läufelfingen, BL, Switzerland2015-12-08
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives2WM78G1LONGEST - Dinosaur Model in the World - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsSwimming HolesSwimming Holes1WMWC7FIn der Heid - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2017-08-17
 starsTennis FacilitiesTennis Facilities1WMC1DFTennisclub Muttenz - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2011-07-14
 starsThai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1WM6KN9Kittipon's Finest Thai Cuisine, Binningen BL, Switzerland2009-06-16
 starsThe Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1WMANCAChäs Egge - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2011-03-18
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church12WMDMG0Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2012-01-31
 starsTimelinesTimelines2WMNZBW{LEGACY} Municipal Timeline - 1223 to 1887 - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2015-05-29
 starsTopiariesTopiaries1WMDHK1Spiral Topiary at the Maintenance Depot - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2012-02-04
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1WMDHKATourismus-Information - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2012-01-26
  Town ClocksTown Clocks4---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots26---
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints3WMFKYGTripoint of Aargau, Basel-Landschaft and Germany2012-11-01
 starsTruss BridgesTruss Bridges1WMHGJRFrenkenbrücke WB - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2013-07-09
 starsUncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1WMTF8XLlama Crossing - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2016-11-15
 starsUnintentionally Funny SignsUnintentionally Funny Signs2WMFGWWWeitersteigen verboten - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2012-11-28
 starsUnique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs6WME732Restaurant Landhus - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2012-04-12
 starsUnique SteeplesUnique Steeples2WMXNQDSt. Martin Church Steeple - Kilchberg, BL, Switzerland2018-02-04
 starsUnique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1WMBQXJWeathervane atop the Bus Shelter in Bad Bubendorf - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2011-06-15
 starsUniversities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1WM15BQJFHNW Campus Muttenz - Muttenz, BL, Switzerland2021-12-02
 starsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1WMH981Abandoned Barn - Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland2013-09-02
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs2WM8C39License Plate Mandatory - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2010-03-10
 starsUrban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1WMTCHCMetzgerchrüz - Ettingen, BL, Switzerland2016-11-02
 starsVintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1WMJB6COld Gasoline Pump - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2013-10-24
 starsWagon WheelsWagon Wheels1WM89ZXWagon Wheel at the Wall of Restaurand Spitzwald - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2010-02-25
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities18WM7EZQARA Birsig - Therwil, BL, Switzerland2009-10-20
 starsWater DamsWater Dams2WMC23TKraftwerk - Dornach, SO, Switzerland2011-07-17
 starsWater MillsWater Mills3WMAPMWMühle - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2011-02-08
 starsWater TowersWater Towers4WM89ZWWasserturm - Allschwil, BL, Switzerland2010-02-25
 starsWaterway Locks, Planes and LiftsWaterway Locks, Planes and Lifts2WM6RRAKraftwerk-Schleusen - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2009-07-17
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James2WMM5MKWay of St. James Marker - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2014-07-26
 starsWaychapelsWaychapels5WMH5PVWegkapelle - Dittingen, BL, Switzerland2013-06-03
 starsWayside shrinesWayside shrines1WMKERNBildstock - Arlesheim, BL, Switzerland2014-04-03
 starsWeather StationsWeather Stations1WM9BZ1SwissMetNet Station Basel - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2010-07-29
 starsWineriesWineries1WMBCA2Siebe-Dupf-Kellerei - Liestal, BL, Switzerland2011-05-07
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels2WMA39WWater Wheel near the Aerial Lift Station - Reigoldswil, BL, Switzerland2010-11-10
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments2---
 starsWorld War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments4WMB6NTWorld War II Memorial - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2011-04-12
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries31WM6P06Friedhof St. Margarethen - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-07-02
 starsZoosZoos3WMANBNTierpark - Reinach, BL, Switzerland2011-02-03

Basel Stadt (871 waymarks / 280 categories)

 stars1000 Places to See Before You Die1000 Places to See Before You Die1WMDRRWRestaurant Stucki Bruderholz - Basel, Switzerland2012-02-20
 stars3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond1WMFC5NBronze 3D model of Münster Hill Quarter - Basel, Switzerland2012-09-26
 starsA.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting StationsA.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting Stations3WM6KP0"Radio Basilisk" - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-17
 starsAbbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries1WMK662Kartause Margarethental - Basel, Switzerland2014-02-19
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures12WM8C2XIntersection - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-10
 starsActive Rail LocationsActive Rail Locations1WMCPF3Münchensteinerbrücke - Basel, Switzerland2011-09-29
 starsAdvertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns1WMZR7QLitfasssäule Marktplatz - Basel, Switzerland2018-12-28
 starsAnamorphous Street ArtAnamorphous Street Art2WM8VRAGänseliesel - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-25
 starsAnchorsAnchors3WMB8RTAnchor at the Port - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-20
 starsAncient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1WMG40ERoman Water Well on Münsterplatz - Basel, Switzerland2013-01-09
 starsAnimal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1WM953QKleintierpraxis Sevogel - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-30
 starsAntique HotelsAntique Hotels1WMM56ZHotel Les Trois Rois - Basel, Switzerland2014-08-12
 starsApple StoresApple Stores1WMQQQKApple Store - Basel, Switzerland2016-03-20
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges2WM6KNZMittlere Rheinbrücke - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-16
 starsArchitecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes5WMBBTJFondation Beyeler - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2011-05-02
 starsArt Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau3WMJYCRWohnhaus Wartenbergstrasse - Basel, Switzerland2014-01-16
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums7WM6JTNKunstmuseum - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-11
 starsArt StudiosArt Studios2WMD2JKStudio of Jean Arp - Basel, Switzerland2011-11-10
 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1WMCPEXBoulder Strecke Erlenmatten - Basel, Switzerland2011-10-02
 starsArtistic Neon LightsArtistic Neon Lights1WME56WSpira - Basel, Switzerland2012-04-06
 starsArtistic SeatingArtistic Seating1WM73F4Man-like Chair - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-27
 starsAstronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories1WMXV38Bernoullianum Observatory - Basel, BS, Switzerland2018-02-28
 starsAuction HousesAuction Houses1WMDADEGanthaus - Basel, Switzerland2011-12-14
 starsAustrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesAustrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites220WMEE7EBahnhof SBB - Basel Switzerland2012-05-15
 starsAviariesAviaries1WMETB0Aviary in the Basel Zoo - Basel, Switzerland2012-07-05
 starsBaptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1WMBWN4Johannes Kapelle - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-28
 starsBarber PolesBarber Poles1WMY92TBarber.King - Basel, Switzerland2018-05-13
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture8WMA0KNWeisses und Blaues Haus - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-27
 starsBattlefieldsBattlefields1WMH9FPThe Battle of St. Jakob an der Birs - Basel, Switzerland2013-06-13
 starsBear StatuesBear Statues1WMKNNMBear with Chalice - Bettingen, BS, Switzerland2014-05-07
 starsBell TowersBell Towers2WM8KEFBell Tower of Gellertkirche - Basel, Switzerland2010-04-14
 starsBicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1WM8YFCVeloparking Bahnhof SBB - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-02
 starsBilliards and Pool HallsBilliards and Pool Halls1WM8BQE{LEGACY} Basler Billard-Club - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-08
 starsBlood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1WM9KZFBlutspendezentrum SRK beider Basel - Basel, Switzerland2010-09-01
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMF385Bücherschrank Voltaplatz - Basel, Switzerland2012-09-27
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings3---
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WM7PZBBotanical Garden of the University of Basel - Switzerland2009-11-29
 starsBreweriesBreweries1WM6PE4Warteck - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-01
 starsBrewpubsBrewpubs1WM7T7ZBrauerei Fischerstube - Basel, Switzerland2009-12-02
 starsBridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques2WMAHREMünchensteinerbrücke - 1997 - Basel, Switzerland2011-01-20
 starsBuffet RestaurantsBuffet Restaurants1WMCYZJHan - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2011-10-28
 starsBuilding BuildingsBuilding Buildings1WMAWBVRoche Bau 1 - Basel, Switzerland2011-03-03
 starsBurger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1WM6PE0Burger King - Centralbahnplatz 10 - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-01
 starsCandy StoresCandy Stores1WMA9H4Lolipop Barfüsserplatz - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-08
 starsCar Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1WME737Motorcycle Rider - Basel, Switzerland2012-04-12
 starsCarouselsCarousels1WM74A3Carousel in Lange Erlen - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-01
 starsCasinosCasinos1WM95AJGrand Casino - Basel, Switzerland2010-07-01
 starsCastlesCastles2WMECYTSchlösschen Unteres Mittleres Gundeldingen - Basel, Switzerland2012-05-09
 starsCemetery ChapelsCemetery Chapels2WMWKBHEhemalige Abdankungskapelle Rosental - Basel, Switzerland2017-09-15
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WMAR6HJohann Peter Hebel - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-19
 starsChinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1WM78GTChina King - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsChurch of Christ ScientistChurch of Christ Scientist1WMDRQDErste Kirche Christi, Wissenschafter - Basel, Switzerland2012-02-20
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials3WMM4YGMatthias von Neuenburg - Basel, Switzerland2014-07-22
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls2---
 starsCityscapesCityscapes1WMZYTZView over Basel from the Tower of Elisabethenkirche - Basel, BS, Switzerland2019-02-02
 starsCoffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains1WMBZ0HSutter Begg Spalenvorstadt - Basel, Switzerland2011-07-06
 starsCoin ShopsCoin Shops1WM8R8FCoin Shop Heinz Schoch - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-06
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars2WM7QTMBinocular on Münster Hill - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-24
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1WM7G80Comix Shop - Basel, Switzerland2009-10-22
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1WMXKFCWendolinbrunnen - Bettingen, BS, Switzerland2018-01-24
 starsConcert HallsConcert Halls1WM74N0Stadtcasino - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-01
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites16WMN78CKirche St. Martin - Basel, Switzerland2015-01-10
 starsConvention CentersConvention Centers1WM7WM6Messe Basel - Switzerland2010-04-13
 starsConverted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings1WM8DPKSchweizerische Volksbank - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-18
 starsConverted FactoriesConverted Factories2WMECRRGundeldinger Feld - Basel, Switzerland2012-05-08
 starsCourthousesCourthouses2WMA0KHZivilgericht - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-28
 starsCruise Ship PortsCruise Ship Ports1WMB8RWPort of Basel, Switzerland2011-04-20
 starsCurrent and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges2WMGH33Basler Börse - Basel, Switzerland2013-03-09
 starsCycling RoutesCycling Routes1WMD2JDNational Cycling Routes 2 and 7 - Basel, Switzerland2011-11-10
 starsDance ClubsDance Clubs1WMKK2MFame - Basel, Switzerland2014-04-24
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones3WM7PZQ1269 - Zer Clussen - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-20
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials2WM6KZ4Johann Peter Hebel - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-18
 starsDedicated TreesDedicated Trees1WMHX34Albert und Helene Schweitzer-Breslau-Baum, Basel, Switzerland2013-08-23
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMF93MDiplodocus - Bruderholz - Basel, Switzerland2012-09-13
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions22WM6JTMItalian Consulate, Basel, Switzerland2009-06-11
 starsDirection and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1WM6NZ9Sign at Schifflände - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-29
 starsDog StatuesDog Statues2WMK5X8Dog Statue at the State Archive - Basel, Switzerland2014-02-18
 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1WMAQ38Domino's - Spalenring - Basel, BS, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsDoorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1WMAAYCGalluspforte Münster - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-17
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells2WMP2F2Vierlinden-Brunnen - Basel, Switzerland2015-06-16
 starsDunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'1WMQX5EDunkin' Donuts Greifengasse - Basel, Switzerland2016-04-09
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WMBVF7eShare Car Charging Station - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2011-06-23
 starsElectric Palm TreesElectric Palm Trees1WMAQ34Electric Palm Trees at Cafe del Mar - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsElevated BuildingsElevated Buildings1WM19DGRFischergalgen Nr. 55 - Basel, Switzerland2024-02-04
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures7WMA88RHelvetia auf Reisen - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-01
 starsEquestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1WM8DGFSt. George at Kohlenberg - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-17
 starsEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks2WMTMQBHistoric Boundary Stone Collection - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2016-12-27
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices5WMG8VADie Post - 4002 Basel 2, Switzerland2013-01-30
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas2WM6PDXMünster hill, Basel - Bronze model on the North bank of the Rhine2009-07-25
 starsFarmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets1WMFC55Stadtmarkt auf dem Marktplatz - Basel, Switzerland2012-10-09
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings8WM6NZ1St. Alban ferry "Wilde Maa", Northern Landing - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-29
 starsFestivalsFestivals2WM7HXKHerbstmesse - Basel, Switzerland2009-10-30
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture8WM952WFischer - Solitude-Park, Basel, Switzerland2010-06-30
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1WM7380Fire Fighting Ship "Christophorus" - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-26
 starsFirehousesFirehouses3WM7PRHBerufsfeuerwehr Basel-Stadt - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-19
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WMKMNQFirst American Diplomatic Representative to Switzerland - Basel, Switzerland2014-05-03
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World1WMYBC2Boutique Danoise - Basel, Switzerland2018-05-25
 starsFlea MarketsFlea Markets1WMMHAYFlohmarkt auf dem Petersplatz - Basel, Switzerland2014-09-24
 starsFormer SchoolsFormer Schools1WMTYA6Spalenschulhaus - Basel, Switzerland2017-01-23
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1WMKD6DBücherschrank Voltaplatz - Basel, Switzerland2014-03-24
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art2WM8YZQKunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland2010-06-02
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras6---
 starsGazebosGazebos2WM72JYDeWette Park Gazebo - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-24
 starsGhosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings2WMPDTASpiesshof - Basel, Switzerland2015-08-14
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games2WM737TChess on Messeplatz - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-27
 starsGifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries4WMEXAJStrassburger Denkmal - Basel, Switzerland2012-07-17
 starsGothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture2WMA3NBTown Wall - Basel, Switzerland2010-11-11
 starsGraffitiGraffiti1WM9PY0Graffitis at the Railway Line - Basel, Switzerland2011-03-14
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1WMJ6B0Fritz Hauser - Friedhof am Hörnli - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2013-10-02
 starsGreenhouses and NurseriesGreenhouses and Nurseries1WMBWMJGreenhouses of the Botanical Garden - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-28
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WMJ6BTGuest Book Wald-Labyrinth - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2013-10-01
 starsHand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1WMCP8VOld Water Pump near Breite - Basel, Switzerland2011-09-28
 starsHeadstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians1WMJA0Q103 - Rosy Du Bois-Flad - Friedhof Hörnli - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2013-10-19
 starsHelicopter Landing PadsHelicopter Landing Pads1WMH016Helipad Rehab - Basel, Switzerland2013-04-30
 starsHerbariaHerbaria1WMXV3DHerbaria at the Botanical Institute - Basel, BS, Switzerland2018-03-15
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks2WM6NZ4Rhine Flood Levels - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-29
 starsHindu TemplesHindu Temples1WMBRA7Hindu Temple Basel - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-16
 starsHistoric Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates3WM9WKGSluice Gate, St. Alban-Teich - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-06
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1WMXD9TTransformatoren-Station Erlensträsschen - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2017-12-30
 starsHistoric Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage BlocksHistoric Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks1WMTWMTUpping Stones at the Haus zum Venedig - Basel, Switzerland2017-01-15
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums13WM6MZYHistorisches Museum - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-23
 starsHostelsHostels2WM7P1R{LEGACY} Youth Hostel Basel City, Switzerland2009-11-16
 starsHumane Societies and RescuesHumane Societies and Rescues1WMAR68Tierheim beider Basel - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-16
 starsHydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations1WMP1DDKraftwerk Riehenteich - Basel, Switzerland2015-06-11
 starsIce Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1WMBWYXGlatscharia Üna - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-29
 starsIn Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts2WM6JTQMurus Gallicus - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-12
 starsIndependent Artist Supply StoresIndependent Artist Supply Stores1WMAQ36Lachenmeier Farben - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsIndependent BakeriesIndependent Bakeries1WM9NADHolzofenbäckerei Bio Andreas - Basel, Switzerland2010-09-08
 starsIndependent BookstoresIndependent Bookstores1WM7T7WBuchhandlung Olymp & Hades - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsIndependent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1WMANCW{LEGACY} Cigares Münsterberg - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-03
 starsIndependent Coffee ShopsIndependent Coffee Shops1WMAKXW{LEGACY} Stoffero - Basel, Switzerland2011-01-27
 starsIndependent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores1WM7P1MAtlantis Records - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-17
 starsIndoor MallsIndoor Malls1WM7WN8Stücki - Basel, Switzerland2009-12-14
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels2WMJ7XZInsect Hotel at the River Bank - Basel, Switzerland2013-10-08
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WMA9AMFly with Rider - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-07
 starsJapanese RestaurantsJapanese Restaurants1WMKDC5Minamoto - Basel, Switzerland2014-03-25
 starsJazz ClubsJazz Clubs1WM8DGNthe bird's eye jazz club - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-18
 starsJuice and Smoothie BarsJuice and Smoothie Bars1WMAJ8GHamabama - Basel, Switzerland2011-01-20
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art2WM8APNHammering Man - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-02
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WMBJ46Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen - Basel, Switzerland2011-05-25
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths2WM6PHZLabyrinth am Leonhardskirchplatz - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-02
 starsLast of its KindLast of its Kind1WMTWMWLast Upping Stones in Town - Haus zum Venedig - Basel, Switzerland2017-01-15
 starsLavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1WMDW9XWaschhaus - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2012-03-01
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1WMV4GJDeutschritterkapelle - Basel, Switzerland2017-02-22
 starsLibrariesLibraries7WM7PZDUniversity Library - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-20
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters11WM6P9MTheater Basel - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-30
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers2---
 starsLove PadlocksLove Padlocks1WMKZPRLove Padlocks at Käppelijoch - Basel, Switzerland2014-06-23
 starsLucky 7Lucky 71WM87YQLucky 7 Leonhardskirche - Basel, Switzerland2010-02-18
 starsLutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1WMAQYWKartäuserkirche - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-15
 starsMagic ShopsMagic Shops1WM7T7BZauberlädeli - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-30
 starsMaritime MuseumsMaritime Museums1WM9EZ4Ausstellung Verkehrsdrehscheibe Schweiz - Basel, Switzerland2010-08-12
 starsMartial ArtsMartial Arts1WMA9AYKampfkunst-Akademie Basel - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-08
 starsMasonic TemplesMasonic Temples1WMA9GWZum neuen Venedig - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-08
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
 starsMedieval ChurchesMedieval Churches7WM73F6Predigerkirche - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-27
 starsMethodist ChurchesMethodist Churches2WMA6CCEvangelisch-Methodistische Kirche Kleinbasel - Basel, Switzerland2010-11-23
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WM9538{LEGACY} La Fonda - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-30
 starsMillstonesMillstones1WMKKBTMillstone of Former Klingental Mill - Basel, Switzerland2014-04-26
 starsMom and Pop Rock ShopsMom and Pop Rock Shops1WMANCREdelstein-Mine - Basel, Switzerland2011-03-14
 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WMH3XDAlexander I of Russia - Basel, Switzerland2013-05-19
 starsMonopoly in the Real WorldMonopoly in the Real World2WM7QTGFreie Strasse - Basel, Switzerland (Swiss Edition 1961-2007)2009-11-24
 starsMosaicsMosaics2WMMHBCSendung - Basel, Switzerland2014-09-22
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1WM6MZHFlag at the Town Hall - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-23
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas10WM72YADe Wette Park - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-25
 starsMuralsMurals10WM8R7DLebenslauf - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-06
 starsMusical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers1WM7PZ8Musik Oesch - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-20
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WMA0M5vital.PUNKT - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-27
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WMB876Schifferverein Nautical Flag Pole - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-18
 starsNeon SignsNeon Signs1WMAKXQ{LEGACY} Cindy's Diner - Basel, Switzerland2011-01-27
 starsNews Article LocationsNews Article Locations1WMV1P5Schönkindhof Too Expensive to Be Sold - Basel, Switzerland2017-02-09
 starsNewspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters2WM7WN3Basler Zeitung - Basel, Switzerland2009-12-14
 starsNewstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies1WMBVDHk Kiosk im Tramhüsli Aeschenplatz - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-23
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates1WMHX35PEACE - Albert Schweitzer 1952 - Basel, Switzerland2018-01-04
 starsNon-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1WMF93GWehrmännerdenkmal Bruderholz - Basel, Switzerland2012-09-16
 starsNoodle ShopsNoodle Shops1WM74N3Namamen-Japanese-Ramenbar - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-06
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1WMNR9NShepherd - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2015-04-24
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1WMJ64EWater Rafter - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2013-09-30
 starsOdd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1WM8AZPOdd Fellow Haus - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-04
 starsOdd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings2WM8DPETheater - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-22
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums1WM7R9KPuppenhausmuseum - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-26
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions11---
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors1WM125JNTractor at Restaurant Waldrain - Bettingen, BS, Switzerland2020-04-20
 starsOmnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1WMECPPFence Eating Tree at St. Jakobs-Strasse - Basel, Switzerland2012-05-11
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1WMDZP4Basketball Court Kornfeldstrasse - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2012-03-14
 starsOutdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1WM7P1PSherpa Outdoor Elisabethenstrasse - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-25
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WMTEQDStairway at a Hiking Trail near the Border - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2016-11-13
 starsOutside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1WMKNNJBear with Chalice - Bettingen, BS, Switzerland2014-05-07
 starsPeace MemorialsPeace Memorials1WMB8TASri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom - Dreiländereck - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-20
 starsPeople-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places2WM7N71Peter Merian Haus - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-15
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WMDWARN 47°34'39" E 7°37'53" - Breitmattweg Bridge - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2012-03-01
 starsPet StoresPet Stores1WM9530Qualipet Zoo Bahnhof - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-30
 starsPhilatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1WMAAX3Spalentor - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-16
 starsPhotos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now2WM8DPMUnternehmen Mitte / Schweizerische Volksbank - Basel, Switzerland2010-03-22
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations7WM6MZDPolizeiposten Spiegelhof - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-23
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2WMDGQRTown Wall - Basel, Switzerland2012-01-14
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds15WM6J5GSpielplatz Margarethenpark West - Binningen, BL, Switzerland2009-06-09
 starsPublic Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools4WM8TEMHallenbad Rialto - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-19
 starsPublicly Held Corporation HeadquartersPublicly Held Corporation Headquarters3WM6JTYF. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd. - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-16
 starsPubs and InnsPubs and Inns1WM6P9RPaddy Reilly's Irish Pub and Restaurant - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-30
 starsPyramidsPyramids1WM6RRHPyramids next to the Theatre - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-15
 starsQuonset HutsQuonset Huts1WM8QEYLory House Basel Zoological Garden - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-03
 starsRadio and Television Transmitter TowersRadio and Television Transmitter Towers1WMVFAJSendeturm Chrischona - Bettingen, BS, Switzerland2017-04-11
 starsRailroad BridgesRailroad Bridges2WM8QF0Railroad Bridge in the Basel Zoological Garden - Basel, Switzerland2010-05-03
 starsReadable From AboveReadable From Above1WM7WKT{LEGACY} MESSE BASEL - Basel, Switzerland2009-12-14
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures2WM8YQPRed Glove - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-01
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1WMAMTWRed Telephone Box - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2011-01-31
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures3WMAMT7Untitled Relief at Valiant Bank - Basel, Switzerland2011-01-31
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious2WMTTPQPredigerkirche - Basel, Switzerland2017-01-07
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures1WMJZK4Gasthof zum Goldenen Sternen - Basel, Switzerland2014-01-23
 starsRenaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture1WMM3YNGeltenzunft - Basel, Switzerland2014-07-17
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons1WM6N02Lohnhof - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-23
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WMKKBWRiver Gauge at Schifflände - Basel, Switzerland2014-04-26
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences3WM6RRFCONFLUENCE - Birs - Rhine - Birsfelden, BL, Switzerland2009-07-15
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches9WM72K1St. Marien - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-24
 starsRonald McDonald HousesRonald McDonald Houses1WMB5B6Ronald McDonald Haus - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-07
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WMW7FCBronze Model of the Cathedral - Basel, Switzerland2017-07-20
 starsSalvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations2WM6JTVFrauenwohnheim - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-11
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums2WM78BJBasler Papiermühle - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsSelf Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails2WMM5FRAltstadtrundgänge - Basel, Switzerland2014-08-01
 starsSequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees1WMBWEBSequoiadendron Giganteum in the Botanical Garden - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-27
 starsSeventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches1WM9NA2Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten - Basel, Switzerland2010-09-09
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WMB86XShip Screw at the Naval Museum - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-20
 starsShooting RangesShooting Ranges1WMFYQZBogenschützen Juventas Basel - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2012-12-19
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History3WM9WM1Brunnwerk St. Jakob am Walkeweg - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-06
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments2WMBVF2Sister City Pole - Riehen, BS, Switzerland2011-06-23
 starsSkyscrapersSkyscrapers1WMQZ74Roche Bau 1 - Basel, Switzerland2016-04-19
 starsSpace Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art6WMR5YBSI - Steinenvorstadt - Basel, Switzerland2016-05-14
 starsSpecific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1WMEYNZSt. Jakobsdenkmal - Old Zurich War - Basel, Switzerland2012-07-24
 starsStained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1WMAQ32Chancel Windows of Elisabethenkirche - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsStarbucks StoresStarbucks Stores2WM6KZ9Starbucks - Centralbahnplatz - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-18
 starsStatic Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1WM95ACAirplane at the Casino - Basel, Switzerland2010-07-01
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WMB6F3Old Mail Car at Aktienmühle - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-11
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures6WM8J53Alderman Karl Sarasin - Basel, Switzerland2010-04-08
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
 starsStone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1WMAWBRTombstones and Coffin Lids at the wall of Theodorskirche - Basel, Switzerland2011-03-03
 starsSubway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1WM9GDDSubway - Stücki - Basel, Switzerland2010-08-18
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives1WMQZ78TALLEST Buiding of Switzerland - Roche Bau 1 - Basel, Switzerland2016-04-18
 starsSushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants1WM9NAXNegishi - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-19
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WM6PHWGrosse Synagoge - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-02
 starsTattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors1WMA0MJRobi's Tattoo Shop - Basel2010-10-27
 starsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1WMA9GNTelebasel - Basel, Switzerland2010-12-08
 starsThai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1WM6PE6Restaurant Malay Thai - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-01
 starsThemed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes1WM72ZRRetro Style Rocket - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-25
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church5WM6MZKMartinskirche - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-02
 starsThrift StoresThrift Stores1WMAWC4HIOB International - Basel, Switzerland2011-03-03
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WMC9Y3Time, Date and Temperature Sign at Aeschenplatz - Basel, Switzerland2011-08-14
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers3WM6N3WTourist & Hotel Information - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-24
  Town ClocksTown Clocks6---
 starsTraffic ParksTraffic Parks1WMB6QFVerkehrsgarten der Kantonspolizei - Basel, Switzerland2011-04-12
 starsTrain Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots4WM6KZ8Bahnhof SBB - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-18
 starsTreehousesTreehouses1WMAR6WTreehouse in Robi Volta - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-16
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints2WMDXR1Dreiländereck - France, Germany, Switzerland2012-03-12
 starsTruss BridgesTruss Bridges1WM6JTKWettsteinbrücke Basel, Switzerland2009-06-11
 starsUnique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs3WME6XBRestaurant St. Alban-Eck - Basel, Switzerland2012-04-11
 starsUnique SteeplesUnique Steeples2WM9NA9Missione Cattolica Italiana - Basel, Switzerland2010-09-08
 starsUniversities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1WM6KP2Universität Basel - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-24
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WMA548Consulate of the Kingdom of Lempuria - Basel, Switzerland2011-08-11
 starsUrban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1WMNT1VNapoleon-Stein - Basel, Switzerland2015-04-28
 starsUsed Book StoresUsed Book Stores1WM7Q02Erasmushaus - Basel, Switzerland2009-11-20
 starsUsed Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1WMBWYHGameboxx - Basel, Switzerland2011-06-30
 starsVegetarian EateriesVegetarian Eateries2WMA3EKTibits - Basel, Switzerland2010-11-10
 starsVintage Ad LocationsVintage Ad Locations1WMM5FEWarenhaus Julius Brann - Basel, Switzerland2014-07-28
 starsVintage Movie TheatersVintage Movie Theaters1WMA0MDPathé Küchlin - Basel, Switzerland2010-10-28
 starsWater TowersWater Towers3WM6N3ZWasserturm Bruderholz - Basel, Switzerland2009-06-24
 starsWaymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1WM9GDYWaymark Sticker - fi672010-11-16
 starsWeb CamerasWeb Cameras1WM8T6QBarfüsserplatz Web Cam - Basel, Switzerland2010-06-25
 starsWhispering GalleriesWhispering Galleries1WMW7EJSide Entrance of the Cathedral - Basel, Switzerland2017-07-20
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries4WM9544Kunstmuseum - Basel, Switzerland2010-07-01
 starsWildlife MuseumsWildlife Museums1WM6MZNNaturhistorisches Museum - Basel, Switzerland2009-08-04
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels2WM78C1Stegreifmühle - Basel, Switzerland2009-09-19
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries5WM84MQWolfgottesacker - Basel, Switzerland2010-01-27
 starsYMCA / YWCAYMCA / YWCA1WM9CTECVJM Kleinbasel - Basel, Switzerland2010-08-02
 starsYe Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1WMBZ0QMetzgerei Kuhn - Basel, Switzerland2011-07-06
 starsYellow Arrow LookupYellow Arrow Lookup1WMAQ3CYellow Arrow at Totentanz - Basel, Switzerland2011-02-10
 starsZoosZoos3WM6Q9MBasel Zoological Garden - Basel, Switzerland2009-07-07

Bern (208 waymarks / 93 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WMZR2CIhr Standort - Schloss Köniz - Köniz, BE, Switzerland2018-12-26
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures5WMMDQXFenster für Gespenster - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-06
 starsAerial LiftsAerial Lifts2WM7EXPBetelbergbahn - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges3---
 starsArchitecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes1WMMDH9Zentrum Paul Klee - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-05
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums5WMC593Kunsthalle - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-27
  Austrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesAustrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites29---
 starsBear StatuesBear Statues1WMC590Two Bears at the Entrance to the History Museum - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-27
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations1WMYVFQBird Observation Hut Fanel Nature Reserve - Gampelen, BE, Switzerland2018-07-29
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMY09JTibits - Bern, Switzerland2018-03-27
 starsBurger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1WMF376Burger King - Genfergasse - Bern, Switzerland2012-08-18
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WMXDP4Busstation Bahnhof - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2017-12-31
 starsCapitol BuildingsCapitol Buildings1WMC48JFederal Palace of Switzerland - Bern, Switzerland2011-08-19
 starsCarriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display1WMZ2MTFreight Car Zoo Rothaus - Gampelen, BE, Switzerland2018-09-02
 starsCave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)1WMCP2DSt. Beatus Caves - Beatenberg, BE, Switzerland2011-09-28
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2WMXEEHJohann Rudolf Gruner - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2018-01-02
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls3---
 starsCoin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides1WM7EYCChildren's Ride Kronenplatz - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites5WMN7JMHeiliggeistkirche - Bern, Switzerland2015-01-13
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions4WMC47FEmbassy of Sweden - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-23
 starsDonated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers1WMME1HDonated Bricks at Bear Park - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-21
 starsDoorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1WMC5GKMünsterportal - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-28
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells1WMXF5DDraw Well in Schloss Burgdorf - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2018-01-05
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices2WMXDN1Die Post - 3150 Schwarzenburg, BE, Switzerland2018-01-01
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations1WMEB38Berna Fountain and Asteroid 1313 Berna - Bern, Switzerland2012-04-30
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsFirehousesFirehouses1WM7EZKFeuerwehrmagazin - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsFountainsFountains22WM7EXGSundial-Fountain at the Railway Station - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WMXEY4Frieze at Gasthof Metzgern - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2018-01-04
 starsFuneral HomesFuneral Homes1WMCNMKBestattungen Thomas Rubin - Interlaken, BE, Switzerland2011-09-26
 starsGargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1WMXEEWChimeras Schmiedengasse 30 - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2018-01-02
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs1WMC5G2Ghost Sign near the Cathedral - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-28
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WMC4DHNine Men's Morris on Bärenplatz - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-25
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1WMCP1ZBeatus of Lungern - Beatenberg, BE, Switzerland2011-10-07
 starsGuinness World RecordsGuinness World Records1WMCNPJThe World's Largest Pin - Beatenberg, BE, Switzerland2011-09-26
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings2WMXH5GTransformatoren-Station Stängeli - Schwarzenburg, BE, Switzerland2018-01-13
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
 starsIconic FactoriesIconic Factories1WMPRMWRolex - Biel, BE, Switzerland2015-10-15
 starsImmortalized in LyricsImmortalized in Lyrics1WMWCJHDynamit by Mani Matter - Federal Palace - Bern, Switzerland2017-08-17
 starsIndependent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1WMC971Cigarren Flury AG - Bern, Switzerland2011-08-13
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths1WMXH5CLabyrinth at the School - Schwarzenburg, BE, Switzerland2018-01-16
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors2WMXGZEFrühmesskapelle - Schwarzenburg, BE, Switzerland2018-01-12
 starsLibrariesLibraries3WMC965Kornhausbibliothek - Bern, Switzerland2011-08-11
 starsLive Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters2WMME22Theater vis-à-vis - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-07
 starsLucky 7Lucky 71WMF6APLucky 7 at Bundeshaus - Bern, Switzerland2012-08-31
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
 starsMedieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1WMME1XNydeggkirche - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-08
  Miniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads1---
 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WMME20Berthold V, Duke of Zähringen - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-08
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags4WM7EX8Municipal Flag - Lenk im Simmental, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1WMTF7KKleine Schanze - Bern, Switzerland2016-11-15
 starsNumismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1WMD5K7Zytglogge - Bern, Switzerland2011-11-25
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WMCAWQFederal Palace of Switzerland - Bern, Switzerland2011-08-31
 starsOut of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1WMCP22Beatus of Lungern - Beatenberg, BE, Switzerland2011-10-01
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WMF37PStairway at the Hiking Path - Mittelhäusern, BE, Switzerland2012-08-19
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges2---
 starsPhotos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1WMXHZBRegionalmuseum Schwarzwasser - Schwarzenburg, BE, Switzerland2018-01-18
  Public Funiculars and Incline RailwaysPublic Funiculars and Incline Railways1---
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds2WM7EXZSpielplatz Kronenplatz - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsPublic Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1WM7EXMWallbachbadi - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-12-14
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WMMFZGZähringer Bronze Plates - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-15
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious1WMTPVRSt. Peter und Paul - Bern, Switzerland2016-12-26
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons5WMMEW9Käfigturm - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-22
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WM7120ORIGIN - Simme, Lenk,BE, Switzerland2009-08-18
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2WMTF0GDreifaltigkeitskirche - Bern, Switzerland2016-11-17
 starsScience MuseumsScience Museums2WMC58GSwiss Alpine Museum - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-27
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History1WMMEG5Einstein-Haus - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-09
 starsSimulacraSimulacra1WMF26ZGreen Skull in a Waterfall - Mittelhäusern, BE Switzerland2012-08-10
 starsStarbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1WMF378Starbucks Waisenhausplatz - Bern, Switzerland2012-08-15
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WMC582Marzilibahn Wagon - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-27
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---
 starsSteakhousesSteakhouses1WMMEGXThe Beef - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-09
 starsSundialsSundials1WM7EXHSundial-Fountain at the Railway Station - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church2WMC40NHeiliggeistkirche - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-22
 starsTimelinesTimelines3WMXGRGHistory of Burgdorf Castle - 1200 - 2013 - Burgdorf, BE, Switzerland2018-01-12
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers2---
 starsTrain Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots12WM6TZVBahnhof Mittelhäusern, BE, Switzerland2009-07-21
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints1WMYVF1Double Tripoint NE-FR-BE and NE-VD-FR - Gampelen, BE, Switzerland2018-08-09
 starsUnique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs1WMME7RRestaurant zur Krone - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-08
  Unique SteeplesUnique Steeples2---
 starsUniversities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1WMMEWGUniversität Bern - Bern, Switzerland2014-09-12
 starsUsed Book StoresUsed Book Stores1WMC5HMBuchantiquariat Hegnauer - Bern, Switzerland2011-08-08
 starsVegetarian EateriesVegetarian Eateries1WMF37MTibits - Bern, Switzerland2012-08-15
 starsWikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1WMC48KFederal Palace of Switzerland - Bern, Switzerland2011-07-23
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries2WM7EYBFriedhof - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsYe Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1WM7EZ0Metzgerei Tschanz - Lenk, BE, Switzerland2009-10-16
 starsZoosZoos3WMG21DTierpark Dählhölzli - Bern, Switzerland2013-01-03

Fribourg (68 waymarks / 40 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WMMGK7Papiliorama You Are Here Map - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2014-09-18
 starsAbstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures2WMZ7DYAbstract Sculpture in a Roundabout - Haut-Vully, FR, Switzerland2018-09-23
  Austrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesAustrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites11---
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1WMZ8Y5Maison Gatschet - Môtier, FR, Switzerland2018-10-03
 starsBookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1WMY0KBPapiliorama - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2018-03-28
 starsButterfly HousesButterfly Houses1WMMGK1Papiliorama - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2014-09-19
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WMZC43Jeremias Gotthelf - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-23
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1WMZA3WMurten/Morat, FR, Switzerland2018-10-07
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites3WMZ8GDÉglise Saint-Pierre - Môtier, FR, Switzerland2018-09-29
 starsConverted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1WMZ9ZGle cinéma - Feuerwehrmagazin N° 1 - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-06
 starsDated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1WMZ7YYFountain Route du Quart-Dessous - 1803 - Haut-Vully, FR, Switzerland2018-09-25
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1WMZC3ZJeremias Gotthelf - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-19
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1---
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WMMGK8Redwood Tree Ring Display - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2014-09-22
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings3WMZ8DVFerry Landing - Môtier, FR, Switzerland2018-10-03
 starsFirehousesFirehouses1WMZ995SFVF - Vully2018-10-03
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WMMGK4Guest Book Papiliorama - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2014-09-19
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1WMZDF0Poste de Transformation Sugiez - Bas-Vully, FR, Switzerland2018-10-26
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums1WMZARBMuseum Murten / Musée de Morat - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-10
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags2WMZ9M3Municipal Flag - Muntelier, FR, Switzerland2018-10-06
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMZDZAMurtensee (Lake Morat / Lac de Morat) - FR/VD Switzerland2018-10-27
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WMZCF7Berntor - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-20
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WMZCTQN 46° 55' 47" E 4° 46' 53" - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-21
 starsPhoto CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1WMMGK5Butterfly Photo Cutout at Papiliorama - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland2014-09-20
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1WMZBWBJeremias Gotthelf - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-10-17
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church1WMZHHEFranzösische Kirche - Murten, FR, Switzerland2018-11-16
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WMZG52Time and Temperature Sign at the Port - Portalban, FR, Switzerland2018-11-16
 starsTown ClocksTown Clocks3WMZ8P9Tower Clock of the Église Saint-Pierre - Môtier, FR, Switzerland2018-09-30
 starsTrain Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots2WMZ99FSugiez, FR, Switzerland2018-10-03
  Unique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs1---
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities1WMZD6QARA Region Murten - Muntelier, FR, Switzerland2018-10-23
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James1WMZDRYWay of St. James Marker at the Ferry Landing Sugiez - Bas-Vully, FR, Switzerland2018-10-26
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1WMZ85X