User small oaks 

small oaks  posted 261 waymarks in 172 different categories within 5 countries and 18 regions, of these were 190 posted-first-in-region and also 144 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 221 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Estonia (13 waymarks / 12 categories)

 starsCastlesCastles1WM8GQ5Rakvere Order Castle - Estonia2010-04-04
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1WMBPKZLook Out - Tallinn, Estonia2011-06-12
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2WM708FKalevipoeg - Tallinn, Estonia2009-08-17
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WM8VFKFIRST Movie Theatre in Estonia2010-06-21
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WMBQDAKGB muuseum guest book - Tallinn, Estonia2011-06-29
 starsHistoric Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards1WMBPKVThe Town Hall - Tallinn, Estonia2011-06-10
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums1WM8VZ9Fotomuuseum - Tallinn, Estonia2010-05-18
 starsOdd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings1WM8N9XFahle Building - Tallinn, Estonia2010-04-24
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WM6H9AVoldemar Panso - Tallinn, Estonia2009-06-05
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons1WM8VRYFormer Town Council's Prison - Tallinn, Estonia2010-05-18
 starsTown ClocksTown Clocks1WM8VCQClock of the Holy Spirit Church - Tallinn, Estonia2010-05-17
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls1WM8GPNJägala Waterfall - Estonia2010-03-31

Finland (234 waymarks / 157 categories)

Etelä-Karjala (2)

 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs1WM660FFootprints in Sculpture Garden - Parikkala, Finland2009-04-09
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WM8HDHParikkala Sculpture Garden2010-04-28

Etelä-Savo (8)

 starsBellsBells1WM9D8WBell in Tallisaari - Savonlinna, Finland2010-08-04
 starsBicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1WM9NPYFinnTrek Trekpoint Rental Services - Rantasalmi, Finland2010-09-10
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMAEATTyrannosaurus Rex of Visulahti - Mikkeli, Finland2011-01-04
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WM99HEPekka Lipponen - Rantasalmi, Finland2010-07-25
 starsGiants of CommerceGiants of Commerce1WM4DR7T Rex of Visulahti, Finland2008-08-10
 starsGreat Buildings of the WorldGreat Buildings of the World1WM8MFNOlavinlinna - Savonlinna, Finland2010-05-07
 starsRailroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1WM9D83Kyrönsalmi railroad bridge - Savonlinna, Finland2010-08-04
 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives1WM8B1DLARGEST - Wooden Church in the world - Kerimäki, Finland2010-04-30

Kainuu (4)

 stars3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond1WMF42PSuomussalmi House Museum - Suomussalmi, Finland2012-08-23
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WM8T22Hiljainen kansa - Silent people - Suomussalmi, Finland2010-05-09
 starsPermanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1WM70JKF1 McLaren - Suomussalmi, Finland2009-08-15
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls1WM8FHQHepoköngäs - Puolanka , Finland2010-04-01

Kanta-Häme (1)

 starsBear StatuesBear Statues1WM76HJKarhut - Hämeenlinna, Finland2009-09-09

Kymenlaakso (11)

 starsAccessible-Designed Recreational LocationsAccessible-Designed Recreational Locations1WM93TARedoubt Herb Garden - Garden walk for visually impaired - Kotka, Finland2010-06-25
 starsAnamorphous Street ArtAnamorphous Street Art1WM97PVModern in Kotka - Kotka, Finland2010-07-12
 starsArtistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1WMA1K8Block of Flats - Kotka, Finland2010-11-02
 starsBicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1WM97Q7Bicycle tender for three - Kotka, Finland2010-07-11
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations1WMA2GRA.S. Popov - 3074 Popov2010-11-06
 starsHand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1WMA1RZPublic well monument - Kotka, Finland2010-11-07
 starsIce Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1WM8Q5KJäätelöbaari Caminito -- Kouvola, Finland2010-05-02
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WMAEA3For Sailors Well mine landmark - Maritime museum Vellamo - Kotka Finland2011-01-04
 starsMaritime MuseumsMaritime Museums1WM6C4JMaritime Museum of Finland - Kotka, Finland2009-05-12
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit1WM9462Anosenkulman maitolaituri - Kouvola, Finland2010-06-26
 starsPyramidsPyramids1WM643AMatkailukeskus Alppiruusu - Elimäki, Finland2009-07-04

Lappi (5)

 starsDirection and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1WM8CKVPolare Artico Arrows - Rovaniemi, Finland2010-03-12
 starsGifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries1WM8B0WJoulupukki - Rovaniemi, Finland2010-03-05
 starsGreat Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth1WM71R2Arctic Circle - Rovaniemi, Finland2009-08-20
 starsMoominsMoomins1WM8YEMMuumit sähkökaappeissa - Rovaniemi, Finland.2010-05-31
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs1WM6WQ1Lordi's square - Rovaniemi, Finland2009-08-06

Pirkanmaa (23 waymarks / 19 categories)

 starsBoat RampsBoat Ramps1WMCCT8Boat ramp in Härmälänsaari - Tampere, Finland2011-08-25
 starsBridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques1WMB2TCSatakunnansilta - 1900 - Tampere, Finland2011-03-28
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WMB2TEKeskustori bus terminal - Tampere, Finland2011-03-28
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WM8HCETroll Banker of Karkku, Finland2010-04-04
 starsIKEAIKEA1WM9AP9IKEA Tampere - Finland2010-07-23
 starsIndependent Movie Rental ShopsIndependent Movie Rental Shops1WM8HCMVideofoto - Sastamala, Finland2010-04-07
 starsLaser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1WMB2TAMegazone - Tampere, Finland2011-03-28
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives1WM3J1GVr1 659, Vammala Finland2008-09-22
 starsMilestonesMilestones2WM6647"Kilometripylväs" Karkku, Sastamala, Finland2009-04-12
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit4WM94FZVedentaustan maitolaituri - Kuhmalahti, Finland2010-06-28
 starsMotor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1WM70NNVehoniemi car museum - Kangasala, Finland2009-08-22
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WM8FR2Pirunvuoren kivilinna - Sastamala,Finland2010-05-05
 starsRailroad MuseumsRailroad Museums1WMBNFGVeturimuseo - Akaa, Finland2011-06-08
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WMCCT7Kasvu - Tampere, Finland2011-08-23
 starsRevolving RestaurantsRevolving Restaurants1WM65KKNäsinneula restaurant, Tampere Finland2010-03-26
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1WMB2T0Sister City Street sign - Tampere, Finland2011-03-28
  Spas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and SaunasSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and Saunas1---
 starsWeb CamerasWeb Cameras1WM89RJVammalan tori web camera - Sastamala, Finland2010-03-24
 starsWindmillsWindmills1WM77EDHaiharan mylly - Tampere, Finland2010-01-27

Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (1)

 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1WM768QTaivalvaara artificial climbing wall - Taivalkoski, Finland2009-09-09

Pohjois-Savo (1)

 starsIKEAIKEA1WMF204IKEA Kuopio - Finland2012-08-09

Päijät-Häme (2)

 starsModern Olympic VenuesModern Olympic Venues1WMEYRYThe Lahti kisapuisto - Olympics 1952, Finland2012-09-03
 starsPeace PolesPeace Poles1WMB9JVPeace pole - Kärkölä Finland2011-04-23

Satakunta (5)

 starsBlacksmith ShopsBlacksmith Shops1WMB72VLeineperin Ruukin paja - Ulvila, Finland2011-04-13
 starsHistoric Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards1WMB72FLeineperi ironworks - Ulvila, Finland2011-04-13
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit1WM9CWMRipovuoren Maitolaituri - Huittinen, Finland2010-08-02
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1WM9FBCUlvila - Finland2010-09-08
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors1WM9CWTMassey-Harris Pony - Ulvila, Finland2010-08-02

Uusimaa (168 waymarks / 116 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WM3J17Olet Tässä in Purola-Bäckas Map in Porvoo, Finland2008-04-13
 stars3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art1WM8F3PSnails of restaurant Timbaali - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-31
 starsAnchorsAnchors1WM8NA2Anchor by Café Ankaret - Porvoo, Finland2010-04-23
 starsAnimal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1WM8GQ8Lutz - Porvoo, Finland2010-04-07
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges1WM93E0Aleksanterin silta - Porvoo, Finland2010-06-30
 starsArt GalleriesArt Galleries1WMA4MTGalleria Sofia - Porvoo, Finland2010-11-16
 starsArt StudiosArt Studios1WM9GDQAkseli Gallen-Kallela's art studio - Tarvaspää - Espoo, Finland2010-08-18
 starsArtistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes20WM6319Tool Shop - Porvoo, Finland2009-03-24
 starsBell TowersBell Towers1WM8AZYPorvoon Tuomiokirkon kellotapuli - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-04
  Bicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1---
  Bicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1---
  Blood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1---
 starsBowling CentresBowling Centres1WM9ZEJPorvoon Keilahalli - Porvoo, Finland2010-10-24
 starsBurger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains2WM72XZHesburger - Lundi - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-24
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WM8AZNPorvoon Linja-autoasema - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-18
 starsCandy StoresCandy Stores2WM76FRBrunberg chocolate and candy store in Old Porvoo - Porvoo, Finland2010-01-27
 starsCathedralsCathedrals1WM76FGPorvoo Cathedral2010-03-04
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WM976QVille Vallgren's childhood home in Porvoo2010-07-10
 starsCitizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1WM71YMJohan (Jan) Anders Jägerhorn - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-04
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1WM3N38Porvoon kaupungintalo - Borgå Stadshuset, Finland2008-06-29
 starsCityscapesCityscapes1WM3MADCityscape of Porvoo, Finland2008-04-20
 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms3WM8C2VCoA of Porvoo - Finland2010-03-10
 starsCommunity CommemorationCommunity Commemoration2WM8AZZDiet of Porvoo 1809 - Bicentennial Triptych2010-04-28
 starsConverted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings3WM8BXDHelsingin osuuspankki - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-09
 starsCoordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1WM63MMN 60° 22.206' E 25° 38.352' -"Fangorn Forest" - Porvoo, Finland2009-03-28
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1WM6AZ71902 - Old red tile warehouse in Porvoo, Finland2009-05-07
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1---
 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials2WM72BHRuttokivi - Plague memorial stone in Porvoo, Finland2009-09-06
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations2WMARGPPorvoo Energy Electric Car Charcher - Porvoo, Finland2011-03-09
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WM8DZTUnicorn of Porvoo cathedral -- Porvoo, Finland2010-03-28
 starsFamous FiresFamous Fires1WM8DJZPorvoo Cathedral fires2010-03-18
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
 starsField HospitalsField Hospitals1WMA2YXFolkakademis Hus - Winter War - Porvoo, Finland2010-11-08
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WM8T71Goat - Porvoo, Finland2010-05-10
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WM91HAThe OLDEST Home Museum in Finland - J.L. Runeberg's Home2010-06-14
 starsFlags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations1WM9596Glückauf - Restaurant - Porvoo, Finland2010-07-01
 starsFountainsFountains1WM73YFMillstone fountain - Old Porvoo, Finland2009-08-29
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WM93QWPorvoo Congregation Center Frieze Art2010-06-24
 starsGPS Tracklog ArtGPS Tracklog Art1WMAY1YHello earth people, I come in peace!2011-03-10
 starsGargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1WM8FAMPorvoo Congregation Center Gargoyles2010-03-27
 starsGazebosGazebos1WM6258Kokonniemi pavillion - Porvoo, Finland2010-08-18
  Geocaching Tour GuidesGeocaching Tour Guides1---
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs2WM8GX0Järnhandel - Porvoo, Finland2010-04-12
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WM9Z0QKaivopuisto Chess park - Helsinki, Finland2010-10-20
 starsGraffitiGraffiti1WM4R8ZMillennium graffiti - Porvoo, Finland2008-10-25
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person2WMA4MYEugen Schaumann - Porvoo, Finland2010-11-17
 starsHand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps3WM9Z31Public well of City park - Porvoo, Finland2010-10-20
 starsHistoric Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards1WMB6NNOld Porvoo - Porvoo, Finland2011-04-12
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums3WM8REMPorvoo museum - Old Town Hall2010-05-29
 starsIKEAIKEA2WM95TPIKEA Vantaa - Finland2010-07-03
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WM8KMCPorvoon Vanha Apteekki - Porvoo, Finland2010-04-17
 starsKaraoke BarsKaraoke Bars1WMAEABBar & Pub Barracuda - Porvoo, Finland2011-01-06
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1WM8P0YEmys Orbicularis - Helsinki, Finland2010-04-26
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1WMA4MHTugboat Onni - Loviisa, Finland2010-11-16
 starsLibrariesLibraries1WM8FFCPorvoon kirjasto - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-26
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WMA9F4Lions International - Restaurant Seireeni - Porvoo, Finland2010-12-11
 starsLiving StatuesLiving Statues1WM94YPLasse Virén - Myrskylä, Finland2010-07-06
 starsLook-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1WM8DFRNäsin kivi - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-19
 starsLucky 7Lucky 71WM71HCLucky 7 - Porvoo, Finland2009-08-20
 starsLutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1WM76FKPorvoo Cathedral - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-29
 starsMausoleumsMausoleums1WM8F9PSilfverhjelm mausoleum - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-26
 starsMcDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1WM8D4YNäsin McDonald's - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-16
 starsMedieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1WMTN4Porvoo Cathedral 2006-10-09
 starsMilk Platforms - MaitolaituritMilk Platforms - Maitolaiturit1WMBNFMMaitolaituri Skarpensintie - Porvoo Finland2011-06-06
 starsModel RailroadsModel Railroads1WM725AWanha makasiini model railroad2010-01-27
 starsModern Olympic VenuesModern Olympic Venues1WMF422Olympic Stadium - 1952 Helsinki Finland2012-09-03
 starsMonuments of the Eastern FreedomfightsMonuments of the Eastern Freedomfights1WMAM3NFreedom monument 1918 - Porvoo, Finland2011-03-20
 starsMoominsMoomins3WM8X7AMuumiperhe näyteikkunassa, Lelukauppa Riimikko - Porvoo, Finland2010-05-25
 starsMosaicsMosaics1WM557PMosaic in WSOY building - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-24
 starsMovie LocationsMovie Locations1WM6254Post Office action scene - "The Jackal"2009-08-21
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1WM9GJ6Kaivopuisto - Helsinki, Finland2010-08-21
 starsMuralsMurals3WM8G2QLehdekkäät - Kerava, Finland2010-03-29
 starsMusician StatuesMusician Statues1WMA2Z5Gabriel Linsén - Porvoo, Finland2010-11-08
 starsNews Article LocationsNews Article Locations1WMDE8DBottoms up for paint-spattered church-goers - Loviisa, Finland2012-01-02
 starsObelisksObelisks1WM65XBObelisk - Porvoo, Finland2009-08-19
 starsOdd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1WM9W5TI.O.O.F Lodge 28 in Porvoo, Finland2010-10-26
  Orthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1---
 starsPeople-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1WM934VAlbert Edelfetin koulu - Porvoo, Finland2010-06-23
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WMCCFWLaivasilta N 60°27 E 26°14.1 - Loviisa Finland2011-08-22
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs3WM849PFoundation stone of Prisma - Hyvinkää , Finland2010-02-14
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs2---
 starsPhoto GoalsPhoto Goals1WM65M0Record your vehicles odometer 10000's, 100000's and rollovers2009-08-30
 starsPhotos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1WM8K88Pharmacists sundial - Porvoo Finland2010-04-15
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WMF4RCPikachu in Oriental Palace, Porvoo Finland2012-08-23
 starsPlaces for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1WM93DXDO -- Aunela Parking area -- Porvoo -- Finland2010-06-22
 starsProfessional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1WMD5AKHartwall Areena - Helsinki, Finland2011-11-21
 starsPublic Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1WM8DR4Porvoon uimahalli - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-22
 starsReadable From AboveReadable From Above2WM71J6PORT - Helsinki, Finland2010-07-31
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WM93K7Colour pencil barrier - Porvoo, Finland2010-06-24
 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WMB4D6Porvoon suomalaisen yhteiskoulun synty - Porvoo, Finland2011-04-04
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WMAEAZPorvoonjoki river gauge I - Porvoo Finland2011-03-26
 starsSalvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations1WM94YNThe Salvation Army division office - Porvoo, Finland2010-12-18
 starsSigns of HistorySigns of History4WM8R0DDiet of Porvoo 1809 - Chapter House - Porvoo, Finland2010-05-06
 starsSilhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1WMBVZNLiar's Bench - Raasepori, Finland2011-06-25
 starsSimulacraSimulacra1WMDEDYPraying - Loviisa, Finland2012-04-17
 starsStained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1WM8DXMThree salmons of Porvoo MLK - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-19
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1WM65ZDPorvoo Continuation War Memorial Cannon 2009-08-20
 starsSubway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1WM3K9PSubway in Rauhankatu 33 - Porvoo, Finland2009-08-05
 starsSundialsSundials2WM8K0FPharmacists sundial - Porvoo Finland2010-04-13
 starsSushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants2WM8CRPMasabi sushi - Espoo, Finland2010-03-31
 starsTattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors1WM8N2BTattoo Studio Domino - Porvoo, Finland2010-04-22
 starsTearooms and TeahousesTearooms and Teahouses1WM8BQ1Tea and Coffee house Helmi - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-11
 starsThai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1WM61Z2Thai Restaurant Sabaai - Porvoo, Finland2009-03-19
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church1WM8AZXPorvoon Tuomiokirkko - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-04
 starsTown ClocksTown Clocks1WM8C30Kaupungintalon kello - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-10
 starsTrain Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1WM8C41Old railwaystation of Porvoo, Finland2010-05-31
 starsUncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1WMBHFDHedgehog sign - Varo siilejä - Porvoo2011-05-23
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes2---
 starsUrban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1WM8KAEThe Devil's stairs - Porvoo Finland2010-04-26
 starsUsed Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1WM8FADPorvoon Pelikauppa - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-27
  Water TowersWater Towers2---
 starsWaymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1WM8F3GSmall oaks2010-04-07
 starsWeb CamerasWeb Cameras3WM61R2Porvoon tori 2009-03-19
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1WM8FAJNäsinmäen hautausmaa - Porvoo, Finland2010-03-26

Varsinais-Suomi (3)

 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WM9DDHPer Brahe - Statue in Brahe park - Turku, Finland2010-08-10
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WMF2V8Hirvi - Turku, Finland2012-08-14
 starsMoominsMoomins1WM9DAZMoomin World - Muumimaailma - Naantali, Finland2010-08-05

Greece (1)

 starsWineriesWineries1WM8ZBMSantoWines - Pyrgos, Santorini2010-06-06

Sweden (12)

Gotland (1)

 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1WM7FZRTjernobyleken - Visby, Gotland2010-03-05

Stockholm (11)

 stars7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores1WM9CA27-Eleven Drottninggatan 90B - Stockholm, Sweden2010-07-31
 starsBicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1WM9C96Stockholm city bikes - T- Centralen2010-08-01
 starsBlue PlaquesBlue Plaques1WM8D0CDjurgårdsbron - Stockholm, Sweden2010-03-16
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WM9CR9Saint George and the Dragon - Stockholm, Sweden2010-08-18
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas1WM9CRGThe statue of Sankt Goran and the dragon - Stockholm, Sweden2010-08-12
 starsGhosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1WM9CA7Scheffler Palace and park - Stockholm, Sweden2010-08-03
 starsMuralsMurals1WM72QKGiraffe Cranes of Beckholmen - Stockholm, Sweden2009-10-30
 starsPhoto CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1WM8CXKPippi Långstrump & co - Stockholm, Sweden2010-03-14
 starsPublic Funiculars and Incline RailwaysPublic Funiculars and Incline Railways1WMEQ3CSkansen Bergbana - Stockholm, Sweden2012-06-25
  Runestones WorldwideRunestones Worldwide1---
 starsWeather StationsWeather Stations1WM9CRWStockholm Observatory Weather station - Stockholm, Sweden2010-08-02

United States (1)

New York (1)

  Where's In A Name?Where's In A Name?1---