User tatie 

tatie  posted 864 waymarks in 815 different categories within 14 countries and 34 regions, of these were 345 posted-first-in-region and also 124 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has one waymark with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Antigua and Barbuda (1)

  Victorian Post BoxesVictorian Post Boxes1---

Canada (584 waymarks / 553 categories)

New Brunswick (1)

 starsLighthouse Bed and BreakfastsLighthouse Bed and Breakfasts1WMFDYGCampbellton Lighthouse Hostel - Campbelton, New Brunswick2012-10-18

Newfoundland and Labrador (11)

 starsAgricultural FairgroundsAgricultural Fairgrounds1WMWJANPort au Port Agricultural Fall Fair - Port au Port West, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada2017-09-11
  Atlantic Canada Heritage PropertiesAtlantic Canada Heritage Properties1---
 starsCarnivorous Plant LocalitiesCarnivorous Plant Localities1WMWH8RPitcher Plant - Gros-Morne National Park - Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada2017-09-20
  Commercial Fishing PortsCommercial Fishing Ports1---
 starsHourglassHourglass1WMWG27Hourglass - Red Bay National Historic Site - Red Bay - NL - Canada2017-08-31
 starsHousehold Appliances and PressesHousehold Appliances and Presses1WMWJ3VWashing machine - Rose Blanche, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada2017-09-10
 starsNPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1WMWH8PRed Bay National Historic Site - Red Bay - NL - Canada2017-09-06
 starsOdd Fellow LodgesOdd Fellow Lodges1WMWCB3Oddfellow's Lodge - Grand Falls-Windsor, NL, Canada2017-08-13
 starsRailway RoundhousesRailway Roundhouses1WMWH0VClarenville Roundhouse - Clarenville, NL, Canada2017-09-13
 starsRonald McDonald HousesRonald McDonald Houses1WMWFX2Ronald McDonald House - St. John's - Newfoundland and Labrador - Canada2017-09-18
 starsState/Provincial ParksState/Provincial Parks1WMWGC4Pinware River Provincial Park - Pinware, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada2017-09-02

Nova Scotia (2)

 starsInside AirportsInside Airports1WMET49Halifax Stanfield International Airport - Nova Scotia, Canada2012-07-04
 starsJuice and Smoothie BarsJuice and Smoothie Bars1WMET40Booster Juice - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada2012-07-04

Ontario (20 waymarks / 19 categories)

  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns1---
  Bridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings1---
  Broken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones1---
  Carnegie Library BuildingsCarnegie Library Buildings1---
  Century FarmsCentury Farms1---
  Community GardensCommunity Gardens1---
  E85 Fuel PumpsE85 Fuel Pumps1---
 starsFramed ViewsFramed Views1WMK0NYRideau Canal Framed View - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada2014-01-26
  Grand OpeningGrand Opening1---
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
  Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays1---
  Military InstallationsMilitary Installations1---
  Model Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1---
  Ontario Heritage PropertiesOntario Heritage Properties2---
  Outdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1---
  Rock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---

Québec (549 waymarks / 519 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps2---
 stars3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art1WMDQ9MTamashi Restaurant - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-13
  666 Sightings666 Sightings1---
  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants1---
  A.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting StationsA.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting Stations1---
 starsAbandoned Air Force Radar SitesAbandoned Air Force Radar Sites1WMMB9TRoyal Canadian Air Force Station St Sylvester, Quebec, Canada - Abandoned2014-08-25
  Abandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles1---
  Abandoned Train TunnelsAbandoned Train Tunnels1---
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries1---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures1---
 starsAccessible-Designed Recreational LocationsAccessible-Designed Recreational Locations1WMEBCALe sentier Kéroul du Jardin botanique de Montréal - Montréal, Qc, Canada2012-05-05
 starsActive QuarriesActive Quarries1WMDV6ECarrières St-Eustache - St-Eustache, Qc, Canada2012-02-25
 starsActive Rail LocationsActive Rail Locations1WMKE85Gare Canora - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-04-07
  Aerial LiftsAerial Lifts1---
 starsAirportsAirports2WMDX0VMontréal / Saint-Hubert Airport - Longueuil , QC, Canada2012-05-16
  Amateur Baseball FieldsAmateur Baseball Fields1---
 starsAmateur Radio RepeatersAmateur Radio Repeaters1WMEC9NVE2BG Repeater - Pointe-Claire, Qc, Canada2012-05-06
  Anamorphous Street ArtAnamorphous Street Art1---
  Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1---
  Animal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1---
  Antique HotelsAntique Hotels1---
 starsAntique ShopsAntique Shops1WMECETLe géant antique - Ste-Anne de Sabrevois, Qc, Canada2012-05-07
 starsApple StoresApple Stores1WMDNT1Apple Store Carrefour Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-07
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Art Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau1---
  Art GalleriesArt Galleries1---
  Art StudiosArt Studios1---
  Art VehiclesArt Vehicles1---
 starsArtificial Climbing WallsArtificial Climbing Walls1WMDVK7Mur d'escalade Centre de la Nature - Laval, Qc, Canada.2012-02-29
  Artistic Neon LightsArtistic Neon Lights1---
  Artistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs2---
 starsAssembly of God ChurchesAssembly of God Churches1WME2DWAG EMCC - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-25
 starsAstronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories1WMDT3FObservatoire Astronomique de Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-21
  Auction HousesAuction Houses1---
  Auto ClubsAuto Clubs1---
  Bailey BridgesBailey Bridges1---
 starsBait ShopsBait Shops1WMEC27Le paradis du pêcheur - St-Eustache, Qc, Canada2012-05-07
 starsBandshellsBandshells1WMHGRKMusée canadien des civilisations - Gatineau, Quebec, Canada2013-07-10
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1---
  Barber PolesBarber Poles1---
 starsBarnsBarns1WMDT5RLa Ferme2012-02-22
 starsBeach HutsBeach Huts1WME7TNPlage d'Oka - Oka, Qc, Canada2012-04-15
 starsBeachesBeaches2WME7THPlage d'Oka - Oka, Qc, Canada2012-04-15
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsBenjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin1WMK3C5Benjamin Franklin in Montreal - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2014-02-07
  Berry PickingBerry Picking1---
  Bicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1---
  Bicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1---
  Bicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1---
  Bifana´s HouseBifana´s House1---
  Billiards and Pool HallsBilliards and Pool Halls1---
  Birdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations2---
 starsBlood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1WMDK9DCentre Globule Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-24
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques1---
 starsBoat RampsBoat Ramps1WMECEMRampe de mise à l'eau - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-05-10
  Bookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones1---
  Border CrossingsBorder Crossings1---
 starsBowling CentresBowling Centres1WMDY4MSalle de quilles Sainte-Dorothée - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-08
  Boy Scout CampsBoy Scout Camps1---
 starsBreweriesBreweries1WMDQTVLes 3 Brasseurs - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-18
 starsBrewpubsBrewpubs1WMDVY3Les 3 Brasseurs - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-28
 starsBubble Tea aka BobaBubble Tea aka Boba1WMEB8TBubbleTease - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-05-02
 starsBuddhist Temples and Public ShrinesBuddhist Temples and Public Shrines1WMDZRWTemple Bouddhiste Laotien - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-16
  Building BuildingsBuilding Buildings1---
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
  Burger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains1---
  Bus StationsBus Stations1---
 starsButterfly HousesButterfly Houses1WME3CXMaison des Papillons Jardin Botanique - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-29
  Bygone Toll HousesBygone Toll Houses1---
 starsCable Skiing and WakeboardingCable Skiing and Wakeboarding1WMJRZBWow Plaza - Saint-Zotique, Québec, Canada2013-12-29
  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices1---
  Canadian BenchmarksCanadian Benchmarks2---
  Canadian Legion Memorials Cairns and CenotaphsCanadian Legion Memorials Cairns and Cenotaphs1---
  Canadian National Historic SitesCanadian National Historic Sites2---
 starsCanal TunnelsCanal Tunnels1WMPA80Le Canal de la Rivière des Mille-Îles - Laval, Québec, Canada2015-07-28
  Candy StoresCandy Stores1---
 starsCanoe/Kayak TripsCanoe/Kayak Trips1WME9TFRoute Bleue des Voyageurs - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-18
  Car Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1---
 starsCarillonCarillon1WMDV12Carillon de la Place Claude-Léveillée - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-25
 starsCarl Linnaeus and His ApostlesCarl Linnaeus and His Apostles1WMKFCBPassage de Pehr Kalm au Saut-au-Récollet - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-05-11
 starsCastlesCastles1WMK586Château Frontenac - Québec, Canada2014-02-15
  Cave Entrances (Artificial)Cave Entrances (Artificial)1---
  Cave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)1---
  Celebrity HangoutsCelebrity Hangouts1---
  Chalet, Cottage, and Cabin Style LodgingChalet, Cottage, and Cabin Style Lodging2---
 starsCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesCharnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries1WMJGHECharnier du Cimetière Ste-Dorothée - Laval, Québec, Canada2013-11-16
  Childhood HomesChildhood Homes1---
  Children's MuseumsChildren's Museums1---
 starsChinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1WMDNF9Chun Bo - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-06
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
 starsChurch of Christ ScientistChurch of Christ Scientist1WME6NWFirst Church of Christ, Scientist - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-04-10
 starsChurch of the NazareneChurch of the Nazarene1WME1XZFirst Church of the Nazarene - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-23
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
  Churchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials1---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
  Civil Rights MemorialsCivil Rights Memorials1---
 starsClassic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1WMEB7KCôte-St-Luc Bar-B-Q - Montréal, Qc, Canada2012-05-01
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms1---
 starsCoffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains1WMDMGWSecond Cup - Méga-Centre Ste-Dorothée, Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-31
  Coin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides1---
 starsCollege Football StadiumsCollege Football Stadiums1WMDQ41Stade Université de Sherbrooke - Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada2012-02-13
 starsComedy ClubsComedy Clubs1WMKFJ5Club Soda - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-04-07
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1WMDR4RLa Boîte à B.D. - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-18
  Commercial CommemorationsCommercial Commemorations1---
  Community CommemorationCommunity Commemoration1---
 starsConfluence SpotsConfluence Spots1WMK9DRN46 W74 - Ste-Adèle, Québec, Canada2014-03-04
  Convention CentersConvention Centers1---
  Converted Bank BuildingsConverted Bank Buildings1---
  Converted FactoriesConverted Factories1---
  Converted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1---
  Covered BridgesCovered Bridges1---
 starsCross Country Ski TrailheadsCross Country Ski Trailheads2WMDX1CSentiers des Chalets d'Émélie - Saint-Alphone-Rodriquez, Qc, Canada2012-03-07
  Cruise Ship PortsCruise Ship Ports1---
 starsCurling ClubsCurling Clubs1WMDNFKCurling Laval-Sur-le-Lac - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-05
 starsCycling RoutesCycling Routes1WMEZQ7Route Verte 1 - Oka, Qc, Canada2012-07-31
 starsDairy CreameriesDairy Creameries1WMH3KYLa Fromagerie du Vieux St-François - Laval, Quebec, Canada2013-05-16
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants1---
 starsDance ClubsDance Clubs1WMEYFXCarrefour de la danse - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-24
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1---
 starsDeath Mask GravestonesDeath Mask Gravestones1WMK927Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery - Wiel. O. Bernard Kazmierczyk - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2014-03-02
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1---
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees1---
 starsDemonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens2WMEZ8YAire de Démonstration de Jardins Ecologiques - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-27
 starsDevilish LocationsDevilish Locations1WMEB2DLa roche du Diable - Pointe-des-Cascades, Qc, Canada2012-05-18
 starsDiners, Drive-ins, and DivesDiners, Drive-ins, and Dives1WMK8A7Schwartz's Montreal Hebrew Delicatessen - Montreal, QC2014-02-27
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WMDPEPLes Dinosaures de Ragueneau - Côte-Nord, Qc, Canada2012-02-10
  Disaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1---
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
 starsDisguised Cell TowersDisguised Cell Towers1WMMZYMBell and Rogers Disguised Cell Tower - Pointe-Claire, Qc, Canada2014-11-30
 starsDive ShopsDive Shops1WMFW95La boutique du Plongeur - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-12-07
 starsDive SitesDive Sites1WMFKYVClub Nautique Percé - Percé, Québec, Canada2012-11-26
  Diving PlatformsDiving Platforms1---
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
  Dollar StoresDollar Stores1---
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1---
 starsDonated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers1WMEB8ZPlace du Centenaire - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-05-02
 starsDoorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1WMDTXNMcGill University Hall Residency2012-02-24
 starsEarth GlobesEarth Globes1WME2EDEarth Globe Masonic Memorial Temple - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-25
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WMDXD6Marché Depatie Borne de recharge - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-06
 starsElevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1WMFDE8Saint-Simon Bagel Plus - Saint-Simon, Québec, Canada2012-10-02
 starsElevation SignsElevation Signs1WME031Montagne Noire - Saint-Donat, Qc, Canada2012-03-15
  Engineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks1---
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WMK8V4Beauté Désespérée - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-03-03
  Established Rock Climbing AreasEstablished Rock Climbing Areas1---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas1---
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WMEBV9Frêne américain - Boisbriand, Qc, Canada2012-05-08
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations1WMEYGDDante Alighieri - A Moon crater- Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-07-22
 starsFactory ToursFactory Tours1WMEZ8VCentrale de la Rivière-des-Prairies - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-27
  Famous FiresFamous Fires1---
  Farmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets1---
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
  Fire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1---
 starsFirefighter MemorialsFirefighter Memorials1WMK91MMonument des pompiers catholiques de Montréal - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-03-04
  Fireworks DisplaysFireworks Displays1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Fish LaddersFish Ladders1---
  Fish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants1---
  Fishing HolesFishing Holes2---
 starsFitness TrailsFitness Trails2WME0ZHParc Richard Schwartz - Côte St-Luc, Qc, Canada2012-03-19
 starsFlags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations1WME6HDHewitt Group - Pointe-Claire, Qc, Canada2012-04-29
  Flea MarketsFlea Markets1---
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs2---
 starsFlower FieldsFlower Fields1WMM5DMLa Maison Lavande - St-Eustache, Québec, Canada2014-07-25
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools1---
 starsFraternity and Sorority HousesFraternity and Sorority Houses1WMDTQPKappa Alpha Order - McGill University - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-03
 starsFree For Your BirthdayFree For Your Birthday1WMFF78Motel Adams-Restaurant, Resto-Bar - Gaspé, Quebec, Canada2012-10-14
  Free Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1---
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1---
  Freestanding ColumnsFreestanding Columns1---
  Frieze ArtFrieze Art1---
  Funeral HomesFuneral Homes1---
  GPS Tracklog ArtGPS Tracklog Art1---
 starsGasometersGasometers1WMGK7EGas Bell - Montreal, Quebec Canada2013-03-15
  Gates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1---
 starsGender Separated EntrancesGender Separated Entrances1WME0JJAcadémie Royal West - Montreal-Ouest, Qc, Canada2012-03-22
  Geocaching Tour GuidesGeocaching Tour Guides1---
  Geodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1---
 starsGerman-American Heritage SitesGerman-American Heritage Sites1WMK1TMSegment of Berlin Wall - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2014-02-04
  Ghost BikesGhost Bikes1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs2---
  Ghost TownsGhost Towns1---
  Giants of CommerceGiants of Commerce1---
 starsGoogie ArchitectureGoogie Architecture1WMDNW0Cinéma Guzzo Terrebonne - Québec, Canada2012-02-27
 starsGrain ElevatorsGrain Elevators1WMDXNKÉlévateur Robin-Hood - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-08
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person2---
 starsGraves of the UnknownGraves of the Unknown1WMHGMVEmpress of Ireland Gravesite - Rimouski, Quebec, Canada2013-07-12
 starsGreat Buildings of the WorldGreat Buildings of the World1WMEC2BHabitat 67 - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-05-05
  Greenhouses and NurseriesGreenhouses and Nurseries1---
 starsHabitat ReStoresHabitat ReStores1WMDM0CReStore - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-01-30
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians1---
  Helicopter Landing PadsHelicopter Landing Pads1---
 starsHerbariaHerbaria1WMDZ1WMT - Université de Montréal - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-15
 starsHighway Giants -  Muffler MenHighway Giants - Muffler Men1WME0J4Le géant antique - Ste-Anne de Sabrevois, Qc, Canada2012-03-18
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1---
 starsHindu TemplesHindu Temples1WME10FTemple Thiru Murugan - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-20
  Histoire du Quebec (Quebec Historical Markers)Histoire du Quebec (Quebec Historical Markers)1---
 starsHistoric EatsHistoric Eats1WMDTYNDa Giovanni - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-02-25
  Historic FortsHistoric Forts1---
  Historical Society HeadquartersHistorical Society Headquarters1---
  Holiday DisplaysHoliday Displays1---
 starsHomemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones2WME7KGCimetière Saint-Frédéric - Drummondville, Qc, Canada2012-04-15
 starsHooters RestaurantsHooters Restaurants1WMDWPQHooters Rive-Sud - Longueuil, Qc, Canada2012-03-03
 starsHostelsHostels1WMFDPKAuberge Internationale Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec2012-10-05
  Hot Rod Hangouts and Car ShowsHot Rod Hangouts and Car Shows1---
  Human ErrorHuman Error1---
  Human Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1---
  Humane Societies and RescuesHumane Societies and Rescues1---
  Hydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations1---
  IMAX TheatersIMAX Theaters1---
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1---
  Ice Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks2---
 starsIconic FactoriesIconic Factories1WME0DFKRAFT - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-17
 starsIlluminated School Sports FieldsIlluminated School Sports Fields1WMKHMCLe terrain de Football du Collège Letendre - Laval, Québec, Canada2014-04-17
 starsImmortalized in LyricsImmortalized in Lyrics1WMK65C"Montréal" - Ariane Moffatt - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-02-19
  Impact CratersImpact Craters1---
 starsIndependent BookstoresIndependent Bookstores1WMEB7PBibliophile - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-05-01
  Independent Breakfast SpotsIndependent Breakfast Spots1---
  Independent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1---
  Independent DinersIndependent Diners1---
 starsIndependent Fish HousesIndependent Fish Houses1WMDPFQLe Phare du Nord - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-10
 starsIndependent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores1WME1HEL'indicatif - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-21
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WMEKHXViet Tan Dinh Pharmacy - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-06-09
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls1---
 starsInfamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes1WMKFJ0L'attentat du Métropolis - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-04-08
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels1WMJRX0Hôtel à insectes du Boisé de l'Équerre - Laval, Québec, Canada2013-12-27
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WME46BScarabée - Blainville, Qc, Canada2012-04-01
 starsInteresting Intersection NamesInteresting Intersection Names1WME2QRDu Souvenir et De L'Avenir - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-27
  Internet CafesInternet Cafes1---
 starsIrish-American Historic PlacesIrish-American Historic Places1WMH9CMIrish Commemorative Stone - Le monument commémoratif irlandais - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2013-06-11
 starsIron Furnace RuinsIron Furnace Ruins1WMM8Y1Les Forges du Saint-Maurice - Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada2014-08-12
 starsJapanese RestaurantsJapanese Restaurants1WMDMCZTeriyaki - Méga-Centre Ste-Dorothée, Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-30
  John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy1---
  Junk Design HousesJunk Design Houses1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---
 starsKilroy Was HereKilroy Was Here1WMN2P7Kilroy was here in Laval - Laval, Quebec, Canada2014-12-14
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1WMM7JKVire-au-vent - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-08-05
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WMDX9FSalle du royaume des témoins de Jehovah - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-06
  Knights of Columbus CouncilsKnights of Columbus Councils1---
 starsKnights of PythiasKnights of Pythias1WMK00ZAssembly at the Pythian Cemetery - Laval, Quebec, Canada2014-01-23
 starsKokopelli SightingsKokopelli Sightings1WMMB9MKokopelli du Camping Plage des Sables - Princeville, Québec, Canada2014-08-25
  Korean War MemorialsKorean War Memorials1---
 starsKugel BallsKugel Balls1WMM3HKKugel Ball Holiday Inn - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2014-07-17
 starsLEED BuildingsLEED Buildings1WMDTTCMaison du Développement durable - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-02-24
  La Famille BonaparteLa Famille Bonaparte1---
  Landlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1---
 starsLandlocked LighthousesLandlocked Lighthouses1WMDPFMLighthouse Le Phare du Nord - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-11
  Laser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1---
  Lawn BowlingLawn Bowling1---
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches1---
 starsLetters on HillsLetters on Hills1WMFDYKGros Morne - Québec, Canada2012-10-04
 starsLifeboats and Rescue StationsLifeboats and Rescue Stations1WMEFA8Garde côtière auxiliaire, unité 20 - Pointe-Calumet, Qc, Canada2012-06-08
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  Lions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters1---
  Living StatuesLiving Statues1---
  Lodge-Style AccommodationsLodge-Style Accommodations1---
 starsLonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys1WME0B1Stelco Tower - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-21
 starsLong Distance Hiking TrailsLong Distance Hiking Trails1WMFF1PInternational Appalachian Trail - Point Zero - Cap-Gaspé, Quebec, Canada2012-10-09
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
 starsLucky 7Lucky 71WMDFXKLucky Seven near Place Publique, Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-16
  Lutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1---
  Made for the MillenniumMade for the Millennium1---
 starsMarinasMarinas1WMECEHMarina Bobino - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-05-07
  Martello TowersMartello Towers1---
  Masonic TemplesMasonic Temples1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants2---
  Methodist ChurchesMethodist Churches1---
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WMDTYECarlo's & Pepe's - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-02-25
  Mills and GinsMills and Gins1---
 starsMillstonesMillstones1WMJTTQSaint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu Millstone - Québec, Canada2013-12-31
  Miniature RailroadsMiniature Railroads1---
 starsMinor League Baseball StadiumsMinor League Baseball Stadiums1WMEXWGStade municipal de Québec - Québec, Qc, Canada2012-07-24
  Modern Olympic VenuesModern Olympic Venues1---
 starsMom and Pop Rock ShopsMom and Pop Rock Shops1WMK652Mine Cristal Shop - Bonsecours, Quebec, Canada2014-02-19
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1---
  Monopoly in the Real WorldMonopoly in the Real World1---
 starsMonuments of the Eastern FreedomfightsMonuments of the Eastern Freedomfights1WMDTPNLe mur de Berlin à Montréal - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-02-24
 starsMormon TemplesMormon Temples1WME18VMontréal Québec Temple - Longueuil, Qc, Canada2012-03-20
 starsMosquesMosques1WME0QRMakkah-al-Mukarramah Mosque - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-19
  Motor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1---
 starsMotorcycle Sales/Service SitesMotorcycle Sales/Service Sites1WMDW0FHarley Davidson Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-14
 starsMountain Bike TrailheadsMountain Bike Trailheads2WMHG8FParc Basler Park - Morin Heights, Quebec, Canada2013-07-09
  Moving BridgesMoving Bridges1---
  Municipal Community CentersMunicipal Community Centers1---
  Municipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
 starsMusical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers1WMDK18Archambault - Ste-Dorothee, Laval - Qc, Canada2012-01-25
  Musical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1---
  Musician StatuesMusician Statues1---
  Named Farms and RanchesNamed Farms and Ranches1---
  Names From the BibleNames From the Bible1---
 starsNational Parks of the WorldNational Parks of the World1WME4WKParc National d'Oka - Oka, Qc, Canada2012-04-10
  Nations Within NationsNations Within Nations1---
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WMK7NDLa source de la Matapédia - Gaspésie, Québec, Canada2014-02-25
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WMDM0QTAU Aliments Naturels - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-29
  Nature CentersNature Centers1---
 starsNautical Flag PolesNautical Flag Poles1WMFFQTNautical Flag Pole - Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada2012-10-13
  New Apostolic ChurchesNew Apostolic Churches1---
 starsNews Article LocationsNews Article Locations1WMDREDLe grand incendie de Pointe-du-Lac - Pointe-du-Lac, Qc, Canada2012-02-20
 starsNewspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters1WMDPF0Le Courrier Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-10
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates1WME0JAPEACE: René Cassin 1968 - Côte St-Luc, QC, Canada2012-03-17
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks1---
  Noodle ShopsNoodle Shops1---
  Nude BeachesNude Beaches1---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1---
 starsOctagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1WMEDJAMaison octogonale - Chambly, Qc, Canada2012-05-26
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1---
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WMDZRHCosmodome de Laval - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-19
 starsOlmsted Designed ParksOlmsted Designed Parks1WMDQDEParc du Mont-Royal - Montréal, Qc, Canada2012-02-19
 starsOlympic MemorabiliaOlympic Memorabilia1WMJV0HMontreal Olympic Games - 19762014-01-01
 starsOmnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees2WMDJQBThe 38-eater tree - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-01-22
  One-Room SchoolhousesOne-Room Schoolhouses1---
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges1---
 starsOrthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1WME13NÉglise Orthodoxe St.Nicolas - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-20
  Outdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars1---
 starsOutdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1WMEZ9BAmphithéatre extérieur du Centre de la Nature - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-27
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1WMEW35Parc Couvrette - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-12
 starsOutdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1WMDMCXSports Experts - Méga-Centre Ste-Dorothée, Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-05
  Outdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1---
  Outdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross1---
  Outdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
  Painted HydrantsPainted Hydrants1---
 starsPaleontology and FossilsPaleontology and Fossils1WMJDQ5Parc des Galets - Beauharnois, Québec, Canada2013-11-05
 starsParamedic StationsParamedic Stations1WMDQTXUrgences-Santé Centre Opérationnel Nord - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-16
  Peace MemorialsPeace Memorials1---
 starsPeace PolesPeace Poles1WME3CGPeace Pole Japanese Garden - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-31
 starsPeanuts CharactersPeanuts Characters1WMH4RJPeanuts Hydrant - New Carlisle, Quebec, Canada2013-05-22
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges1---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1---
  Permanent World Fair and Expo StructuresPermanent World Fair and Expo Structures1---
  Pet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries1---
  Pet StoresPet Stores1---
  Petting Farms and ZoosPetting Farms and Zoos1---
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1---
  Pick-Your-Own FarmsPick-Your-Own Farms1---
  Pictorial Village SignsPictorial Village Signs1---
 starsPicture Perfect PostcardsPicture Perfect Postcards1WMFET4Sommet du Mont Jacques-Cartier - Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada2012-10-08
  Pikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1---
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1---
  Pizza Shops - Regional ChainsPizza Shops - Regional Chains1---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1---
 starsPlanetariumsPlanetariums1WMGNGMPlanétarium Rio Tinto Alcan - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2013-03-24
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions1WMF8CYLe Monument aux Patriotes de 1837-1838 - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-09-10
  Population SignsPopulation Signs1---
  Pre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes1---
  Presbyterian ChurchesPresbyterian Churches1---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
  Presidential BirthplacesPresidential Birthplaces1---
  Professional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds2---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1---
  Pubs and InnsPubs and Inns1---
 starsQuaker Meeting HousesQuaker Meeting Houses1WMEB3KMontreal Quaker Meeting House - Westmount, Qc, Canada2012-04-30
 starsQuonset HutsQuonset Huts2WMDTYJAbandoned Church - Val-David, Qc, Canada2012-02-24
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way EquipmentRailroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment1---
  Rails to TrailsRails to Trails1---
  Railway Disaster SitesRailway Disaster Sites1---
 starsRanger StationsRanger Stations1WMPKXYMaison du Gardien - Ranger Station - Lac Shawinigan, Réserve Faunique Mastigouche, Québec, Canada2015-09-16
  Readable From AboveReadable From Above1---
 starsRed Cross and Red Crescent MovementRed Cross and Red Crescent Movement1WMV1H2Monument au Parc Henri-Dunant - Laval, QC, Canada2017-02-08
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1---
  Religious FreedomReligious Freedom1---
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures1---
 starsResearch InstitutesResearch Institutes1WME0QJCentre Emile A. Lods de recherche en agronomie - Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Qc, Canada2012-03-18
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
  Revolving RestaurantsRevolving Restaurants1---
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WMDDNRSurveillance Hydrologique du Canada-Rue Jetté-Laval2011-12-30
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WME800Le géant antique - Ste-Anne de Sabrevois, Qc, Canada2012-04-19
 starsRock-HoundingRock-Hounding1WMK64WBlue Sea Granite - Quebec, Canada2014-02-23
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
  Sailing and Yacht ClubsSailing and Yacht Clubs1---
  Salvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations1---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities1---
 starsScenic at NightScenic at Night1WMK9DXCentropolis - Laval, Québec, Canada2014-03-04
  Science MuseumsScience Museums1---
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WMEZ95Jardin de Sculptures Centre de la Nature - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-07-29
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails1---
  Self Serve Pet WashSelf Serve Pet Wash1---
 starsSequoioideae TreesSequoioideae Trees1WMM75RMetasequoia glyptostroboides - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2014-08-03
 starsSeventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches1WME4WYÉglise Adventiste de Laval-Ouest - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-04-08
  Ship Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1---
  Shooting RangesShooting Ranges1---
 starsShot TowersShot Towers1WMDXNAMontreal Shot Tower - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-07
  Signs of HistorySigns of History2---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
 starsSimulacraSimulacra1WMDNMWTête de l'Indien - Havre St-Pierre, Qc, Canada2012-02-06
  Sister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1---
 starsSkateparksSkateparks1WMDVQ5Skate Park Centre de la Nature - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-01
 starsSki LodgesSki Lodges1WMDVYBVal Saint-Côme Station Touristique - Saint-Côme, Qc, Canada2012-02-29
 starsSkyscrapersSkyscrapers1WMDTTYLe 1000 de la Gauchetière - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-02-24
 starsSledding PlacesSledding Places2WMDTE6Glissade Centre de la Nature - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-02-28
 starsSpecific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1WMKGWVBataille de Saint-Eustache - Québec, Canada2014-04-13
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  Statues of LibertyStatues of Liberty1---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
 starsSushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants1WMDD0DSushi Do Fine Cuisine Asiatique2011-12-27
  Suspension BridgesSuspension Bridges1---
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WME147Shaar Shalom - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-20
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants1---
  Takeout / Delivery MenusTakeout / Delivery Menus1---
  Tearooms and TeahousesTearooms and Teahouses1---
  Television and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1---
  Tennis FacilitiesTennis Facilities1---
  Thai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1---
 starsThe HolocaustThe Holocaust1WMGQM6Musée commémoratif de l'holocauste - Montreal, Quebec, Canada2013-04-18
  The UndergroundThe Underground1---
  There's a Book About ItThere's a Book About It1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Thrift StoresThrift Stores1---
  Tim Horton's RestaurantsTim Horton's Restaurants1---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
  Time SignalsTime Signals1---
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WME1NN11 boul. Samson - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-22
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
 starsTreehousesTreehouses1WMF43BMaisonnette Cap St-Jacques - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-08-23
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges1---
 starsTurtle CrossingsTurtle Crossings1WMEJ50Chelydra serpentina au Parc d'Oka- Quebec, Canada2012-06-25
 starsU.S. Civil War SitesU.S. Civil War Sites1WMW9YCParc Joseph-François-Davignon, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc, Canada2017-07-31
  UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesUNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves1---
 starsUncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs2WMDX11Snowmobile Crossing - Ste-Anne des Plaines, Qc, Canada2012-03-12
  Unique Artistic Shop SignsUnique Artistic Shop Signs1---
  Unique Bird HousesUnique Bird Houses1---
  Unique Chimneys and Chimney PotsUnique Chimneys and Chimney Pots1---
  Unique SteeplesUnique Steeples1---
 starsUnique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1WMEB21Girouette Lacroix - Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Qc, Canada2012-04-30
  Universities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1---
  Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1---
  Unusual Speed LimitsUnusual Speed Limits1---
 starsUsed Book StoresUsed Book Stores1WMDXCJLire et relire - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-11
 starsUsed Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1WME1HXEB Games Ste-Dorothée - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-03-22
 starsVelodromesVelodromes1WMEZN9Vélodrome international de Bromont - Bromont, Qc, Canada2012-07-29
 starsVertical Lift BridgesVertical Lift Bridges1WME2WYPont Larocque - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield , Qc, Canada2012-04-06
 starsVideo ArcadesVideo Arcades1WMGGA4Megaplex Guzzo Deux-Montagnes Video Arcade - Deux-Montagnes, Québec, Canada2013-03-04
  Vietnam War MemorialsVietnam War Memorials1---
 starsVintage Ad LocationsVintage Ad Locations1WMK0ZKVitrerie Lavoie - Laval, Québec, Canada2014-01-28
 starsVintage Gas StationsVintage Gas Stations2WMEBK1Carrosseries R Cloutier Inc - Saint-Eustache, QC, Canada2012-05-03
 starsVintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1WMEBJZGasoline Pump St-Vincent de Paul - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-05-03
  Vortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity HillsVortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity Hills1---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores1---
 starsWWII Prisoner of War CampsWWII Prisoner of War Camps1WMKT7CFort de l'Île Sainte-Hélène - Montréal, Québec, Canada2014-06-01
  Wagon WheelsWagon Wheels1---
  War and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1---
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities1WMDK1FStation d'épuration de Fabreville - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-25
  Water DamsWater Dams1---
  Water MillsWater Mills1---
  Water TowersWater Towers1---
  Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)1---
  Waterway Locks, Planes and LiftsWaterway Locks, Planes and Lifts1---
 starsWaychapelsWaychapels1WME4W4Chapelle d'Oka - Oka, Qc, Canada2012-04-04
  Waymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1---
 starsWedding ChapelsWedding Chapels1WMDWBTChalet des Érables - Ste-Anne des Plaines, Qc, Canada2012-03-01
  Wee Folk Fairy DoorsWee Folk Fairy Doors1---
  Welcome SignsWelcome Signs1---
 starsWendy's RestaurantsWendy's Restaurants1WMDD0CWendy's - Autoroute Chomedey - Laval, QC2011-12-27
 starsWesleyan ChurchesWesleyan Churches1WME1T1Église Chrétienne de Saint-Laurent - Montreal, Qc, Canada2012-03-22
  Whitewater Rafting TripsWhitewater Rafting Trips1---
 starsWi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1WMDMH0Second Cup - Méga-Centre Ste-Dorothée, Laval, Qc, Canada2012-01-31
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  Wildlife MuseumsWildlife Museums1---
 starsWineriesWineries1WMEW2QChâteau Taillefer Lafon - Laval, Qc, Canada2012-08-12
 starsWinter Sports LocationsWinter Sports Locations1WMDVYCVal Saint-Côme Station Touristique - Saint-Côme, Qc, Canada2012-03-08
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1WMEYG3Moulin banal - Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Qc, Canada2012-07-22
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments1---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments1---
  World War II SitesWorld War II Sites1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---
 starsYe Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1WME6P4Le maître boucher - Montreal, Qc. Canada2012-04-10
  Yellow Arrow LookupYellow Arrow Lookup1---
  Your Name HereYour Name Here1---
 starsZippy the Pinhead LocationsZippy the Pinhead Locations1WME0HXCokeman - Sunday Strip - Ste-Anne de Sabrevois, Qc, Canada2012-03-18

Yukon Territory (1)

 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells1WMRYR5Caribou Crossing Trading Post - Carcross, Yukon, Canada2016-08-24

China (5)

 stars'Z' Welcome Signs'Z' Welcome Signs1WMM01MZhangjiakou - China2014-06-25
  Engrish SignsEngrish Signs1---
  Guinness World RecordsGuinness World Records1---
 starsNewstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies1WMM0CKNewstand in Beijing - China2014-07-01
  Railroad MuseumsRailroad Museums1---

Costa Rica (1)

 starsPiratesPirates1WMN1W2British Pirate John Clipperton in Costa Rica2014-12-14

Cuba (10)

 starsAbraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln1WMFWGQMemorial to President Lincoln in Park of Fraternity2013-02-04
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1WMK50JSan Cristobal Cathedral - La Habana, Cuba2014-02-16
 starsBeatlemania!Beatlemania!1WMFXQWBarestaurant The Beatles - Varadero, Cuba2012-12-14
 starsEquestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1WMFTD1Monumento al General Calixto García - La Habana, Cuba2012-11-28
 starsFamous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures1WMGQNZMeson del Quijote - Varadero, Cuba2013-04-02
 starsHistoric TreesHistoric Trees1WMFWGKFraternity Tree - Havana, Cuba2012-12-10
 starsNew World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1WMK2MZCueva de Ambrosio - Varadero, Cuba2014-02-03
 starsPictographsPictographs1WMGY65Cueva de Ambrosio - Varadero, Cuba2013-04-23
 starsPlank RoadsPlank Roads1WMJYM1Plaza de Armas - La Habana Vieja - Cuba2014-01-17
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WMK83BStatic Train Car in Varadero - Cuba2014-02-26

Dominican Republic (6)

 starsCoastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks1WMK8AJBroadwalk along Playa Macao - Dominican Republica2014-06-01
  Hard Rock CafeHard Rock Cafe1---
 starsRopes CourseRopes Course1WMK160Punta Cana Rope Course - Dominican Republica2014-03-05
 starsThatch CottagesThatch Cottages1WMK7W2Refugio Taino - Punta Cana, Dominican Republica2014-02-25
 starsWavy PlacesWavy Places1WMK6QBPlaya Macao - Punta Cana, Dominican Republica2014-02-20
 starsZip-lineZip-line1WMK0Q5Punta Cana Zip Line - Dominican Republica2014-01-26

Finland (1)

Lappi (1)

 starsFeeding the AnimalsFeeding the Animals1WMP4C1Feed the Reindeers - Inari Reindeer Farm - Inari, Finland2015-06-29

Iceland (75 waymarks / 74 categories)

 stars3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond1WMEYG5Ráðhús Reykjavíkur 3D Map of Iceland - Reykjavik Iceland2012-07-22
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums1WMEXZGListasafn Islands National Gallery of Iceland - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-22
 starsArtistic SeatingArtistic Seating1WMEVPVHraun og menn - Heimaey, Iceland2012-07-11
 starsAviation MuseumsAviation Museums1WMETTWIcelandic Aviation Museum - Akureyri, Iceland2012-07-18
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WMGBRDLystigarður Akureyrar - Akureyri, Iceland2013-02-11
 starsCairnsCairns1WMETTQHolmavik Cairn - Iceland2012-07-08
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds1WMF32TDynjandi - Vestfirðir, Iceland2012-08-15
 starsCapitol BuildingsCapitol Buildings1WMET14Iceland Parliament House (Alþingishúsið) - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-04
  Christmas StoresChristmas Stores1---
 starsCoca Cola MemorabiliaCoca Cola Memorabilia1WMETV1"Ice Cold Coca Cola sold here" Sign - Akureyri, Iceland2012-07-07
 starsConcert HallsConcert Halls1WMET1ZHarpa - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-03
 starsCoordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1WMEVHWN 64 08.512 W 21 58.046 - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-10
 starsCountry ChurchesCountry Churches1WMF3K4Grímsey Church - Grimsey Island, Iceland2012-08-18
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions1WMETK1Kongelig Dansk Ambassade - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-06
 starsDirection and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1WMET1EArctic Circle Distance and Direction Marker - Grimsey Island, Iceland2012-07-03
 starsEarth HomesEarth Homes1WMFTHXThe Glaumbær farm house - Glaumbaer, Iceland2013-01-09
 starsEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks1WMF2A9Midlina - Iceland2012-08-13
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1WMEYWGPósturinn - 611, Grimsey, Iceland2012-07-24
 starsExceptional TreesExceptional Trees1WMK2QQSilfurreynir Tree, oldest tree in Reykjavik - Reykjavik, Iceland2014-02-04
 starsFree CampsitesFree Campsites1WMK1P6Dynjandi - Vestfirðir, Iceland2014-01-30
 starsGeographical CentersGeographical Centers1WMK38RMidlina - Iceland2014-02-06
 starsGhosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1WMEYYMLaugarvatnshellar - Iceland2012-07-25
  Gifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries1---
 starsGreat Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth1WMET1AArctic Circle podium - Grimsey Island, Iceland2012-07-03
 starsHigh Level MarksHigh Level Marks1WMJB68High Lava Level - Buried Helgafell Club - Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland2013-11-13
 starsHiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1WMEYZZSvartifoss - Iceland2012-07-25
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums1WMEX8KÁrbæjarsafn Reykjavik Museum - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-18
  Hot SpringsHot Springs1---
 starsIKEAIKEA1WMET22Ikea - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-04
 starsIndependent Hot Dog RestaurantsIndependent Hot Dog Restaurants1WMEXNVHot dog hut - Akureyri, Iceland2012-07-19
 starsInukshuksInukshuks1WMEXFYVestmannaeyjar Inukshuk - Iceland2012-07-18
 starsJames Bond - 007James Bond - 0071WMET1JDie another day filming location - Jökulsárlón, Iceland2012-07-05
 starsKiwanis International MarkersKiwanis International Markers1WMFCWMBuried Helgafell Club - Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland2012-09-30
 starsLast of its KindLast of its Kind1WMEYWHHofskirkja - last turf church -Hof, Iceland2012-07-24
 starsLiterary SitesLiterary Sites1WMK65ZUne nuit à Reykjavik - Iceland2014-02-19
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives1WMF03QMinør Locomotive - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-31
 starsMaritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1WMEY02Fishermen's monument - Isafjordur, Iceland2012-07-20
 starsMaritime MuseumsMaritime Museums1WMETTTVíkin Maritime Museum - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-07
 starsMosaicsMosaics1WMETW1The wishing well for unborn children - Akyreyri, Iceland2012-07-07
 starsMovie LocationsMovie Locations1WMET1NJökulsárlón, Lara Croft Tomb Raider- Iceland2012-07-19
 starsNatural ArchesNatural Arches1WMFGBPDyrhólaey - Iceland2012-10-16
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMEV8EÞingvallavatn - Þingvellir, Iceland2012-07-09
 starsNature's Balanced RocksNature's Balanced Rocks1WMETW5Þingvellir Balanced Rock - Iceland2012-08-15
 starsOdd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings1WMET6FHallgrímskirkja - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-05
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WMEVXEOld hay rake - Laugarbakki, Iceland2012-07-18
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables1WMF0H4Reykjarhóll Orientation Table - Varmahlíð, Iceland2012-08-02
 starsPhoto CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1WMETTZThe Christmas Garden - Akureyri, Iceland2012-07-07
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance2---
 starsPublic AquariumsPublic Aquariums1WMET2HSaeheimar Aquarium - Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland2012-07-04
 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WMEXKMHornafjordur Golf Club Silfurnesvollur - Höfn, Iceland2012-07-18
 starsPublicly Held Corporation HeadquartersPublicly Held Corporation Headquarters1WMEXHQOssur hf - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-19
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WMEVABSólfarið - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-09
 starsRecommended AccommodationRecommended Accommodation1WMEVRXHotel Edda Skogar - Iceland2012-07-13
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1WMERZ8Red Telephone Box - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-03
 starsRemains of SettlementsRemains of Settlements1WMJZ71Litlibaer - Iceland2014-01-27
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WMETYMDESTINATION: Öxará River - Lake Þingvellir - Iceland2012-07-08
 starsRunestones WorldwideRunestones Worldwide1WMERYAReykjavik Rune Stone - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-03
 starsSit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1WMEVHVTilvera - Akureyri, Iceland2012-07-13
 starsSolar System ModelsSolar System Models1WMEVFAHS ORKA HF Solar System Model - Iceland2012-07-09
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1---
 starsStatic Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1WMEZVCHnjótur Museum Douglas C-117D - Iceland2012-07-29
  Stone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1---
 starsSundialsSundials1WMF0H1Reykjarhóll Sundial - Varmahlíð, Iceland2012-08-02
 starsSwimming HolesSwimming Holes1WMEVQ4Refreshing Swimming Hole - Iceland2012-07-10
 starsThe Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1WMETBJBudin - Grimsey, Iceland2012-07-05
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WMEXCJThe end of Europe - Latrabjarg, Iceland2012-07-18
 starsUrban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1WMF04MElf Stone - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-31
  Volcano WatchingVolcano Watching1---
 starsWeather RadarsWeather Radars1WMEVPAKeflavík Airport Radar - Keflavik, Iceland2012-07-23
 starsWorld Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1WMERYVSurtsey Island - Iceland2012-07-03
 starsZoosZoos1WMETJVHúsdýragarðurinn - Reykjavik, Iceland2012-07-08

Mexico (7)

Quintana Roo (4)

 starsBicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1WMD3VASandos Playacar Bicycle Rentals2011-11-15
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
 starsCompass RosesCompass Roses1WMDQMBRose des vents Playa del Carmen - Mexico2012-02-23
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---

Yucatán (3)

 starsFountainsFountains1WMD476Valladolid Fountain2011-11-16
 starsHoly WellsHoly Wells1WMK7V6Cenote Sagrado - Mexico2014-03-04
  Natural SinkholesNatural Sinkholes1---

Mongolia (3)

 starsCurrent and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges1WMM01PMongolian Stock Exchange - Ulan Bator, Mongolia2014-06-25
 starsRoller CoastersRoller Coasters1WMM095Roller Coaster - National Amusement Park - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia2014-06-26
 starsTraffic ParksTraffic Parks1WMM01QSukhbaatar Square - Ulan-Batar, Mongolia2014-06-25

Norway (12)

Finnmark (2)

 starsNorway Historical SitesNorway Historical Sites1WMP46QKing Oscar II in Nordkapp2015-06-28
 starsTimelinesTimelines1WMP5P5One day in Nordkapp - 24 hours - Nordkapp, Norway2015-07-06

Nordland (1)

 starsLuftwaffe Radar RuinsLuftwaffe Radar Ruins1WMP34BBorga Eggum, Norway2015-06-21

Oslo (2)

 starsMedieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1WMP34WGol Stave Church - Oslo, Norway2015-06-22
  Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices)Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices)1---

Troms (2)

 stars7-Eleven Stores7-Eleven Stores1WMP47M7-Eleven in Tromsø - Norway2015-06-28
 starsAntarctic Points of InterestAntarctic Points of Interest1WMP3HARoald Amundsen at the Polar Museum - Tromsø, Norway2015-06-24

Trøndelag (1)

 starsFish HatcheriesFish Hatcheries1WMP437Fiskumfossen - Norway2015-06-27

Vestland (4)

 starsDining Car RestaurantsDining Car Restaurants1WMP3DFToget Cafe : The Train Cafe in Flåm - Flåm, Norway2015-06-23
 starsKugel BallsKugel Balls1WMP339Flåm Kugel Ball, Norway2015-06-22
 starsModel RailroadsModel Railroads1WMP64TFlåmsbana Museet - Flåm, Norway2015-07-09
 starsPublic Funiculars and Incline RailwaysPublic Funiculars and Incline Railways1WMP3PVFlåmsbana - Flåm, Norway2015-06-25

Russia (19)

 starsAncient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1WMM24ACollection of Roman Art, Hermitage Museum - Saint-Petersburg, Russia2014-07-06
 starsAtlas StatuesAtlas Statues1WMKZXBAtlas Statue Singer House - Saint Petersburg, Russia2014-06-29
 starsBest Kept SecretsBest Kept Secrets1WMM253The Lucky Cat in Saint-Petersburg - Russia2014-08-11
 starsCarl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants1WMKZY5Carl's Jr. - Malaya Sadovaya St (Pedestrian zone) 2 Saint Peterburg - RUSSIA2014-06-25
 starsDefunct Amusement ParksDefunct Amusement Parks1WMM265Gorky Park - Moscow, Russia2014-07-07
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone1WMM0H5Nicolas Roerich - Embankment Iset, Ekaterinburg, Russia2014-06-28
  Eternal FlamesEternal Flames1---
 starsFireworks TreesFireworks Trees1WMM02KFirework Tree along the Neva River - Saint-Peterburg, Russia2014-06-25
 starsFoucault PendulumsFoucault Pendulums1WMKZY2Foucault Pendulum - Moscow Planetarium, Russia2014-06-24
  Love PadlocksLove Padlocks1---
 starsMan-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1WMM4P3Waterfall - Ekaterinburg, Russia2014-07-21
  Military Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned)Military Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned)1---
 starsPaintings Then and NowPaintings Then and Now1WMM5DXThe Tsar Bell - Moscow, Russia2014-07-24
 starsRenaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture1WMM5DTDormition Cathedral - Moscow, Russia2014-07-24
 starsRose GardensRose Gardens1WMM264Rose Garden in Gorky Park - Moscow, Russia2014-07-06
 starsScenic RailroadsScenic Railroads1WMM099Trans-Siberian Railway - Moscow, Russia2014-06-30
  Space Flight Memorials and ExhibitsSpace Flight Memorials and Exhibits1---
  Sphinx SculpturesSphinx Sculptures1---
 starsVintage Movie TheatersVintage Movie Theaters1WMM2ABEstrady Theatre - Moscow, Russia2014-07-07

Saint Pierre and Miquelon (1)

 starsRadio and Television Transmitter TowersRadio and Television Transmitter Towers1WMWQM2Saint-Pierre et Miquelon 1re - Radio/Télé - Saint-Pierre, France2017-10-03

United States (139 waymarks / 132 categories)

Alaska (1)

  Alaska Historic MarkersAlaska Historic Markers1---

Arizona (2)

 starsGraves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death1WMQTPEElmer Watahomigie - Grand Canyon Village, Arizona2016-03-28
  Route 66 - The Mother RoadRoute 66 - The Mother Road1---

California (20)

  Ancient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts1---
  Animal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1---
  Butterfly GardensButterfly Gardens1---
  Carriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display1---
  E Clampus Vitus Historical MarkersE Clampus Vitus Historical Markers1---
  Historic Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates1---
  Jazz ClubsJazz Clubs1---
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1---
  National Wild and Scenic RiversNational Wild and Scenic Rivers1---
  Preserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display1---
  Smokey Bear Sign SightingsSmokey Bear Sign Sightings1---
  Soroptimist International MarkersSoroptimist International Markers1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges1---
  U.S. Historic Survey Stones and MonumentsU.S. Historic Survey Stones and Monuments1---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places1---
  Veteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1---
  William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare1---
  Woman's ClubsWoman's Clubs1---

Hawaii (4)

  IHOP RestaurantsIHOP Restaurants1---
  Shoe TreesShoe Trees1---

Maine (7)

  Appalachian TrailAppalachian Trail1---
  Civilian Conservation CorpsCivilian Conservation Corps1---
  Geographic High PointsGeographic High Points1---
 starsOffroad TrailsOffroad Trails1WMDRT8Caribou Pond Road - Maine, USA2012-02-21
  Scenic HikesScenic Hikes1---
 starsScenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks1WME7TXMount Katahdin - Maine, USA2012-04-15
  Spring HousesSpring Houses1---

Nevada (1)

  Artistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1---

New Hampshire (12)

 stars1000 Places to See Before You Die1000 Places to See Before You Die1WMDPHFMount Washington - North Conway, New Hampshire, U.S.A.2012-02-10
  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1---
  Afghanistan-Iraq War MemorialsAfghanistan-Iraq War Memorials1---
  American Guide SeriesAmerican Guide Series1---
 starsBear StatuesBear Statues1WMDPJ7Waterville Valley - NH, USA2012-02-12
  Names From the BibleNames From the Bible1---
 starsOvens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1WMF03PStone Iron Furnace - Franconia, New Hampshire, USA2012-07-31
 starsPublic Access LandsPublic Access Lands1WMF7ARLRCT Conservation Area - Meredith, NH2012-09-05
 starsRemote Backcountry SheltersRemote Backcountry Shelters1WME46DLakes of the Clouds Hut - New Hampshire, USA2012-04-01
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
 starsSummit RegistersSummit Registers1WMH9F4Lake of the Clouds Register - Mount Washington - New Hampshire2013-06-11
 starsWeather StationsWeather Stations1WMDP82MW OBS - Mt Washington, NH, USA2012-02-13

New York (82 waymarks / 76 categories)

  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
  Alpaca and Llama FarmsAlpaca and Llama Farms1---
  American Revolutionary War Veteran GravesAmerican Revolutionary War Veteran Graves1---
  Amusement ParksAmusement Parks1---
  Angel of Hope StatuesAngel of Hope Statues1---
  Antique and Classic Car DealershipsAntique and Classic Car Dealerships1---
  Applebee's RestaurantsApplebee's Restaurants1---
  Arby's RestaurantsArby's Restaurants1---
  Bed and BreakfastBed and Breakfast1---
  Big Brothers Big SistersBig Brothers Big Sisters1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Bridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques1---
  Cobblestone BuildingsCobblestone Buildings1---
  Coin Operated Self Service Car WashesCoin Operated Self Service Car Washes1---
  Coin ShopsCoin Shops1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1---
  Denny's RestaurantsDenny's Restaurants1---
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
  Dockside RestaurantsDockside Restaurants1---
 starsDog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels1WMF3MMO'Sullivan's On The Lake Motel - Lake George, NY2012-08-20
 starsDomes of the (Under) WorldDomes of the (Under) World1WMDPC4Guggenheim Museum Dome - New York City, NY2012-02-23
  Drive-In Movie TheatersDrive-In Movie Theaters1---
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'1---
  Eagle Scout Project SitesEagle Scout Project Sites1---
  Elks LodgesElks Lodges1---
  Ferris WheelsFerris Wheels1---
  Fiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
  Giant Board GamesGiant Board Games1---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1---
  Gluten Free RestaurantsGluten Free Restaurants1---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1---
  Horse Racing TracksHorse Racing Tracks1---
  Johnny RocketsJohnny Rockets1---
  Kids Eat FreeKids Eat Free1---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Lustron HomesLustron Homes1---
  Medal Of Honor Resting PlacesMedal Of Honor Resting Places1---
  Military Surplus StoresMilitary Surplus Stores1---
  Moose Lodges and CentersMoose Lodges and Centers1---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits4---
  NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing BuildingsNRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings1---
  National Scenic BywaysNational Scenic Byways1---
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
  New York Historical MarkersNew York Historical Markers1---
  Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsNon-Specific Veteran Memorials1---
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1---
  Panera Bread RestaurantsPanera Bread Restaurants1---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers1---
  Police MemorialsPolice Memorials1---
 starsPunishment and Disciplinary DevicesPunishment and Disciplinary Devices1WMK83KFort William Henry - Lake George Village, NY, USA2014-02-26
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1---
  Scenic Boat RidesScenic Boat Rides1---
  Smithsonian Art Inventory SculpturesSmithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Solitary SilosSolitary Silos1---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
  Super Fund SitesSuper Fund Sites1---
  TGI Friday's RestaurantsTGI Friday's Restaurants1---
  Trail RegistersTrail Registers1---
 starsTruck StopsTruck Stops1WMF3FRHigh Peaks South - North Hudson, NY2012-08-17
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks3---
  U.S. National Natural LandmarksU.S. National Natural Landmarks1---
  U.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Register of Historic Places2---
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---
  U.S. Revolutionary War MemorialsU.S. Revolutionary War Memorials1---
  Victorian Style ArchitectureVictorian Style Architecture1---
  War of 1812War of 18121---
  Wax MuseumsWax Museums1---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras1---
  Weird Story LocationsWeird Story Locations1---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments1---

Utah (1)

  Wagon Roads and TrailsWagon Roads and Trails1---

Vermont (9)

 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1WMM632Monroe Cemetery - Camel's Hump State Park, Vermont2014-07-28
 starsChili's RestaurantsChili's Restaurants1WMM63YChili's - Williston, Vermont2014-07-29
 starsMetal DetectingMetal Detecting1WMP3DBRed Rocks Park - South Burlington, Vermont2015-06-23
 starsNamed Mountain GapsNamed Mountain Gaps1WMPB34Lincoln Gap - Vermont, USA2015-08-03
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges1---
 starsPainted Barn QuiltsPainted Barn Quilts1WMM6438-Pointed Star Quilt Barn - Sheldon, Vermont, USA2014-07-28
 starsPlane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1WMM634B-24J Bomber Crash Site - Camel's Hump, Vermont2014-07-28
  Small Town, Big NameSmall Town, Big Name1---
  VFW PostsVFW Posts1---