User xeocach 

xeocach  posted 3245 waymarks in 498 different categories within 4 countries and 18 regions, of these were 391 posted-first-in-region and also 60 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Gibraltar (34 waymarks / 19 categories)

 starsAnchorsAnchors1WM19ZPMAnchor in Trafalgar Cemetery - Gibraltar2024-05-23
 starsBicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1WM18ZXRGreen car - Gibraltar2023-10-30
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WM18VDWThe Alameda Botanic Gardens - Gibraltar2023-09-30
 starsDedicated BenchesDedicated Benches14WM18VQKAlfred Louis Balban - Gibraltar2023-10-03
 starsFountainsFountains1WM1AYD6Fountain in The Alameda Gardens - Gibraltar2024-10-29
 starsGreenhouses and NurseriesGreenhouses and Nurseries1WM19ZN1Bicentenary House - Gibraltar2024-05-20
 starsIndependent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1WM1BG0TEstanco nº 8 - Gibraltar2025-02-05
 starsLion StatuesLion Statues1WM19E1EWelcome - Gibraltar2024-02-07
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WM195Q4Welcome - Gibraltar2023-12-02
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
 starsOut of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1WM19KMYSally Buckley - Gibraltar2024-03-16
 starsPergolasPergolas1WM19ZPDTrafalgar Cemetery Pergola - Gibraltar2024-05-21
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes2---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WM1B32PRotary Club Monument - Gibraltar2024-11-26
  UK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers1---
  Uncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1WM18V7XTrafalgar Cemetery - Gibraltar2023-09-29

Peru (25 waymarks / 14 categories)

  1000 Places to See Before You Die1000 Places to See Before You Die1---
 starsEngineering LandmarksEngineering Landmarks1WM184GCMachu Picchu - Cusco, Perú2023-05-31
 starsGhost TownsGhost Towns2WM1A2ZKMachu Pichu - Cusco, Perú2024-06-10
 starsGreat Buildings of the WorldGreat Buildings of the World1WM1A2ZFMachu Pichu - Cusco, Perú2024-07-18
  New World Ancient EvidenceNew World Ancient Evidence1---
 starsNumismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1WM18AJBMachu Picchu - Cusco, Perú2023-06-29
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions3---
 starsPhilatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1WM18AFQMachu Picchu - Cusco, Perú2023-06-29
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2---
 starsPuzzles in the Real WorldPuzzles in the Real World1WM18AFBMachu Picchu - Cusco, Perú2023-06-28
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions4---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities3---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3---
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1---

Portugal (9 waymarks / 6 categories)

Arquipélago da Madeira (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions2WM1AVEACabo Girão Skywalk - Câmara de Lobos, Portugal2024-10-13
 starsThatch CottagesThatch Cottages1WM1B5X5Typical Houses of Santana - Ilha da Madeira, Portugal2024-12-11

Arquipélago dos Açores (6 waymarks / 5 categories)

  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Portuguese Inventory of Architectural PatrimonyPortuguese Inventory of Architectural Patrimony1---
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WM1AW0PLagoa das Sete Cidades - Ilha de São Miguel, Portugal2024-10-20
 starsScenic at NightScenic at Night1WM1AW3PPortas da Cidade - Ponta Delgada, Ilha de São Miguel, Portugal2024-10-15
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

Spain (3177 waymarks / 489 categories)

Andalucía (104 waymarks / 46 categories)

  Ancient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts1---
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges1---
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsCar Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1WM19FTGCaballo - La Rábida, Huelva, España2024-02-19
  City Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters2---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
  Cruise Ship PortsCruise Ship Ports1---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
  Extraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations1---
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Framed ViewsFramed Views1---
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1---
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1---
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WM19FTEMantis - La Rábida, Huelva, España2024-02-19
 starsMoving BridgesMoving Bridges1WM1B5DZPuente de las Delicias - Sevilla, España2024-12-09
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions11---
  Permanent World Fair and Expo StructuresPermanent World Fair and Expo Structures10---
  Photo CutoutsPhoto Cutouts1---
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions1WM18YWRSimón Bolívar - Sevilla, España2023-10-26
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins2---
 starsPublic AquariumsPublic Aquariums1WM1B5DVAcuario de Sevilla - Sevilla, España2024-12-19
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1---
 starsRock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1WM19TAYMuseo Minero - Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, España2024-04-09
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches3---
 starsScenic RailroadsScenic Railroads1WM19TVCTren Minero - Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, España2024-04-12
  Scenic at NightScenic at Night2---
  Shot TowersShot Towers1---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History2---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage7---
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WM19WM2Salón del Maharajá - Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, España2024-04-27
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church3---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
 starsUncommon Crossing SignsUncommon Crossing Signs1WM18Z3WJabalíes - Tarifa, Cádiz, España2023-10-27
  Vegetarian EateriesVegetarian Eateries1---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James2---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries21---

Aragón (21 waymarks / 17 categories)

  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsBicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1WM190YKRepara tu bici - Aliaga, Teruel, España2023-11-05
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1WM190Y31718 - Ermita de la Virgen del Pilar - Hinojosa de Jarque, Teruel, España2023-11-05
  Dinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues2---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WM18ZZ3Salón del Reino - Teruel, España2023-10-30
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1WM19167Violonchelo - Hinojosa de Jarque, Teruel, España2023-11-06
 starsOctagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1WM190X2Ermita de la Virgen del Pilar - Hinojosa de Jarque, Teruel, España2023-11-06
 starsPayphonesPayphones1WM191VNCabina 1A - Aliaga, Teruel, España2024-01-02
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WM19169O Son do Palleiro - Hinojosa de Jarque, Teruel, España2023-11-06
 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WM1B3TPORIGIN - Río Tajo - Frías de Albarracín, Teruel, España2024-11-30
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WM1AKVYAcueducto de los Arcos - Teruel, España2024-09-05
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church2---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Cantabria (7)

  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRomanesque ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture1WM17N2NColegiata San Martín de Elines - Valderredible, Cantabria, España2023-03-12
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Castilla y León (386 waymarks / 82 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps2---
 stars'Z' Welcome Signs'Z' Welcome Signs1WM17R5JZarzuela del Monte - Segovia, España2023-03-27
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries5---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures1---
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization3---
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges4---
 starsAutomobile Salvage YardsAutomobile Salvage Yards1WM18H1GDesguaces Casquero - Benavente, Zamora, España2023-08-03
  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture3---
  Bell TowersBell Towers9---
 starsBicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1WM189B3Avda. de Valladolid - Tordesillas, Valladolid, España2023-06-23
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants2---
 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters6WM17KJDÁvila - España2023-03-04
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials2---
 starsDedicated BenchesDedicated Benches5WM1B5TPBanco de Nuestros Mayores - Ponferrada, León, España2024-12-13
  Doorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1---
  Earth GlobesEarth Globes2---
  Electric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs7---
 starsEuropean Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1WM19VGWCorreos Parque Gómez Pamo - Arévalo, Ávila, España2024-04-18
 starsExact ReplicasExact Replicas1WM1751EReales Carnicerías - Medina del Campo, España2022-12-14
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture4---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails1---
  Flower FieldsFlower Fields1---
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1WM1AQX3Minibiblioteca plaza de la iglesia - Magaz de Abajo, Camponaraya, León, España2024-10-04
 starsFreestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches2WM17QK5Arco Romano - Medinaceli, Soria, España2023-03-25
 starsGuest BooksGuest Books1WM18EP0Libro de visitas Ermita de Guadalupe - Requejo, Zamora, España2023-07-20
  Highway Rest AreasHighway Rest Areas1---
  Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1WM1B24QCastillo de los Templarios - Ponferrada, León, España2024-11-19
  Lion StatuesLion Statues7---
 starsMan-made Animal Bridges and CrossingsMan-made Animal Bridges and Crossings2WM18EN4Puente fauna salvaje A-52 km 64 - Cernadilla, Zamora, España2023-07-20
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches13---
  Military InstallationsMilitary Installations5---
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World2---
  Natural ArchesNatural Arches1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations6---
 starsOctagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1WM183T9Ermita del Cristo de las Batallas - Rueda, Valladolid, España2023-05-28
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions40---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
 starsPresidential BirthplacesPresidential Birthplaces1WM17TJRFelipe II - Valladolid, España2023-04-02
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
 starsReadable From AboveReadable From Above2WM18ENQPADORNELO - Zamora, España2023-08-02
  Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture3---
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons1WM17N9XCastillo de Urueña - Valladolid, España2023-03-13
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WM1A362Puente de Hierro - Toro, Zamora, España2024-06-11
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches27---
  Romanesque ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture9---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities5---
  Scenic at NightScenic at Night1---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History3---
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1WM1B320Hermanada con Setúbal y Hagetmau - Tordesillas, Valladolid, España2024-11-26
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Solitary SilosSolitary Silos12---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage44---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures4---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges3---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church25---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
 starsTruck StopsTruck Stops1WM1BB2YLa Hacienda - La Bañeza, León, España2025-01-09
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges1---
  Unique Artistic Door Handles and KnockersUnique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers1---
 starsUnique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1WM174BCObispal - Astorga, España2022-12-08
  Vértices GeodésicosVértices Geodésicos6---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James5---
 starsWaychapelsWaychapels3WM17H79Ermita del Cristo de los Remedios - Tobera, Burgos, España2023-02-21
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries48---
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1---

Castilla-La Mancha (183 waymarks / 47 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
 starsALDI StoresALDI Stores2WM17ED6ALDI Parque Comercial Sagra Norte - Illescas, Toledo, España2023-02-06
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries1---
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1WM17PR7Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción - Oropesa, Toledo, España2023-03-21
  Bell TowersBell Towers7---
 starsBicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1WM1AKFBRepara tu bici - Cifuentes, Guadalajara, España2024-09-02
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations1WM18JWCLagunas de Puebla de Beleña - Guadalajara, España2023-08-13
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
  City Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters4---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
 starsDated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1WM19DX4Rollo de Justicia - 1566 - Almorox, Toledo, España2024-02-06
 starsDevilish LocationsDevilish Locations1WM19KCZVentano del Diablo - Villalba de la Sierra, Cuenca, España2024-03-14
  Doorways of the WorldDoorways of the World2---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsFitness TrailsFitness Trails2WM1AK8RParque del Santísimo Cristo Arrodillado - Belinchón, Cuenca, España2024-08-30
 starsFlower FieldsFlower Fields1WM188QNCampos de lavanda - Pioz, Guadalajara, España2023-06-20
 starsFree Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1WM1B1CPAparcamiento Roblelacasa - Guadalajara, España2024-11-17
  Gothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture1---
 starsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1WM17DKA19C222 - Torija, Guadalajara, España2023-02-02
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches3---
  Military InstallationsMilitary Installations5---
 starsNatural SinkholesNatural Sinkholes1WM19TBBSima de Alcorón - Villanueva de Alcorón, Guadalajara, España2024-05-04
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations2---
 starsNuclear Power PlantsNuclear Power Plants1WM19FR9Central Nuclear de Trillo - Trillo, Guadalajara, España2024-02-19
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions22---
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WM1BC19Ayuntamiento - Fuentenovilla, Guadalajara, España2025-01-15
  Pet StoresPet Stores1---
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance1---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds3---
 starsPunishment and Disciplinary DevicesPunishment and Disciplinary Devices6WM1929NRollo Jurisdiccional - Maqueda, Toledo, España2023-11-15
 starsRetired PrisonsRetired Prisons3WM182KKPrisión Central - Guadalajara, España2023-05-18
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WM1AWWKPuente de los Trillos, río Jarama - Matallana, Guadalajara, España2024-10-22
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches14---
 starsSalt Pans and MinesSalt Pans and Mines2WM18FHHSalinas de Imón - Sigüenza, España2023-07-26
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities4---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History6---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage23---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church13---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James3WM19AWKAlbergue - Chinchilla de Montearagón, Albacete, España2024-01-13
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries25---

Cataluña (1)


Ceuta (73 waymarks / 44 categories)

 starsAnimal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1WM1B9FVClínica Veterinaria Fauna - Ceuta, España2024-12-31
 starsArchitecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes1WM1B9FJTeatro Auditorio Revellín - Ceuta, España2025-01-24
 starsArt Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau1WM1B9FRCasa Delgado - Ceuta, España2024-12-31
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1WM18VJESantuario Santa María de África - Ceuta, España2023-10-08
 starsBeachesBeaches2WM18VJPPlaya de la Ribera - Ceuta, España2023-10-06
 starsBell TowersBell Towers2WM18VJ8Catedral de la Asunción - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsCasinosCasinos1WM1AWFNCasino de Ceuta - Ceuta, España2024-10-18
 starsCathedralsCathedrals1WM18VGTCatedral de la Asunción - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsChristian CrossesChristian Crosses1WM19P95Cruceiro - Ceuta, España2024-03-26
 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters1WM18TQACeuta - España2023-09-25
 starsEpic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1WM1B8TFApolo - Ceuta, España2024-12-27
 starsExtraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations2WM19X11Asteroide 120461 Gandhi / Mahatma Gandhi - Ceuta, España2024-05-08
 starsFarmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets1WM1B97PMercado Central de Abastos - Ceuta, España2024-12-30
 starsFerries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1WM19E1TTerminal de Ferris - Ceuta, España2024-02-08
 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WM1B9A7Marinero - Ceuta, España2024-12-30
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind1WM1B9A2FIRST Gobernador de Ceuta - España2024-12-30
 starsFountainsFountains2WM1AWFTFuente de Pedro Meneses - Ceuta, España2024-10-23
 starsFreestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1WM1A019Puerta de los Reyes - Ceuta, España2024-05-25
 starsHindu TemplesHindu Temples1WM18TPVTemplo Hindú de Ceuta - España2023-09-25
 starsIndependent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1WM1B958Estanco 25 - Ceuta, España2024-12-29
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies3WM1B96VFarmacia de la Pinta - Ceuta, España2025-01-05
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WM1A01CBienvenidos - Ceuta, España2024-05-24
 starsMaritime Monuments and MemorialsMaritime Monuments and Memorials1WM19NWVCeuta a la gente de la mar - Ceuta, España2024-04-02
 starsMcDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1WM1B95VMcDonald's Pueblo Marinero - Ceuta, España2024-12-31
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WM18VK5Murallas Reales - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WM1B99ZPedro de Meneses - Ceuta, España2024-12-30
 starsMosquesMosques1WM18TR9Mezquita Muley El-Medhi - Ceuta, España2023-10-03
 starsNews Article LocationsNews Article Locations1WM1B9FKÁlvaro Siza toma Ceuta - Ceuta, España2024-12-31
 starsNewstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies1WM1B95DEstanco 25 - Ceuta, España2024-12-29
 starsOccupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1WM1B9A6Marinero - Ceuta, España2024-12-30
 starsOfficial Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1WM18VJCSantuario Santa María de África - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions1WM18VNEMahatma Gandhi - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsProfessional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1WM18VN5Estadio Alfonso Murube - Ceuta, España2023-10-03
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds2WM19PA8Paseo de la Marina 1 - Ceuta, España2024-03-26
 starsRoman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2WM18VGWCatedral de la Asunción - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1WM1B32NMonumento Rotary Club - Ceuta, España2024-11-26
 starsSatellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities6WM18VNBEstadio Alfonso Murube - Ceuta, España2023-10-02
 starsSpanish HeritageSpanish Heritage4WM18TRVCatedral de la Asunción - Ceuta, España2023-09-27
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2WM19NWQMahatma Gandhi - Ceuta, España2024-03-25
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WM18TQPSinagoga de Bet-El - Ceuta, España2023-10-08
 starsThis Old ChurchThis Old Church2WM18VGVCatedral de la Asunción - Ceuta, España2023-10-01
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1WM1B32MOficina de turismo - Ceuta, España2024-11-27
 starsWar and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1WM19NWEMuseo de la Legión - Ceuta, España2024-03-25
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries12---

Comunidad Valenciana (29 waymarks / 23 categories)

 starsBat BoxesBat Boxes1WM19ZH8Espai Natura - Torrenostra, Castellón, España2024-05-20
 starsBeach HutsBeach Huts1WM19Z3WVestidores -Torrenostra, Castellón, España2024-05-18
  City Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters1---
 starsCoastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1WM1A0GAFaro de Peñíscola - Peñíscola, Castellón, España2024-05-30
 starsCoin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1WM16TTPBinoculares - Mirador del Puerto de Valencia2022-10-05
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Historic FortsHistoric Forts1---
  Legacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors2---
 starsMaritime MuseumsMaritime Museums1WM1A0HCMuseu de la Mar - Peñíscola, Castellón, España2024-05-28
  Metal DetectingMetal Detecting1---
  Military InstallationsMilitary Installations2---
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums1WM1A0H2Magic Museum - Peñíscola, Castellón, España2024-05-28
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRose GardensRose Gardens1WM16TZ2Rosaleda Pedro J. Salvador Palomo – Valencia, España2022-10-07
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage2---
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1---
 starsStatic Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays1WM1A0HXCañón Baluarte del Príncipe -. Peñíscola, Castellón, España2024-05-29
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries3---

Comunidad de Madrid (1979 waymarks / 392 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps34---
  1000 Places to See Before You Die1000 Places to See Before You Die2---
  3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art2---
 stars666 Sightings666 Sightings1WM1BCZQLínea 666 - El Escorial, Madrid, España2025-01-20
 starsA.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting StationsA.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting Stations1WM19JNTSER Henares (103.1 FM) - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2024-03-09
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores32---
  Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesAbbeys, Convents and Monasteries4---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures4---
  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns22---
  Amusement ParksAmusement Parks1---
 starsAnamorphous Street ArtAnamorphous Street Art1WM1B6FFHomenaje al 7º Arte - Madrid, España2024-12-19
  Ancient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts1---
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1---
 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1WM17K8FIglesia Anglicana de San Jorge - Madrid, España2023-03-03
 starsAnimal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals2WM16YV5Clínica Veterinaria Elena Ruano - Madrid, España2022-12-16
 starsAnimal MemorialsAnimal Memorials1WM17DQZEl perro Paco - Madrid, España2023-03-08
  Antique HotelsAntique Hotels1---
  Apple StoresApple Stores1---
 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges7WM17M81Puente de Segovia - Madrid, España2023-03-08
  Architecture PrizesArchitecture Prizes3---
  Art Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau6---
 starsArt GalleriesArt Galleries1WM192PGLa Fiambrera - Madrid, España2023-11-16
  Art MuseumsArt Museums5---
 starsArt VehiclesArt Vehicles1WM1AERJSeat 600 - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2024-08-08
 starsArtistic SeatingArtistic Seating1WM19G36Hada y Gnomo - Arroyomolinos, Madrid, España2024-02-21
 starsArtistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1WM17FTDCactus y flores - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-02-15
 starsAtlas StatuesAtlas Statues1WM175W8Atlas en las alturas - Madrid, España2022-12-19
 starsAuto ClubsAuto Clubs1WM1AK21RACE Eloy Gonzalo - Madrid, España2024-09-12
 starsAutomobile Salvage YardsAutomobile Salvage Yards1WM1BBKDDesguaces El Choque - San Martín de la Vega, Madrid, España2025-01-14
  Barber PolesBarber Poles5---
  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture7---
 starsBat BoxesBat Boxes5WM19GWKParque Lago Loranca - Fuenlabrada, Madrid, España2024-02-27
  Bear StatuesBear Statues4---
 starsBeatlemania!Beatlemania!1WM1AD42Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas - Madrid, España2024-08-08
  Bell TowersBell Towers3---
 starsBicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals17WM17RHETrixi - Madrid, España2023-03-29
 starsBicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1WM1AKGPEl Taller del Lago - Madrid, España2024-09-02
 starsBicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1WM18FW6Calmera - Madrid, España2023-08-01
 starsBicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1WM1BF7TBicicletas - Soto del Real, Madrid, España2025-02-01
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations1WM18JW3Laguna del Salmoral - Prádena del Rincón, Madrid, España2023-08-13
 starsBlood Donation CentersBlood Donation Centers1WM1817NCentro de Transfusión - Madrid, España2023-05-31
  Bookcrossing ZonesBookcrossing Zones2---
  Botanical GardensBotanical Gardens1---
  Bowling CentresBowling Centres2---
 starsBrewpubsBrewpubs1WM18DCZMad Brewing - Madrid, España2023-07-12
  Bubble Tea aka BobaBubble Tea aka Boba1---
 starsBuffet RestaurantsBuffet Restaurants1WM16ZYAKekexily - Príncipe Pío - Madrid, España2022-11-09
 starsBuilding BuildingsBuilding Buildings2WM17P74Calle Méndez Álvaro, 73 - Madrid, España2023-03-21
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants30---
 starsBurger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains5WM17Y1VFive Guys The Style Outlets - Getafe, Madrid, España2023-04-28
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WM17P6MEstación Sur de Autobuses - Madrid, España2023-03-18
 starsCampgroundsCampgrounds1WM19X5BCamping Osuna - Madrid, España2024-04-30
  Candy StoresCandy Stores1---
  Capitol BuildingsCapitol Buildings1---
 starsCarillonCarillon1WM17RHHEdificio Plus Ultra - Madrid, España2023-03-30
 starsCarl's Jr./Hardee's RestaurantsCarl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants7WM16XG4Carl's Jr. - Av. Condesa de Chinchón - Boadilla del Monte, España2022-10-24
 starsCarriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayCarriages and Coaches on Permanent Display2WM1A5R0Carroza negra - Madrid, España2024-06-26
 starsCelebrity HangoutsCelebrity Hangouts1WM19P41Valle Inclán - Café Gijón - Madrid, España2024-05-04
 starsChildren's MuseumsChildren's Museums1WM195Y4Casita Museo de Ratón Pérez - Madrid, España2024-01-08
 starsChurchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries2WM184WQCapilla y Cementerio de la Almudena - Madrid, España2023-06-02
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials4---
 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters8WM17KWEMadrid - España2023-03-06
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
 starsCivil Defense Fallout SheltersCivil Defense Fallout Shelters1WM1B5HMRefugio del Parque del Capricho - Madrid, España2024-12-29
 starsCivil Rights MemorialsCivil Rights Memorials4WM17TM5Clara Campoamor - Alcorcón, Madrid, España2023-04-03
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
  Coin Operated Children's RidesCoin Operated Children's Rides4---
 starsCoin Operated Self Service Car WashesCoin Operated Self Service Car Washes1WM1AVAAIMO Parque Corredor - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2024-10-11
 starsCoin ShopsCoin Shops2WM18HCCFINUMAS - Madrid, España2023-08-05
  Comedy ClubsComedy Clubs1---
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1WM18CGKAtom Cómics - Madrid, España2023-07-09
 starsCommunity GardensCommunity Gardens1WM19R6NHuerto comunitario Adelfas - Madrid, España2024-04-03
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Concert HallsConcert Halls1---
 starsConvention CentersConvention Centers2WM18HYBPalacio de Congresos - Madrid, España2023-08-09
 starsConverted FactoriesConverted Factories1WM19AV5Fábrica de cerveza El Águila - Madrid, España2024-01-11
 starsConverted FountainsConverted Fountains1WM18BH3Fuente jardinera - Parla, Madrid, España2023-07-03
  Counting and Measuring DisplaysCounting and Measuring Displays1---
 starsCourthousesCourthouses1WM1712YTribunal Supremo - Madrid, España2022-12-16
 starsCurrent and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges1WM18902Bolsa de Madrid - España2023-06-22
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious2---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones3---
 starsDaughters of the American RevolutionDaughters of the American Revolution1WM1858NConmemoración de la ayuda española a la Independencia de los Estados Unidos de América - Madrid, España2023-06-04
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials23---
 starsDeath Mask GravestonesDeath Mask Gravestones1WM1ADW6Pablo Iglesias Posse - Madrid, España2024-08-05
 starsDedicated TreesDedicated Trees1WM1AP5BAna Frank - Madrid, España2024-09-16
 starsDefunct Amusement ParksDefunct Amusement Parks1WM18FP2Casa de Fieras del Retiro - Madrid, España2023-07-26
  Diplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions1---
 starsDisaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials6WM16XND(Legacy) Monumento Víctimas del 11M Atocha - Madrid, España2022-10-26
  Dog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels1---
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
 starsDog-Friendly RestaurantsDog-Friendly Restaurants1WM18C41La Virgen 154 Abascal - Madrid, España2023-07-05
 starsDollar StoresDollar Stores1WM18P7CTEDi Sambil - Leganés, Madrid, España2023-09-05
  Domes of the (Under) WorldDomes of the (Under) World1---
 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza5WM171QRDomino's Pizza - Madrid Sur - Madrid, España2022-11-21
 starsDoves of peaceDoves of peace2WM17FM4Plaza de la Paz - Madrid, España2023-02-12
 starsDraw WellsDraw Wells1WM1BE3CPozo tras la iglesia - Torrelodones, Madrid, España2025-01-30
  Drawing WaymarksDrawing Waymarks1---
 starsDrive-In Movie TheatersDrive-In Movie Theaters1WM19XCKAutocine Madrid - España2024-05-02
  Dunkin Donuts'Dunkin Donuts'5---
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations2WM18DC8Avda. Constitución, 108 - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-07-12
 starsElevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1WM16WJRTaxi en Vallecas - Madrid, España2022-10-22
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs10---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues2---
 starsEtched in StoneEtched in Stone4WM19ZW4Camilo José Cela - Monumento CJC - Madrid, España2024-05-22
 starsEternal FlamesEternal Flames1WM172EKLlama eterna Covid-19 - Madrid, España2022-11-26
  European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksEuropean Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks1---
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices2---
  Exact ReplicasExact Replicas8---
 starsExceptional Tree Growth Ring DisplaysExceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays1WM17R5ESenda Mágica - Arroyomolinos, Madrid, España2023-04-04
 starsExceptional TreesExceptional Trees1WM1703VAhuehuete del Buen Retiro - Madrid, España2022-11-11
  Extraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations14---
 starsFactory ToursFactory Tours1WM18DD0Mad Brewing - Madrid, España2023-07-15
  Famous Fictional FiguresFamous Fictional Figures3---
  Farmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets3---
 starsFestivalsFestivals1WM19P3WSemana Santa en Madrid - Madrid, España2024-03-30
 starsField HospitalsField Hospitals1WM1A772Hotel Palace - Guerra Civil - Madrid, España2024-07-02
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture16---
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1WM1A36WCamión en el MBM - Madrid, España2024-06-11
 starsFirefighter MemorialsFirefighter Memorials1WM1AE9MMonumento al Bombero - Madrid, España2024-08-06
 starsFirehousesFirehouses3WM1712RParque de Bomberos nº 8 de Madrid2022-11-18
 starsFireworks TreesFireworks Trees1WM18CCHHipercohete - Paracuellos de Jarama, Madrid, España2023-07-07
 starsFirst of its KindFirst of its Kind2WM18P5WFIRST - Europa Nostra medal awarded in Spain - San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, España2023-09-04
 starsFish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants1WM18D92The Fish & Chips Shop - Madrid, España2023-07-11
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails12---
 starsFlags of OrganizationsFlags of Organizations4WM18719Atlético de Madrid - Madrid, España2023-06-12
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World2WM186QFSecretaría General Iberoamericana - Madrid, España2023-06-11
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges22WM17JTFMini Biblioteca frente al Centro de Mayores - Alcorcón, Madrid, España2023-03-01
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches7---
  Freestanding ColumnsFreestanding Columns4---
  Frieze ArtFrieze Art1---
 starsFuneral HomesFuneral Homes2WM1AAPPTanatorio Servisa - Madrid, España2024-07-17
 starsFunerary ArtFunerary Art1WM18D2PTorera (Juanita Cruz) - Madrid, España2023-07-10
  Garage Door ArtGarage Door Art11---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
  Gates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1---
 starsGazebosGazebos3WM18DNATemplete de Chamberí - Madrid, España2023-07-14
 starsGeodesic DomesGeodesic Domes1WM1BFE7Cúpula del CC Príncipe Pío - Madrid, España2025-02-02
 starsGhost BikesGhost Bikes2WM18289Antonio Díaz García - Madrid, España2023-05-16
 starsGhost TownsGhost Towns1WM1AWECEl Alamín - Villa del Prado, Madrid, España2024-10-21
 starsGhosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1WM1ATE7Casa de las Siete Chimeneas - Madrid, España2024-10-05
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WM183PREl sueño de lo posible - Madrid, España2023-05-31
  Gifts from Other CountriesGifts from Other Countries3---
 starsGluten Free RestaurantsGluten Free Restaurants1WM18D94The Fish & Chips Shop - Madrid, España2023-08-19
 starsGoogie ArchitectureGoogie Architecture1WM191Y1Faro de Moncloa - Madrid, España2023-11-11
 starsGraffitiGraffiti2WM17WC3Michman - Las Rozas de Madrid, Madrid, España2023-04-12
 starsGrave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1WM185WWEnrique Tierno Galván - Madrid, España2023-06-05
 starsGround Based Air Navigation Support StructuresGround Based Air Navigation Support Structures1WM1ADHNBarajas NDB - Madrid, España2024-08-01
  Hall of FameHall of Fame1---
  Hard Rock CafeHard Rock Cafe1---
 starsHeadstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians2WM1894Z102 - Manuela Estrabón Mejías - Cementerio de la Almudena, Madrid, España2023-06-22
 starsHelicopter Landing PadsHelicopter Landing Pads1WM18B8AHelipuerto Embalse de San Juan - San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid, España2023-07-04
  Historic EatsHistoric Eats2---
 starsHistoric Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards7WM18P5FRestauración del Teatro Carlos III - San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, España2023-09-04
  History MuseumsHistory Museums7---
 starsHospitalsHospitals5WM171Z2Hospital de Torrejón - Torrejón de Ardoz, España2022-11-22
 starsHourglassHourglass1WM1A2WQRelojero de la calle de la Sal - Madrid, España2024-06-09
 starsHuman Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1WM17NRQMadrid a los Refugiados - Madrid, España2023-03-19
 starsHumorous Combination BusinessesHumorous Combination Businesses1WM17JB5Pastelería y fiambres Sanli - Madrid, España2023-02-26
 starsIKEAIKEA2WM16ZJ5IKEA Ensanche de Vallecas - Madrid, España2022-11-16
 starsIMAX TheatersIMAX Theaters1WM18GR4Cinesa Heron City IMAX - Las Rozas, Madrid, España2023-08-01
  Ice Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors3---
  Ice Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks1---
 starsImmortalized in LyricsImmortalized in Lyrics3WM17GZ9La Puerta de Alcalá - Madrid, España2023-02-20
  Independent BookstoresIndependent Bookstores3---
 starsIndependent Breakfast SpotsIndependent Breakfast Spots1WM1B1ARTsunami - Madrid, España2024-11-16
  Independent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops5---
 starsIndependent Doughnut ShopsIndependent Doughnut Shops1WM17Y53Delish Tribunal - Madrid, España2023-04-25
 starsIndependent Music StoresIndependent Music Stores1WM192PMMarilians - Madrid, España2024-01-21
  Independent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies7---
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls2---
 starsInfamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes1WM188R5Las Trece Rosas - Madrid, España2023-06-20
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels1WM17J4YHotel de insectos Senda Mágica - Arroyomolinos, Madrid, España2023-03-08
 starsInteractive Wing DisplaysInteractive Wing Displays1WM1ADKXAlas de México - Madrid, España2024-08-02
 starsIt's All About TintinIt's All About Tintin1WM1APAMLa Flor de Chamberí - Madrid, España2024-09-17
 starsJapanese RestaurantsJapanese Restaurants2WM18D36Nagoya - Madrid, España2023-07-10
 starsJohnny RocketsJohnny Rockets1WM1899QJohnny Rockets - Plenilunio - Madrid, España2023-06-22
 starsKaraoke BarsKaraoke Bars1WM18GQWCheer's Karaoke - Madrid, España2023-08-01
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants11---
 starsKids Eat FreeKids Eat Free1WM16ZZCKekexily - Príncipe Pío - Madrid, España2022-12-16
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art2WM1A2WWRelojero de la calle de la Sal - Madrid, España2024-06-12
  LEED BuildingsLEED Buildings4---
  LEGO Sculptures and ModelsLEGO Sculptures and Models1---
 starsLa Famille BonaparteLa Famille Bonaparte2WM18CC6Quinta "El Recuerdo" - Madrid, España2023-07-07
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats6WM1A5VTFalúa de Isabel II - Aranjuez, Madrid, España2024-06-27
 starsLandlocked LighthousesLandlocked Lighthouses1WM1A34FRestaurante Lar de Domingo - El Pardo, Madrid, España2024-06-11
 starsLaser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1WM18XTTLaser City - San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, España2023-10-24
 starsLavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1WM1AY3HFuente de Zacatín - Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid, España2024-10-28
  Legacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors1---
 starsLibrariesLibraries2WM18ETTBPM Ana María Matute - Madrid, España2023-07-26
  Lion StatuesLion Statues3---
 starsLions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1WM170AVBusto de Melvin Jones - Av. de la Capital de España - Madrid, España2022-11-13
  Literary SitesLiterary Sites1---
  Live Stage TheatersLive Stage Theaters4---
 starsLiving StatuesLiving Statues1WM1B1D5Juan Carlos I - Madrid, España2024-11-16
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives1WM17TQ5Locomotora 303-201-8 - Alcobendas, Madrid, España2023-04-03
 starsLonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys2WM170ERChimenea del Gasómetro - Madrid, España2022-11-13
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Lucky 7Lucky 71---
 starsLutheran ChurchesLutheran Churches1WM17K8TFriedenskirche (Iglesia de la Paz)- Madrid, España2023-03-03
 starsMan-made Devilish LocationsMan-made Devilish Locations1WM1A6M7La Posada del Diablo - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2024-06-28
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls2---
  Maritime MuseumsMaritime Museums1---
 starsMausoleumsMausoleums1WM1ADT3Pablo Iglesias Posse - Madrid, España2024-08-03
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants15---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches3---
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WM18CHRLa Panza Primero Malasaña - Madrid, España2023-07-07
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WM18WYACastillo de la Alameda - Madrid, España2023-10-16
 starsModel Aircraft FieldsModel Aircraft Fields1WM19KXQClub Orión RC - Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, España2024-03-16
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World28---
  Monopoly in the Real WorldMonopoly in the Real World9---
 starsMonuments of the Eastern FreedomfightsMonuments of the Eastern Freedomfights2WM18NA2Muro de Berlín - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-08-28
 starsMoominsMoomins1WM1B3Q5Moomin, Mymble and Little My - Madrid, España2024-12-18
 starsMosquesMosques1WM17HGXMezquita de la M30 - Madrid, España2023-02-24
 starsMotorcycle Sales/Service SitesMotorcycle Sales/Service Sites1WM18DN8Makinostra - Madrid, España2023-07-14
 starsMovie LocationsMovie Locations2WM1A1Z4Gran Vía - "Abre los ojos" - Madrid, España2024-06-07
  Municipal Community CentersMunicipal Community Centers1---
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas6---
 starsMusical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers1WM18XTXMusicopolix - San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, España2023-11-22
  Musical InstrumentsMusical Instruments2---
  Musician StatuesMusician Statues4---
 starsNatural/Organic Food StoresNatural/Organic Food Stores1WM1B3TGNaturtable - Madrid, España2024-11-29
  Neon SignsNeon Signs2---
 starsNew Apostolic ChurchesNew Apostolic Churches1WM17JX5Iglesia Nueva Apostólica - Madrid, España2023-03-04
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations11---
 starsNewspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters1WM1927KEl País - Madrid, España2023-11-14
 starsNewstands / NewsagenciesNewstands / Newsagencies10WM17XR7Quiosco Saavedra Fajardo - Madrid, España2023-04-18
 starsNobel LaureatesNobel Laureates5WM19ZQKLITERATURE - Camilo José Cela 1989 - Madrid, España2024-05-22
 starsNoodle ShopsNoodle Shops4WM18GR6Mister Noodles - Madrid, España2023-08-01
  Numismatic PhotographsNumismatic Photographs1---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments4---
 starsOctagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1WM1AXP3Chalé de corcho - Madrid, España2024-10-25
  Odd-Shaped BuildingsOdd-Shaped Buildings6---
 starsOddball MuseumsOddball Museums2WM1712ZMuseo de Bomberos - Madrid, España2022-11-22
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas3---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions113---
 starsOlympic MemorabiliaOlympic Memorabilia1WM1AEC4Blanca Fernández Ochoa - Madrid, España2024-08-07
  Omnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1---
 starsOrphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges1WM1A35YPuente de Hierro - Titulcia, Madrid, España2024-06-12
  Orthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1---
 starsOutdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters2WM17FKVAuditorio del Parque Tierno Galván - Madrid, España2023-02-13
 starsOutdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1WM1A2Y8Laberinto de El Capicho - Madrid, España2024-07-17
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways3WM17FKGLa Atalaya - Madrid, España2023-02-12
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
 starsOvens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1WM1B5Q6La Tinaja - Madrid, España2024-12-15
 starsPancake and crepe restaurantsPancake and crepe restaurants2WM17K4APrep´la Crêpe calle Génova - Madrid, España2023-03-02
 starsPeace MemorialsPeace Memorials3WM18186World Peace Bell - Alcobendas, Madrid, España2023-05-11
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
 starsPergolasPergolas2WM174D3Calle Padre Llanos - Madrid, España2022-12-08
  Permanent Car DisplaysPermanent Car Displays1---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations78---
 starsPermanent Orienteering CoursesPermanent Orienteering Courses1WM181DRParque del Universo - Parla, Madrid, España2023-05-09
 starsPet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries1WM1861YEl Último Parque - Arganda del Rey, Madrid, España2023-06-06
  Pet StoresPet Stores3---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1---
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WM19WG3Pikachu en Alegra - San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, España2024-04-26
 starsPizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1WM1740VPizza Hut - Plaza de España - Torrejón de Ardoz, España2022-12-05
  Pizza Shops - Regional ChainsPizza Shops - Regional Chains4---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling18---
 starsPlane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1WM19JRCVuelo 11 de Avianca - Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, España2024-03-19
 starsPlanetariumsPlanetariums1WM17HBNPlanetario - Madrid, España2023-02-23
 starsPolitical RevolutionsPolitical Revolutions4WM18HVWMuro de Berlín - Madrid, España2023-08-09
 starsPre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes5WM186P3Palacio de la Marquesa de Sonora - Madrid, España2023-06-13
 starsPreserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins3WM195KTComplutum - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2023-11-30
 starsPresidential BirthplacesPresidential Birthplaces1WM1887KFernando I de Habsburgo - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2023-06-17
  Professional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues2---
 starsPublic Access LandsPublic Access Lands3WM1AXNTJardines del Campo del Moro - Madrid, España2024-10-25
 starsPublic AquariumsPublic Aquariums2WM18D07Zoo Aquarium - Madrid, España2023-07-09
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds26---
 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WM1APXNGolf Olivar de la Hinojosa - Madrid, España2024-11-24
 starsPublicly Held Corporation HeadquartersPublicly Held Corporation Headquarters1WM1ATY0Ciudad BBVA - Madrid, España2024-10-08
  Pubs and InnsPubs and Inns2---
 starsPuzzles in the Real WorldPuzzles in the Real World1WM1B9WHAlfonso XII - Mladrid, España2025-01-04
 starsPyramidsPyramids1WM17MHNPirámide Solar - Madrid, España2023-03-09
 starsQuadriviaQuadrivia1WM170R72 Rondas y 2 Calles - Madrid, España2022-12-16
 starsRacetracksRacetracks1WM1ARTVCarlos Sainz Karting - Madrid, España2024-10-02
 starsRailroad BridgesRailroad Bridges3WM19H5PPuente ferroviario Alameda de Osuna - Madrid, España2024-02-29
 starsReadable From AboveReadable From Above2WM188N2BRUNETE - Brunete, Madrid, España2023-06-19
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures2WM17JTVViolonchelo - Alcorcón, Madrid, España2023-03-01
 starsRed Cross and Red Crescent MovementRed Cross and Red Crescent Movement1WM17RZVEspacio Pozas 14 - Madrid, España2023-03-31
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes2WM1A6CHCabina roja 2 - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2024-06-27
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures4---
 starsReligious Buildings MultifariousReligious Buildings Multifarious1WM17K87Iglesia de Scientology - Madrid, España2023-03-03
  Relocated StructuresRelocated Structures5---
  Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Architecture1---
 starsResearch InstitutesResearch Institutes1WM19227CNIO - Madrid, España2023-11-12
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WM16YYBManzanares, Presa nº 4 - Madrid, España2022-11-03
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions43---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches29---
 starsRomanesque ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture1WM18JBHErmita de Santa María la Antigua - Madrid, España2023-08-10
  Rose GardensRose Gardens2---
 starsRotary International MarkersRotary International Markers2WM16VWAPaul P. Harris - Madrid, España2022-10-13
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities53---
  Scenic OverlooksScenic Overlooks1---
  Scenic at NightScenic at Night4---
  Science MuseumsScience Museums1---
 starsScouts Monuments and MemorialsScouts Monuments and Memorials1WM17XMHLord Baden Powell - Madrid, España2023-04-19
 starsSculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1WM170V8Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre - Madrid, España2022-12-16
  Self Guided Walks and TrailsSelf Guided Walks and Trails1---
 starsSelf Serve Pet WashSelf Serve Pet Wash1WM17JQ1Wasky Vicálvaro2023-03-01
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WM1B7Q4Hélice tripala - Madrid, España2024-12-20
 starsShooting RangesShooting Ranges1WM1B25VBorn4Bow - Alcorcón, Madrid, España2024-11-25
  Signs of HistorySigns of History9---
  Signs of ZodiacSigns of Zodiac1---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues2---
 starsSkateparksSkateparks1WM19EKPRide Park La Gavia - Madrid, España2024-02-12
  Solar PowerSolar Power7---
  Solar System ModelsSolar System Models1---
 starsSolitary SilosSolitary Silos9WM171XHSilo en Méndez Álvaro - Madrid, España2022-11-25
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage75---
  Specific Veteran MemorialsSpecific Veteran Memorials1---
 starsSpecific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1WM18AQWAl pueblo del Dos de mayo de 1808 - Madrid, España2023-07-03
 starsSphinx SculpturesSphinx Sculptures1WM175VADos esfinges en el MAN - Madrid, España2022-12-19
 starsStained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1WM18V7KCúpula vitral del Palacio de Longoria - Madrid, España2023-09-29
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores2---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures57---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures6---
 starsSteakhousesSteakhouses3WM174FQRibs Islazul- Madrid, España2022-12-09
 starsStolpersteineStolpersteine92WM17296Enrique Calcerrada Guijarro - Madrid, España2022-11-24
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges3---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants6---
 starsSushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants2WM19ENVTsukiji - Madrid, España2024-02-13
 starsSuspension BridgesSuspension Bridges1WM1837XPuente Puerta de Las Rozas - Las Rozas, Madrid, España2023-05-24
  TGI Friday's RestaurantsTGI Friday's Restaurants3---
  Taco Bell RestaurantsTaco Bell Restaurants11---
 starsTattoo Shops/ParlorsTattoo Shops/Parlors3WM18C8KVallekas Tattoo Zone - Madrid, España2023-07-06
  Tearooms and TeahousesTearooms and Teahouses1---
 starsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1WM19ZMRTeleMadrid - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España2024-05-20
 starsThai RestaurantsThai Restaurants2WM18C3NKrachai - Madrid, España2023-07-05
 starsThe HolocaustThe Holocaust1WM18DE1Memorial de La Deportación - Madrid, España2023-07-19
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
  The UndergroundThe Underground15---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church25---
 starsTim Horton's RestaurantsTim Horton's Restaurants4WM17XHGTim Hortons Gran Vía - Madrid, España2023-04-17
 starsTime CapsulesTime Capsules2WM1963FHomenaje a la Educación - Fuenlabrada, Madrid, España2023-12-03
  Time and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs33---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers5---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks4---
 starsTraffic ParksTraffic Parks1WM17FTBLas Veredillas - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-02-13
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots3---
 starsTruss BridgesTruss Bridges3WM1886WPuente del Soto de Aldovea - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-06-17
 starsUnique Artistic Door Handles and KnockersUnique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers2WM17A7CLlave fija - Alcalá de Henares, España2023-01-12
 starsUnique Chimneys and Chimney PotsUnique Chimneys and Chimney Pots1WM17041Chimenea Palacio de Fomento - Madrid, España2022-11-11
  Unique SteeplesUnique Steeples1---
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes3---
 starsUniversities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1WM195BZColegio Mayor de San Ildefonso - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España2023-11-28
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WM16TWNProhibido hacer aguas - Madrid, España2022-10-07
 starsUsed Book StoresUsed Book Stores2WM18712Tik Books calle Goiri - Madrid, España2023-06-16
 starsUsed Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores2WM17TQ2GAME Nassica - Getafe, Madrid, España2023-04-03
 starsVelodromesVelodromes1WM191HMEl Juncal - Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, España2023-11-08
 starsVictorian Style ArchitectureVictorian Style Architecture2WM18GTJIglesia de San Juan Bautista - Madrid, España2023-08-02
 starsVintage Gas StationsVintage Gas Stations1WM186GRGasolinera Gesa - Madrid, España2023-06-09
  Vintage Movie TheatersVintage Movie Theaters6---
  Vértices GeodésicosVértices Geodésicos12---
 starsWastewater Treatment FacilitiesWastewater Treatment Facilities1WM18212EDAR Picadas - San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid, España2023-05-15
  Water TowersWater Towers2---
 starsWatercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)1WM19YNZEstanque del Retiro - Madrid, España2024-05-13
 starsWax MuseumsWax Museums1WM17HK0Museo de Cera - Madrid, España2023-02-24
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James1---
 starsWeather RadarsWeather Radars1WM18FPYCerro Batallones - Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, España2023-07-26
 starsWeather StationsWeather Stations1WM18D22Perfilador de vientos - Madrid, España2023-07-10
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras3---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots19---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries177---
 starsWinter Sports LocationsWinter Sports Locations1WM18HM1Snozone - Arroyomolinos, Madrid, España2023-08-06
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels2WM1A2TJAzuda de la Montaña - Aranjuez, Madrid, España2024-06-09
  World Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites2---
 starsWorld War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments1WM18A9FMemorial de La Deportación - Madrid, España2023-06-29
 starsWorldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries3WM184W9Cementerio de la Almudena - Madrid, España2023-05-31
 starsYMCA / YWCAYMCA / YWCA2WM18PCYYMCA Carabanchel - Madrid, España2023-09-04
 starsZoosZoos1WM17XVCZoo Aquarium - Madrid, España2023-04-18

Extremadura (27 waymarks / 18 categories)

 starsAncient AqueductsAncient Aqueducts1WM1B0FRAcueducto - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-11-14
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1---
 starsBus StationsBus Stations1WM1B0Z4Estación de autobuses - Jaraíz de la Vera, Cáceres, España2024-11-14
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WM1B5ZGAlfonso VIII de Castilla - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-12-14
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions4---
 starsOld World OriginalsOld World Originals1WM18681Trujillo, España - Trujillo, Perú2023-06-08
 starsPergolasPergolas1WM1B0NTParque de la Rana - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-11-15
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds2WM1B0NWParque de la Rana I - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-11-13
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1WM19A9AHermanada con A Rúa y Ceprano - Almendralejo, Badajoz, España2024-01-21
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage3---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
 starsSundialsSundials1WM1B0NZParque de la Rana - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-11-13
 starsTraffic ParksTraffic Parks1WM1B0FTParque infantil de Tráfico - Plasencia, Cáceres, España2024-11-14
 starsVeteran CemeteriesVeteran Cemeteries1WM1B0G2Cementerio Militar Alemán - Cuacos de Yuste, Cáceres, España2024-11-20
 starsWater DamsWater Dams1WM18PVKProserpina - Mérida, Badajoz, España2023-09-07
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries4---

Galicia (234 waymarks / 87 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps2---
  Ancient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1---
 starsAncient Traces and RoadsAncient Traces and Roads1WM1AZQGVía Nova en A Ponte Navea - Terra de Trives, Ourense, España2024-11-06
  Arch BridgesArch Bridges7---
  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture2---
  Bell TowersBell Towers2---
  Berry PickingBerry Picking1---
  Bicycle RentalsBicycle Rentals1---
  Birdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Botanical GardensBotanical Gardens1---
 starsCarouselsCarousels1WM1A5F9Carrusel de O Parrote - A Coruña, España2024-06-24
  Churchyard CrossesChurchyard Crosses1---
  City Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters2---
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Converted FountainsConverted Fountains1---
 starsCountry ChurchesCountry Churches1WM17A4AIgrexa de Santa Mariña - Seadur, Ourense, España2023-01-12
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials2---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
  Draw WellsDraw Wells1---
  Elevated BuildingsElevated Buildings2---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs18---
  Etched in StoneEtched in Stone1---
  Extraterrestrial LocationsExtraterrestrial Locations1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture5---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails3---
 starsFlea MarketsFlea Markets1WM18EYRMercado de Antigüidades - Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, España2023-07-21
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1---
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges2---
  Free Overnight RV Parking LocationsFree Overnight RV Parking Locations1---
  Ghost TownsGhost Towns1---
  Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings4---
  Human Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1---
  Hydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations3---
  In Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts1---
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)3---
  Lawn BowlingLawn Bowling1---
 starsMade for the MillenniumMade for the Millennium1WM19VYVObelisco Millenium - A Coruña, España2024-04-22
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
  Megalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments1---
  Mills and GinsMills and Gins1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations8---
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks1---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments1---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions6---
  Omnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1---
  Orientation TablesOrientation Tables1---
  Orphaned BridgesOrphaned Bridges3---
 starsOutdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross1WM17RCJVia Crucis das Ermitas - O Bolo, Ourense, España2023-03-28
  Outdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens2---
  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges1---
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers2---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations3---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates15---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling4---
  Places of Geologic SignificancePlaces of Geologic Significance1---
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
  Preserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display1---
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds5---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches4---
  Romanesque ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture1---
  Science MuseumsScience Museums1---
 starsShooting RangesShooting Ranges1WM1B6N9Campo de Tiro - A Rúa, Ourense, España2024-12-16
  Solitary SilosSolitary Silos7---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage4---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
  Stone BridgesStone Bridges7---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church3---
  UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesUNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves1---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
  Vértices GeodésicosVértices Geodésicos15---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James9---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries10---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---

Islas Baleares (101 waymarks / 46 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps5---
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures1---
  Active QuarriesActive Quarries1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters1WM19DQTAlcudia - Mallorca, España2024-02-05
 starsCivil Defense Fallout SheltersCivil Defense Fallout Shelters1WM1B5HBRefugio Iglesia Santa Eulalia - Alaior, Isla de Menorca, España2024-12-29
  Coastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks3---
  Compass RosesCompass Roses1---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows2---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails1---
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
 starsGothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture1WM19R0ELa Lonja - Palma, España2024-04-03
 starsHistoric Preservation AwardsHistoric Preservation Awards1WM1AGFZLíthica - Ciudadela, Islas Baleares, España2024-08-17
 starsHuman ErrorHuman Error1WM1AJR2¿Artutx? - Cala Blanca, Isla de Menorca, España2024-09-06
 starsIce Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1WM1AVANRicardo Riera - Fornells, Isla de Menorca, España2024-10-11
 starsIndependent Cigar ShopsIndependent Cigar Shops1WM1AVATEstanco de Fornells - Isla de Menorca, España2024-10-12
 starsInside AirportsInside Airports1WM1AAEJAeropuerto de Menorca - Mahón, Islas Baleares, España2024-07-15
 starsKinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1WM19QPBNancy - Palma, España2024-04-01
 starsLabyrinthsLabyrinths2WM1AFPWLaberinto vegetal de Líthica - Ciudadela, Islas Baleares, España2024-08-14
  Landlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Martello TowersMartello Towers1---
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations3---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions13---
 starsOutdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1WM1AFMMLaberinto de Líthica - Ciudadela, Islas Baleares, España2024-09-17
  Penny SmashersPenny Smashers2---
 starsPermanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1WM1AV7TCáritas Carrer de ses Barraques - San Luis, Isla de Menorca, España2024-10-10
  Public Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks3---
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1WM1B6D9Playa de Sant Tomàs - Es Migjorn Gran, Isla de Menorca, España2024-12-14
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WM1AKW0Naveta des Tudons - Ciudadela, Isla de Menorca, España2024-09-05
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers2---
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities5---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage5---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Urban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1---
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James1WM19DYQ1360 km - Lluc, Mallorca, España2024-02-07
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries14---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---

Islas Canarias (26 waymarks / 18 categories)

  Dead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1---
 starsDedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1WM17CN4La Niña y el Mar - Aldea de San Nicolás, Las Palmas, España2023-01-27
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails1---
 starsGraffitiGraffiti1WM17CRPEscarabajo pelotero - Maspalomas, Las Palmas, España2023-01-27
 starsHard Rock CafeHard Rock Cafe1WM17CH9Hard Rock Cafe Gran Canaria - San Bartolomé de Tirajana, España2023-01-26
  Love PadlocksLove Padlocks1---
  Occupational MonumentsOccupational Monuments2---
  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions3---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
  Spanish HeritageSpanish Heritage1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church2---
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---

Región de Murcia (6)

  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
 starsPictographsPictographs1WM19T9YCantos de Visera - Yecla, Murcia, España2024-05-04
 starsSpanish HeritageSpanish Heritage1WM19TAPCantos de Visera - Yecla, Murcia, España2024-05-04
 starsTraffic ParksTraffic Parks1WM19JH0Parque de Educación Vial - Yecla, Murcia, España2024-03-09
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
 starsWorld Heritage SitesWorld Heritage Sites1WM19TA7Cantos de Visera - Yecla, Murcia, España2024-04-09