User Dorcadion Team 

Dorcadion Team  posted 6264 waymarks in 460 different categories within 27 countries and 70 regions, of these were 1001 posted-first-in-region and also 381 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 13 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the categories listed where Dorcadion Team is or was an officer. The star denotes an active officer role, if it is golden then Dorcadion Team is also the current leader of the category.

activeCategory# Approvals# Missings
 Abbeys, Convents and Monasteries60-
stars Arch Bridges283165
 Art Deco - Art Nouveau10246
stars Baroque Architecture498-
 Bismarck Towers40-
stars Botanical Gardens2232
stars Cathedrals9769
 Churchyard Crosses17737
stars City and Town Halls51918
 Coats of Arms204635
 Coin-Op Binoculars26132
stars Concert Halls8417
stars Doorways of the World47229
stars European Post Offices1879
 Exceptional Trees304-
stars Ferries and Ferry Landings17617
stars Freestanding Columns343
 Frieze Art9417
stars Gothic Architecture93-
 Grave of a Famous Person282
stars Great Buildings of the World2719
stars Independent Diners32729
 Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants16522
stars La Famille Bonaparte2521
stars Libraries72181
stars Literary Sites116
stars Lutheran Churches97101
stars Mausoleums212
 Medieval Churches1198202
 Military Ground Equipment Displays6634
stars Monarchs of the World6357
stars Movie Locations36240
stars Odd-Shaped Buildings2959
stars Orthodox Churches67-
 Outdoor Stairways25011
stars Paintings Then and Now72-
stars Pre-Victorian Historic Homes7324
 Relief Art Sculptures587-
stars Renaissance Architecture1228
 Research Institutes46-
stars Roman Catholic Churches11242
stars Romanesque Architecture21-
stars Scenic at Night395
stars Skyscrapers691
stars Sokol Centers32-
 Statues of Historic Figures1040275
stars Statues of Religious Figures123849
stars Stone Church Artefacts35021
stars Sundials1222365
stars Synagogues673
stars Tearooms and Teahouses762
 This Old Church1266456
 Unique Weathervanes287114
stars Universities and Colleges5417
stars War and Military Museums1748
stars Water Dams6030
stars Water Mills3221
stars Whispering Galleries6-
 Wikipedia Entries836608
stars Wooden Church Artefacts10-
 World War I Memorials and Monuments370264