'You Are Here' Maps

See category 'You Are Here' Maps on Waymarking.com .
Last import of category containing 15326 waymarks in 94 different countries with 295 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 356 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
starsAland IslesWalking Boots2023-08-17WM18KE2Du är här - Sjökvarteret - Marienhamn, Aland Islands
starsAndorraAriberna2022-03-07WM15W5Y"Sou aquí" - Canillo, Andorra
starsAntigua and BarbudaPersonsMD2010-02-01WM85FVShirley Heights Lookout, Shirley Heights, Antigua
starsArgentinaMetro22016-04-24WMR0PRYAH @ Café El Estaño 1880 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
starsArubaDangerousDale2015-05-19WMNXKDYou Are Here at Miralamar Mining Complex, Arikok National Park, Aruba
starsAustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryTealby2007-07-10WM1V07Bruce Campus, CIT, Canberra, Australia
AustraliaNew South WalesRiptide2007-09-09WM25JXWollombi District Map N.S.W Australia
AustraliaNorthern TerritoryWayfinder Zukon2009-08-05WM6Y25Myilly Heritage District "You Are Here" sign, Darwin
AustraliaQueenslandsearchwise0152009-10-05WM7CF2I am Where? - Cairns, Queensland
AustraliaSouth AustraliaPensive Travellers2008-07-15WM46HDVictoria Park, Adelaide, SA, Australia
AustraliaVictoriaflickr2008-04-14WM3K3QLake Eildon
AustraliaWestern AustraliaWanderingAus2012-02-13WMDQ2K'You are Here' - Centennial Pioneer Park, Gosnells, Western Australia, Australia
AustriaKärntenFamily Fog2011-09-05WMCEV9Sablatnigmoor Panorama - Hof, Austria
AustriaNiederösterreichwalden22011-08-07WMC88X'You Are Here' Map in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, AUT
AustriaSalzburgwalden22012-03-30WME3MG'You Are Here' Map in Hellbrunn (Parking) - Salzburg, AUT
AustriaTirolDNS822012-06-21WMENM9Übersichtsplan Festung Kufstein, Tirol, Austria
starsAustriaWienBakaGaijin2009-11-21WM7Q4NSewage treatment plant - Vienna, Austria
starsBahamasmodel122010-09-04WM9ME8Half Moon Cay - You Are Here.
starsBarbadosdenben2015-03-15WMNH16You Are Here - Historic Bridgetown & its Garrison - Barbados
starsBelarusTorgut2014-08-08WMM7ZZInternacyjanalnaja vulica - Minsk, Belarus
BelgiumAntwerpenfranketmuriel2018-03-22WMXZ34U bevindt zicht hier - Antwerpen - België
BelgiumBrabant wallonPaulLassiter2018-10-29WMZDXKVous êtes ici, à l' Abbaye de Villers pt 1 - Villers-la-Ville - Belgique
BelgiumBrusselsToRo612015-07-12WMP6P6You Are Here - Brussels, Belgium
BelgiumHainautfranketmuriel2018-05-16WMY9HRVous êtes ici - Arrêt vert - Comines - Belgique
BelgiumLiègeIris & Harry2016-07-23WMRQ9CState forest Map near Nandrin - Lüttich / Belgien
BelgiumLimburgIris & Harry2016-07-22WMRQ4YJE BENT HIER, Borgloon - Limburg / Belgium
BelgiumLuxembourgfranketmuriel2018-01-15WMXHFTVous êtes ici - Prés de la Wamme réserve naturelle RNOB - Hargimont (Marche-en-Famenne)
BelgiumNamurfranketmuriel2017-12-11WMX813Vous êtes ici - Viroinval (Olloy-sur-Viroin)
BelgiumOost-VlaanderenON5KL2011-08-09WMC8PV' You are here ' - Moerbeke-Waas
BelgiumVlaams-BrabantPaulLassiter2019-01-30WMZYFHYou are here / U bent hier , near the Heverleebos Arboretum - Leuven - Belgium
starsBelgiumWest-Vlaanderenlopac442011-06-11WMBPB8St-jacobs - Bruges - Belgium
starsBelizedenben2023-01-26WM17CJMYou are Here - Terminal 4 Shops - Belize City, Belize
starsBermudaneoc12014-10-19WMMP86You Are Here - Bermuda - Royal Naval Dockyard, Sandys Parish, Bermuda
starsBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBonairefranketmuriel2018-04-13WMY3FKYou are here - Karpata - Bonaire - Netherlands Antilles
starsBosnia and HerzegovinaTorgut2016-09-15WMT2N7Trebinje Bus Station - Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
BrazilParanáQueens Blessing2015-10-25WMPVH3Espaco Porto Canaos, Iguazzu, Brazil
BrazilPernambucosaopaulo12007-07-29WM1XPDMirante de Leao - Fernado de Noronha "Voce esta Aqui"
BrazilRio de Janeirosaopaulo12008-04-23WM3MJ6Metro Gloria station "voce esta Aqui" - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
starsBrazilSão Paulosaopaulo12007-06-21WM1Q40Parque Ecológico do Tietê's 'Voce Esta Aqui' - Sao Paulo, Brazil
starsBritish Virgin Islandsneoc12020-02-05WM121YGYou-Are-Here - Village Cay Marina - Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
starsBulgariadavidb112024-02-28WM19GZV"You are here" Veliko Tarnovo municipality, Bulgaria
starsCambodiadenben2012-04-10WME6R4The Royal Palace You Are Here Map - Phnom Penh, Cambodia
CanadaAlbertawildwoodke2007-09-02WM24H3Griffiths Woods - Coyotes Nearby - Calgary, Alberta
starsCanadaBritish Columbiawildwoodke2007-07-09WM1TRKGalena Bay - Arrow Lakes, British Columbia
CanadaManitobaPeterNoG2007-11-08WM2HZ0You Are Here - Beaudry Park
CanadaNew BrunswickGT.US2010-06-06WM8ZXABay of Fundy National Park - You are here Vous etes ici - New Brunswick, Canada
CanadaNewfoundland and LabradorTrail Blaisers2013-01-06WMG32BYou Are Here - Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador
CanadaNova ScotiaPeterNoG2010-05-26WM8XGAYou Are Here - Annapolis Royal Historic District - NS
CanadaOntariounimoggers2007-08-17WM20VVI Was Glad to be in Kingston, Ontario, Canada!
CanadaPrince Edward Islandwildwoodke2012-10-23WMFHTHThe Balsam Hollow Trail - Cavendish, Prince Edward Island
CanadaQuébecmodel122010-10-22WM9ZHWChelsea You-Are-Here sign - Chelsea, Quebec.
CanadaSaskatchewanPeterNoG2013-12-26WMJRRFYou are here - Quill Lakes SK
starsCayman IslandsMetro22015-02-25WMNE15YAH at the Royal Watler Cruise Terminal - Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
starsChiledenben2019-10-27WM11H6JLa Serena Centro Map - La Serena, Chile
starsChinaDorcadion Team2009-09-22WM7988Nanmen Street - Old Town of Lijiang (Yunnan, China)
starsCosta RicaQueens Blessing2010-01-16WM82NYYou are at Irazu Volcan, Costa Rica
starsCroatiaArne12010-06-09WM909DVaraždin, Stari grad - Croatia
starsCubaPapichon2015-03-21WMNHZ6Pueblo La Estrella
starsCuraçaoneoc12018-02-17WMXR26You Are Here - Mega Pier - Willemstad, Curacao
starsCyprusPoole/Freeman2018-09-10WMZ4TPAliathon Holiday Village - Paphos, Cyprus.
CzechiaHlavní město PrahaNoe12010-12-18WMAB4RYou Are Here - Wenceslas Square, Praha, Czech republic
CzechiaJihočeský krajpavlikVB2011-02-27WMAPNHOrientacni mapka opatstvi / Overview Map Abbey, Vyssi Brod, CZ
starsCzechiaJihomoravský krajGT.US2009-10-10WM7DM0Chateau Park Circle - Mikulev Castle - Mikulev, Czech Republic
CzechiaKarlovarský krajToRo612013-05-14WMH387Bublava, Czech Republic
CzechiaKraj VysočinaOlii052014-01-07WMJWCM"Jste ZDE" (cyklotrasa c. 26) - Jihlava, Czech Republic
CzechiaKrálovéhradecký krajSobikovi2012-11-11WMFNRTMapa Dolní Malá Úpa
CzechiaLiberecký krajForsyte2011-10-22WMCWBYMicroregion Tanvaldsko YAH Map - Korenov,CZ
CzechiaMoravskoslezský krajRaďousCZ2011-01-05WMAE6Y"You are here" Map on Information Board - Bohumin, Czech Republic
CzechiaOlomoucký krajBella2013-06-07WMH8JYZde stojite, cyklotrasy - You Are Here, cycle routes, Hustopece nad Becvou, CZ
CzechiaPardubický krajOlii052014-04-03WMKD9W"Jste ZDE" (Krizovy vrch) - Moravska Trebova, Czech Republic
CzechiaPlzeňský krajArogant2010-11-24WMA6K7Cedule u Doudlevecke lávky, PM, CZ, EU
CzechiaStředočeský krajVelicenstvo2012-04-29WMEAX3Orientacni plan obce / Zilina, okres Kladno, CZ
CzechiaÚstecký krajDorcadion Team2010-04-19WM8MJTFrantiškánský klášter / Franciscan Monastery - Kadan (North-West Bohemia)
CzechiaZlínský krajBella2011-01-20WMAJ7EZde stojite, namesti - You Are Here, square (Uherske Hradiste, CZ)
starsDenmarkRegion Hovedstadenneoc12012-06-01WMEHCTChurchill Park - Her Står Du (You Are Here) - Copenhagen, Denmark
DenmarkRegion Midtjyllandkallehaugerne2012-10-25WMFHVQRanders Nordre fælled
DenmarkRegion Nordjyllandkallehaugerne2014-10-27WMMQNN"Her står du" Hadsund Lilleskov
DenmarkRegion SyddanmarkDieCacherGirls2015-07-31WMPATYHer står du, Gendarmstien, Lejrpladsen Vælddam - Denmark
starsDominican Republic401Photos2023-06-03WM185BMUsted Está Aquí - You Are Here - Iberostar Bávaro Water Sports - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
starsEstoniapseudoprime2011-05-19WMBG1BAsud Siin - Tammsaare Park, Tallinn
starsEswatinidenben2023-05-03WM180FZNgwenya Glass Factory - You Are Here Map - Ngwenya, Eswatini
starsFaroe IslandsWalking Boots2022-05-21WM166TVTú ert her - Hoyvíksgarður - Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
FinlandEtelä-KarjalaSmurffaaja2022-07-16WM16ERTOlet tässä - Joutsenon Vanha Hautausmaa - Lappeenranta, Finland
FinlandEtelä-Pohjanmaamihcaoj2016-03-13WMQPFRMeteoriitin matkassa - Lappajärvi, Finland
FinlandKeski-Pohjanmaaleero3692020-12-29WM13GZV'You Are Here' - Ohtakari island, Finland
FinlandKeski-Suomiilkkarjs2020-09-24WM12RBYOlet tässä (You are here) - Palvelutalo Sarahovi - Laukaa
FinlandLappiTeam Sieni2011-10-11WMCTK4Olet tässä. Marraskoski, Finland
FinlandPäijät-HämeNoyboy2010-12-27WMACT4You are here: Lahti Ski Jumping Hills in Sports Center.
FinlandPirkanmaaNeofytos2010-03-16WM8D91University of technology - Tampere, Finland
FinlandPohjanmaaMcBack2010-05-28WM8XNPVaasa main hospital
FinlandSatakuntamarcius2022-08-04WM16HD0You Are Here - Reposaari - Pori, Finland
starsFinlandUusimaasmall oaks2008-04-13WM3J17Olet Tässä in Purola-Bäckas Map in Porvoo, Finland
FinlandVarsinais-SuomiSmurffaaja2021-04-20WM143G6"You are here" Yliopistonmäki / University Hill - Turku, Finland
FranceAuvergne-Rhône-AlpesJMRetSB2013-10-19WMJA5VSentier de l'A.P.A.G.E. - Enval - Puy de Dôme
FranceBourgogne-Franche-ComtéGwenanDu2016-03-09WMQNHHOffice du Tourisme, Dijon, Côte d'Or, France
FranceBretagneSMacB2015-12-08WMQ2X3You Are Here - Plage de L'Éventail -St Malo, Bretagne, France
FranceCentre-Val-de-LoireKickeux2016-09-22WMT3ZZ"Vous êtes ici", Villaines les Rochers, Centre, France
FranceCorseDorcadion Team2009-10-20WM7FTPLa Sentier de la Spilunca / The Spelonca Trail (Corsica)
FranceGrand-EstChris7772007-08-27WM234ZParcours de santé - Villé, France
FranceHauts-de-FranceTorgut2013-04-15WMGW7CPedestrian Area - Beauvais, France
starsFranceÎle-de-FranceGT.US2007-08-21WM21RGParc De Expositions - RER Train station
FranceNormandieToRo612014-08-31WMMCGYYou Are Here - Bayeux, France
FranceNouvelle-Aquitainesara et gege2014-01-31WMK1NREglise de Francois - Francois,FR
FranceOccitanieJMRetSB2014-08-02WMM70FFôret communale de Chusclan - Gard - France
FrancePays de la LoireKickeux2016-10-04WMT6KJ"Vous êtes ici" Le Mont des Alouettes, Les Herbiers France
FranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'AzurJMRetSB2015-05-18WMNX82La France par les Sentiers - Sisteron, France
starsFrench PolynesiaBeagle-12008-01-11WM2Y5WYou Are Here - Bora Bora
GermanyBaden-WürttembergTante.Hossi2013-08-28WMHYMHYou Are Here - Bolzstraße - Stuttgart, Germany, BW
GermanyBayernwalden22011-09-27WMCP5N'You Are Here' Map at Regenbrucke, GER
GermanyBerlinLogging_Duck2012-07-03WMEQW1"You are here" at Budapester Strasse - Berlin [Germany]
GermanyBrandenburgLogging_Duck2016-02-11WMQCNN"You are here" at Ruedersdorf - Brandenburg [Germany]
GermanyHamburgWindschattenwanderer2017-06-25WMW11WLangenhorner Markt - Hamburg, Deutschland
GermanyHessenJoergTh2012-06-13WMEKYHYou Are Here Map - Waldteich Borken, Germany
GermanyMecklenburg-Vorpommerndatenhamster2010-09-22WM9QVDOstseebad Boltenhagen, Germany
GermanyNiedersachsenDieCacherGirls2012-10-11WMFDYJGreetsiel: Ihr Standort / you are here
starsGermanyNordrhein-Westfalenpseudoprime2009-04-27WM69AXSie Sind Hier - Maritim Hotel - Cologne, Germany
GermanyRheinland-PfalzDieCacherGirls2012-12-17WMFYB8Speyer: Ihr Standort / You are here
GermanySaarlanddreamhummie2018-09-19WMZ5C4Ihr Standort Botalsee - Gonnesweiler, Germany
GermanySachsenTorgut2013-05-13WMH2X0Innenstadt - Leipzig, Germany
GermanySachsen-AnhaltEDTA2016-01-16WMQ7GPKarte auf dem Brocken - Germany
GermanySchleswig-HolsteinSebi Neumi2013-04-07WMGT3NOrtsplan am Markt - Trappenkamp, Germany
GermanyThüringenpink 842013-02-06WMGAHEYou are here - Saalfelder Feengrotten, 07318 Saalfeld, Thüringen, Deutschland
starsGibraltardenben2023-05-02WM1808QGreat Siege Tunnels - You Are Here Map - Gibraltar
starsGreecefi672012-10-31WMFKMZYou Are Here - New Fortress Square - Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece
starsGuadeloupePapichon2013-03-16WMGJ20Le sentier du Gros Morne à Grande Anse, Guadeloupe
starsGuernseysuperstein2008-07-11WM45NRGuernsey - Lihou island
starsHungaryBudapestNebel.com2010-12-14WMAACY"You are here" map, Kossuth tér, Budapest
HungaryVasdavidb112017-07-10WMW4XG"You are here" Recrea area Sárvár, Sárvár, Czech republic
starsIcelandrjm12010-09-26WM9RFYBlue Lagoon - Iceland
starsIndiadenben2016-01-01WMQ6X9Orchha Heritage Walk Map - Orchha, Madhya Pradesh, India
IrelandConnachtMarine Biologist2012-07-01WMEREAVillage You Are Here Map - Aghagower, Ireland
IrelandDublinDnRseekers2012-12-31WMG17JYou are Here at Dublin Castle
IrelandLeinsterDnRseekers2012-07-28WMEZ6FYou Are Here in Kilkenny Ireland
IrelandMunsterMarine Biologist2012-08-05WMF10FYou Are Here Map in Killarney National Park - County Kerry, Ireland
starsIrelandUlsterWindsocker2008-04-11WM3JBTStormont Castle - Belfast
starsIsle of Manprussel2016-11-18WMTFCM"You Are Here" - Harris Promenade / Villa Marina — Douglas, Isle of Man
ItalyAbruzzodenben2025-01-13WM1BBP0Santo Stefano di Sessanio - You Are Here Map - Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Italy
ItalyEmilia–RomagnaPISA-caching2018-11-24WMZKC9Tu sei qui / You are here - Ferrara, Italy
ItalyFriuli–Venezia GiuliaPISA-caching2018-11-23WMZHPGVoi siete qui / You are here - Gonars, Italy
starsItalyLaziosherpes2010-12-29WMAD2PForo Italico, Rome, Italy
ItalyLombardiaTharandter2013-10-14WMJ8XWFerry Landing - Bellagio, Province Lecco, Lombardia, Italy
ItalyPiemontefi672017-10-06WMWR9DSiete Qui - Centro Storico - Domodossola, Piemonte, Italy
ItalyToscanarazalas2014-03-18WMKC73Piazza del Duomo You Are Here Map - Pisa, Italy
ItalyTrentino–Alto Adigekaschper692016-11-10WMTE6RMap of the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle - Merano, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
ItalyUmbriaPISA-caching2022-09-23WM16R8NYou Are Here map in Perugia, Italy
ItalyValle d'AostaT-Team!2024-10-24WM1AXFZVoi siete qui / Vous etes ici - Aosta, Italy
ItalyVenetodenben2017-11-22WMX3R3Jewish Community Infopoint - Venezia, Italy
starsJamaicadream chaser2023-11-27WM19597You Are Here - Port of Falmouth, Jamaica
JapanAomoriYONEYAMA2009-08-26WM72V7Location Map around Ohma - Aomori, JAPAN
JapanChibaYONEYAMA2009-08-15WM70DGYahashira Cemetery - Chiba, JAPAN
JapanFukushimaYONEYAMA2022-11-05WM16YWCYou are here at Takashiba Deko Yashiki - Fukushima, JAPAN
JapanGunmasilverquill2011-05-09WMBD8TKusaki Dam-Watarase River Map - Gunma, Japan
JapanIbarakiYONEYAMA2023-02-10WM17EY6You are here at Katsuta Station - Ibaraki, JAPAN
JapanIshikawadenben2023-03-15WM17NPHKanazawa Castle You Are Here Map - Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
JapanKanagawaYONEYAMA2009-04-15WM6732Hand-wrighting area map - Kawasaki, JAPAN
JapanKyotoYONEYAMA2022-11-26WM172JGYou are here at Rokuon-ji - Kyoto, JAPAN
JapanMiyagiYONEYAMA2022-11-05WM16YW4You are here at Sendai Castle Ruins - Miyagi, JAPAN
JapanNaganoYONEYAMA2009-07-30WM6WVAMap at Suwa Taisha Shrine - Nagano, JAPAN
JapanNaraYONEYAMA2022-07-31WM16GWDYou Are Here at Nara Park Information Map - Nara, JAPAN
JapanSaitamaYONEYAMA2022-07-07WM77G6You are here near Omiya Station - Saitama, JAPAN
JapanShizuokaYONEYAMA2009-09-09WM76E4Shizuoka City Guide Map - Shizuoka, JAPAN
JapanTochigisilverquill2011-05-09WMBD90Nikko Area Sightseeing Map at Lake Chuzenji - Japan
starsJapanTokyoYONEYAMA2009-03-11WM607RWalking Map on Taito-ku - Tokyo, JAPAN
starsJordanTorgut2012-01-12WMDG9TDowntown Amman, Jordan
Koreasilverquill2008-10-16WM4Z47Olympic Park West Entrance - Seoul, Korea
KoreaChungcheong nam dosilverquill2010-05-25WM8X88Map of South Chungcheon Province - Cheonan, Korea
KoreaGangwondosilverquill2011-06-13WMBQBRSeorak Sunrise Park Map (설악해맞이공원 안내도) - Sokcho, Korea
starsKoreaGyeonggidosilverquill2008-09-25WM4RVACentral Park Map - Bucheon, Korea
KoreaGyeongsang buk dosilverquill2010-12-16WMAAWWSangju Museum Map (상주박물관) - Sangju, Korea
KoreaIncheonelyob2022-11-13WM170BGYou Are Here - Yeongjong, Incheon, South Korea
KoreaJeolla buk dosilverquill2012-05-08WMEBVMBuan Byeonsan Masilgil Information Map – Gyeokpo, Korea
KoreaJeolla nam dosilverquill2012-05-14WMEDBWYeongam Geumho Seawall Completion Monument Map - Yeongam, Korea
KoreaSeoulsilverquill2009-06-22WM6MNWNamdaemun Market Area - Seoul, Korea
starsLaosTorgut2014-04-21WMKJ90Ho Phra Keo - Vientiene, Laos
starsLatviadavidb112021-10-18WM1552V"You are here" Rundales pils parks II, Latvia
starsLithuaniaTorgut2012-11-04WMFM82Railways Station - Vilnius, Lithuania
starsLuxembourgfranketmuriel2019-10-10WM11E4R"Vous êtes ici" réseau national des sentiers -Holtz - Luxembourg
starsMalaysiageobwong2k2007-12-03WM2PRVAnda berada di sini - Kuala Lumpur
starsMaldivesAriberna2022-08-05WM16FC2You are here "entrance" - Maldives
starsMaltaneoc12019-11-10WM11KW5You Are Here: South City Gate - Valletta, Malta
starsMartiniquepmaupin2017-04-28WMVK1ZVous Etes Ici: L'Anse Céron - Le Prêcheur, Martinique
starsMexicoBaja Californiasaopaulo12008-07-18WM47H4Av Revolucion You're Here - Tijuana, Mexico
MexicoBaja California Surteeoff22010-01-26WM84JPPlaza Bonita Mall - Cabo San Lucas Mexico
MexicoDistrito FederalAlfouine2023-07-24WM18EXDUsted esta aqui - Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Ciudad de México - Ciudad de Mexico - Mexico
MexicoJaliscoteeoff22009-12-04WM7V1GOld Town Puerto Vallarta - Puerto Vallarta Mexico
MexicoMéxicoAlfouine2023-11-16WM192T8Usted esta aqui - Teotihuacan - Mexico
MexicoNayaritMetro22021-10-22WM155ZDUsted Esta Aqui - Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico
MexicoQuintana Roogypsie22009-03-07WM5ZJEYou are Here - Gran Bahia Principe Tulum
MexicoSinaloateeoff22010-01-22WM83NKCiudad De Mazatlan - Mazatlan Mexico
MexicoYucatánm&m O2018-12-22WMZNXWChichén Itzá, Yucatan, Mexico
starsMonaconeoc12017-02-05WMV106Vous Etes Ici (You Are Here) - Fontvieille, Monaco
NetherlandsDrenthehaxepaxe2007-10-07WM2BDVDwingelderveld - Dwingeloo
NetherlandsFlevolanddreamhummie2021-07-14WM14J5XU Staat Hier (61) - Schokland NL
starsNetherlandsFrieslandhaxepaxe2007-08-26WM22YCKnooppunt 75- Haskerhorne
NetherlandsGelderlanddreamhummie2015-06-08WMP17HYou Are Here Map - Vierhouten NL
NetherlandsGroningendreamhummie2015-06-16WMP2E3'You Are Here' Map - Ter Apel NL
NetherlandsLimburgDraghkar2007-10-06WM2AY3Heerlen city center map
NetherlandsNoord-BrabantTeamYakara2019-05-11WM10HKWDeurnsche Peel en Mariapeel, Halte, Netherlands
NetherlandsNoord-HollandMetro22014-04-09WMKFQDYAH at Museumplein - Amsterdam, Netherlands
NetherlandsOverijsselpa3ems2007-12-05WM2PYXYou are here - Kampen
NetherlandsUtrechtsuperstein2008-01-15WM2XKZHouten, The Netherlands
NetherlandsZeelandfranketmuriel2018-03-12WMXX5TU bent nu hier - Colijnsplaat - Zeeland - Nederland
NetherlandsZuid-Hollandsuperstein2008-01-17WM2ZTZCentrum map, Rotterdam - The Netherlands
starsNew Caledoniawaiiti202015-07-10WMP6H5Centre Ville Nouméa - Nouméa, New Caledonia
starsNew ZealandNorth IslandPunga and Paua2008-04-11WM3JC5Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Central Plateau. North Island, New Zealand..
New ZealandSouth IslandPunga and Paua2009-04-30WM69EYYou Are Here at Rainbow Conservation Area. South Is. New Zealand.
starsNorth MacedoniaPISA-caching2021-01-07WM136XKOhrid City Map - Ohrid, North Macedonia
starsNorwayAgderkallehaugerne2013-09-15WMJ32WHer står du, Kristiansand Bystrand - Norway
NorwayInnlandetWalking Boots2021-11-19WM15A31Du står her - Lillehammer, Norway
NorwayRogalandWalking Boots2024-12-05WM1B3RQDu står her - Stavanger, Norway
NorwayVestlandMarine Biologist2015-08-02WMPB9EFlåm Valley You Are Here Map - Flåm, Norway
starsPolandDolnośląskieArne12014-07-22WMM51RTurystyczna, Sklarska Poreba, Poland
PolandLubelskiesernikk2021-06-15WM14D9PTu jestes - You are here - Rogów, Poland
PolandLubuskieborek992024-06-24WM1A5BXJestes tutaj - MOR-1 - Podmokle Wielkie, Lubuskie, Poland
PolandMazowieckiesernikk2021-01-09WM13MDPYou are here! - City map - Pruszków, Poland
PolandMałopolskieGCEdo2014-09-28WMMJG0You Are Here - Wieliczka Salt Mine
PolandŚląskiedavidb112022-04-12WM16197"You are here" Krzyzanowice, Poland
PolandWarmińsko-Mazurskiehacze_losy2024-07-01WM1A757"Tu jestes" on Jedwabno community sign - Jedwabno, Poland
PolandWielkopolskiesernikk2021-03-02WM13V6CYou are here - Piast Trail - Konin, Poland
PolandZachodniopomorskiecastorka2019-07-14WM10YPPYou Are Here - Swinoujscie, Poland
PortugalArquipélago dos AçoresMarine Biologist2010-09-19WM9Q2CCaldeira do Faial You Are Here Map - Faial Island, Azores, Portugal
PortugalBejaGEOrgCACHING2024-04-11WM19TM1Você está aqui - you are here — Boavista dos Pinheiros, Portugal
PortugalBragarazalas2010-06-20WM930QCastro de São Lourenço - Esposende, Portugal
PortugalCastelo Brancorazalas2021-08-01WM14MVTVoçê está aqui - Meimoa - Penamacor, Portugal
PortugalCoimbratmob2011-04-29WMBB5C"Você está aqui" - Praia Fluvial Sra. da Piedade - Lousã, Portugal
PortugalÉvoraPaisagista2011-02-07WMAP98'You Are Here' - Évora - 'Você Está Aqui', Portugal
PortugalFarogreysman2010-05-29WM8XZKChildren's play park, Alte, Portugal.
PortugalGuardamanchanegra2011-07-07WMBZ8PVocê está aqui - Praia Fluvial de Valhelhas
PortugalLeiriah_raky2010-11-08WMA2Z0You are here,António Oliveira-Caldas da Rainha-Leiria-Portugal
PortugalLisboagod_herodes2010-01-31WM854RYou are here. Tapada de Mafra
PortugalPortalegreTorgut2019-12-29WM11WAZMarvão (Castle) - Marvão, Portugal
PortugalPortorazalas2012-02-10WMDPE8Av. João Gonçalves da Costa - St. tirso, Portugal
PortugalSantarémpaulohercules2011-10-26WMCY9DTemplar Castle / Castelo dos Templários, Tomar
starsPortugalSetúbalSUp3rFM & Cruella2008-05-04WM3Q8NVocê está aqui - Mata Nacional dos Medos, Portugal
PortugalViana do Castelorazalas2011-12-15WMDAM9Praia fluvial do Tabuão - Paredes de Coura, Portugal
PortugalVila Realrazalas2022-11-19WM171BTLargo 8 de Julho you are here map - Cheves, Portugal
starsPuerto Riconeoc12013-08-17WMHVX6Castillo San Felipe del Morro - You Are Here - San Juan, PR
starsQatarTorgut2023-04-07WM17V93You Are Here Al-Rayyan Stadium - Doha, Qatar
starsRomaniaWalking Boots2024-12-05WM1B4RFTe afli aici - Bucharest, Romania
starsRussianeoc12012-05-27WMEGDNChurch of the Savior on Spilled Blood - You Are Here - St. Petersburg, Russia
starsSenegalAriberna2023-08-11WM18JGG"Vostede está aquí" Zona ITIA- Ourense, Galicia, España
starsSerbiaTorgut2011-11-08WMD231Serbian Parliament - Belgrade, Serbia
starsSingaporegeobwong2k2008-11-18WM567KEsplanade You are here - Singapore
starsSint Maartenneoc12020-03-09WM1267ZGreat Bay Beach - Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
starsSlovakiaBanskobystrický krajwalden22011-06-26WMBWAC'You Are Here' Map in Pliesovce, SVK
SlovakiaBratislavský krajwalden22012-05-08WMECRJ'You Are Here' Map near Railway museum - Bratislava, SVK
SlovakiaTrnavský krajwalden22011-08-07WMC88Q'You Are Here' Map at Yellow castle in Dunajska Streda, SVK
starsSloveniaGT.US2007-08-09WM1ZG2Ljubljana Slovenia - Bus Stop
South AfricaMpumalangaMetro22014-11-18WMMX3XYou Are Here at Bourke's Luck Potholes - Mpumalanga, South Africa
starsSouth AfricaWestern CapeQueens Blessing2013-10-05WMJ73YThe Company's Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
starsSpainAndalucíaBarbershopDru2008-07-17WM471KUsted Esta Aqui - La Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain
SpainAragónGemaAdri2023-01-22WM1724Dusted está aquí, Alcorisa, Aragón, España
SpainCantabriaGURUGU2024-04-14WM19V2XUsted está aquí - Península de La Magdalena - Santander, Cantabria, España
SpainCastilla y LeónAriberna2022-01-08WM15HNE"Usted está aquí" - Sanabria, Zamora, Castilla y León, España
SpainCastilla-La ManchaWizard_Speed_Time2021-12-28WM15FHXZona de compras CENTRO - Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
SpainCataluñarazalas2011-12-12WMDA44Vostè és Aqui- Jardins de Laribal - Barcelona, Spain
SpainComunidad de Madridbluesnote2014-04-19WMKJ0JSecurity Map - Madrid, Spain
SpainComunidad Foral de NavarraGEOrgCACHING2024-05-29WM1A0NTUSTED ESTÁ AQUÍ, PARKING DE AUTOCARAVANAS, Arguedas, Spain
SpainComunidad ValencianaGURUGU2023-06-15WM187NPVoste es troba ací - Refugi antiaeri, Ontinyent, Valencia España
SpainExtremaduraGEOrgCACHING2024-06-06WM1A27VUsted está aqui - Colonia de cigüeña blanca, LOS BARRUECOS, Spain
SpainGaliciarazalas2011-05-09WMBD9XCastro de Santa Tegra - A Guarda, Spain
SpainIslas Balearesspeedwalkers2009-01-21WM5ME8Cala Pi, Spain
SpainIslas CanariasPoole/Freeman2017-09-12WMWJD1Playa de las Cucharas - Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, Canary Isles, Spain.
SpainPaís VascoGEOrgCACHING2024-02-26WM19GPXArrow you are Here - Basque coast, ES
SpainPrincipado de AsturiasAriberna2021-10-09WM153KAUsted está aquí "Playa de Salinas" - Asturias, España
SpainRegión de MurciaGURUGU2024-06-13WM1A3CTUsted Está Aquí - Albergue Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia, España
SwedenBlekingeWalking Boots2022-04-04WM1602VDu är här - Ronneby, Sweden
SwedenDalarnaWalking Boots2021-09-08WM14XR6Här står Du - Ironworks - Ulfshyttan, Sweden
SwedenKronobergWalking Boots2021-11-26WM15AY2Här är du - Ryd, Sweden
SwedenNorrbottenWalking Boots2022-01-13WM15JJQHär är Ni - Jokkmokk - Sweden
SwedenÖrebroPISA-caching2014-06-23WMKZPMHär är du nu / You are here - Örebro Castle, Sweden
SwedenÖstergötlandDougK2013-07-29WMHP23Här är du, Train Station - Norrköping, Sweden
SwedenSkånedvddragon2021-09-17WM14ZEZDu är här - Kopparhögarna - Landskrona, Sweden
starsSwedenStockholmChasing Blue Sky2012-09-21WMFATQKungliga Slottet - The Royal Palace - Gamla Stan, Stockholm, Sweden
SwedenVästra GötalandFamilieFrohne2023-08-29WM18N5X"Du Är Här" - Trollhätte Kanalpark - Trollhättan, Västra Götalands Län, Sweden
SwitzerlandAargaufi672023-03-14WM17NH2Ihr Standort - Friedhof - Oftringen, AG, Switzerland
SwitzerlandBasel LandschaftHeli672008-03-08WM3AN5Schloss Wildenstein, Bubendorf, Schweiz
starsSwitzerlandBasel StadtHeli672008-02-06WM342RSt. Jakob-Park, Basel, Schweiz
SwitzerlandBernfi672018-12-26WMZR2CIhr Standort - Schloss Köniz - Köniz, BE, Switzerland
SwitzerlandFribourgfi672014-09-18WMMGK7Papiliorama You Are Here Map - Kerzers, FR, Switzerland
SwitzerlandGenèveToRo612015-07-18WMP87XYou Are Here - Geneva, Switzerland
SwitzerlandJurafi672017-07-23WMW89RYou Are Here Map Löwenburg - Pleigne, JU, Switzerland
SwitzerlandSolothurnfi672010-10-26WMA0FJIhr Standort - Liestalerstrasse, Büren, SO, Switzerland
SwitzerlandTicinoTorgut2012-07-15WMEWBKTrain Station, Bellinzona, Switzerland
SwitzerlandValaisRikitan2014-11-02WMMTDDPainted map on Gornergrat, Switzerland
SwitzerlandVaudToRo612015-07-12WMP6V2You Are Here - Montreux, Switzerland
SwitzerlandZürichMetro22013-10-16WMJ9XJYou Are Here in Schwamendingen - Zurich, Switzerland
starsTaiwanWoody Figtree2010-06-01WM8YN4You Are Here at Taichung Botaincal Gardens
starsThailandhorizon seeker2008-01-27WM304Dbangkok You Are Here map
starsTürkiyepuczmeloun2012-10-16WMFGCG'You Are Here' Map, Anitkabir - Ankara, Turkey
starsTurkmenistanTorgut2024-10-26WM1AXT7Ashgabat Olympic Complex - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
starsUnited Arab EmiratesDerSchnelleLinus2014-02-09WMK3Y8"You are here", Al Majaz Waterfront, Sharjah, UAE
United KingdomEast Midlandstheblack2007-11-26WM2NC8Tiffield Pocket Park "You Are Here"
United KingdomEastern Englandtheblack2007-12-07WM2QE0Tring Park "You Are Here" Two
United KingdomLondongimli2008-04-13WM3JX7You Are Here Hyde Park Corner, London, UK
United KingdomNorth East EnglandSir Lose-a-lot2008-07-18WM47G4"You Are Here" Sign at the Holwick Scar, County Durham
United KingdomNorth Walescldisme2008-09-23WM4RFY"You Are Here" at the Welsh National Slate Museum - Llanberis, Wales, UK
United KingdomNorth West Englandflipflopnick2008-01-03WM2X6VRothay Park, Ambleside
United KingdomNorthern ScotlandThathanka2011-09-19WMCK9MGilcomston South Church, Aberdeen, UK
United KingdomSouth East EnglandNorfolk122008-02-03WM33A7Newport Pagnell - visitors sign
United KingdomSouth WalesBrentorboxer2007-10-15WM2D98"You are here" Map - Offa's Dike Path
starsUnited KingdomSouth West EnglandBrentorboxer2007-07-13WM1VATPlymouth Hoe
United KingdomSouthern EnglandDragontree2008-10-05WM4WAE'You Are Here' - Tall Trees Trail, New Forest, South Hampshire, UK
United KingdomSouthern Scotlandmartlakes2008-04-07WM3H97Brodick Country Park - Isle of Arran, Ayrshire UK
United KingdomWest MidlandsBrentorboxer2007-10-16WM2DF0The Mortimer Trail. Ludlow UK
United KingdomYorkshireflipflopnick2008-03-16WM3CW7Ingleton Village Map, N. Yorks
United StatesAlabamaflowerbear2008-09-13WM4NWC"You Are Here" Map of Children's Garden --Huntsville Alabama Botanical Gardens
United StatesAlaskaunimoggers2008-04-11WM3J82I Was Here In Ketchikan, Alaska
United StatesArizonaTopherGZ2007-09-15WM272YHistorical Route 66 "You Are Here" Waymark
United StatesArkansasGEO*Trailblazer 12007-08-05WM1YNHBig Piney - Hillary Jones Wildlife Center
United StatesCaliforniageobwong2k2007-08-19WM21DPIrvine Valley College - Irvine, CA
United StatesColoradomr.volkswagen2007-07-27WM1XE9YOU ARE HERE! Beckwith Ranch - Custer County, CO
United StatesConnecticutCraigInCT2008-08-02WM4AFJCheney Mills Walking Tour - Manchester, CT USA
United StatesDelawarebarbybig2008-04-11WM3JAHI'm Here in Dover, Delaware 19901
United StatesDistrict of Columbiadeano19432007-06-30WM1R89You Are Here - Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, DC
United StatesFloridasfwife2007-09-01WM24BDAlderman's Ford Park You Are Here
United StatesGeorgiaCM-142007-07-18WM1W7M"You Are Here" Map @ Concourse E, ATL Airport - Atlanta, GA
United StatesHawaiiHawaiian Ninja2008-08-21WM4GG4Ala Moana 2F Nordstrom - Honolulu, HI
United StatesIdahoRose Red2007-09-05WM250TPerspective of Glacial Ice filling Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho
United StatesIllinoisTeam Farkle 72007-07-18WM1W3JLaunching Pad Restaurant - Wilmington, IL
United StatesIndianaLord Elwood2007-10-08WM2BPPMounds State Park Bronnenberg Home Sign
starsUnited StatesIowa8Nuts MotherGoose2007-06-23WM1QDJYou are in Marshall Park - Dubuque, IA
United StatesKansasYoSam.2008-04-26WM3NPYCorps of Discovery, Nodaway Island, Wathena, Kansas
United StatesKentuckyBetter Half2007-10-04WM2ARCSloan's Crossing Pond
United StatesLouisianascrambler3902008-10-12WM4Y4RSt. Mark Church - You Are Here - Gonzales, LA
United StatesMaineBruceS2012-07-03WMET2MJohn Paul Jones State Historic Site You Are Here Map - Kittery, Maine
United StatesMarylanddeano19432007-08-18WM210RYou Are Here - Sideling Hill Visitor Center - Hancock, MD.
United StatesMassachusettsNorStar2008-05-04WM3Q9HArnold Arboretum Entrance Sign - Boston, MA
United StatesMichiganGT.US2007-06-29WM1R58IKEA Canton - You are here
United StatesMinnesotaJacobBarlow2007-08-16WM20NKMinneapolis/St Paul International Airport - You Are Here Map
United StatesMississippiiJEEP2010-02-15WM87MMWest Florida Boundary - Natchez Trace, MS
United StatesMissouriBruceS2007-07-04WM1RX1You Are Here - Washington University in St. Louis
United StatesMontanaCM-142007-07-21WM1WMD"You Are Here" Map @ Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, East Rosebud Trailhead - Montana
United StatesNebraskaMarine Biologist2011-12-02WMD7PNLewis and Clark Landing You Are Here Map - Omaha, NE
United StatesNevadaPeanutsParents2008-02-07WM347ZYou are Here at the Flamingo Gardens, Las Vegas
United StatesNew Hampshiresfwife2007-08-07WM1Z98Mine Falls You Are Here Map
United StatesNew JerseyMath Teacher2008-01-14WM2ZAYBatsto Village
United StatesNew MexicoGEO*Trailblazer 12007-12-14WM2RFXYOU ARE HERE! Cloudcroft, New Mexico
United StatesNew YorkBarbershopDru2007-07-07WM1TDTNew York State Seaway Trail #25 - Somerset, NY
United StatesNorth Carolinagoldmanford2008-01-10WM2YAVPower Canal Bulkhead You are Here - Roanoke Rapids, NC
United StatesNorth Dakotabrwhiz2013-07-30WMHPCKNewman Outdoor Field Elevator
United StatesOhioMr. 02007-08-19WM2172You are here - Newark Earthworks - Newark, Ohio
United StatesOklahomaBear and LAM2008-10-29WM5273'You Are Here' - Exit 313 - Will Rogers Turnpike - Miami, Oklahoma
United StatesOregonVolcanoguy2007-12-21WM2TKTThe Stump Dodger Trail - Oregon
United StatesPennsylvaniasubsystem2007-06-25WM1QNK#46 Klinger Access Area - Juniata River - Lewistown Pa
United StatesRhode IslandNorStar2011-06-07WMBN9MYou Are Here - Slater Mills National Historic Site - Pawtucket, RI
United StatesSouth CarolinaCoinsAndPins2008-03-13WM3C7BYou are Here, Liberty Square Park
United StatesSouth Dakota5-4-Fun2011-10-17WMCVW2You Are Here - Augustana College
United StatesTennesseesfwife2007-08-05WM1YVTClarksville You Are Here Map
United StatesTexasggmorton2007-07-04WM1RBNMercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens - Houston, TX
United StatesUtahJacobBarlow2007-08-28WM23EJLa Sal You Are Here Map
United StatesVermontdenben2011-07-06WMBXB6“You Are Here” - Essex Junction, VT
United StatesVirginiaLat34North2007-09-17WM27EYYou are here @ "The Stone House" - Manassas National Battlefield - Manassas, VA
United StatesWashingtonHikenutty2007-08-19WM21ATPacific Crest Trail Entrypoint - Chinook Pass, Washington
United StatesWest VirginiaQueens Blessing2008-11-01WM52PPHarpers Ferry - West Virginia
United StatesWisconsinArchived20122007-08-04WM1YHAYou Are Here - Parker Lake Wayside, Wisconsin
United StatesWyomingJacobBarlow2007-08-07WM1Z69Pilot Butte
starsUruguaysaopaulo12007-10-10WM2C2GEsta Aqui - Puerto de Punta del Este
starsUS Virgin Islandspartlizard2009-01-31WM5PTBLeinster Bay Trail - St. John USVI
starsVietnamdenben2012-02-12WMDPHJ"You are Here" - Hue Festival Center - Hue, Vietnam
starsZimbabwedenben2013-11-13WMJG10Map of the Rainforest - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe