Places of Geologic Significance

See category Places of Geologic Significance on .
Last import of category containing 879 waymarks in 53 different countries with 162 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 24 waymarks with missing region in this category.

266 different waymarkers contributed to this category.

luzzi-reloaded 9811.15
brwhiz 424.78
bluesnote 414.66
TerryDad2 303.41
Benchmark Blasterz 222.50
Queens Blessing 161.82
Volcanoguy 161.82
GCEdo 151.71
Ariberna 141.59
NorStar 141.59
saopaulo1 141.59
Hikenutty 131.48
monticola 131.48
Punga and Paua 131.48
RakeInTheCache 121.37
Tharandter 121.37
Dorcadion Team 101.14
Dunbar Loop 101.14
davidb1957 91.02
netdust 91.02
fi67 80.91
*Team Krombaer* 70.80
Alfouine 70.80
Outspoken1 70.80
The Snowdog 70.80
3l diesel 60.68
CADS11 60.68
Crazy4horses 60.68
KateBum 60.68
Metro2 60.68
T0SHEA 60.68
Vermontish 60.68
YoSam. 60.68
2garzasdefuego 50.57
94RedRover 50.57
buffalohiker 50.57
g300td 50.57
GeoLog81 50.57
oiseau_ca 50.57
TerraViators 50.57
YvesProvence 50.57
denben 40.46
Eibacher Kuckuck 40.46
flipflopnick 40.46
GURUGU 40.46
Hertogh 40.46
Math Teacher 40.46
Mike_bjm 40.46
pmaupin 40.46
rjmcdonough1 40.46
Rose Red 40.46
SMacB 40.46
white-star 40.46
argus1972 30.34
Big B Bob 30.34
blingg 30.34
Chasing Blue Sky 30.34
elrecke 30.34
GT.US 30.34
gypsie2 30.34
hillhiker1 30.34
kaschper69 30.34
Marine Biologist 30.34
Na'wal 30.34
Norfolk12 30.34
NW_history_buff 30.34
Telomere 30.34
2Hanweb 20.23
401Photos 20.23
4spring 20.23
8Nuts MotherGoose 20.23
BarbershopDru 20.23
Beeklust 20.23
BruceS 20.23
Cheminer Will 20.23
Coland 20.23
cyclops53 20.23
deverojm 20.23
Don.Morfe 20.23
DougK 20.23
flyingmoose 20.23
ForestnFrances 20.23
garmin_geek 20.23
Geojeepsters 20.23
geotrouvtou59 20.23
Grahame Cookie 20.23
jotheonly 20.23
KaPsTeam 20.23
Lightnin Bug 20.23
me.toString 20.23
Modestia 20.23
Na+To 20.23
Noe1 20.23
onfire4jesus 20.23
PetjeOp 20.23
PM8 20.23
Poole/Freeman 20.23
sbcamper 20.23
SUp3rFM & Cruella 20.23
tatie 20.23
Team Jackal 20.23
Theblackroseact 20.23
Torgut 20.23
Trail Blaisers 20.23
Tuena 20.23
Walking Boots 20.23
Weathervane 20.23
Windschattenwanderer 20.23
woodhick803 20.23
xeocach 20.23
adenium 10.11
aendgraend 10.11
Albany Canucks 10.11
Algoma! 10.11
angellica 10.11
arby101ca 10.11
Archived2012 10.11
ashberry 10.11
Aussiebrian 10.11
Axel-F 10.11
BackBrakeBilly 10.11
bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer 10.11
Becktracker 10.11
Bernd das Brot Team 10.11
Blanko36 10.11
Bono2333 10.11
broadoak2006 10.11
Bubi68 10.11
bucketeer 10.11
cacher.ella 10.11
Casper&Aero 10.11
Cassandy 10.11
ChapterhouseInc 10.11
Chris777 10.11
cldisme 10.11
condor1 10.11
CorgiTeam 10.11
CrazyDiamond709 10.11
Dáin & Olík 10.11
daliazzz 10.11
datenhamster 10.11
ddtfamily 10.11
Der Krtek 10.11
DieCacherGirls 10.11
DopeyDuck 10.11
DougandSandra 10.11
Dragontree 10.11
DrakMrak 10.11
dtrebilc 10.11
ElenaDruguet 10.11
elyob 10.11
Eukie 10.11
EverNewJoy 10.11
FamilieFrohne 10.11
fathrtime 10.11
Felipe White 10.11
fellsmanhiker 10.11
Fisler 10.11
flyingblogspot 10.11
franketmuriel 10.11
Free2bme29 10.11
gemeloj 10.11
GEO*Trailblazer 1 10.11
geobwong2k 10.11
Go Boilers! 10.11
god_herodes 10.11
GPearl 10.11
graylling 10.11
GwenanDu 10.11
haggaeus 10.11
hankpac 10.11
HaricotVert_52 10.11
Heva 10.11
holy-ghost 10.11
hotshoe 10.11
hyperheidi 10.11
h_raky 10.11
jcb94 10.11
Keldar5 10.11
kishin 10.11
Klabautermanden 10.11
La de Boheme 10.11
Lat34North 10.11
lazyCachers 10.11
lenron 10.11
linkys 10.11
Lord Elwood 10.11
lordofthings 10.11
Maragul 10.11
Mark1962 10.11
martlakes 10.11
Master Mariner 10.11
McGreifer 10.11
McHenry County Conservation District 10.11
Miragee 10.11
model12 10.11
Mom the Cook & cashnhubby 10.11
mTn_biKer65 10.11
Nature Noggins 10.11
Neked Treker 10.11
neoc1 10.11
netuseraz 10.11
Nevada Desert Rat 10.11
newlifelawn 10.11
nomadwillie 10.11
Nyssaflutterby 10.11
okrutnyb 10.11
PaulLassiter 10.11
paulohercules 10.11
PaulPosition 10.11
paulspaper 10.11
PersonsMD 10.11
Phoneguy Canuck 10.11
Phronimos 10.11
Phydux 10.11
poildecarot 10.11
PrognosticatingPedologist 10.11
PTCrazy 10.11
PWRadio 10.11
r.e.s.t.seekers 10.11
Raven 10.11
razalas 10.11
RDOwens 10.11
RedtailForester 10.11
ripraff 10.11
ronjean 10.11
RuiJSDuarte 10.11
S5280ft 10.11
sara et gege 10.11
Scooter Bill 10.11
sfwife 10.11
Shadowraven 10.11
silverquill 10.11
Silverstang Trakker 10.11
ssphoto 10.11
stefgeo 10.11
Sulley_Monster 10.11
Szuchie 10.11
T-Team! 10.11
Team Farkle 7 10.11
Team Smokey 10.11
TeamYakara 10.11
ted28285 10.11
Thathanka 10.11
The Blue Quasar 10.11
The Empire 10.11
The Spindoctors 10.11
TheBeanTeam 10.11
TheWildRoots 10.11
tiki-4 10.11
Tillba 10.11
tmob 10.11
tofixe 10.11
toponym 10.11
ToRo61 10.11
Tygress 10.11
VE2YWS 10.11
veritas vita 10.11
vhasler 10.11
Wampa-One 10.11
Waupe 10.11
wildernessmama 10.11
ZALE5KA 10.11
[somnambulist] 10.11