Ghosts and Hauntings

See category Ghosts and Hauntings on .
Last import of category containing 946 waymarks in 28 different countries with 106 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 6 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
starsAland IslesSmurffaaja2023-09-19WM18RG7Kastelholmassa kummittelee - Kastelholm, Åland Islands
starsArgentinadenben2011-11-06WMD0B9Recoleta Cemetery - Buenos Aires, Argentina
AustraliaNew South WalesJDogMonkey2017-05-02WMVKYYAlpine Heritage Motel - Goulburn, NSW, Australia
starsAustraliaVictoriabucketeer2016-01-16WMQ9E4Princess Theatre Haunting - Melbourne, Victoria
starsBermudaneoc12016-09-04WMT0AKOld Rectory - St. George, George's Parish, Bermuda
starsBoliviaTorgut2020-06-29WM12PYNTeatro Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho - Sucre, Bolivia
starsBrazilSão Paulosaopaulo12007-06-12WM1NZXHaunted - Sao Paulo's city Council - Sao Paulo, Brazil
CanadaAlbertawildwoodke2007-10-12WM2CJZCanmore Opera House - Heritage Park - Calgary, Alberta
CanadaBritish ColumbiaT0SHEA2013-06-18WMH4XDGuisachan House - Kelowna, British Columbia
CanadaManitobaPeterNoG2007-12-21WM2TE4Fort Garry Hotel - Winnipeg MB
CanadaNew BrunswickT0SHEA2015-10-20WMPTWRCharlotte County Court House - St Andrews, NB
CanadaNewfoundland and LabradorTrail Blaisers2014-02-03WMK2M2Cold Fire Haunting at Willicott's Lane - St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
CanadaNova ScotiaT0SHEA2018-09-18WMZ68HQueens County Museum - Liverpool, Nova Scotia
starsCanadaOntarioThe Blue Quasar2007-04-18WM1E9YHaunted - James St Armouries
CanadaPrince Edward IslandT0SHEA2018-10-21WMZCYWKing's Playhouse - Georgetown, PEI
CanadaQuébecdenben2011-10-11WMCT29Le fantôme de Catherine Trestler - Maison Trestler - Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
starsCroatiaGCEdo2014-10-27WMMNAFHaunted House - Skrinjari, Croatia
CzechiaJihočeský krajNoe12013-06-18WMH5FGZámek Jindrichuv Hradec / Chateau Jindrichuv Hradec - Czech republic
starsCzechiaJihomoravský krajpuczmeloun2012-04-24WME8G0Ghost of P. Trenck and mysterious woman - Brno, Czech Republic
CzechiaLiberecký krajNoe12014-01-31WMK1RQPharmacy at the Castle - Hrádek nad Nisou, okres Liberec, CZ
DenmarkRegion NordjyllandKlabautermanden2021-09-14WM14YTKSpøgelseshunden Pejter - Hirsholmen, Denmark
starsDenmarkRegion SyddanmarkWalking Boots2021-01-16WM13NF2Hindsgavl Slot - Middelfart, Danmark
starsFinlandVarsinais-SuomiSmurffaaja2021-10-31WM155GEMan with black hat - Turku, Finland
starsFranceCentre-Val-de-LoireChickilim2014-05-14WMKPY5La Maison Qui n'Oublie Pas - Montbazon, Centre, France
GermanyBayernAndré de Montbard2020-11-06WM13C83Hasenloch - Pottenstein, BY-DE
starsGermanyNiedersachsenBush-Rescue2017-06-22WMW0H5Belmer Richtstätte - Belm, Lower Saxony, Germany
GermanyNordrhein-WestfalenNarayan,2018-05-11WMY6E8Haus Fühlingen - Köln, Germany
starsIcelandtatie2012-07-25WMEYYMLaugarvatnshellar - Iceland
starsIsle of ManMike_bjm2024-10-28WM1AY53Milntown Corner - Lezayre, Isle of Man
ItalyLombardiaLightnin Bug2023-12-21WM197ZMRocca Scaligera - Sirmione, Lombardy, Italy
starsItalyToscanaT-Team!2022-09-02WM16N7DThe ghost of Baldaccio d’Anghiari - Florence, Tuscany, Italy
starsLuxembourgBecktracker2020-12-19WM13HJ3Stierchen Bridge - Luxembourg
starsMaltaneoc12019-11-04WM11K10Grand Masters' Palace Ghost Cat - Valletta, Malta
NetherlandsDrenthedreamhummie2015-08-02WMPB44St. Pancratius Church - Diever NL
starsNetherlandsGelderlandnaj162013-12-23WMJR4NSolsche Gat - Drie, Netherlands
NetherlandsNoord-BrabantT-Team!2022-05-31WM168AXHaunted Monastery Nazareth - Tilburg, NL
NetherlandsNoord-HollandAxel-F2021-06-17WM14DDMDuin en Kruidberg - Santpoort-Noord, The Netherlands
starsNew ZealandNorth IslandPunga and Paua2009-09-09WM76CNNapier Prison. Hawkes Bay. New Zealand.
New ZealandSouth IslandNo Fixed Aboder2010-03-21WM8DE5Tragedy at Tophouse - St Arnaud, New Zealand
starsPolandMazowieckieokrutnyb2024-05-31WM1A0V1Willa Arpada Chowanczaka - Warsaw, Poland
starsPortugalFaroGT.US2010-07-11WM97N3Cisterna da Moura Encantada, Castelo de Silves, Silves.
starsSingaporeMetro22016-06-04WMRBE3Raffles Hotel - Singapore
SpainAndalucíaGURUGU2023-09-20WM18RV7Iglesia de los Desamparados - Aguilar de la Frontera, Córdoba, España
SpainAragónGemaAdri2023-01-28WM17CH1la historia de la casa encantada, casa Ram, Alcañiz, Teruel, Aragón, España
SpainCastilla-La ManchaEn_Patufet2023-01-18WM17AQJLas apariciones fantasmales de la Plaza Periodista Antonio Andújar
SpainCataluñaGURUGU2024-12-16WM1B6MBEl Castillo del Infierno - Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona, España
SpainComunidad de Madridxeocach2024-10-05WM1ATE7Casa de las Siete Chimeneas - Madrid, España
SpainComunidad ValencianaEn_Patufet2023-01-02WM178FXSanatorio Antituberculosos de Torremanzanas
starsSpainGaliciaAriberna2020-07-22WM12VWWA Escusalla - Ourense, Galicia, España
SpainPrincipado de AsturiasAriberna2021-11-09WM158EG"Walter" the ghost aviator of the Palace of Balsera - Avilés, Asturias, España
SwedenBlekingeWalking Boots2022-03-12WM15WW4Hoby Kulle Herrgård - Mörtjuk, Sweden
starsSwedenStockholmsmall oaks2010-08-03WM9CA7Scheffler Palace and park - Stockholm, Sweden
starsSwitzerlandBasel Stadtfi672015-08-14WMPDTASpiesshof - Basel, Switzerland
United KingdomEast MidlandsNorfolk122010-01-23WM83VHPassenham Church - Northants
United KingdomEastern EnglandDragontree2008-07-27WM4A0CSir Robert Sapcote Ghost - All Saints Church, Elton, Cambridgeshire, UK
United KingdomLondonMaster Mariner2011-08-10WMC7NJCovent Garden Underground Station - Long Acre, London, UK
United KingdomNorth WalesDragontree2008-07-18WM476JSwallow Falls - Betws-Y-Coed, Conwy, North Wales UK
United KingdomNorth West EnglandPoole/Freeman2017-09-23WMWNQDRamsdell Hall - Odd Rode, Cheshire.
United KingdomSouth East EnglandNorfolk122010-01-31WM83ZVHellfire Caves West Wycombe- Bucks
United KingdomSouth WalesNorfolk122010-09-07WM9MWDWaterfall at Henrhyd Falls,Brecon Beacons
starsUnited KingdomSouth West EnglandBrentorboxer2007-12-06WM2QAXBedford Hotel, Tavistock Devon UK
United KingdomSouthern EnglandDragontree2008-09-22WM4QT1Emily - Pavilion Theatre, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
United KingdomSouthern Scotlandnetdust2014-09-21WMMGT7Ghosts of Edinburgh Castle - Scotland, UK
United KingdomWest Midlandsveritas vita2016-02-24WMQH0KThe Nags Head - Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.
United KingdomYorkshireDeadjesters2010-07-06WM96G1Sam The Royalist Soldier, Talbot Inn, Pershore
United StatesAlabamaSaureus2008-03-21WM3DXEFace in the Window, Pickens County Courthouse
United StatesAlaskaneoc12018-10-19WMZC40Red Onion Saloon - Skagway, AK
United StatesArizonaGIDEON-X2008-06-30WM42KWThe Lee Hotel Yuma, Arizona
United StatesArkansasGEO*Trailblazer 12007-11-14WM2K38Haunted Crescent Hotel Eureka Springs
United StatesCaliforniaucdvicky2007-09-16WM2775Agnews Insane Asylum - Santa Clara, CA
United StatesColoradocondor12009-07-26WM6VTQThe Courthouse Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
United StatesConnecticutnomadwillie2009-11-09WM7KGHWindham Inn - Windham CT
United StatesDelawaremuffy532010-09-19WM9Q88The Addy Sea Bed & Breakfast - Bethany Beach, Delaware
United StatesDistrict of ColumbiaMarine Biologist2011-07-05WMBX35The White House - Washington, D.C.
United StatesFloridathe federation2008-01-18WM302FSt Augustine Lighthouse, St Augustine, Fla
United StatesGeorgiaScooter Bill2007-10-16WM2DN9Bonaventure Cemetery - Savannah, Georgia
United StatesHawaii94RedRover2008-03-14WM3C8XHilo Hawaiian Hotel, Hilo, HI
United StatesIdahoChasing Blue Sky2011-08-01WMC6H6Cherry Creek Rest Area - Malad City, ID
United StatesIllinois8Nuts MotherGoose2007-10-30WM2G5GGalena-Jo Daviess County Historical Society & Museum
United StatesIndianaRupert22007-09-23WM28NRThe Haunted Bridge - Avon, Indiana
United StatesIowaHikenutty2007-07-16WM1VXAPottawattamie County Jail - Council Bluffs, IA
United StatesKansaslinkys2012-07-25WMEY78Brown Grand Theater - Concordia, KS
United StatesKentuckyBluegrassCache2007-08-27WM21F2Old Morrison - Transylvania University, Lexington, KY
United StatesLouisianascrambler3902009-09-21WM78TAThe Myrtles Plantation - St. Francisville, LA
United StatesMaineQueens Blessing2012-10-22WMFGVXGhosts of Flagstaff and Dead River, Maine
United StatesMarylandMath Teacher2008-08-02WM4B4JEdgar Allen Poe Lives @ The Horse You Came in On - Fells Point - Batitmore, MD
United StatesMassachusettsNorStar2007-12-01WM2PFJTwo Ghostly Women Passing By, Boston Common, Boston, MA
United StatesMichiganTeam Farkle 72007-04-13WM1DKWHistoric Holly Hotel
United StatesMinnesotalenron2010-05-08WM8RGKGlensheen Mansion Ghost - Glensheen - Duluth, MN
United StatesMississippijopasm2010-03-01WM8741Rowan Oak
United StatesMissouriGEO*Trailblazer 12007-04-04WM1CGZJoplin Spook Lights
United StatesMontanaT0SHEA2016-09-11WMT1ZMOld Montana State Prison - Deer Lodge, MT
United StatesNebraskaIJAdventures2013-02-09WMGB2QMansion on the Hill - Ogallala, NE
United StatesNevadasaopaulo12010-04-08WM8GPDGhost of Elvis Pressley Haunts The Horizon Casino - Stateline, NV
United StatesNew HampshireMountain_Wanderer2008-11-30WM58MX1899 Derry Fire House - Derry, NH
United StatesNew Jersey94RedRover2008-11-11WM54EJThe White Stag of Shamong - Atsion, NJ
United StatesNew Mexicokameniev2010-10-14WM9Y33Old Town Ghost Tour - Albuquerque, New Mexico
United StatesNew YorkPTCrazy2007-10-10WM2CAVOswego Harbor Lighthouse - Oswego, NY
United StatesNorth CarolinaCoinsAndPins2007-10-08WM2BPHLake Tahoma Dam
United StatesNorth Dakotam&m O2021-09-22WM14G58Yunker Farm Children's Museum - Fargo, ND
United StatesOhiosilverquill2007-09-01WM247NMoonville Tunnel - Zileski State Forest, OH
United StatesOklahomahamquilter2010-11-10WMA3JHThe Bison Ghost - Shawnee, OK
United StatesOregonTheBeanTeam2007-05-01WM1G23Haunted- Heceta Head Lighthouse and Innkeepers House
United StatesPennsylvaniaSzuchie2008-02-12WM35A2Ralph Brassmire's Ghost - Old Jail, Smethport, Pennsylvania
United StatesRhode IslandNorStar2011-06-08WMBN2HSlater Mill National Historic Park Buildings - Pawtucket, RI
United StatesSouth Carolinacarolina12008-09-13WM4NFXOld Charleston Jail - Charleston, SC
United StatesSouth DakotaYoSam.2019-02-14WM102GQAdams House - Deadwood, SD
United StatesTennesseeTumbleWeed2007-08-30WM23N5Read House Hotel - Haunted Room 311
United StatesTexasggmorton2007-08-01WM1T2NGalvez Hotel
United StatesUtahThe_Simpsons2011-02-16WMAR0WRio Grande Railroad Depot
United StatesVermontVermontish2008-07-06WM44GEEmily's Bridge - Stowe, Vermont
United StatesVirginiaLa de Boheme2009-10-03WM7C5GAquia Church - Stafford VA
starsUnited StatesWashingtonHikenutty2007-04-04WM1CJ1Old City Hall - Tacoma, Washington
United StatesWest Virginiauccacher2011-08-22WMCAP1Hog Alley - Harper's Ferry, WV
United StatesWisconsinnomadwillie2015-09-12WMPK94Hamlin Garland House - West Salem WI
United StatesWyominggparkes2009-06-25WM6MV2Wyoming State Penitentiary - Rawlins, Wyoming