
See category Anchors on .
Last import of category containing 1905 waymarks in 67 different countries with 206 regions was on 2025-02-14, there are 107 waymarks with missing region in this category.

471 different waymarkers contributed to this category.

llavids 1618.45
saopaulo1 683.57
bluesnote 412.15
Ariberna 381.99
denben 351.84
ChapterhouseInc 301.57
manchanegra 301.57
dtrebilc 281.47
dvddragon 271.42
fi67 241.26
BruceS 231.21
Marine Biologist 221.15
neoc1 211.10
Meirion 201.05
NW_history_buff 191.00
The Blue Quasar 191.00
SMacB 180.94
jiggs11 160.84
GwenanDu 150.79
silverquill 150.79
stinger503 150.79
T0SHEA 150.79
turfilus 150.79
Dunbar Loop 140.73
Metro2 140.73
Tante.Hossi 140.73
GT.US 130.68
kallehaugerne 130.68
NorStar 130.68
Torgut 130.68
brwhiz 120.63
Dragontree 120.63
kaschper69 120.63
401Photos 110.58
Grahame Cookie 110.58
Master Mariner 110.58
Math Teacher 110.58
Queens Blessing 110.58
Tuena 110.58
V70PDB 110.58
Alfouine 100.52
Benchmark Blasterz 100.52
hotshoe 100.52
teeoff2 100.52
wildwoodke 100.52
linkys 90.47
ODragon 90.47
onfire4jesus 90.47
Andre 61 80.42
BarbershopDru 80.42
DieCacherGirls 80.42
Jake39 80.42
The_Draglings 80.42
DerSchnelleLinus 70.37
greysman 70.37
hummerstation 70.37
No Fixed Aboder 70.37
razalas 70.37
sherpes 70.37
Smurffaaja 70.37
The A-Team 70.37
Weathervane 70.37
BoomersOTR 60.31
debbado 60.31
gypsie2 60.31
Lat34North 60.31
Narayan, 60.31
pmaupin 60.31
Prying Pandora 60.31
Punga and Paua 60.31
sara et gege 60.31
The Troops 60.31
WalksfarTX 60.31
Yeoric 60.31
YoSam. 60.31
8Nuts MotherGoose 50.26
bobfrapples8 50.26
Brentorboxer 50.26
CADS11 50.26
franketmuriel 50.26
gaussfinder 50.26
Grizzly-NF 50.26
lenron 50.26
me.toString 50.26
Mike_bjm 50.26
MoreOutdoor 50.26
paulohercules 50.26
Rayman 50.26
T-Team! 50.26
ToRo61 50.26
Trail Blaisers 50.26
Windsocker 50.26
*Team Krombaer* 40.21
arby101ca 40.21
argus1972 40.21
Arne1 40.21
BackPak 40.21
brenda&&rew 40.21
Dorcadion Team 40.21
DougK 40.21
ECPirates 40.21
elyob 40.21
EScout 40.21
GURUGU 40.21
Ianatlarge 40.21
Iris & Harry 40.21
L-grl 40.21
macleod1 40.21
Pensive Travellers 40.21
PersonsMD 40.21
PeterNoG 40.21
Raven 40.21
scrambler390 40.21
superstein 40.21
The Snowdog 40.21
TheBeanTeam 40.21
Theodd1 40.21
Tornado Bram 40.21
Touchstone 40.21
Waldog 40.21
Walking Boots 40.21
xeocach 40.21
André de Montbard 30.16
Beagle-1 30.16
Bear and Ragged 30.16
Becktracker 30.16
Bernd das Brot Team 30.16
Chasing Blue Sky 30.16
ColleIsarco 30.16
crackergals 30.16
creg-ny-baa 30.16
dave-harris 30.16
Don.Morfe 30.16
eilers1 30.16
El Aguila 30.16
flipflopnick 30.16
G-Duda 30.16
garmin_geek 30.16
gemeloj 30.16
ggmorton 30.16
iconions 30.16
Jagman714 30.16
JimmyEv 30.16
kJfishman 30.16
Kladings 30.16
lopac44 30.16
lumbricus 30.16
martlakes 30.16
MeerRescue 30.16
model12 30.16
muffy53 30.16
Norfolk12 30.16
nvtriker 30.16
PetjeOp 30.16
PISA-caching 30.16
Poole/Freeman 30.16
prussel 30.16
PTCrazy 30.16
Six Little Spookies 30.16
SnowBoat 30.16
teachingkris 30.16
Tealby 30.16
VE2YWS 30.16
Volcanoguy 30.16
WanderingAus 30.16
wildernessmama 30.16
Wulfman_Do 30.16
4spring 20.10
Angel&Richie 20.10
austinrider 20.10
AutisticMajor 20.10
bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer 20.10 20.10
Bianka11 20.10
Bono2333 20.10
bucketeer 20.10
Captain Spaulding 20.10
celene37 20.10
CM-14 20.10
Ddraig Ddu 20.10
DougandSandra 20.10
FamilieFrohne 20.10
Geojeepsters 20.10
gparkes 20.10
graylling 20.10
Great4Fun 20.10
hamquilter 20.10
Janila 20.10
JesjesRick 20.10
jhuoni 20.10
Johnny_Quest 20.10
La de Boheme 20.10
lazyCachers 20.10
LR80 20.10
Mair Wales 20.10
Martani 20.10
monkeys4ever 20.10
monticola 20.10 20.10
Neofytos 20.10
NGComets 20.10
Noe1 20.10
paulspaper 20.10
Phoneguy Canuck 20.10
pstidsen 20.10
puczmeloun 20.10
RadlerAndi 20.10
RuiJSDuarte 20.10
run26.2 20.10
sbcamper 20.10
seal13 20.10
Sebi Neumi 20.10
Siren Hunter 20.10
Sneakin Deacon 20.10
Sunny Gina 20.10
Team Farkle 7 20.10
Team LightningBugs 20.10
Team Min Dawg 20.10
TeamYakara 20.10
Tharandter 20.10
the federation 20.10
thegorilla23 20.10
tiki-4 20.10
ucdvicky 20.10
Ulven7470 20.10
vraatja 20.10
wileyclan 20.10
Windego1 20.10
wmh 20.10
WrightStuff 20.10
zebrafod 20.10
94RedRover 10.05
Andy Too 10.05
ArmyFamily4 10.05
Arogant 10.05
Arvense 10.05
ashberry 10.05
atin 10.05
Bear and LAM 10.05
Bella 10.05
Beorngar 10.05
beta59 10.05
BigPapaMark 10.05
biojava 10.05
blackjack65 10.05
blingg 10.05
Blue Man 10.05
bluelamb03 10.05
bob29 10.05
booglepss12 10.05
bpratt 10.05
Bubi68 10.05
CA* 10.05
cache_test_dummies 10.05
Captain Chaoss 10.05
carolina1 10.05
castormalin7405 10.05
Cecticide 10.05
charlietyphoon 10.05
Chris777 10.05
cldisme 10.05
CoinsAndPins 10.05
CraigInCT 10.05
cratergrease 10.05
Cruiseologist 10.05
Dáin & Olík 10.05
DangerousDale 10.05
datenhamster 10.05
ddtfamily 10.05
DiePienaars 10.05
die_sonnenkoeppe 10.05
digger9 10.05
Dinoprophet 10.05
Djstevi.&.BlackWidow 10.05
DnRseekers 10.05
Doc29 10.05
DopeyDuck 10.05
Draghkar 10.05
dreamhummie 10.05
duejensen 10.05
elrecke 10.05
EL_N_LE 10.05
entogeek 10.05
fatcat161 10.05
fishingwishing 10.05
fishteers 10.05
flyingmoose 10.05
Free2bme29 10.05
friesede 10.05
froghoppin 10.05
GA Cacher 10.05
GCEdo 10.05
GEO*Trailblazer 1 10.05
geobwong2k 10.05
GeoGrands 10.05
Georgioturino 10.05
GermanSailor 10.05
Go Boilers! 10.05
haggaeus 10.05
Happy Humphrey 10.05
HaricotVert_52 10.05
harthunter 10.05
HeyRob4449 10.05
Hikenutty 10.05
hoekraam 10.05
horizon seeker 10.05
h_raky 10.05
IceCreamMan 10.05
jemideam 10.05
jkozik 10.05
JohnCFI 10.05
jonathanatpsu 10.05
JSDAFM 10.05
jutotala4 10.05
kameniev 10.05
KaPsTeam 10.05
KARL 10.05
kbarhow 10.05
keillec 10.05
Keldar5 10.05
kishin 10.05
kittyposse 10.05
kjohn73 10.05
Klabautermanden 10.05
kodiak_62 10.05
LadyKarine 10.05
LARCjpn 10.05
Laval K-9 10.05
LeBourguignon 10.05
LeGrandChrist 10.05
libbykc 10.05
lilluckyclover 10.05
Logging_Duck 10.05
Lord Elwood 10.05
Lord Mot 10.05
Lotty 10.05
Lucky_Al 10.05
lulu_et_compagnie 10.05
luzzi-reloaded 10.05
lyonden_ut 10.05
lyturmel 10.05
machard 10.05
madelief24 10.05
Maisi2 10.05
marcius 10.05
Max and 99 10.05
Mefofischer 10.05
messjunkee 10.05
miatabug 10.05
MidnightCougar 10.05
mike adams 10.05
Modestia 10.05
moelsla 10.05
Mr. 0 10.05 10.05
MrsMcFly 10.05
mTn_biKer65 10.05
musotransistor 10.05
naj16 10.05
Nature Noggins 10.05
NCDaywalker 10.05
NevaP 10.05
NFreitas 10.05
NJBiblio 10.05
nomadwillie 10.05
OcrazyS 10.05
oiseau_ca 10.05
Old Bass Cacher 10.05
oldtool53 10.05
Olii05 10.05
Olivetti 10.05
OpinioNate 10.05
paldog0603 10.05
papermanone & catlover 10.05
ParisLaura 10.05
PaulLassiter 10.05
pavlikVB 10.05
PGILL 10.05
Phronimos 10.05
pink 84 10.05
PLnauta 10.05
poildecarot 10.05
PrognosticatingPedologist 10.05
Projecter 10.05
Qurius 10.05
r.e.s.t.seekers 10.05
RaďousCZ 10.05
RakeInTheCache 10.05
ras258 10.05
redlights 10.05
Rikitan 10.05
ripraff 10.05
riston2 10.05
rnrgrl 10.05
robert 10.05
ronjean 10.05
Rose Red 10.05
rsc_cz 10.05
Rymyhomie 10.05
S10 10.05
S5280ft 10.05
sabsi260781 10.05
sagefemme 10.05
Saxo-fun 10.05
Scooter Bill 10.05
SeabeckTribe 10.05
searchwise015 10.05
sfwife 10.05
shadow101 10.05
Sir Lose-a-lot 10.05
sky-seeker 10.05
small oaks 10.05
Smiling Little Perch 10.05
Snookvis 10.05
Sobikovi 10.05
sorocos 10.05
sparkey916 10.05
spunkazoid 10.05
sunnyTam 10.05
SUp3rFM & Cruella 10.05
Superted 10.05
Svendborg 10.05
TaoZero 10.05
tatie 10.05
Team 57 10.05
Team B Squared 10.05
Team Boon 10.05
Team Geologynut 10.05
team Hebbes 10.05
Team Mojito 10.05
Team--B 10.05
TeamTGF 10.05
Team_Martinez 10.05
ted28285 10.05
Telomere 10.05
TheGeoGnomes 10.05
theHostas 10.05
themd 10.05
thepanteras 10.05
TheSearchEngine 10.05
TheWildRoots 10.05
tmob 10.05
Todak 10.05
todti1978 10.05
tofixe 10.05
trainlove 10.05
Tromel 10.05
txoilgas 10.05
Tygress 10.05
TyroneShoelaces 10.05
uccacher 10.05
unimoggers 10.05
veritas vita 10.05
Vermontish 10.05
vhasler 10.05
Virtualboy 10.05
WayBetterFinder 10.05
WayExplorer 10.05
Web-ling 10.05
Where's George 10.05
Windschattenwanderer 10.05
WTT-B2 10.05
Zubulus 10.05