
See category Sundials on .
Last import of category containing 4380 waymarks in 58 different countries with 251 regions was on 2025-01-08, there are 365 waymarks with missing region in this category.

734 different waymarkers contributed to this category.

ToRo61 50311.48
arby101ca 2706.16
SMacB 2094.77
YvesProvence 1142.60
GURUGU 962.19
Norfolk12 962.19
Tante.Hossi 952.17
vraatja 922.10
Dorcadion Team 601.37
fi67 591.35
GeoRams 581.32
saopaulo1 551.26
Dragontree 410.94
greysman 390.89
Master Mariner 360.82
bluesnote 340.78
The_Senior_Crabbes 340.78
Marine Biologist 330.75
neoc1 330.75
Ariberna 310.71
Olii05 280.64
GwenanDu 260.59
luzzi-reloaded 260.59
kaschper69 250.57
lumbricus 250.57
lynx36 240.55
Arne1 230.53
Noe1 230.53
ChapterhouseInc 220.50
dtrebilc 220.50
Sir Lose-a-lot 220.50
Brentorboxer 210.48
Tharandter 210.48
Grahame Cookie 200.46
GT.US 200.46
kladina 200.46
Alfouine 190.43
Outspoken1 180.41
sernikk 170.39
DougK 160.37
Iris & Harry 160.37
Meirion 160.37
QuarrellaDeVil 160.37
jezevcik 150.34
manchanegra 150.34
stinger503 150.34
blingg 140.32
Dunbar Loop 140.32
paulohercules 140.32
sherpes 140.32
TeamYakara 140.32
thepanteras 140.32
jiggs11 130.30
pmaupin 130.30
puczmeloun 130.30
Benchmark Blasterz 120.27
BlackElders 120.27
Dharani 120.27
dreamhummie 120.27
MeerRescue 120.27
Poole/Freeman 120.27
The_Draglings 120.27
tontonlou 120.27
BruceS 110.25
Dáin & Olík 110.25
Math Teacher 110.25
Max and 99 110.25
ripraff 110.25
Shorelander 110.25
WalksfarTX 110.25
wildwoodke 110.25
2garzasdefuego 100.23
bill&ben 100.23
Dadan 100.23
Ddraig Ddu 100.23
flipflopnick 100.23
PISA-caching 100.23
RakeInTheCache 100.23
Weathervane 100.23
YoSam. 100.23
creg-ny-baa 90.21
Hub-Hub 90.21
Ianatlarge 90.21
silverquill 90.21
T0SHEA 90.21
ashberry 80.18
Barjon 80.18
blackjack65 80.18
FamilieFrohne 80.18
Lat34North 80.18
Metro2 80.18
Mike_bjm 80.18
NorStar 80.18
NW_history_buff 80.18
sara et gege 80.18
superstein 80.18
Tuena 80.18
veritas vita 80.18
*Team Krombaer* 70.16
Blanko36 70.16
crowak 70.16
denben 70.16
DerSchnelleLinus 70.16
DieCacherGirls 70.16
linkys 70.16
nomadwillie 70.16
Pensive Travellers 70.16
rjmcdonough1 70.16
Where's George 70.16
Windego1 70.16
Windschattenwanderer 70.16
wmh 70.16
xeocach 70.16
3l diesel 60.14
adgorn 60.14
dave-harris 60.14
Freiwillige 60.14
iconions 60.14
llavids 60.14
me.toString 60.14
miatabug 60.14
MNSearchers 60.14
NevaP 60.14
paulspaper 60.14
plymplodder 60.14
prokestom 60.14
Trail Blaisers 60.14
Vermontish 60.14
Andre 61 50.11
André de Montbard 50.11
BakaGaijin 50.11
BarbershopDru 50.11
ColleIsarco 50.11
Colonel74 50.11
CrAzYoTa 50.11
debbado 50.11
DesG 50.11
djdomin 50.11
DosHermanas 50.11
ElliPirelli 50.11
flyingmoose 50.11
GeoLog81 50.11
geowuschel 50.11
HaLuMa 50.11
hamquilter 50.11
HitchinLookers 50.11
jhuoni 50.11
kJfishman 50.11
martlakes 50.11
No Fixed Aboder 50.11
Queens Blessing 50.11
Roman_Jaromer 50.11
SaschaVie 50.11
Team Sieni 50.11
The Snowdog 50.11
Tromel 50.11
ucdvicky 50.11
V70PDB 50.11
wildernessmama 50.11
*Esme* und Werner 40.09
100stress 40.09
94RedRover 40.09
AngelPick 40.09
Bear and Ragged 40.09
bobfrapples8 40.09
cache_test_dummies 40.09
Cpt. Feldi 40.09
die_sonnenkoeppe 40.09
DnRseekers 40.09
DNS82 40.09
g300td 40.09
geotrouvtou59 40.09
haggaeus 40.09
Hawaiian Ninja 40.09
haxepaxe 40.09
honny 40.09
lazyCachers 40.09
misfitt 40.09
monkeys4ever 40.09
MoreOutdoor 40.09 40.09
ODragon 40.09
onfire4jesus 40.09
PeterNoG 40.09
QuesterMark 40.09
razalas 40.09
RocketRon47 40.09
RuiJSDuarte 40.09
sassainfl 40.09
Sleck 40.09
Sobikovi 40.09
Superted 40.09
Team--B 40.09
The Burrow 40.09
theHostas 40.09
Tissa1020 & Foxhound 40.09
vhasler 40.09
virtual.franken 40.09
Walking Boots 40.09
wireworm 40.09
3am 30.07
ALMOR team 30.07
Andy Too 30.07
Astartus 30.07
Axel-F 30.07
BackBrakeBilly 30.07
bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer 30.07
Bernd das Brot Team 30.07
Bianka11 30.07
CADS11 30.07
Cavernario 30.07
Chris777 30.07
cldisme 30.07
Country_Wife 30.07
davidb11 30.07
ddtfamily 30.07
dvddragon 30.07
elrecke 30.07
elyob 30.07
Evrould 30.07
Faya&Freya 30.07
fellsmanhiker 30.07
fishingwishing 30.07
Flymgibet 30.07
GA Cacher 30.07
GA H2OBUG 30.07
garmin_geek 30.07
GCEdo 30.07
gemeloj 30.07
geobwong2k 30.07
ggmorton 30.07
HiFiLZ 30.07
hreg 30.07
jotheonly 30.07
JustAnotherGeek 30.07
kallehaugerne 30.07
kameniev 30.07
kayamycat 30.07
kittyposse 30.07
Kladings 30.07
L@Troj 30.07
La de Boheme 30.07
lesley_innes 30.07
lopac44 30.07
moelsla 30.07
mpik 30.07
Narayan, 30.07
NCDaywalker 30.07
northernpenguin 30.07
oiseau_ca 30.07
OldManGrimm 30.07 30.07
PersonsMD 30.07
PetjeOp 30.07
Phronimos 30.07
plainsdrifter358 30.07
poildecarot 30.07
pruppi 30.07
Raven 30.07
Scooter Bill 30.07
scrambler390 30.07
Skyecat 30.07
Soniettte 30.07
sundialken 30.07
T-Team! 30.07
team Hebbes 30.07
Theodd1 30.07
The_dahu 30.07
Torgut 30.07
WalruZ 30.07
Waupe 30.07
79scouts 20.05
Andrex228 20.05
archway 20.05
Arogant 20.05
BackPak 20.05
beagle39z 20.05
Benihana 20.05
bflylady 20.05
Blue Man 20.05
boatchick 20.05
Bon Echo 20.05
BoomersOTR 20.05
brwhiz 20.05
cachegame 20.05
carolina1 20.05
chrissyml 20.05
CoinsAndPins 20.05
Crystal Sound 20.05
DaveGoliath 20.05
DH5MM 20.05
Don82 20.05
DougandSandra 20.05
Dr_Corey 20.05
ECPirates 20.05
El Aguila 20.05
FallenFaery 20.05
Family Fog 20.05
Firefrog69 20.05
Forsyte 20.05
Fremont Claassens 20.05
frivlas 20.05
GCMTWood 20.05
GEO*Trailblazer 1 20.05
Geojeepsters 20.05
Georgioturino 20.05
gimli 20.05
gladtobehere 20.05
god_herodes 20.05
Gotici 20.05
graylling 20.05
Greygeeza&Tike 20.05
Heli67 20.05
Hikenutty 20.05
horizon seeker 20.05
hummerstation 20.05
IJAdventures 20.05
ipln 20.05
Itamae 20.05
Jake39 20.05
JMRetSB 20.05
JR.on.tour 20.05
Klabautermanden 20.05
Lord Darcy 20.05
Lucky_Al 20.05
Mamuti 20.05
matefreund 20.05
model12 20.05
monkeykat 20.05
NGComets 20.05
paldina 20.05
PaulLassiter 20.05
pavlikVB 20.05
pleinjeu 20.05
Punga and Paua 20.05
ramazzottifan 20.05
rambles 20.05
Rayman 20.05
Rikitan 20.05
rogueblack 20.05
Rose Red 20.05
sashaa91 20.05
Scott Cache Seekers 20.05
SearchN 20.05
shadow101 20.05
simpjkee 20.05
small oaks 20.05
smyna 20.05
Sneakin Deacon 20.05
Snowwolf75 20.05
Special.Ed 20.05
speedwalkers 20.05
Strattonator 20.05
SUp3rFM & Cruella 20.05
Tealby 20.05
Team 57 20.05
Team Boon 20.05
Team Glandouillage 20.05
Team Kryptos 20.05
Team Min Dawg 20.05
Team Roberson 20.05
TeamAstelix 20.05
teeoff2 20.05
thegorilla23 20.05
ThePacman 20.05
Thot 20.05
tiki-4 20.05
TimberToo 20.05
Todak 20.05
toponym 20.05
Toronar 20.05
Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking 20.05
txoilgas 20.05
Velicenstvo 20.05
Viburnus 20.05
vulture1957 20.05
walkingwildly 20.05
WayBetterFinder 20.05
WayExplorer 20.05
Web-ling 20.05
Windsocker 20.05
zappapapa 20.05
zygote2k 20.05
# Wolverine # 10.02
"Paws"itraction 10.02
00M 10.02
401Photos 10.02
4spring 10.02
5erBande 10.02
7ofclubs 10.02
8Nuts MotherGoose 10.02
a1elec 10.02
adenium 10.02
AirV 10.02
AlexCatarina 10.02
AlexEmilie 10.02
Algoma! 10.02
AllentownDave 10.02
Andreas.Mann 10.02
argus1972 10.02
Arvense 10.02
asusik666 10.02
atc 10.02
aurght 10.02
BCLV4 10.02
bdek 10.02
Beagle-1 10.02
becasseau 10.02
Becktracker 10.02
beerbatterbilly 10.02
Bella 10.02
benh57 10.02
Better Half 10.02
BG69 10.02
Biglailo 10.02
blakelylaw580 10.02
Blazer3T 10.02
Blue J Wenatchee 10.02
BluegrassCache 10.02
Bluejacket01 10.02
bluelamb03 10.02
bob29 10.02
borek99 10.02
brendanbbruce 10.02
bucketeer 10.02
bullit 10.02
Cache Scamper 10.02
Cacher_Alec 10.02
calumphing_four 10.02
CanadaCFK 10.02
canicularis 10.02
Capsule 10.02
Captain Chaoss 10.02
castorka 10.02
Cdn Howlers 10.02
celene37 10.02
cenco 10.02
CerealBoxMonsters 10.02
Charlie Lima & G 10.02
Chasing Blue Sky 10.02
ChickenRaider 10.02
Chickilim 10.02
Chirpy Chaffinch 10.02
chstress53 10.02
coman123 10.02
Commander X 10.02
comparare 10.02
condor1 10.02
CraigInCT 10.02
CTGeoscout 10.02
cuxflodders 10.02
cyberswan 10.02
dalmatinerteddy 10.02
darkMS 10.02
dcrep 10.02
De Zeeuw van Vlaanderen 10.02
Deadjesters 10.02
deel 10.02
DerEinsameSucher 10.02
desert georangers 10.02
DieSchweden. 10.02
Dinoprophet 10.02
Dirkjogt 10.02
dragnwagn8 10.02
Dragon Ball 10.02
DramisCram&Cie 10.02
DrDean 10.02
dream chaser 10.02
dremoto 10.02
driftlessalec 10.02
Dulcimoore 10.02
Eibacher Kuckuck 10.02
eilers1 10.02
Emeraude37 10.02
endeavour3 10.02
entogeek 10.02
ePeterso2 10.02
eremmel65 10.02
Esiban 10.02
FamilyTrees 10.02
FBBHaegar 10.02
Fernando Almeida. 10.02
fingers crossed 10.02
FLMathfreak 10.02
fordsbasement 10.02
franketmuriel 10.02
Free2bme29 10.02
fresgo 10.02
GammaPiSigma 10.02
garenkreiz 10.02
gatefan 10.02
GattoNeroTeam 10.02
Geo-Myck 10.02
GEOJEM 10.02
geordiesamurai2 10.02
Go Boilers! 10.02
gparkes 10.02
GPX Navigators 10.02
Grasshoppers&Ant 10.02
Grave Walker 10.02
Great4Fun 10.02
greiol 10.02
Grimlock 10.02
grodan & fiabus 10.02
GroVicking 10.02
GRS Science Club 10.02
GWRoss 10.02
GwynEvie 10.02
gypsie2 10.02
h35per05 10.02
hacze_losy 10.02
HansHans 10.02
Happy Humphrey 10.02
HappyFrog (& gang) 10.02
HaricotVert_52 10.02
harleydavidsonandy 10.02
Harwey 10.02
hbrx 10.02
hoekraam 10.02
hoteltwo 10.02
hotshoe 10.02
howarthe 10.02
h_raky 10.02
Ildebrando 10.02
ILuvAZ 10.02
Im_Lost_Again 10.02
ingo_3 10.02
ITS6 10.02
JakubKencl 10.02
Janila 10.02
JeT41 10.02
jimirayo 10.02
jinkson 10.02
jkozik 10.02
joclibrazil 10.02
JoelMart 10.02
Johnny_Quest 10.02
JonasFrid 10.02
jonathanatpsu 10.02
Joyful April 10.02
JSDAFM 10.02
junkys 10.02
kablooey 10.02
KaPsTeam 10.02
KARL 10.02
kayakingdog 10.02
kbarhow 10.02
KC0GRN 10.02
Kickeux 10.02
KJKlock 10.02
Knightwatchman 10.02
kodiak_62 10.02
lacey72712 10.02
ladabohac 10.02
LadyKarine 10.02
LeBourguignon 10.02
Lightnin Bug 10.02
LJParr 10.02
Logging_Duck 10.02
Lord Mot 10.02
Lord_Magnus 10.02
Losdelrio Team 10.02
Lost and missing 10.02
LOST_Mom 10.02
Lotty 10.02
lulu_et_compagnie 10.02
LunaWZN 10.02
Lusitana Paixão 10.02
MaaBo 10.02
macdonr 10.02
machard 10.02
mack_trucks_usa 10.02
macleod1 10.02
Mafushwa 10.02
Magic Jenny 10.02
Maisi2 10.02
Manaies 10.02
Manville Possum 10.02
marek007 10.02
markandlynn 10.02
MarkyMarkies 10.02
Matthias116 10.02
Merlin-N-Mim 10.02
Michaelfiles 10.02
Mikkozzz 10.02
Mirjo 10.02
Modestia 10.02
Mom the Cook & cashnhubby 10.02
Monkston Madgirl 10.02
mortonfox 10.02
Mountain_Wanderer 10.02
Mr Windy 10.02
Mr. 0 10.02
mrducky 10.02
MrsMcFly 10.02
mtbikeroz 10.02
MTBpointer 10.02
mTn_biKer65 10.02
mtrevas 10.02
mumbo jumbo 10.02
naj16 10.02
NakoTacoPatrol 10.02
Neofytos 10.02
NGShire 10.02
NOAAboy 10.02
NoidaTeam 10.02
numakeh 10.02
Pajast 10.02
pdxmickey 10.02
petendot 10.02
petr3 10.02
Petrs11 10.02
Phoneguy Canuck 10.02
Pigshanks 10.02
pilouille 10.02
pink 84 10.02
pixieslayer 10.02
pkubiak 10.02
PLnauta 10.02
pompierx9 10.02
powertool 10.02
PrognosticatingPedologist 10.02
Prying Pandora 10.02
pstidsen 10.02
Pto 10.02
r.e.s.t.seekers 10.02
Rangergirl141 10.02
ras258 10.02
rebstill 10.02
Rivers End 10.02
RJ McKenzie 10.02
rmikelyons 10.02
Rodlig22 10.02
ronjean 10.02
Rosie's Rangers 10.02
rsc_cz 10.02
ruemueni 10.02
ruukh 10.02
S5280ft 10.02
sagefemme 10.02
Salme 10.02
SaltyDog20 10.02
sbcamper 10.02
scotian 10.02
seal13 10.02
Senior_Stoltze 10.02
sfwife 10.02
Shimski 10.02
showbizkid 10.02
Sid_James 10.02
Sinuhet 10.02
Six Little Spookies 10.02
Smurffaaja 10.02
snfromky 10.02
SpanielFam 10.02
spela 10.02
splowe 10.02
Sprinterman 10.02
SP_Cachers 10.02
Stickybears 10.02
Stripey the Bear 10.02
Sulley_Monster 10.02
sundevil1994 10.02
Tashington 10.02
tatie 10.02
taxoft 10.02
teachingkris 10.02
Team Atomic Dog 10.02
Team Bubble Tea 10.02
Team Farkle 7 10.02
Team Stash-N-Cache 10.02
TeamTGF 10.02
Team_Fitz 10.02
ted28285 10.02
teleute 10.02
TerryDad2 10.02
The A-Team 10.02
The Blue Quasar 10.02
The Slaughter Family 10.02
The Spindoctors 10.02
the Tribe of Two 10.02
thearizonaguy 10.02
TheBeanTeam 10.02
thebigchip 10.02
TheConaways 10.02
theents 10.02
thefyuzhe 10.02
TheLF 10.02
themd 10.02
ThePh@ntom 10.02
TheSearchEngine 10.02
TheWildRoots 10.02
Thorny1 10.02
timewinder 10.02
tipete 10.02
tmob 10.02
Toja7 10.02
TOMSTAR66 10.02
torfik 10.02
Touchstone 10.02
tozainamboku 10.02
Trauma_Zero 10.02
TucsonThompsen 10.02
undersail 10.02
unimoggers 10.02
urpickle 10.02
Ursus PiPa 10.02
Valpin 10.02
Vaudesir 10.02
VE2YWS 10.02
Waldog 10.02
WalkingDuo 10.02
Wanderratte67 10.02
Wayfinder Zukon 10.02
Wilbert67 10.02
Wingnut71 10.02
Wizard_Speed_Time 10.02
WN1E 10.02
wottles 10.02
WrightStuff 10.02
xptwo 10.02
yaroujidai 10.02
zdeziz 10.02
Zubulus 10.02
zwerg-sw 10.02
[somnambulist] 10.02
_bazilišek_ 10.02